nemesis - edmund pevensie ΒΉ

By narniasprophecy

3.8K 73 507

"I hate you edmund pevensie!" "well, I assume we're even then." .... ever since danialla bridge castillanos b... More

1.0 foes
2.0 giudizio
3.0 natalis
4.0 retention
5.0 miscellany
6.0 prΓ©cis
7.0 throes
8.0 sperduto
9.0 propositus
10.0 puer
11.0 strife
13.0 paciscor
14.0 nuptiae
15.0 inopinatus
16.0 sanatio
17.0 metania
18.0 azzurro
19.0 initium finis
20.0 lux
21.0 rachamecha
22.0 basio

12.0 recapitulate

101 2 13
By narniasprophecy

meaning: starting over

   It was April again; it was three months after the war, and it all seemed to be going great. People were starting to get back to normal, thankfully, they were there for each other; stronger than ever. Nauvera did move out of the house that she and Derek lived in, and moved in with Kaitlyn and Danialla. It just worked out right that way. 

   Danialla was doing her normal schedule outside of town. She finished babysitting for the day and was  walking home. It was close to an hour walk home from the destination she was at. The weather was nice, so Danialla decided to walk home. 

   “Here’s a silver coin,” the sweet voice of a dwarf said, giving Danialla her babysitting money. Danialla thanked the children’s mother.

   As she was walking home, she thought of the differences that she had than every other Narnian. With her growing up being a half-faun and half-Telmarine, her being a Tom-Narnian, being best friends with the High Queen of Narnia. It really wasn’t the same for her as the other girls. 

   She was only seventeen and most Narnian girls have already married, but some are waiting for the Selection of Edmund Pevensie. The girl just didn’t like the idea of soulmates, she thought that a girl would do better being independant. She also just wanted to be the cool single aunt for her nephew to brag about. 

   Her thoughts went to puberty. She took longer than most girls in it. She thought it was  just because of her being half-Telmarine and half-Narnian. Although, her mind thought of something that caught her off guard as she was a fourth of a mile to town.

   Telmarine girls get their bloodmoons when they’re from the ages eleven to fifteen, and fauns get theirs when they’re thirteen. The girl’s face grew with worry. She’s never experienced a period before. 

   “Okay, calm down, Dani, calm down,” she told herself, “I’ll just get it here soon. No worries.” 

   She then remembered the effects of before having them from Susan. She never even had those before. That was when she decided to run back home. Running in the door of the house, Nuavera looked at her with shock.

   “Dani? What’s wrong?” she asked her sister-in-law.

   Danialla’s eyes teared up, hoping that her mind was just pulling tricks, “Vera, I just realized I’m sixteen and never had a bloodmoon.”

   Nuavera’s eyes go wide, “Doctor?” she asked her. Danialla sighed and nodded, “We’ll go in a few days, and if it concerns you more, we’ll go.”

   Danialla just nodded as Nuavera gave her a hug. Oh what a mess of a life Danialla’s in now.

   Over the next few days, Danialla was still very concerned. She couldn’t imagine a life without having children. Her children. It was a week later and a day that Danialla took a break from work. She didn’t go to Cair Paravel because she didn’t feel like doing anything social. 

   A few months ago, King Lune of Archenland decided to have his son be raised to the likes of a king. Susan had agreed and put Corin under her wing. So when Corin found out that Danialla didn’t go to Cair Paravel, he was a bit upset that the girl didn’t visit him. Danialla just wasn’t in the mood.

   She took care of her little nephew that was sleeping in her arms. Even just at eleven months, she could tell that he was a lot like her brother. Oh how she missed him. Koa would soon learn how to walk, and eventually fly. 

   Nuavera looked at her sister-in-law with lachrymose. She knew what the girl was  thinking, her problem. 

   The fae had enough and stood up, “Come on. Let's go see the doc.”

   Danialla looked up at her sister, “I don’t think that-”

   “-You’ve been miserable for a whole week! I’m tired of seeing depression. With you being close with the royals, we’re going to the Cair Paravel doc.”

