Still falling for you

By BinJinFF

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What happens when two people from completely different worlds fall in love? Seri is a wealthy, impulsive woma... More

Character Sketch
Chapter 1: Fire and Ice
Chapter 2: Your Heart Got a Story With Mine
Chapter 3: Choi Jun Seo
Chapter 4: Your heart got me feeling so fine
Chapter 5: Your heart got me hurting at times
Chapter 6: I'm in
Chapter 7: I'm in - 2
Chapter 8: No one can lift me the way that you do
Chapter 9: This love is like rain and blue skies
Chapter 10: Love you like this
Chapter 11: With every breath a new day
Chapter 12: You are all for me
Chapter 13: With love on the line
Chapter 14: With love on the line 2
Chapter 15: Falling, crash into my arms
Chapter 17: Falling, crash into my arms 2
Chapter 18: All I feel
Chapter 19: With love on the line 3
Chapter 20: All I feel is you
Chapter 21: Catch me the way that you do
Chapter 22: Never Let Go
Chapter 23: And just like that 2
Chapter 24: What if we both would need more

Chapter 16: And just like that

855 42 48
By BinJinFF

Hello!! I think that's the fastest update I have made, and I am so excited to publish it.😂

I know a lot of you might have been confused about the fight between Jeong Hyeok and Seri. As you know I was supposed to publish this chapter alongside the previous one, but it was way too long to do that, so I had to leave the flashback of the fight for this chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and you won't kill me by the end of it. 😬

Thank you so much for all your votes and comments. 💕💕

Please Enjoy!




At Jeong Hyeok's apartment...

Jeong Hyeok woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Yesterday's argument with Seri was still fresh in his mind, and it had taken a toll on him. He quickly called his manager, informing him that he wouldn't be coming to work that day. He needed some space to clear his mind and sort things out with Seri.

He berated himself for his behavior, realizing that he had been insensitive and cruel to his girlfriend, who had just been in a serious accident. He had lashed out at her, instead of being there for her like he should have been. He had said things that should not have been said, and it had happened in front of their friends and his brother.

So, what happened?


Jeong Hyeok was on the phone with Seri, listening to her recount the events of her morning. He could hear the hum of the car engine and the sound of traffic in the background. Suddenly, he heard a loud screeching sound, followed by a sickening crunch.

"Love? Love, are you there? What happened?" Jeong Hyeok's heart raced as he waited for a response.

There was no answer, only the sound of static coming from the phone. Panic rose in his chest as he tried calling her back, but the line was dead. He tried calling again and again, but it was of no use.

Jeong Hyeok jumped up from his seat, grabbing his keys as he ran out of the restaurant. He raced to his car, his mind racing with fear and worry for Seri.

She had told him that she was heading towards her office, but he didn't know where exactly she was, so he was going to try to go find her.

As he drove towards her office, his heart sank as he found the place where the car crash happened. He saw the wreckage of the car on the side of the road. Seri's car had flipped over and was now upside down, with shattered glass and twisted metal scattered all around.

Jeong Hyeok pulled over and got out, running towards the mangled car.

He approached the chaotic scene noticing the crowd of people gathering around. Some onlookers were peering inside while others frantically dialed their phones, hoping for emergency assistance, and others were filming the accident.

Jeong Hyeok's heart sank further as he surveyed the scene of the accident. His eyes widened as he caught sight of Seri's body, still strapped into the driver's seat, hanging upside down with her head lolling to one side. Blood was oozing from the wounds on her forehead and other parts of her body. Her white shirt was turning red. She was completely motionless.

Jeong Hyeok felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"Love?" Jeong Hyeok's voice quivered with fear as he called out to her from outside the car.

He didn't want to risk pulling her out in case she had broken bones, or she had internal injuries that could worsen her condition, so he just extended his hand to her neck to check her pulse.

She is alive. Jeong Hyeok sighed feeling her pulse.

"Can you hear me, love?" Tears streamed down his face.

"Did someone call the ambulance?" He frantically asked the onlookers.

A couple behind him nodded in reply and assured him that they are on their way.

