Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



364 17 23
By Svnwoo

Yu <33
So what should i wear??
I'm scared

Jae <33
Don't be scared 😭
It's not a big deal trust me
Wear something casual

Yu <33
It is a big deal babe
I need to make the best possible first impression
And that starts with the outfit

Jae <33
Yu... my love...
It really doesn't
You can wear anything you want
I'm sure my brother will show up in his pjs

Yu <33
But it's a fancy place isn't it?

Jae <33
Not really
It's nice but it's nothing extravagant
I promise you I'm wearing something casual
Just be you ( ◠‿◠ )

Yu <33
For some reason that makes me feel worse

Jae <33
Look this is what I'm wearing
[image attachment]
See just casual
Your outfit won't change their opinion ok
They're gonna like you regardless

Yu <33
ok gotcha
So will a denim jacket be okay?

Jae <33
Yes babe :D
Anything you wear is fine
Don't over think Kay?

Yu <33
No promises :/

Jae <33
Text me if you start freaking out
I promise you it's literally not a big deal <3
Love ya

Yu <33
Ok I'll keep calm lol
Love you too 😘

"What do we think?" Yuta asked Sicheng as he gathered his dance bag. 

"I like it," Sicheng nodded walking , "The jacket is a nice touch, it doesn't make it too casual or too formal."

Yuta let out a breath of relief. That's what he was going for, he didn't want to look too fancy or too casual. He was debating whether he should wear a coat but he opted for the jacket, the coat made him look too fancy.

"That's a relief. I think for accessories I'm just gonna wear our couple rings and our couple necklace," he said fixing his hair in front of the floor length mirror.

"Good idea," he agreed filling up his water bottle, "Ok I'll see you later, got a long day ahead, but Goodluck today! They're gonna love you."

"Thanks win, I needed that," Yuta admitted with a small smile.

Despite Hyunjae's promises that her dad would like him regardless of what he wore he still felt nervous. He didn't want her dad to think he wasn't trying to make a good impression or that he didn't care about his appearance.

Sicheng left the apartment leaving Yuta alone with his thoughts. He was set to meet Hyunjae halfway in about an hour and he needed to distract himself for that half hour. What better way to make the time pass by than to scroll through social media. It was fun to see what everyone was up to. He wondered what jaehyun ended up planning for his date with Doyoung.

While he waited jae was scrambling with some last minute details with jaehyun. She sent some last minute invites to Aeri and San though she wasn't sure if they'd show, but she thought she'd try anyway. Then she was also texting hyunjin just to make sure they were still on the same page for everything.

Ok dad said we're good to go
He rented out a private room again
Cause ya know the media and what not
You should probably wear a hat or something
Maybe sunglasses

Yeah good point
I probably shouldn't have dyed my hair
At least not in spontaneous colors

It's not you
It's them
The media are freaks
You're technically not famous

You make a good point

Are you sure you wanna do this In public tho?
We could always meet him at the apartment

I was thinking about it but idk
I feel like the apartment might feel stuffy
A restaurant might make it easier

Good point there
Okay we're here
You should probably go


Hyunjae exited the apartment looking around carefully. So far so good, she put her hoodie on as she made her way down to the station. Today was slightly cooler than usual so that helped with the hoodie situation. As she walked by other people she kept an eye out but she tried not to look suspicious either.

She arrived at the station keeping an eye out for Yuta. They didn't have to take the subway today but it was a good meeting spot, people going in and out, most of them in their own world, barely anyone paid attention to anyone but themselves. She looked around until she saw Yuta's red hair in the distance. As he got closer she could see a smile forming on his face.

"You look great," Hyunjae smiled hugging him as he approached her, "You were worried for nothing. This jacket is so cute."

"Thanks babe," he chuckled placing a kiss on her head, "Missed you."

"Missed you more," she pouted pulling away from him, "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he nodded, "I'm at least gonna try to look cool, calm, and collected."

"But you always are cool, calm, and collected," she reassured him.

He took her hand into his smiling at the compliment, "I'll take it. Now tell me everything about your dad and brother so I don't accidentally say something to piss them off."

"I'm gonna be completely honest I don't think I know either. I just reconnected with them so I'm still learning too," She admitted as they walked off, "But it takes a lot for my dad to dislike something I promise."

Hyunjae's dad was always very loving and supportive, he stayed with their monster of a mother just to please his parents and to try and keep them together as a family. She was sure the only person he truly hated was their mother and at times she wasn't sure if he genuinely hated her or just disliked her. At times she goes through the same dilemma too.

"I'll keep that in mind," He nodded with a small smile, "What about your brother? What's he like?"

"Well hyunjin is interesting," she chuckled as they continued walking to the restaurant, "He loves to travel, he's pretty good at drawing, he kinda cries a lot. Like he gets super emotional at times. He's really chill though, he's way more cool and collected than me."

"Really?" He asked surprised by the details about her brother.

The fact that she said he was more calm and collected than her was surprising to him. He always known Hyunjae to be a cool girl who is always calm and collected. She knows what she wants and what she doesn't. He's only ever seen her lose her cool once.

"Yeah," She chuckled, "I'll let you judge for yourself though."

"I'm getting nervous," He chuckled, "Are my hands sweaty?"

She shook her head reassuring him, "You're good pretty boy. Don't worry."

She pulled him closer to her with a small smile.

"You're gonna be fine. Just be yourself," she snuggled up to him trying to comfort him, "If anything they'll probably just share embarrassing stories about me."

"That I'd love to hear," he teased.

She playfully rolled her eyes as the got closer to the restaurant. She was still slightly on edge after people took pictures of her without realizing, the last thing she needed was stalkers or people to find out she's dating Yuta and then start stalking him. Yuta noticed her looking around every now and then. He wondered if that's how she felt everyday.

Despite wearing a beanie he could tell she was still anxious, but he noticed her jacket had a hoodie so he grabbed the hoodie and put in on over her beanie. Hyunjae blinked confused at the gesture, was it that noticeable that she was nervous?

"Too much?" He asked.

She shook her head, "No, I just thought you couldn't tell I was anxious. Is it too much? Do I draw more attention?"

He looked around to see the other people walking past them. To him they didn't look out of place, In fact they fit right in alongside. Since it was a bit colder today lots of people were bundled up.

"No you fit right in," he reassured her.

"Good. Oh we're here," She smiled stopping in front of the restaurant.

Yuta looked up at the building in awe, it was very modern and expensive looking. It was tall which made it stand out against the restaurants next to it.

"I suddenly got nervous again."

"Don't be," she chuckled as they entered the restaurant.

"Hi party for two?" The host asked as they walked up to the booth.

"We have a reservation. Hwang."

The host looked it up nodding, "Follow me this way."

The pair followed him as he took them upstairs. Yuta found this restaurant intriguing, the first floor was filled with various tables but as they got to the second floor it was just a bunch of private rooms. You could hear laughter coming out of most rooms the atmosphere upstairs felt very rich and modern. Lots of art pieces in between each room, some pretty paintings and even artistic light structures.