   Danialla shook her head, “Lets just do the one in town.”

   Nuavera just frowned and nodded. Danialla slowly stood up with Koa in her arms. She looked at Nuavera sadly. “I’m not ready for this.”

   The fae sat a hand on the girl’s shoulder, “If. . .it is what we think. You can always adopt.”

   Danialla smiled sadly, “Yeah. You’re right.”

   With that, the girls got their shoes on and walked out to the town’s doctor. They knocked on the door of the doctor’s office. Danialla was looking at Nauavera nervously, although Nauavera just gave her a reassuring smile.

   “Don’t fret about it, Dana.”

   “It’s kind of hard not to when you know there’s a possible chance, Vera.” 

   Nauavera was about to answer when the doctor yelled for them to open the door. The two opened the door and walked in.

   “Afternoon, Warazz.” Nauavera said as she walked in. 

   “Afternoon, Nauavera, Danialla, oh and little Koa,” he responded, “What can I do for you all?”

   Nauavera looked at Danialla to tell him what was going on. The girl looked scared and didn’t want to say anything. Nauavera looked at her sister-in-law. “Dana, you’ve got to say it.”

   Danialla took a deep sigh and nodded. “Doc, as you know fauns usually have their bloodmoons around ten and Telmarine girls usually get theirs when they’re around eleven to thirteen. Warazz, I’m fifteen years old.”

   Warazz wondered for a few seconds, “It could just be the genetics mixed together, but if you would feel better you can have a checkup and I’ll have one of my nurses to    check. That is, if it makes you feel better.”

   Danialla nodded, “I would advise though to go to Cair Paravel to get checked, as they’re more experienced and all workers are women.”

   Nauarvera looked at Danialla, “It’s your choice.”

   “I’d like to have it checked, just to make sure.”

   Warazz nodded, “Where’d you like to have it? You’ll have to pay here but obviously at the castle they do it free. My nurses and I don’t have a lot of practice with your condition.”

   “We’ll go to the castle. Thank you, Warazz.”

   “Of course and good luck.” 

   The two Narnians left the clinic and Danialla looked at Nauarvera with worry. “We’ll get the horses, come on.” 

   When they reached the castle to the wing, the guards looked at the girls, but knowing that Danialla had special permission to every place in the castle, they let the three in. Danialla knocked on the hospital wing door. 

   “Come on in!” they shouted. 

   Danialla and Nauavera walked in and Danialla saw one of the nurses. “Dani! Vera! How can I help you?”

   Danialla then repeated what she had told the town doctor. Bella nodded as she knew she could check up on Danialla. “I can do it now, you won’t get results back until tomorrow though because of doctor things.”

   Danialla sighed a deep one and asked what to do. Nauavera was beside her sister-in-law’s side by the girl’s request. 

   After the test was over, Bella was worried. She knew that it wasn’t genetics in those instances. And she had never seen anything like it before either. She was used to seeing a uterus when she had to do checkups. Although, she put on a smile.

   “Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you. I just have to run some tests and all with your sample.” Bella explained. Danialla thanked the girl and got up. Going to the restroom to get changed back into her dress.


   Nauavera knew that look from the nurse. She had feared it too, but the only thing was  that Danialla didn’t see her reaction. She was  worried for the girl and seeing that she may never be an aunt or Danialla a mother broke her.

   The next day though, Danialla went back with Nauavera. They had got Susan and Lucy to babysit Koa for a little bit. Danialla had only explained to her mother, Susan, and Nauavera about why she went to the doctors. All of the women were nervous. Danialla’s mum had also gone, even as she was a little weak.

   The three Castellanos’s walked in and saw Bella standing there with the head doctor of Cair Paravel. “Hello Kaitlyn, Nauavera, Danialla. The test results came back later last night,” Bella looked quite sad as she looked at Glantana to explain the rest.