"They are on their way." the man said hoping that the lady in the crashed car would survive the accident.

"Please wake up, Jagi," Jeong Hyeok pleaded helplessly, desperately hoping for a response.

And as if in an answer to his prayers, he saw Seri stir slightly.

"I'm here," he quickly came closer gently touching her shoulder and reassuring her that he was with her.

"I'm right here with you, love." He told her hoping to offer her some comfort.

"Seri, can you hear me?" he asked, leaning in closer to hear her weak whisper.

"Love?" Seri whispered opening her eyes slowly.

Trying to move she whimpered from the pain she felt throughout all her body.

"Don't move, Don't move."

"I'm here, love. Don't worry, the ambulance is on the way. Just hold on. You're going to be ok." He tried to keep his voice steady and reassuring, but his hands were shaking with fear and worry.

He heard the sound of an ambulance in the distance, and soon it arrived at the scene of the accident. The paramedics quickly assessed Seri's injuries and carefully extricated her from the car, securing her to a stretcher and loading her into the back of the ambulance.

Jeong Hyeok rode with her in the ambulance, holding her hand tightly and trying to keep her calm. Seri was conscious but weak, and she kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Jeong Hyeok felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he watched her struggle. He silently prayed for her to be okay.




At the hospital...

Seri was rushed into the emergency room, and Jeong Hyeok had to wait outside while the doctors tended to her. He felt a sense of panic rising in his chest as he waited, his mind racing with all the worst-case scenarios.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor emerged from the emergency room. He looked at the frantic young man pacing nervously back and forth and thanked god that he didn't have to deliver sad news to him. The man looked like he was on the verge of breaking waiting for someone to give him any news about his girlfriend. Although the young man wasn't listed as the lady's emergency contact, the doctor sympathized with him and decided to put him at ease and tell him about Seri's condition. He saw how distraught Jeong Hyeok was when they reached the hospital, and how he was desperately asking the nurses and the doctors in the emergency room to check on his girlfriend who was in an accident.

"Doctor, is she alright?" Jeong Hyeok asked in apprehension.

"She's stable. She has a broken hand and deep cuts on her forehead, chest, and arm. There are also some scratches and bruises on her body, but nothing that can't be healed with time." The doctor assured Jeong Hyeok.

"We're going to take her for some tests and scans to assess the full extent of her injuries, and make sure that there is no damaged organ or internal bleeding."

"Why? is there a problem? isn't she awake?" Jeong Hyeok's voice trembled.

"She is stable and on a sedative. The accident was a strong one and we want to make sure that because of the impact, she didn't fracture any bone and there isn't any internal bleeding."

Jeong Hyeok looked terrified, so the doctor gave him a small hopeful smile patting his shoulder, "Don't worry we will try our best. You can sit in the waiting room. We'll keep you updated on her condition."

Jeong Hyeok nodded, he wanted to stay as close as possible, but he knew he couldn't do that, they were going to take her for scans, and he couldn't accompany her there.

Jeong Hyeok made his way to the waiting room and sank down into a chair, his head in his hands, feeling as though the weight of the world had been placed on his shoulders. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Seri. He silently kept on praying for her to pull through.




In less than fifteen minutes, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the hospital corridor as their friends, Seung Joon, Seo Dan, Joo Meok, Min So, and Gwang Hyeok arrived. They found Jeong Hyeok sitting in the waiting area, his head buried in his hands.

Hearing them come in, Jeong Hyeok, with red eyes, looked up at his friends as they approached. The group rushed to him, concern etched on their faces as they gathered around him.

"Hyung" Gwang Hyeok called.

Jeong Hyeok couldn't bring himself to speak, still overwhelmed by the emotions of the past few hours.

"Is Seri okay?" Joo Meok asked anxiously.

Jeong Hyeok nodded. "She's stable now, on sedatives."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"What did the doctors say?" Seung Joon inquired further.

"The doctors want to do more tests and scans to make sure that she is fine. She's got a broken hand and cuts on her forehead, arm, and chest. The doctor didn't say anything else."