The host stopped a few rooms down before opening the door for them, "Please enjoy."

To their surprise only hyunjin was there. He looked up from his phone as if he saw a ghost or in this case two of them.

"Hey where's dad?" Hyunjae asked shutting the door behind them.

Yuta looked up at Hyunjae's twin brother, yeah they didn't really look like twins but there wasn't a tiny bit of resemblance. It was a bit funny how hyunjin's black hair and Yuta's own red hair contrasted against the white walls of the room.

The table was already set buffet style, there were plenty of dishes along with a dessert tray. There was six seats in total (three on each side) and each one was set with plates and various utensils.

"He'll be back, he went down to get something," he replied locking his phone, "Sit sit. Whoa you look way more handsome irl than in pictures."

Yuta laughed lightly, "Oh thank you."

He sat down next to Hyunjae of course and across from hyunjin.

"I can't believe you guys are twins," Yuta said looking between them a couple of times.

"Yeah me neither," the twins replied in unison.

They both looked at one another with a look of annoyance. This happened too often. Yuta laughed lightly at the coincidence. Before they could begin fighting the door opened revealing their dad and to everyone's surprise Yeji.

"Yeji?" Hyunjae asked shocked.

Yuta's eyes widened as she entered the room. He wondered how they managed to sneak her in here without alerting anyone.

"Wow they let you out of the studio?" Hyunjin asked with a laugh.

"Barely," she mumbled as their dad sat down next to hyunjin and she sat next to him.

"I'm hoping that's everyone," Hyunjae teased referring to her dad's girlfriend.

"That's everyone," He nodded with a smile.

"Great," Hyunjae smiled standing up catching them all by surprise, "Family this is my boyfriend Yuta. Yuta this is my sister Yeji, my dad, and my twin brother Hyunjin." She smiled naming them in seating order.

Yuta smiled lightly, "Hi, like she said I'm Yuta. It's nice to meet you all."

Yuta felt himself get tense as they all looked at him. It felt like minutes were going by but in reality it was only seconds. Yeji was the first to react, she waved giving him a wide smile. That made him feel better.

"Man you are good looking," Her dad laughed lightly breaking any tension Yuta had left in his body.

He let out a breathe of relief, "Thank you."

"Let's start eating before we get into the q and a session please," hyunjin suggested already serving himself some food.

"Yes let's eat, Yuta make yourself at home," her dad encouraged, "Yeji no restrictions today, eat as much as you can."

Yeji smiled lightly as Yuta did the same. Hyunjae squeezed his hand under the table for reassurance. There was nothing to worry about. They all started serving themselves food from the various main dishes and side dishes.

"I wasn't sure what you'd like so I just ordered a bit of everything," Her dad admitted as he served himself bossam and kimchi.

"No worries I'm not too picky. Everything looks good," Yuta serving himself some pieces of samgyeopsal.

"So you're the opposite of Hyunjae," hyunjin said s Hyunjae looked up midbite, "She's the pickiest out of all three of us."

"Am not," she retorted.

"You are," yeji chuckled looking over at jae then to Yuta, "You know she only eats a specific kimchi stew from Busan. She refuses to eat any other."

"That's not being picky, that's having a favorite," jae replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh I've heard about the kimchi stew," Yuta chuckled eating a piece of meat.

Hyunjin's eyes lit up, "We have to take you to go try it. It really is the best."

"We?" Hyunjae asked raising a brow.

He nodded as Yuta laughed lightly he liked hyunjin already.

"I think we should all take a trip to Busan sometime," their dad agreed.

Yeji sighed just thinking about it. She would love to go on a trip but she was always busy. It was hard for her just to be here today.

"Unfortunately it'll have to wait," Hyunjae pouted serving herself some rice, "Yuta's leaving for japan."

They all paused eating and looked at him surprised. It caught him off guard.

"Really? What for if you don't mind me asking," her dad asked.

"Yeah I'm leaving for soccer training. I was chosen to play for Tokyo's team."

"Not just chosen he was the top choice for the three countries scouting him," she said proud of him.

Every time she thought it about him being the top pick it amazed her more and more. Yuta was truly talented and he deserved everything and more. He blushed lightly at Hyunjae's words.

"Wow that's impressive. So is that your career plan?" Her dad asked before taking a drink.

He nodded, "Yes and I also have a backup if, god forbid, I get into some kind of injury."

Her dad nodded impressed. He loves that he had a back up just in case.

"Your back up isn't to be an idol right?" Yeji asked putting some more side dishes on her plate, "Cause you kinda look like an idol from a group I've seen around."

Hyunjae shivered at the thought as hyunjin chuckled lightly. The thought of Hyunjae dating an idol was kind of funny to him it would be ironic wouldn't it,

"I'll take that as a compliment, but no that's definitely not my backup," he reassured them.

"That's good," her dad reassured him putting some food on Yuta's plate, "You're gonna need to eat to gain more muscle huh. Now tell me more about you. Like your background I'm intrigued."

"Thank you. Feel free to ask anything and I'll do my best to answer," he smiled taking a bite of food.

"Yes! Q and A time." Hyunjin cheered.

Hyunjae groaned at how excited he was. He was always up to no good and would find any way to embarrass her. Just sibling things.

As expected their dad asked about what made Yuta want to come here as well as what it was like growing up in Japan. Yuta shared a bunch of his favorite memories growing up in Japan as well as some of his favorite foods. He explained how he came here to study and because he felt like he needed to explore outside japan. Her dad was impressed that he left home at a young age. He asked some more basic questions like age, birthday, if he had a favorite color, and more. It was like they were playing twenty one questions.

"Why Hyunjae?" Hyunjin asked teasing his twin sister.

Hyunjae sighed knowing he was trying to rile her up and it kind of worked. She reached over to pinch his arm.

"Ah ah hey!" Hyunjin said trying to defend himself from her wrath.

"Alright alright cut it out you two," their dad said as Yeji laughed lightly.

She missed seeing the twins bicker and fight with one another. It's been too long. Hyunjae stopped and plopped back down into her chair. Hyunjin narrowed his eyes at her.

"This isn't over," she mumbled to him.

"It was a genuine question," he said shrugging.

"Excuse my amazing son," their dad spoke up, "he's still a bit of a trouble maker much like his twin."

"Hey!" They both exclaimed in unison.

Yuta chuckled at his words. Moments like this really made him see how the two were twins. It definitely showed.

"You don't have to answer that," she reassured him.

"I mean I don't mind. Truthfully it was her clothing that first caught my eye. Then we started talking and I realized while she is in fact pretty, she was much more than just a pretty face. I found everything she did mesmerizing especially when she paints. It's so cool to see her work come to life," He gleamed as the words came out as if he was debating with someone.