   Danialla sat down on one of the beds, across the two medics. “You came back with the test results of no uterus. Unfortunately, that explains why you’ve never had a bloodmoon. Without a uterus, you are not able to have children. I am terribly sorry Danialla.”

   Danialla’s breath hitched. Deep down inside her, she knew that she couldn’t have children of her own. Nauavera and Kaitlyn looked at Danialla with despondency in their eyes. 

   “Is it because of being half Narnian and Telmarine or…?” Danialla asked.

   “It’s not genetics. Fortunately, this is normal in a few cases, but it has nothing to do with genetics.”

   After a bit of asking questions and explaining, Danialla wished to go home. Without arguing, her family agreed and they left. All that they could do now was  hope that Danialla wouldn’t get depressed or shut everyone out, but it seemed to be that case.

   They picked up Koa from Susan and Lucy. Susan looked at Danialla to see what the news was, but the girl didn’t speak. With Susan being the intelligent girl she was, she realized that her best friend would never experience the one thing she hated most in the world.

   She went to Nauavera, “Make sure she comes tomorrow and tell her we’ll just have a girls day with me, you, her mum -if she feels up to it-, Lu, and Meriel. I’ll get the boys to watch Koa.”

   Nauavera thanked Susan and walked with Danialla, comforting the girl as Danialla was  on the verge of tears. Just like that, one of her biggest dreams was saying goodbye. She loved children. 

   When Nauavera and Danialla walked out of the room, a little after walking, Edmund passed by them. He saw Danialla’s glassy eyes; he had known something happened. The way she acted, he knew it wasn’t something to start annoying her about. So he just walked past her as they made eye contact. It wasn’t long before Danialla looked away.

   As Edmund kept walking, he turned around and watched Danialla. He heard her weep. He decided to run to Susan’s room, as he surely thought she’d know.

   “Su!” he said as he ran in. Susan looked up from her desk, still thinking of Danialla. “What’s wrong with Bridge?”

   Susan bit her bottom lip. “Ed…I can’t tell you. She’ll tell you when she’s ready.”

   Edmund furrowed his eyebrows. “Out of all of the years I’ve known Bridge, she’s never looked that bad. Even when…they died.”

   Susan sighed, she wished Edmund would understand. “She just got news about something she’s wanted all of her life. She can’t have it.”

   Edmund didn’t know what Susan meant. “Do you think I could visit her tonight then?”

   “I don’t think that’s for the best, unless you manage to get the situation out of her head.”

   He only nodded.

Ten Months Later… 

   “Mum,” Danialla walked in her mom’s room with a bowl of soup. “I brought lunch.” The mother doesn’t face her, but weakly said something.

   “You should be at the castle.”

   Danialla frowned, placing the soup down by the bed, “Mum, I’m off work this week.” 

   Mrs. Castellanos just nodded, then gave a dry cough. Danialla picked up the water and gave it to her. The mother took the drink gladly. Gulping it all down. Danialla handed her mother a spoon full of soup.

   “Please drink it, Mum.”

   Mrs. Castellanos sighed and nodded, “You know, you shouldn’t be here helping me. What if I give you-” she’s cut off by Danialla.

   “Mum, I can’t lose you,” Danialla pouted, “Besides, I’ve always been alright with getting sick.”

   Mrs. Castellanos took her daughter’s hand, “Dana, this is going to kill me.”

   Danialla chuckled, “What rubbish you’re talking about, Mum.” 

   Mrs. Castellanos sadly looked at her daughter, “I’m serious about this, Dana.”

   Danialla gulped and gave her mom another spoonful of food. She didn’t want to talk about it, because deep down, she knew that it could. She just couldn’t bear to lose another. If her Mum dies, all she has left is Vera and Koa.

   After Danialla finished feeding her Mum, she got dressed to go outside. She went over to her Mum’s room, “Hey, Mum?” she asked to get her mother’s attention.

   “I’ll be eating by the river, and then going to get some groceries,” she told her. Her mother just gives a small nod, “I love you.”