"Can we see her?" Seo Dan asked.

Jeong Hyeok shook his head. "Not yet the doctors are still examining her. They'll let us know when we can go in."

As everyone looked around trying to understand what was happening, Jeong Hyeok sat back down on the chair and stared at the ground.

"The car crashed. It was awful" Jeong Hyeok suddenly said, looking at nothing in specific. "I found her flipped upside down, unconscious, and bleeding all over. I... I couldn't pull her out of the car. I couldn't do anything to her" It sounded like Jeong Hyeok was beating himself up for what happened to Seri.

Everyone in there shuddered. They were having a hard time picturing the state that Jeong Hyeok found Seri in.

Seo Dan was the first one to move. She sat next to Jeong Hyeok placing her hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault Jeong Hyeok-ah. You got there on time, and you found her. You did your best. The doctor assured you that she is fine. Now take a breather, so that you can meet her after they are done with the tests." She ran her hands encouragingly on his back.

The group sat down with Jeong Hyeok, trying to calm him down and assuring him that Seri was strong and would pull through. After what felt like an eternity, another doctor came out of the emergency room.

"Who is Jeong Hyeok?" the doctor asked the group waiting outside.

Jeong Hyeok quickly stood up, his heart racing. "I am"

"Yoon Seri-ssi was asking about you. Are you her husband?"

Jeong Hyeok shook his head and said "Boyfriend"

"Any family member I can talk to"

Seo Dan intervened, "We are her family, doctor. He is her partner" She pointed at Jeong Hyeok, "and these two guys here" she gestured at Seung Joon and Joo Meok. "grew up with her. We are her sisters-in-law" She pointed at Min So and herself "and he is her assistant and her partner's brother" She lastly pointed at Gwang Hyeok. "So please tell us how is she doing?"

"Ok fine" The doctor assumed that Seri had no family or relatives "The good news is that Yoon Seri-ssi's injuries aren't life-threatening. No internal bleeding or broken bones. She's going to be fine, but we need to keep her here till the end of the day to monitor her condition. You can see her now. She is awake and in room 113. My colleague is in there and he will brief you about her injuries."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the doctor as they rushed toward Seri's room.




"I was just telling Yoon Seri-ssi, she is lucky that she got out of the accident with a broken hand and a few cuts only. Her airbag and seatbelt did the job." The doctor said as he saw the people he supposed to be her family entering the room and gathering around Seri's bed.

"You don't know how grateful we are for this" Seo Dan replied to the doctor glancing between him and Seri.

The doctor smiled as he continued, addressing Seri, "Your dressings need to be changed twice a day for one week. Keep them dry. They are waterproof, but of course, it is better to keep them dry. Your hand needs around four weeks to heal, and after that, you have to go for physiotherapy. The nurse will come in every couple of hours to check your injuries and the painkiller dosage. Right now you are not feeling any pain because of the painkillers we gave you. If you start feeling unbearable pain, you can call the nurse and she will increase the dosage for you. Ok?"

Seri and the others nodded in reply.

"Any other questions for me?" He asked looking at the group gathered around Seri's bed.

"When am I going to get released?" Seri asked weakly causing everyone to roll their eyes.

The doctor chuckled "We will monitor you till the end of the day. If we find that you are in a shape to go home, we will clear you."

When no one asked any more questions the doctor took their leave. "Ok, then I will leave you for now. Get well soon Seri-ssi." Seri smiled tiredly at the doctor and nodded thanking him.

The other five also thanked the doctor as he left the room.

Jeong Hyeok who was standing to Seri's right gazed down at her, taking in her fragile state. He gently kissed the top of her head, savoring her sweet scent, silently thanking god that she was alright.

"Are you in pain?" Jeong Hyeok's voice was soft and gentle.

Seri shook her head, "The painkiller is doing wonders." She smiled at him, showing him that she was fine.

"You gave us all a scare, Seri-ah. Don't do that again," Seung Joon joked, attempting to lighten the mood.




As they were all settling in, Gwang Hyeok entered the room. "Seri Daepyonim, some police officers want to come in and ask a few questions."