Hyunjae turned to him with a small smile. Her heart was swelling as she listened to his answer. She never really knew how Yuta decided that she was the one for him, but after hearing him she felt a thousand times better. Yeah she was the one for him and he was the one for her.

"that's so cute!" Yeji gleamed hearing his answer.

"So wholesome," Hyunjin said holding a hand to his heart.

She playfully rolled her eyes at hyunjin as he gave her a thumbs up.

Their dad nodded liking the answer. Honestly, he already liked Yuta. He thought he was a great kid and he had a promising future ahead of him. It was clear that he loved Hyunjae and that's all he wanted for her, but he did want to ask a bit more.

"Can I ask how you two met?"

Hyunjae tried to hold in a laugh, "Like officially or first encounter?"

"Both!" Hyunjin said with a smirk before biting into his noodles.

"I didn't ask youuuu," she singsonged shaking her head.

"Now I wanna hear both," Her dad spoke with a laugh.

She could never say no to her dad.

"Ok well we had a class together and I technically first noticed him when we matched literally head to toe but I didn't talk to him." She explained. "I was kinda mad cause he definitely wore it better than me. The first time we kinda talked was when I dropped my lanyard and Yuta handed them to back to me."

They all nodded intrigued. Even Yuta who remembered everything like it was just yesterday.

"The first time we officially met was for class, there was a partner project but he called me a wannabe him," she laughed thinking about it.

"You teased her?" Hyunjin snickered knowing his sister wouldn't take that.

"Yeah I called her a wannabe because of the day we twinned," he chuckled looking over at her, "it kind of stuck. It's our thing now."

"Nice," Hyunjin nodded.

"Is that why you wanna call your brand wannabe?" Her dad asked putting the puzzle pieces together.

She nodded, "Yup! After that we just kinda kept running into each other And we ended up making a deal. I'd teach him how to paint and he'd teach me Japanese. Which to be quite honest didn't really work out well cause I only know the basics of Japanese and he knows the basics of painting."

"I like to think it worked out well," he chuckled reassuring her.

"Was jae a decent tutor? She tried to tutor me for school when we were younger but it didn't work out well," yeji chuckled reaching for a macaron.

"Oh yeah she was a great tutor! I still paint when I have free time. It's kind of rare now though."

Hyunjae reached over for a cupcake from the tray handing it to Yuta as she grabbed one for herself.

After their little question session they ate their desserts and talked casually. Yuta got to learn about Hyunjae's dad and what he did for a living as well as what his life was like. Yuta was surprised that he was brutally honest especially with how he ended things with their mother. Yuta honestly thought he was strong for leaving the relationship despite his family turning on him. He did it for his kids and Yuta applauded him for that.

To lighten the mood Yuta asked for some embarrassing stories despite Hyunjae literally trying to cover his ears. In the end she gave up and let them share a few stories.

"When we were younger all three of us would race on our bikes down the neighborhood. One time she was winning and like any sibling she was gloating back to us. She wasn't paying attention in front of her and boom her front tire hits a pretty big pebble and she falls," yeji explained thinking back to a core memory.

"Aw man," Hyunjae groaned hiding her head in her hands.

"That's not even the worst part. She refused to ever get on a bike for like a year," Hyunjin finished with a chuckle.

She turned to Yuta with a laugh, "You'd think I got like a broken bone or concussion but I just got a small elbow scrape."

"She was quite the dramatic," her dad agreed teasing her.

And they weren't wrong. She was very dramatic as a little kid but she grew out of it in her preteen years.

"I would have never guessed," Yuta admitted to her with a small chuckle.

"She also knocked over a clothing display once," Hyunjin added, "And almost fell into a fountain. She walked into the wrong car once."

"Okay okay please no more."

"Come on I wanna talk about the haircut you gave yourself. I'm sure if we look deep enough they'll be pictures in the albums," hyunjin suggested with a laugh.

"Noooooo," she shook her head, "enough please. Or I'll start bringing out your embarrassing stories starting with the one when you asked a girl out and-"

"Okay I'll shut up if you shut up," he agreed cutting her off as everyone else laughed lightly.

They were all used to the siblings bickering. In Yuta's case he was already getting used to it. He really enjoyed this and he was glad he didn't chicken out on meeting them.

"What about you Yuta? Any embarrassing Hyunjae stories?" Their dad asked.

She groaned at the question. They wouldn't let her live would they? Of course they'd ask.

"Not at the top of my head," Yuta admitted running a hand through his hair.

She turned to him with a thankful smile because heaven knows Yuta has seen her fair share of embarrassing moments. There was plenty of them.

"How'd you ask her out?" Yeji asked curiously reaching for another macaroon.

"Oh I didn't. She technically asked me out," Yuta smiled.

"WHAT?!" The three family members exclaimed on unison.

This was breaking news for them. Yuta didn't ask her out? She asked him out? Hyunjae who they knew as someone who was (rightfully so) afraid of commitment and love?

"Sheesh is it that unbelievable?" She pouted.

"Yes it is," hyunjin nodded, "You're not like an initiative type of person."

He made a good point. She explained how she was slightly tipsy as Yuta was teasing her and she just flat out told him to date her. Was it embarrassing? Yes. Would she change anything about it? Nope.

They all talked some more about anything and everything. Yuta even asked yeji what the idol life was like. She admitted that at first she wasn't really keen to it but now she loved it aside from the stalkers and sometimes dietary restrictions.

He asked hyunjin a lot too, like where he's traveled to and how it was. Hyunjin told him various stories especially about Australia. Yuta was intrigued to see Hyunjae's reactions to him telling his stories. After that they all decided it was time to go as they were all done eating and yeji had to get back soon.

"Mind if I stop by the bathroom real quick?" Yuta asked as he stood up from the table.

They nodded as he headed out the room to go find the bathroom. Now Hyunjae was left with her family.

"So?" She asked them with a small smile.

She was nervous to hear their thoughts about Yuta. Of course there was no doubt in her mind that they liked him but to what extent.

"He's really cool!" Hyunjin was the first to speak up, "I like him. Maybe he can teach me to play soccer."

Hyunjae nodded lightly. He could definitely do that.

"He's nice too. You seem genuinely happy. It's been a while since I've seen you smile so bright," Yeji chuckled, "It's good. Though I do admit I thought you'd be more clingy."

"You missed the clingy stage," she laughed replying to her sister, "We used to hang out like every day for hours on end."

"Hang out?" Her dad asked raising a brow not liking that wording.

Like any dad he was gonna be overprotective at times, even if he did like Yuta that was still his daughter.

"Yes hang out as in hang out. We had a lot of painting dates," she admitted to him.

He nodded checking his phone for the time, "That's good. He's a great kid i like him. I just ask one thing. No grandkids right now please, I'm too young to be a grandpa."

All three of the siblings' jaws dropped at their dad's words. He looked genuinely concerned, not at the fact that Hyunjae could be sexually active, no. He was more concerned about looking too young to be a grandpa. This was actually so crazy to them.