   “Love you,” she heared her mum say weakly. Danialla closes the door, and gets her shawl. During her mother’s sickness, she was  asked by the doctor to cover her face if she went out in town incase if she was infected. 

   Putting her food in a small picnic basket, she cramped her feet in her shoes. Walking out of the house; she locked the door. She sighed as she peared through the town. With her mother being sick, she has taken a lead off of work and the whole house is dark. The doctor is afraid that it might be a new sickness.

   While Danialla was saddling up, Nuavera came up to her, “How’s Mum?” Danialla frowned at Vera.

   “I don’t think she’s going to make it, Vera,” Danialla responded. She looked down at Koa. She frowned thinking of Derek. She could see the similarities in Koa that Derek had.

   “Do we know what Narnian he’s going to be yet?” she asked, looking at her nephew.

   Vera smiled sadly, “Fairy,” she responded. “He’ll get that from me, and the other looks from D.D.''

   Danialla smiled sadly, remembering that Vera called Derek, D.D. a lot. She looked up at Vera, “Do you think you could stay near the house? I have to pick up some things and go out and have a picnic.”

   Nuavera nodded, “Yes, of course. You need to get some fresh air anyways. Stay out as long as you need.”

   Danialla thanked her sister-in-law, well, does she even call her that anymore? Getting on her horse, she road off to the river where she had so many memories with Al and Tracae.


   After about an hour playing with Koa, Vera decided to check on Mrs. Castellanos. Keeping Koa in the basket she had him in, she walked in the dark house. She has tried to help Mrs. Castellanos by magic, but the lady would refuse everytime. She always said that Aslan had a plan, and it was her plan to keep.

   “Momma Katie?” she asked, knocking on the door. There wasn’t an answer.

   “Kaite?” she asked. After a minute the faerie walked in. Mrs. Castellanos was on the bed, seeming to be asleep. Nuavera walked over to her and shook her gently, “Kaitlyn?”

   With no reply, Nuavera touched her neck expecting to feel a pulse, but she didn't. At that time, Nuavera’s mind was flowing with horror. 

   “Kaite! KAITE!” she screamed, tearing up. Just about a year ago, she’d lost her husband. Her faerie instincts were fighting her. Her mind kept saying ‘no’, but her magic kept saying ‘she’s gone’. 

   The faerie cried for a few minutes, and eventually put a ‘non contagious’ spell on her. She knew that she would have to let Danialla know.

   “You’re happy now,” she told the body, “We love you.”

   With that she walked out of the house, and went over to the neighbours to tell the husband about Kaite. 


   As Edmund walked through the halls of Cair Paravel, he saw Corin by a window looking out. He frowned when he realised that Lucy isn’t with the boy. Over the ten months that Corin’s been there, Lucy and Corin had gotten to know each other very well. 

   He walked up to the boy, “Hey.”

   Corin looked behind him really quick and smiled, “King Edmund.”

   Edmund sat down next to the boy, “Why do you seem so bored on this sunny day?” he asked him. Corin just shrugged. 

   “I don’t know,” the boy answered, “Lu’s in a meeting, Susan’s teaching archery to young Narnians, and Dani’s not here.”

   Edmund sighed. He knew about Kaitlyn’s condition, from what he’s heard, it was a lot like Cholera from back in England. He also knew that Dani and Corin got along like brother and sister. Ever since Derek died, Dani has barely been at the castle for fun. If she is there, she’s sewing or making food. 

   The two went back to the way they were when they were twelve. Enemies and barely talked. Now, their relationship was a questioning thought.

   “You know,” Edmund stated, “I can teach you how to swordfight. It’s gotta be better than bow and arrow.”

   Corin smiled up at Edmund, “Wait, really?” the joy in his voice said it all. Edmund smiled at the boy who was now standing up.


   Corin looked around happily, “I’m going to be taught how to swordfight by the most talented swordsman in Narnia!”

   Edmund’s face flushed, he had gotten the nickname of ‘being the best swordsman in Narnia’ just recently, and was having a hard time trying to not brag about it. 