"Why?" Min So asked, voicing the question that was on everyone's minds.

"It's a standard procedure when a car accident occurs. The police will investigate and gather information from all involved parties to determine the cause of the accident. Since it was a big one, they are here to ask a few questions," Gwang Hyeok replied.

Jeong Hyeok's brow furrowed in concern. "Can't they come back later? She's still tired," he asked, looking towards his younger brother.

Seri gently held Jeong Hyeok's hand. "It's okay. I want to know what happened and if I hurt someone else. I need to know," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. The events leading up to the accident were a blur, and she needed clarity.




A few moments later...

Two police officers entered the room. Jeong Hyeok stood up, ready to leave with the others, but Seri quickly held his hand.

"Can he stay?" She asked the police officers who nodded immediately.

"Miss Yoon, at any moment if you feel like you can't speak anymore please tell us we will directly stop." One of the officers said and Seri nodded in reply.

"Can you tell us what happened?" the other officer asked.

Seri hesitated for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. She remembered the car flipping upside down, the shattering glass, and the pain. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I...I don't remember much," she said softly, her eyes fixed on a point in the distance. "I was driving, and I remember that my lane had a green light, but suddenly another car from the opposite side appeared out of nowhere, crossing the red light really quickly. I swerved to avoid it, but it was too late. I lost control of the car, and then I suddenly felt the car flipping upside down. The next thing I remember is waking up here."

The officers nodded, taking notes as she spoke.

"Are you sure that your lane had a green light?" the other officer asked.

Seri shook her head. "Yes, I am very sure."

Jeong Hyeok stood by her side, holding her hand tightly, providing her with the support she needed. The officers continued asking questions, and Seri did her best to answer them.

"We will also check the CCTV, as no one else was at the scene of the crash except your car."

"Officer, do you mean that the accident was intentional?" Jeong Hyeok asked getting worried.

The officer shook his head "We still don't know anything yet, but we will keep you updated. We'll need you to come down to the station Yoon Seri-ssi to fill out some paperwork and provide a formal statement, but for now, we're glad to see that you're okay."

As the officers left the room, Seri let out a sigh of relief and leaned back against the pillows.

"That wasn't so bad," she said, giving Jeong Hyeok a small smile.

Jeong Hyeok brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "You did great, Seri. I'm proud of you."




At the end of the day...

Everyone was still by Seri's side waiting for the doctor to discharge her.

"Time for dressing change" a nurse came in. "One person can stay in the room"

Everyone left again except for Jeong Hyeok. He paid close attention to what the nurse was doing, for he had planned to take care of Seri for as much as she needed.

Seeing him that focused the nurse smiled. "If you want you can ask the hospital to send a nurse to change your dressings, but I think you don't need it as your husband is going to take good care of you."

Not feeling the need to correct her, Seri smiled back and hummed, while Jeong Hyeok turned red, flustered.

"When will the doctor discharge me?" Seri asked the nurse.




Finally, after a couple of hours, the doctor came in giving clearance for Seri's discharge.

"Joo Meok-ah, please can you sign my release papers?" Seri asked Joo Meok who was still listed as her emergency contact.

"Ok, I will be back in five." Joo Meok said as he left the room.

Jeong Hyeok has been uncharacteristically quiet since he entered her room and saw her. He stayed by Seri's side all the time holding her hand, silently observing her, and catering to her every need. He was lost in his thoughts. The sight of her bloodied and unconscious in the car had shaken him to the core, and he couldn't help but think about how easily he could have lost her.

"Seri-ah, do you need help changing?" Seo Dan asked, noticing that Jeong Hyeok wasn't going to stay in the room.

Seri glanced at Jeong Hyeok, who was about to leave the room with the others.

"Jagi, can you help me?" she called out, knowing that he was going out to give her some space, and not sure if he could help her get ready to leave.

Jeong Hyeok glanced back at Seri and hesitated for a moment before nodding silently. Seo Dan smiled understandingly noticing the fear and worry etched on Jeong Hyeok's face. She accompanied Seung Joon, Gwang Hyeok, and Min So to wait outside.