"Well first of all don't worry about that um careers first obviously. Secondly, That's your concern?" She asked trying not to laugh.

"It's a genuine concern," He admitted not even blinking an eye as the other two siblings stared at him.

"Right okay," Hyunjae nodded, "I'm also going to the bathroom. The women's bathroom, don't get any ideas."

"I'll join you," yeji said standing up following her older sister out of the room.

Yuta returned a few minutes after a bit shocked to see just hyunjin and their dad. He sat down with a small smile even though he felt awkward.

"Can I ask, before Hyunjae comes back, what are your intentions with Hyunjae?" Her dad asked.

He didn't get to that question earlier because of Hyunjae. He didn't want her to hear the answer, this was between them.

"Truthfully? I like Hyunjae, no scratch that, I'm in love with her. I really enjoy spending time with her and I can really see myself being with her for a long time. I know it's way too early but I think I wanna marry this girl," Yuta admitted letting it all out. He could go on and on about his "intentions" with Hyunjae. Hell, he could write a fucking book series about it. There's no way he would ever let her go. He explained on how he loved waking up to a good morning message from her and how she really helped him out when he was going through some hard times.

"Dude that almost made me cry," hyunjin admitted taken back by the honesty.

"I like you," her dad admitted with a smile, "Let's keep in touch. When you come back from your trip let's talk more. If you have time of course."

"I'll make time," Yuta nodded as they exchanged phone numbers.

The two girls returned as it was finally time for everyone to say their goodbyes. While in the bathroom Hyunjae has sent a text to jaehyun that they would be leaving soon. She'd text him with an update in a few minutes as they got closer to Yuta's apartment.

The siblings said goodbye to one another and then they all said goodbye to their dad. Yuta waved goodbye to yeji as she was getting picked up by the company. Hyunjae gave yeji a tight hug before she left the room. Hyunjin came up to him giving him a bro hug.

"Welcome to the fam," he laughed lightly.

"Thanks. Let's hang out sometime I can show you a few moves."

Hyunjin nodded saying bye to jae before exiting the room with a laugh. Finally her dad. He wasn't sure what to go for, a handshake? A hug? Just a wave? He got out of his thoughts when her dad got closer to him with open arms. Hyunjae had to give him a little nudge as he was still shocked.

"You're a good kid. Take care of her and don't let her boss you around okay?" He said going in for a hug.

Yuta returned the hug as he received a pat on the back from him.

"Hey?!" Hyunjae murmured at her dad's words.

"Will do," Yuta nodded as they pulled apart.

Hyunjae then had her heartfelt goodbye with her dad but she'd be seeing him back at his place soon anyway. Now it was just them two in the room. They both sat down for a bit just taking in the events of today. What a rollercoaster.

"I think that went well," she admitted with a small smile reaching over to run a hand through his hair.

"I really hope so," he admitted feeling a weight off his shoulders now that everything was done. He knew he shouldn't have been worried but could you blame him? Meeting the fam is always nerve wracking. He leaned into her touch enjoying it.

She nodded, "It did I can tell."

He smiled at her as she kissed him softly, "I've been meaning to do that all day."

"Glad you didn't do that in front of your dad," he chuckled returning the kiss, "Love you."

"Love you more. Now let's go I'm starting to get claustrophobic in here," she laughed removing her hand from his hair and standing up to stretch.

Yuta followed her lead doing the same. He couldn't wait to get out of her and enjoyed the rest of the day with her.

"My place?" He asked as they walked out of the room.

"Down, but I just want cuddles is that cool?" She asked.

"Always cool," he placed a kiss on her head and held her hand, "oh wait can't forget about this."

He pulled her hood back up on as they headed out of the restaurant. She chuckled thanking him as they made their way back onto the streets of Seoul. It was hard for her to hide her excitement of what was to come. Hopefully Yuta would like it.


Liked by Jungjaehyun Huangkh and others
Loserxluvr I think today was a success! 😘 @nayutas
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Hyunjin hey brother in law 👀
Nayutas oh heyyyyy brother in law (I'm screaming)
Kimdoyoung BROTHER IN LAW??
Loserxluvr ignore hyunjin he just likes to stir the pot
Huangkh I missed seeing my favorite couple


Liked by sakura yutoda and others
Nayutas my girl 🩵
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Jungjaehyun cuteeeeeee
Huangkh once again my favorite couple
Loserxluvr just say your jealous 🙄
Loselose I REFUSE

"Home sweet home," yuta smiled as they got to the door of his apartment.

"Oh I bet," she chuckled.

He opened the door as they both entered. It was dark inside so you couldn't see anything. Hyunjae shut the door behind them as everyone screamed.


The lights turned on followed by various noisemakers and very small confetti cannons went off. Yuta looked around as all his friends were wearing party hats and screaming at him. What the hell was going on?

"What?" Yuta asked taking it all in.

He felt heat rise to his cheeks as hood heart began beating rapidly. He looked up at the streamers hanging from the ceiling and then at all the balloons specifically the ones spelling out his name.

"What's going on?" He asked laughing lightly as jaehyun approached him with a party hat.

"It's a congratulatory slash goodbye party," jaehyun smiled handing him the hat, "Your girl planned it."

He turned to Hyunjae with the most lovesick grin he could manage, "You did this for me?"

"Surprise?" She chuckled as he hugged her tightly placing a kiss on her lips.

"Love you."

"Love you too but I think your friends want your attention," She chuckled turning red as all his friends just saw them kiss.

"Right," He nodded letting go of her.

As she stepped away to give him the spotlight everyone immediately cheered again and ran up to him. She admired how loved he was, all his friends looked at him with joy and love. It was a really sweet sight for her.

"You okay?"

She turned to see Kunhang holding a party hat for her. It's been a while.

"Yeah just taking it all in," She nodded putting the hat on as she hugged him tightly.

He laughed lightly at his best friend. It had been too long, "I'm assuming everything went well earlier?"

She nodded happily as someone else approached her.

"Heyyo," Aeri smiled coming up to the pair.

"Aeri you showed up?" Hyunjae asked surprised hugging the girl.

She was taken back by the gesture, "Yeah wouldn't miss a chance to see your hot boyfriend."

"Dude!" Hyunjae laughed lightly.

"Just joking I swear."

Before she could reply Yuta approached her grabbing her hand gently and pulling her to his side.

"Before we party I wanna say something," Yuta smiled rubbing her hand with his thumb, "all of you know that I have been dating someone but most of you never knew her. This is hyunjae, my girlfriend, love of my life, my baby the list goes on."

Everyone laughed lightly as he continued. Hyunjae however was turning red again at the unexpected spotlight.

"She's literally the coolest person alive and has been through a lot. I'm sure some of you can probably recognize her if you read a shit ton of articles. So since certain people are still on her trail if you guys could pleaseeeeee not post pictures of her," he laughed lightly turning to Hyunjae.