   “Alright, let's go down to the changing room and try to find some armour for you,” Edmund stood up. Corin nodded and ran down the stairs. Edmund suddenly stopped and chuckled. “Now that’s one reason why I want a boy.”


   After thirty or so minutes, Lucy walked over to Corin and Edmund. Her face wasn’t the joyful face that she usually had, it was sad. Edmund stopped Corin right when he saw his sister’s puffy eyes. 

   “Lu? Is everything alright?” he asked his sister. Lucy’s hands were shaking.

   “Ms. Castellanos passed away earlier,” she muttered, “They can’t find Dana.”

   Edmund froze. He knew how much Ms. Castellanos meant to the young girl. She was the last member of the family living before Nuavera and Koa.

   Corin stopped in his tracks. His second mom was missing (Susan was his first mother figure). The past ten months was something that he would never forget. He was about to say something, but Edmund beat him to it.

   “How long has she been gone? Ms. Castellanos I mean.”

   “In the past two hours. Nuavera said that Dana left about three hours ago. She wouldn’t know yet,” Lucy answered. Her eyes were sparkly with tears forming. Corin gave his friend a hug to comfort her. 

   Edmund thought quickly, “I think I know where she’d be.”

   Edmund knew more than likely where Danialla was at. It was near lunchtime and Danialla would go to her favourite place. 

   Edmund gave his sister a hug and frowned, “I’ll be back before nightfall. No guards will be needed.”

   Lucy nodded now a bit relaxed. If anyone could find Danialla, oddly enough it would be Edmund Pevensie himself. Corin jumped into the conversation.

   “I’ll come also.”

   Edmund opened his mouth at the object, but Lucy smiled. “That’d be great.” Corin gave Lucy a bow and went to the door.

   “I’ll saddle us up. You want Phillip, right?” Corin asked the Just King.

   Edmund nodded, “Thank you, Corin.”

   Danialla was sitting on a large rock with her food next to her. She stared at the river flowing, smiling. She was thinking about the memories with Al, Tracae, and her before they all got so busy they couldn’t hardly hang out like old times. She missed those times. Al was still alive. She was just starting to get used to holding a sword. She was still wearing trousers and felt free. The memories were drowned in her brain. Those past few years have been the best and worst years of her life.

   Edmund and Corin saw the girl a little aways. Edmund looked over at Phoenix. “Hey Phoenix.”

   “My Highness.”

   Edmund asked Corin to stay back with the horses as he walked up to Danialla. He shortly then sat down. She looked at him with a shocked face.

   “What are you doing here?”

   Edmund was well aware that Danialla hadn’t known about her mother yet, “I just wanted to find you. You’ve barely been at the castle much these past few weeks.” he replied with solemn.

   “I’ve just been busy and with Mum, things have gotten twice as busier,” she replied.

   “Yeah, sorry,” Edmund got quiet, “Bridge.”

   Danialla’s breath hitched. She didn’t like that tone. It was about every time something bad happened. “Your Mum passed away a few hours ago, just right after you left.”

   Danialla froze and she had already started crying when she heard ‘your mum passed.’ She started sobbing. The only person she had left now was Koa and Nauvera. Edmund, without thinking much, pulled the girl in for a hug.

   “Hey, it’s okay. She’s happy now, no more pain.” he whispered to her as she cried into his chest. He tried to cheer up the girl a little more, but as much as he tried, the girl still cried. After a few minutes, she pulled away from his comfort.

   “What am I going to do?” she asked.

   “We’ll all figure it out, I promise. Come on, before it gets dark.” He told her, standing up. Reaching his hand out to her, she didn’t take it and got up herself. They started walking back to the horses where Corin was busy carving something in one of the trees.

   He stopped and looked at Danialla. He embraced her into a large bear hug. “Hey Dani.”

   She didn’t say anything, as she was sad and knew that if she talked, she’d have another outburst of tears. She just looked at Phoenix and smiled a little bit.