Silence filled the room as Jeong Hyeok carefully helped Seri change into a fresh set of clothes.

His hands trembled slightly as he delicately removed her hospital gown, sliding it off her wrapped arm and her bruised shoulders.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the baggy shirt that Seo Dan had brought Seri. It would be easier for Seri to wear to avoid touching her head and arm wounds.

With great care, he slipped the shirt over her broken arm and wounded upper body, then he helped her up to remove her pants. As he knelt down to help her wear her pants, he examined her legs to check the bruises, his heart sank at the sight of the red bruises on her calves and thighs. He couldn't help but kiss each mark gently. Seri was startled at first, but then closed her eyes, feeling him pouring his love and tenderness into each gentle kiss and every touch.

Throughout the entire process, Jeong kept his gaze fixed on Seri's injuries, evading her concerned look.

Seri watched him with worry. She noticed that he was avoiding her gaze, focusing instead on ensuring that she was comfortable and well taken care of.

As he wrapped a thick blanket around her shoulders to keep her warm, Seri reached out and placed her good hand on his squeezing it tightly, trying to reassure him that she was okay. The weight of the day's events finally hit him, and he leaned in to touch her forehead with his.

Jeong Hyeok looked down at Seri, his eyes filled with tears, he leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"You are ok" he whispered his voice choking with emotion. He was assuring himself more than he was assuring her. Seri nodded and smiled softly at him.

After a few minutes, Joo Meok returned with the release papers, and Seri was finally able to leave the hospital. As they walked out, Jeong Hyeok kept a protective arm around her, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any potential danger.




As the night wore on, everyone gathered at Seri's house to take care of her. They were all in her room, surrounding her and chatting away, trying to keep a light mood. However, Jeong Hyeok was still not okay. He hadn't said much to anyone since they left the hospital and was solely focused on taking care of Seri. Despite the others' attempts to engage him in the conversation, he remained silent, his eyes always on Seri, ensuring that she was comfortable and had everything she needed.

"Love, I am going to prepare something for you to have before you go to bed," Jeong Hyeok said as he gently stroked Seri's hair.

Seri pouted and protested, "But I don't want to eat."

Jeong Hyeok smiled softly and replied, "You have to take your medicine. Don't get out of bed, I will be back in a few minutes." The others nodded in agreement.

After Jeong Hyeok left, Seri looked around the room, she wanted to follow her boyfriend. She was sure that he was not ok.

Seri turned to Seung Joon, who was sitting next to her, and asked for his help to get her out of bed.

"Where are you going, Unnie?" Min So asked worriedly.

"I need to go talk to Jeong Hyeok," Seri replied determinedly, ignoring the protests from her friends.

"But Hyung..." Gwang Hyeok tried to speak up.

"I know, Gwang Hyeok-ssi, but I need to talk to him," Seri said as she struggled to get up without Seung Joon's help.

"Joon-ah, help her up," Joo Meok instructed Seung Joon. He noticed how Jeong Hyeok had been quiet and distant all evening, and he knew that Seri talking to him would help him.

When Jeong Hyeok was preparing the soup, he suddenly heard Seri's yelp and then a loud thud. He rushed out of the kitchen and ran towards the living room. The moment he stepped into the room, he saw Seri sprawled on the ground at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes closed in pain. His heart skipped a beat as he froze in his place seeing Seri's state, memories of the accident flooding back to him. He vividly recalled the sight of her covered in blood, unconscious, and barely breathing. The fear and anxiety he had felt then, returned with a vengeance, paralyzing him for a moment as he stood frozen in place. He felt his hands shaking and his heart racing, the memories of that traumatic day threatening to overwhelm him.

When the others rushed to help Seri up, Jeong Hyeok's senses slowly came back to him, and he began to move again. But, as he looked at Seri telling everyone that she was fine, his emotions got the better of him. All the pent-up anger and frustration he had been holding back since the accident erupted in a sudden outburst.