"Thank you for this. I literally did not expect this one bit. I love you," He spoke as the crowd hooted and awed.

"I love you too," she smiled hugging him tightly.

As they pulled apart someone started the music as they all began to chat, eat, and dance.

"You know you didn't have to do that for me," Hyunjae pouted talking about the picture thing, "I'm sure it'll be okay if I'm in the background of some pictures."

"Not risking it," he smiled at her.

"Fine. Go mingle with your friends."

He nodded planting a kiss on her head before going over to find yuto first.

"Think he liked it?" Kunhang asked with a small plate of chips in his hand.

"Id like to think so," she smiled snatching some chips from him.

He playfully rolled his eyes, "Aeri was contemplating on showing up. I think she was nervous she'd feel out of place but I think she's okay now."

She looked over at Aeri who was chatting with one of Yuta's girl friends. It seemed like they might know each other. Hyunjae and Kunhang sat on the couch chatting together catching up on everything and anything. He told her that he planned on visiting home soon, he didn't want to but he wanted to see his sisters. She encouraged him, family was always important but it's okay to set boundaries.

"I think you should go," she smiled lightly, "But stay somewhere else. You can't hang out with your sisters and avoid your parents."

"That's not a bad idea," He nodded agreeing with her, "What about you? Any plans on visiting your mom in the slammer?"

"As if," she laughed, "Maybe just to see her misery."

"Nice," Kunhang laughed high fiving her.

Was it harsh? Yes but Hyunjae didn't care, her mom did worse and not just to her.

"Pretty girl I need you to officially meet my friends come on," Yuta pleaded as he ran up to her.

"I'll be back," she smiled apologetically to Kunhang who just laughed leaving to find Doyoung or Sicheng.

The first people Yuta brought her to was his soccer buddies. Though they already had an idea since she used to go to his games. They were all really nice and teased Yuta asking him how he managed to get her. To which Yuta sighed as he had expected this from them. Jungwoo and Hyunjae met and she had a few choice words for him trying to seduce Yuta (jokingly of course). Immediately they all liked her.

"So Hyunjae any embarrassing stories about Yuta?" Yuto asked raising a brow.

Immediately all the soccer boys paid attention to see if she'd spill anything. Yuta groaned expecting this from his soccer buddies. Since Yuta didn't spill anything to her family she'd do the same.

"Nah he's pretty cool, calm, and collected around me," she smiled convincingly.

They sighed as Yuta gleamed at her. She's a real one or so he thought.

"You guys got any stories?" She asked with a sly smile.

"Plenty!" Yanan laughed excited to tell her, "Yuta was really shy when the team first got together."

"No way," she replied in disbelief.

Her Yuta? The confident one? Shy? Impossible.

"Yes way," He replied, "he was also-"

"Okay that's enough," Yuta smiled slowly pulling her away from his friends before they could reveal any real embarrassing stories.

"Aw," Hyunjae pouted as they waved to her, "They're nice."

"Yeah for now," Yuta chuckled lightly.

Next he brought her over to his close friends. Jaehyun, Sakura, Wendy, and xiaojun. For some reason she felt slightly nervous to meet them. She had this theory that since they were friends with Yuta they had to be the coolest of the cool. He introduced them one by one and immediately she felt a weight off of her shoulders as they smiled at her.

"Finally! We meet the mystery girlfriend," The shorter haired girl known as Wendy cheered.

"Oh is that my nickname?" Hyunjae asked with a small smile.

"That and they also call you the girl who has yuta so smitten," xiaojun added, "You're kunhang's best friend right?"

She looked at Yuta with a smug grin at the nickname before turning back to xiaojun, "Yeah I am."

"This was a great idea jae he didn't even see it coming," Jaehyun smiled at Hyunjae.

"Wait you contacted jaehyun?" He asked shocked. He didn't even think they knew each other well.

She nodded, "He's the one who set everything up while we were out."

Yuta was surprised that they were scheming behind his back. He would have never guessed it was jaehyun who helped her. He thought Sicheng would have been her partner in crime.

"So ex idol huh?" Sakura asked intrigued, "What was that like?"

She groaned lightly, "Not for me. I think you really have to want to do it and love it for it to be enjoyable. It was enjoyable for the first few moments and then," she gave her a thumbs down whilst making farting noises.

"I'm trying to pursue that," she admitted, "We're doing monthly evaluations and not gonna lie it's really draining, but I love it."

"Then it's definitely for you," Hyunjae chuckled, "You're both really pretty. Sometimes I wanna chop off my hair but I don't think I'd be able to pull it off like you two."

"No way you could definitely pull it off!" Wendy encouraged as Sakura nodded, "You'd look even prettier with short hair. I can see it now."

"I will consider it," she smiled brightly, even blushing at the compliments.

"Are you flirting with my girl right in front of me?" Yuta asked flabbergasted.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" Wendy asked teasing as she winked at Hyunjae.

"Alright let's go before you start to fall for seungwan," Yuta sighed.

"Not the real name coming out," Xiaojun laughed watching the whole thing go down.

Hyunjae waved goodbye to the group of friends.

"One more person I need you to meet. My soccer camp buddy."

He looked around until he finally spotted him and dragged her along with him.


Mark looked over at Yuta with a wide smile. As Hyunjae got closer her eyes widened in confusion.

"Jae this is mark. Mark this is Hyunjae my girlfriend," Yuta gleamed putting an arm around her shoulder.

Mark paused unsure if he was seeing things. Yuta noticed the silence between the two as if they knew something he didn't. This was odd and he wasn't sure how he felt about that.

"You look familiar," Mark blinked confused.

He looked familiar to her too but where did she see him? Where could she have seen him?

"Huh?" Yuta asked confused looking between the two.

Hyunjae searched her brain through and through trying to figure out where she's seen this dude. He wasn't a face that she just walked past one day. No he looked VERY familiar.

"Do you have a brother by any chance?" Mark asked her.

"You know my brother?" She asked wide-eyed and then it hit her, she's seen his face in the picture hyunjin showed her.

"Busan!" Hyunjae exclaimed remembering, "When I lived in Busan you were friends with my brother!"

"Oh shit," he laughed, "Yeah I remember now! I was on a trip with my, at the time, girlfriend. Your brother came up to us randomly asking if we knew where this one restaurant was."

"Hold on hold on hold on," Yuta said interrupting the conversation looking between the two, "You're telling me you knew my girlfriend before I knew my girlfriend?"

"It seems that way, though my memory is kinda foggy," Mark admitted rubbing his neck.

"Ditto," Hyunjae nodded agreeing, "I actually have a picture of all four of us I'll show it to you sometime."

Yuta was actually dumbfounded. What a small word they all lived in. So crazy but it's funny how fate worked out. Hyunjae was even more surprised she found an old friend, kinda. It was quite the interesting coincidence she'd have to tell hyunjin about it that's for sure.