   The horse seemed to give the girl sympathy, but horses were hard to read facial emotions (as they are an animal of course).


   The funeral was rough on many people, as Kaitlyn was a big part of Cair Paravel and its conjoining town. Most of all, it was heartbreaking for Danialla. She had agreed to go live with Nauvera and Koa, as she knew she could not do rent by herself just yet. Her sister was having hard enough time trying to keep rent of her home since Derek was now no longer with them.

   As tradition, the three days was a celebration of Kaitlyn going to Aslan’s Country, mourning over the memories and life, and then the funeral on the third day.

   Danialla hadn’t felt like celebrating her mom’s departure to Aslan’s Country, as she knew part of her would never be the same. Losing all of her family in the matter of ten months was  one of the worst things Danialla would experience.

   The mourning was something Danialla had done for the whole funeral process. She had barely spoken or ate. All the Pevensies and Nauvera could do was watch her lay in her mom’s bed, holding items of each of her family members.

   The siblings came everyday, including Edmund. On the day of the funeral, the Pevensies showed up wearing their royal red (as they had to for tradition). 

   Nauvera closed the home door, Edmund longed at the closed door that he knew Danialla stayed in, “Is she doing any better?”

   Nauvera looked at the door, “Unfortunately, no. I’ve tried every kind of magic I can get hold of.” She looked at meriel. “I was wondering if you could possibly try. I’ve been worried for her.”

  Meriel gave the girl a hug, “Of course, Vers.” 

  Edmund looked at Peter then Susan, “I’m going to go check on her. I’m guessing she hasn’t started to get ready?”

   Nauvera shook her head, “I just checked on her before you came. She was still laying down.”

   The Just King nodded and went over to the door, opening it after a quick knock. When he saw the girl in the same position he had seen yesterday, he was saddened. He couldn’t imagine the amount of ache she felt.

   “Hey Bridge.”

   At this time the girl would reply with a snarky remark, but she just stayed still. Edmund frowned. Over the past week, the girl has barely eaten or gotten out of the bed. He sat down next to her.

   He found a glass of water beside her bed and picked it up. “Bridge. Look at me.”
   The girl slowly moved to her other side to meet eye contact with Edmund. Edmund saw the pain in the girl’s eyes. He’d never seen her like what she was at that moment in time. He looked down at the glass.

   “Take a drink.”

   She looked at the glass of water, “I’m not thirsty.”

   Edmund sighed, “Do you think this is what Derek would want? What would your father and mother want? What about Nauvera and Koa? The poor boy misses his aunt.”

   Danialla just looked down. She knew those answers, but she didn’t want to fulfil them. All she wanted was to see her brother, mom, and dad again. Aslan had warned her to listen to her parents, that her life was going to change the most. She didn’t think of the consequences. 

She finally took the cup from Edmund and took a sip. “I’m guessing I’ve got to wear a dress and eat before we leave.” The girl said the first part in disgust, making Edmund chuckle softly to himself.

      “You need the food.”

   The girl looked outside. She saw that the sun was up. “Get out, please. I need to get dressed for the…funeral.”

   Edmund just nodded. Getting up from the bed, he went to the door. He stopped shortly. “Danialla? If you don’t want to get better, at least try so then I’m the one to cause your death.”

   He had practically almost quoted her from the year before. The girl gave a little small smile, thinking of when she had told Dyson that she didn’t care if Edmund died, of course jokingly.

   “Course, Pevensie.”

4360 words

Oh. My. Goodness. It's been one YEAR since I published the first chapter of this fanfiction (and ofc has only 12 chapters...). This wasn't exactly what I thought of the one year of writing this book chapter to be, but oh well. Thank you all who's stayed to read this book and mantain waiting for a whole month to even read the next chapter. My goal is to try to publish a chapter every two weeks (if I can). I'm about 1/2 to 1/3 done with this book (unpublished w about 20 chapters). But to all of the 780 reads and votes and comments. Thank you guys so so very much.

with love, narniasprophecy

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