Jeong Hyeok's eyes were blazing with anger as he marched towards Seri. Memories of the accident and the blood surrounding her flashed before his eyes, and he couldn't control his emotions any longer.

"What do you think you are doing? What were you thinking?" he barked at her, his voice laced with tension and stress.

"I am fine Jagi. Don't worry," Seri tried to reassure him, reaching out to touch his face with her good hand, but he moved back, out of her reach.

"Why can't you just stay still for a moment for god's sake? I am tired of always getting worried about you, and trying to make sure you are fine." Jeong Hyeok continued, his voice rising.

"Jeong Hyeok, what are you saying?" Seri asked, her own voice trembling with confusion.

"Why are you so selfish? Why don't you just listen to me when I tell you to do something? I am not trying to control you dammit," he shouted, the words tumbling out of him uncontrollably.

Everyone around him, including Seri, stood there in shock, watching as Jeong Hyeok's emotions spilled out of him in a burst of anger.

"How many times have I told you to drive carefully, and stop being reckless? But you don't listen. And now I asked you to stay in your bed. But no, you have to do the opposite of what I tell you. What are you trying to prove? What if something happened to you? Do you want to go back to that awful place you were in all day long and leave everyone worried about you?" Jeong Hyeok continued, his voice rising with each word.

Seri's tears began to roll down her cheeks at his harsh words. She didn't know what to say or how to react.

"As if I have nothing to worry about except you. You are the only one causing trouble in my life." Jeong Hyeok said, his anxiety taking over as he said things, he knew he shouldn't have. The memory of Seri surrounded in blood was too much to bear, and it had made him lose control.

His voice echoed through the silent room, and the others looked on in shock, unsure of what to do.

Joo Meok, who was the first to move, stood between Jeong Hyeok and Seri, trying to defuse the situation. "Jeong Hyeok, that's enough," he said firmly, looking straight into his eyes. "You have said a lot, and you're not thinking straight. You need to calm down."

Jeong Hyeok felt like he was punched in the gut as Joo Meok's words brought him back to reality. His chest heaved as he struggled to regain his composure. He realized that he had gone too far with his words, letting his anger and fear get the best of him.

Looking around the silent room, he saw the hurt and shock etched on everyone's faces, especially Seri's tear-stained cheeks. Guilt washed over him as he realized how harsh he had been towards her. He couldn't believe that he had spoken to her in such a way, knowing how much he cared for her.

Seri's tears had stopped, but she looked at him with a mixture of hurt and disappointment. "I thought you understood me better than that," she said softly. "I thought you knew that I didn't mean for anything of these things to happen to us."

Jeong Hyeok felt a lump form in his throat. He took a step forward and reached out to touch her arm, but she flinched away from him. He dropped his hand, feeling the weight of his mistake.

"I am tired. Joon-ah" She signaled for Seung Joon to help her go to her room.

Seung Joon and Gwang Hyeok were by her side in a matter of seconds helping her up the stairs.

After everyone left, Jeong Hyeok looked at Joo Meok who was still there. His eyes were pleading for forgiveness. Joo Meok nodded at him, silently telling him to take a deep breath and collect himself.

"I'm sorry," Jeong Hyeok whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to say those things."

Joo Meok put a reassuring hand on Jeong Hyeok's shoulder. "I know Jeong Hyeok-ah," he said softly. "We all know you didn't mean it. But you need to calm down now." Jeong Hyeok nodded; his eyes downcast in shame. He couldn't believe he had let his emotions get the better of him in the ugliest way possible.

End of flashback.





As Jeong Hyeok got ready, he mentally prepared himself to apologize to Seri. "You're such an ass," he scolded himself. "She needed you, and what did you do? You shouted at her, blamed her for the accident, and left her alone. Way to go, Jeong Hyeok! I wouldn't be surprised if she never wants to see your face again."

A knock on the door interrupted his self-flagellation.

"Who is it?" he asked, knowing that it couldn't be Seri. " She's probably too mad at me to come." He sighed, admitting that Seri had every right to be upset with him.

He was disappointed to see the visitors from the intercom.