"I'd love to see it then. I think I actually have a couple too now that you mention it. Although I'd have to find them-"


The trio turned to see a brown haired boy approaching them. Mark and Yuta obviously knew him but Hyunjae didn't.

"Who let Donghyuck in here?" Yuta asked teasingly.

"I let myself in," he replied with a hint of sass, "Whoa who is this?" He turned to Hyunjae with wide eyes.

He had never seen this girl around that's for sure, he would have remembered her face.

"Hyunjae this is Donghyuck, Doyoung's neighbor turned friend? I don't really know anymore but he hangs out with us now. Donghyuck this is Hyunjae my girlfriend," Yuta explained with a bright smile as he pulled her closer.

"Yeah I just found out we were kinda childhood friends," mark laughed lightly.

"How did he pull you?" Donghyuck blinked intrigued by this conversation, "Genuine question not trying to tease."

"Cause I'm sexy duh," Yuta shrugged as they all laughed lightly at his response, "But the truth is I pulled her by being a dork."

Of course Donghyuck looked unamused by his answer.

Yuta gave Donghyuck a quick rundown of his relationship with Hyunjae. Donghyuck looked between the two surprised.

"You're pretty and you have good style."

"Oh thanks!" She smiled at the compliment, "I designed the shirt."

"Oh you're a designer!? Do you need models? What's your brand name? Can I get a discount?" He bombarded her with more questions which honestly made her feel a bit special.

"Unfortunately I'm just starting out. Still working out the patent and brand stuff, but I'll definitely need models in the future. What's your insta?"

Yuta smiled seeing her make connections even if it was just Donghyuck. While she caught up a bit with mark and Donghyuck he headed towards the food. He needed some energy to party it up.

"Yuta! Congrats!"

Yuta turned around with a mouthful of food to see ten and his boyfriend Johnny entering the apartment. They laughed seeing him wide eyed with food still in his mouth. He quickly swallowed the food before giving ten a bro hug.

"Wow it's been a minute," Yuta chuckled, "Good to see you and Johnny right?"

He looked up at the taller boy unsure on what to do. He knew that he was part of Hyunjae's friend group before it fell to shit, but he didn't know his intentions.

"Yeah hope I'm not intruding," Johnny chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

Johnny felt a bit out of place too. He knew Hyunjae was gonna be here, so he debated on showing up or not, but ten really wanted him there so he gave in.

"Nah it's cool... jae is uh over there if you wanna talk to her," he pointed where she was chatting with Doyoung and jaehyun now.

He wasn't sure what terms they ended on but he wanted to show Johnny that he wasn't holding a grudge against him. Whatever happened between him and Hyunjae was their business unless he really hurt her. Then the gloves would come off, though he would rather not get violent with Johnny.

"I think I'll give her her much needed space but thank you."

After most people ate and got to know one another, they turned up the music and brought out the booze. It wouldn't be a party without booze of course. Since it was Yuta's party most of his friends forced him to take shots with them. His soccer friends were the most convincing.

"Come on Nakamoto!" Yuto cheered as he handed him another shot.

Yuta took it with ease, he wasn't sure if it was due to the atmosphere or just him not drinking in a while but he was ready to get hammered. He looked over to see Hyunjae partying it up with doyoung and jaehyun who were all taking a shot together too. He felt a bit bad that he wasn't spending so much time with her but he knew she would encourage him to spend sometime with his friends. She always thought of others first. Aside from that he was so happy she was getting along with his friends, he knew they'd like her but it still made his heart swell.

"One more!" Yanan encouraged handing him one more as he immediately downed it.

He wasn't sure how many shots he was at but it was definitely more than what he's used to.

"Woo!" He exclaimed feeling the rush of the alcohol.

"Dude I missed you," Doyoung sighed as Hyunjae laughed lightly.

Despite the two not knowing each other for a long time they were relatively close. Doyoung had really become fond of her and her related to the whole defamation thing. His brother had gone through something similar and he knew how much the media twisted every little thing.

"I missed you too, you and jaehyun doing well?" She asked wriggling her eyebrows at the pair.

"I think we're good," He nodded smiling as jaehyun's ears turned red.

"Oh my god that's so cute," Hyunjae chuckled seeing the reaction.

"So what did you do while you were in lockdown?" Jaehyun asked curiously trying to get the attention off of him.

"Well not much. It was hard to stay occupied but I did paint, sketched a lot, designed a few pieces, but aside from that that's it," She admitted.

Jaehyun nodded feeling a bit sorry for her, but he was glad she wasn't locked up in her home anymore.

"It's all good though I'm okay now," she reassured him noticing him look at her with empathy.

He nodded with a small smile as Kunhang joined them while bringing some shots for them.

"Drink up," He smirked.

Oh this would not end well for them.

"Karaoke time!!"

Everyone gathered by the television where they would take turns singing. Of course they made Yuta go first and his soccer friends chose a song for him. He and yuto duetted wake up in the sky by Gucci mane. Donghyuck snuck in there at one point and yes Hyunjae was recording for blackmail purposes. The crowd cheered for the boys as they passed the mics to grab a drink to two.

Donghyuck dragged mark to do a song with him. Funny enough they chose I got a feeling by the black eyed peas. The performed the song looking just as cool with sunglasses and of course the party hats. Mark was a really good rapper even if the song wasn't very rap heavy. Everyone hyped up the two and jumped around to the song.

"Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it!" Echoed throughout the apartment and Sicheng was really hoping they wouldn't get evicted from here tonight because it was starting to feel like a real party now. The lights along with the music and everyone dancing, yeah it felt like a club.

"Let's do it!" Hyunjae laughed as she and Aeri grabbed each others hands and jumped up and down together along to the beat. To their surprise Sakura and Wendy joined in making a tiny little circle as everyone else's jumped around them.

They all cheered as the song ended and of course they praised mark and Donghyuck for killing it out there and hyping everyone up. They chose a really good song. Everyone was taking karaoke very seriously. It would be hard to top those two.

To everyone's surprise Donghyuck and Doyoung teamed up for the next one. Everyone immediately began screaming and hooting as they choose mirotic by tvxq. A classic if you will but also kind of a hard song. As soon as the chorus hit a bunch of people began to do the actual choreo, it looked like a kpop group had just debuted. Hyunjae never realized how good of a singer Doyoung was until today and he only kept impressing her as he and Donghyuck both successfully hit the high note of the song. Everyone clapped for them as the song ended and they also clapped for the people doing the choreo too.

After a few more hype songs including Aeri singing good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo, sakura and Wendy singing itzy's Dalla Dalla (which got the crowd VERY hyped) things began to slow down a bit. Karaoke continued but with some slower songs. Hyunjae took it as an opportunity to go get some fresh air and wind down from the serious Hang-over she could feel coming. She knew she shouldn't have taken all those shots with Kunhang but her competitive personality wouldn't back down.