"Why are they here?" he exclaimed.

He quickly put on a t-shirt and opened the door for his visitors.

"Hyung? Chi Su? Come in" Jeong Hyeok welcomed his visitors, Pyo Chi Su and Mu Hyeok, into the living room.

As they sat down Jeong Hyeok stared at them anticipating their questions, unsure of what they wanted from him.

Pyo Chi Su broke the silence, "Your brother and I were worried about you. I just told him that it has been a while since we last sat together and vented out. Is everything ok with you?"

Mu Hyeok and Chi Su had always been close to him, and Jeong Hyeok appreciated their concern, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that Mu Hyeok's presence was more of a hindrance than a help.

Jeong Hyeok's eyes flicked to his brother, unsure of how to react. They hadn't been on good terms since their last argument, and Mu Hyeok's avoidance of him only added to the tension. Their relationship has not been the same since then. They barely saw each other, and whenever they did, Mu Hyeok just avoided him. Even when they visited the family house, Mu Hyeok avoided any interaction between him and Jeong Hyeok. Jeong Hyeok knew he should be the bigger person and try to make amends, but it was difficult when his brother was being so immature.

Seeing that his brother wanted to complicate things, Jeong Hyeok just left the problem between them be, at least for the time when he wasn't fighting for his future.

His brother was so important to him, and he didn't want to lose what they had. Mu Hyeok was totally out of line and Jeong Hyeok was controlling himself not to lash out, to keep something to go back to and solve the problem.

"Everything is fine, Chi Su," Jeong Hyeok replied, forcing a smile.

"Nothing you want to tell us?"

"No. Would you like to drink something?"

Jeong Hyeok stopped for a second and thought that Pyo Chi Su didn't deserve this, so he took a deep breath and said, "It's just... work has been a bit stressful lately and I am trying to get it back on track."

"Is it the employees? Or the sales aren't as high as they should be?" Pyo Chi Su asked, he was genuinely concerned.

Jeong Hyeok felt a twinge of annoyance at his brother's lack of concern for his wellbeing, and his excessive interest in his personal life instead. Despite this, he decided to share some information about the plans for the restaurant with them.

"My restaurant and apartment lease ends in a month, and I am not planning on renewing it. I want to change the place of my restaurant, but I am still searching for a new place."

"What? Are you sure about that?" Pyo Chi Su asked,

Jeong Hyeok nodded. "I talked with a strategist, and he told me that in order to grow, we have to move."

"What's the point? Weren't you planning on opening another branch?"

"My budget isn't enough for me to run two places at the same time."

"Why didn't you tell us before that?"

"It's complicated Chi Su" Jeong Hyeok replied, stealing a glance at his brother who looked a bit guilty. "I will figure things out don't worry."

"We can help if you want to" Mu Hyeok finally said.

"I will figure things out soon Hyung. Thank you" Jeong Hyeok said calmly looking Mu Hyeok in the eyes.




When Jeong Hyeok finally stepped out of the house and was on his way to Seri's apartment, his phone rang. It was the broker informing him that they had found a place. With a heavy sigh, Jeong Hyeok realized that he had to go check out the new location before meeting Seri.




Back at Seri's choice...

Gwang Hyeok was immersed in his work when his phone started ringing.

"Hello" Gwang Hyeok answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Please tell me she didn't come to work today." He heard the caller say.


"Where is Seri?"

Gwang Hyeok said slowly knowing the outcome "She is here."

He heard his brother sigh. "Why?"

"I don't know. Ask yourself. You were the one who fucked up yesterday."

"Ok I know, and I deserve that. I promise I will fix things up."

"You are banned from entering the office today. Seri Daepyonim had clearly told me that she doesn't want to see your face today, and you know me, I won't go against my boss"

Gwang Hyeok was planning on giving Jeong Hyeok a bit of a hard time. His brother wronged Seri, and no excuse can help him out.

"Gwang Hyeok-ah, a little help here." Jeong Hyeok tried buttering his brother up, for he really needed his help.

"Especially not for you. She is not answering your calls, isn't she?"