She opened the balcony doors to lean on the railing and enjoy the view. Skylines are so pretty. She unlocked her phone to scroll through some social media posts but she saw something that she didn't like.

The whereabouts of Hwang Hyunjae may have been found.

- an anonymous reader stated that they know where hwang Yeojin, now known as hwang Hyunjae (ex sixteen contestant who was in a scandal prior) currently lives. They sent a video seeing the girl enter an apartment complex. The reader says they are unsure if she lives there or someone she knows lives there but it is clear that she frequents said location. More updates to come.

"Fucking great," she mumbled annoyed sending the link to her dad to see what they could do about it, if anything.

The breeze quickened as the door opened and shut behind her.

"Hey pretty girl, You okay?" Yuta asked leaning on the railing next to her.

He turned to her with a smile which made her unsure of whether she wanted to tell him the truth or not. She didn't want to dampen the mood, especially after such a great day.

"I'm good just needed a breather I can feel a migraine coming," she smiled at him.

He put his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer, "Is that all?"

She pouted, "No but we can talk about it tomorrow or another day it's not important."

"If you're stressing about it it's probably important babe."

"I don't want the vibe to get all fucked," she murmured honestly.

"Dude the vibe is pretty much already plummeting. Everyone is on the verge of knocking out or throwing up," he chuckled taking a sip of his drink before offering some to her.

She took the red cup from his hand taking a big sip. You could tell she was drunk because it went down her throat with ease. She handed the cup back to him with a sigh. Instead of telling him what happened she just handed him her phone showing the article. He scrolled reading through and even watched the video of her going into the apartment.

"Are you serious? They know where you live?" He asked almost angry.

"Yup. I have no clue what I'm gonna do now. They'll probably be crowding the entrance by now, even with security there it'll be a bitch to get through. God they'll have a field day if they see me come home like this." She laughed bitterly thinking about her appearance.

Oh the media would love to see ex sixteen participant Hwang Hyunjae looking fucked up getting home at an ungodly hour. They'd love to make her look like a mess and spread rumors. They'll probably say she's an attention whore for real this time.

"Stay here for the night," Yuta suggested, "I'm sure I can convince Wendy to bring some spare clothes for you tomorrow then they wont be able to say you're a mess when you go back home or...."

"Or?" She raised a brow noticing a mischievous smile take over.

"You could live here for a while."

"You're gonna leave soon," She shook her head, "I feel like it'd be weird."

"Which is exactly why you could stay here."

"I don't think Sicheng would be down for that," She chuckled lightly.

"I think he wouldn't mind," He said removing his hand from her shoulders, "Think about it. It would work."

Yuta had wild ideas sometimes but he was genuinely being serious about this one. What harm could jae moving in even do? He was so tired of the media fucking up everything for her and ruining her peace. He had a few choice words for them if he ever saw them.

"Okay so say I move in for a bit. What if they find out I live here? Then they'll be swarming outside your place for ages. Then what? You two will have to move and I'll have to move again. It's a lose lose situation," She explained.

"Haha Loselose," Yuta chuckled trying to ease the tension.

"You're so?" Hyunjae laughed lightly. She had to admit he was a cute drunk, "Don't worry I'll figure something out."

"I know you will," he said placing a kiss on the top of her head, "Thanks for today. I really wasn't expecting anything let alone something like this."

"Gotta show you how much you're loved and appreciated by literally everyone," She smiled up at him, "All your friends are cool."

It baffled her how he had such a large friend group and they were all chill. It's like they'd never turn their backs on him, she was kinda bitter if she was being honest. Her so called friends easily turned their backs on her.

"They're your friends now too," He smiled, "Honestly. I think they'll probably like you more than they like me."

"As if!" She rolled her eyes playfully, "Though Wendy did say she wanted to go shopping together. She wants fashion advice but I think she already has fashion sense."

"Wendy finds any excuse to go shopping," Yuta laughed lightly.

"Nice," she laughed lightly.

The two stood side by side in silence enjoying the calming breeze and the lights. Yuta smiled at her cheekily as she raised a brow.

"I don't like that look," she teased him.

"What look?" He asked.

"That look!" She exclaimed poking his side, "I don't know you look like you're about to-"

Before she could finish Yuta inched closer kissing her gently. She knew it. She smiled into the kiss pulling away as she was about to laugh.

"Ew, you taste like alcohol," She teased him with a playful laugh.

"You're one to talk," he replied, "I think you drank more than me."

"You wish!" She laughed, "Strawberry soju huh."

"Wrong, try again," he spoke before puckering his lips.

How could she possibly say no to this boy? She cupped his face slowly closing the gap between them. Yuta expected a soft and slow kiss but this was Hyunjae. She gave him a slightly aggressive kiss that resulted in the loudest 'MWAH' she could manage. Yuta looked at her stunned as she pulled away with a devious smile.

"You squished my cheeks! Oh my god," he laughed holding his cheeks as they felt numb.

"Oh my bad I didn't think I was that strong," she admitted raising her hands to look at them.

On the bright side at least her nails weren't long so they wouldn't leave a mark on him.

"I'll make it up to you though," she smiled pecking his lips softly.

Yuta smiled enjoying this way more. As she pulled away he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. They were mere centimeters apart.

"Dude. I don't know if it's the alcohol but we should make out like right now, right this moment," He smiled angelic completely opposite of the words that left his mouth.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" She asked tilting her head slightly placing her arms on his shoulders.

"Yo Yuta! Come take pics with us!" Sicheng yelled opening the door, eyes immediately widening at the realization of what was going on.

"You fucking cockblock," Yuta groaned letting go of Hyunjae as she laughed loudly letting go of him.

Sicheng always had the best timing in her eyes. It was funny. "Oh Sicheng when will you learn?" Hyunjae teased him.

"When will you two learn to get a room," he mumbled shooting back at them.

"This technically IS a room," Yuta narrowed his eyes.

"No it's not. come on!" He sighed shutting the door behind him.

Hyunjae turned to Yuta smiling, he returned the smile as they just looked at one another before laughing lightly.

"You go do your thing I'll be out here for a bit longer Kay?" She asked unlocking her phone.

"Okay but come in soon okay? It's getting cold and I want you in at least some pictures too," he smiled patting her head gently, "Love you."

"Love you too," she smiled pecking his lips lightly.

He got close to her to whisper into her ear, "You owe me a make out session later and who knows maybe something else, but Sicheng's home so you'll have to be quiet."

Her cheeks began to redden, it was so bad that even her ears turned red and that rarely ever happened. He walked away shooting her a wink whilst leaving her a flustered mess. What the fuck? What the actual fuck?

After a few minutes of collecting her thoughts (and sanity) she went back inside. She made her way to the dining table where Kunhang was talking with Johnny. She paused doing a double take. JOHNNY? When did he get here?

"If it isn't the party host," Kunhang spoke signaling for her to come join the two.

"The best party host actually," she said flipping her hair as she sat next to him and across from Johnny.

"It's been a while," Johnny smiled almost sympathetically.

Hyunjae didn't hold a grudge against him whatsoever. He was just dragged into the whole situation and out of all of them he was the only one who tried to get her to share her side of the story.

"A long time huh," She smiled lightly, "How you been?"

The atmosphere in the apartment was calm now. Some people were leaving others were just chilling on the couch playing some games. Uno seemed to be the main attraction right now.

"I've been good honestly. Probably the best I've been in a while."

"That's good to hear. Still dating ten right?"

He nodded, "Still dating Yuta?"

She nodded happily.

"I remember seeing you guys for the first time."

"Wait you knew?!" She asked furrowing her brows, "What? Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Kunhang laughed realizing he never told her that Johnny knew.

He explained how he took pictures for the soccer team that one day and how he hides himself well among the crowds despite his height and stature.

He's known all along since the very beginning. Holy shit. She was flabbergasted at the news.

"And I didn't tell anyone because it's not my business. Plus I knew how Taeyong would get," He sighed thinking back to it.

"I don't get him. To this day I still don't understand his actions," she admitted.

Taeyong's actions were always in the back of her head. The way he broke up with jaehyun because he still liked her but he was the one who rejected her. Did he suddenly have an epiphany that he liked her? What could it have been?

"I think it wasn't anything like that jae. I hate to admit it but I think when he saw that San commented on your post he thought you might go back to him. So to stop that he..." his voice trailed off.

The realization hit her in that moment.

"He lied..."

It all made so much sense now. He said that in hopes that she would dump San and date him or some bullshit like that. He did that just so she'd stay away from San. What a fucking dick move.

"That's so fucking low of him," she murmured thankful that she didn't fall for his trap.

"Yeah I'm sorry you had to find out through me on a day like this," he admitted sadly.

She shook her head, "No this is good. I have zero empathy or pity for any of them now."

"Well no more of that. Tell me about you what's up?"

they spent the rest of night catching up with one another about everything and anything. Kunhang would chime in every now and then, like how sad he was when Hyunjae had to leave. Which Hyunjae didn't fully believe still. Johnny told them about how he started his own dj company and is hopefully planning on opening his own club soon if everything goes well.

"You better put me on the guest list when it opens."

"Well of course!" Johnny laughed.

"John let's go. I feel like im gonna be sick," ten groaned making his way to Johnny very slowly.

"Welp that's my cue," he chuckled, "it was good seeing you jae, you're glowing. We should do this again."

"I'm so down. This is my insta," she said grabbing her phone to show him, "I'll follow you Kay?"

Johnny nodded getting up to go help Ten stay balanced.

The party soon came to an end as everyone left. Hyunjae was exhausted she felt the alcohol leaving her body slowly which meant she'd probably get a migraine soon. But she could always drink some more to make it go away until tomorrow right? That's exactly how it worked right? Yeah sure.

"God thinking about cleaning this up makes me want to die," Hyunjae mumbled looking at the mess.

"Worry about that tomorrow. Let's go. I believe you owe me something." Yuta smiled innocently grabbing her hand to pull her gently towards his room, "Goodnight Sicheng! Please put on some noise cancelling headphones."

"Wait huh?! What?" Hyunjae asked looking around as she followed Yuta towards his room.

"You're lucky I'm fucking shitfaced. I'm gonna knock out in point two seconds and I won't wake up till the next next day," he groaned grabbing his airpods from his backpack anyway.

"Goodnight Sicheng! Thanks for letting me stay the night, sweet dreams!" Hyunjae waved as Yuta pulled her into his room eagerly before shutting the door behind her.

Sicheng just laughed lightly before shutting the door to his room. He was gonna fall like a rock.


Liked by kimdoyoung jungjaehyun and others
Loserxluvr Lover boy moments before the storm aka soju
View all comments
Kimdoyoung he looks so content and then he became a demon
Huangkh REAL
Loserxluvr  ^ he became ruthless fr
Loselose how do you think i feel? I have to clean up his mess
Nayutas 😠 i can clean up after myself Sicheng


Liked by Loserxluvr Wendysohn and others
Aeriuchinaga lit. Crazy. Movie
View all comments
Minjeong No invite??
Aeriuchinaga not my party bestie :(
Wendysohn dude we gotta hang out soon! You're the life of the party fr
Sakura ^!
Choisan man I wish I didn't have to work I would have gone too 😔


Liked by Loserxluvr johnnysuh and others
Huangkh this girl really knows how to throw a party lol
View all comments
Loserxluvr heheh thanks I tried
Nayutas best party ever and not just cause you planned it
Loselose I don't think I can't look at anymore booze
Jungjaehyun me neither fuck
Zeuswoo pussies !
Loserxluvr AYO?? 😭😭
Loselose we get it you can drink 🙄


Liked by Loserxluvr and others
Nayutas happy boy 😇 <333333333333
[comments have been disabled]
(Imagine if Yuta had a sleeve.... Thoughts are being thunk)

"Irene!" Yeri called trying to get through the dancing bodies in the club.

Usually she'd wait till after they've left the club to give Irene news but this one was important. Irene stopped her make out session with some random guy as Yeri found her at the guy's table.

"Can you get me another drink?" She asked batting her eyes at the guy who immediately nodded going to go get her another drink.

"What is it Yerim? It has to be important."

"Look Aeri posted a photo," she said showing her the photo.

Irene looked at the photo most of the people were blurry but then she saw it or rather him.

"Is that fucking Yuta?" She gasped looking at the instagram picture in shock.

Yeri nodded, "I thought it was the alcohol getting to me but it's him right? It has to be!"

Irene groaned how the hell was Yuta in Aeri's circle or vice versa. What the actual fuck? That made her angry.

"You don't think he's dating Aeri do you?" She asked the smaller girl with a groan.

"I don't think so but how are they in the same social circle?"

As far as they knew Aeri only had a specific friend group that included San and a couple other people they barely knew. So unless one of her friends is a mutual friend of Yuta, they had no idea how they ended up at the same party.

"Who knows. We'll have to keep an eye on her instagram. Any news on if the media has spotted Hyunjae?"

Yeri shook her head, "Nope they've been there all day and so far nothing."

Irene was starting to get a headache and it wasn't because of the alcohol or the loud atmosphere it was because she was getting royally pissed.

"Here's your drink. Wanna take the party to my place?"

"I suddenly remembered I can't. I gotta go feed my cat."

Without waiting for a response Irene and Yeri left the guy to go find Taeyong and his date, but unfortunately for them Taeyong was long gone.

"He must have went home with his date," Yeri sighed, "What now?"

Irene shrugged, "Let's head back. Let's see if we can find their social circle."

Y'all think Irene and co will find out the truth? 👀 anyway Mark and Hyunjae reunited (kinda) lol isn't that cute? Did y'all catch a glimpse of slightly jealous Yuta?

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