"Shut up. Please order some food for her, she has to take her medicine in about an hour, so she needs to eat. And don't overwork her. You can postpone things for a couple of days."

"I will do that, and I am doing that. Don't worry Hyung."

"I will try to come in two hours. I am going to meet the broker now he just called me, he found two new places."




On the other side...

Jun Seo burst into Se Hyung's office, his eyes blazing with fury. He strode towards Se Hyung and grabbed him by the collar, yanking him off his seat and shoving him against the wall. Se Hyung stumbled and gasped in shock, but Jun Seo's grip was iron-clad, and he held him firmly in place.

With each passing moment, Jun Seo's anger grew more intense, radiating from him in waves that could be felt by anyone nearby. His face was contorted with rage, his nostrils flared, and he breathed heavily and raggedly. His fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white, and his whole body seemed to tremble with fury.

"What the fuck? What is wrong with you?" Se Hyung shouted, struggling to break free from Jun Seo's grip.

Jun Seo's voice was low and menacing, as he said "You sent people to kill her, didn't you? You want to kill Seri. What the hell is wrong with you?" he growled.

Se Hyung tried to deny it, but Jun Seo wasn't buying it. He continued to press him against the wall, his voice rising with each passing moment. "Don't lie to me! You tried to kill her. If anything happens to her, I will make sure you pay!"

Se Hyung tried to protest, but Jun Seo cut him off, his voice ringing with fury. "You don't know who you're messing with. I can destroy you!"

Jun Seo threw Se Hyung to the side and began to pace back and forth, muttering curses under his breath. Every now and then, he let out a feral growl that made the hairs on the back of Se Hyung's neck stand on end. It was clear that Jun Seo was on the edge of losing control, and anyone foolish enough to get in his way would surely regret it.

But Se Hyung had to say something, to show that he wasn't weak in front of Jun Seo.

"Till when am I supposed to wait? Seri is going to take the Queens in two weeks, and you still haven't done anything. I will take matters into my own hands if you don't act soon."

"I am working on it, you fucker!" Jun Seo snapped, whirling around to face him. "Let her take the company. I told you I will give it back to you!"

Se Hyung wasn't satisfied with Jun Seo's response, but he knew better than to argue with him when he was in such a state. Jun Seo was clearly not to be trifled with when the matter involved Seri's life, and Se Hyung didn't want to become the target of his wrath. He watched in silence as Jun Seo stormed out of his office, leaving him shaken and frightened.




At Jeong Hyeok's side...

Jeong Hyeok was grateful that the meeting with the broker had ended on time. After viewing two great locations, he had all the necessary paperwork to make a decision. Finally, he felt like he had found the glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel, and he couldn't wait to share the news with Seri.

However, as he thought about seeing Seri again, his heart felt heavy with guilt. He was eager to go to Seri's office and speak to her, but she wasn't responding to his calls or messages. He knew that she had every right to be angry with him.

After returning home, Jeong Hyeok quickly freshened up and grabbed some flowers, her favorite snack, and a box of chocolates before heading to Seri's office. He knew her well enough to understand that even if she was tired, she wouldn't leave the company anytime soon as she preferred to distract herself with work. He could also bet that she haven't eaten anything since morning because she would never think about her health or put herself first.




At Seri's Choice...

Seri was exhausted as she packed up her belongings for the day. Despite her desire to stay, she wanted to go back home and rest and get away from the stress of work before it was time for her to head to the hospital for a dressing change. She glanced at her phone as it rang, another call from Jeong Hyeok went unanswered, and she tossed her phone into her bag, hoping to avoid any further distractions.

"Finally, you're going home to rest," a voice behind her said, causing Seri to jump. She recognized the voice instantly and felt her heart sink. Jeong Hyeok was standing in front of her, holding out flowers and two boxes in his hands. Without acknowledging him, she picked up her bag and made her way to the door.

He quickly put the things he was holding on the table and tried to stop her by reaching out and grabbing her good hand from behind.

"Seri-ah. Seri-ah," he called out, his voice desperate.

Seri glared at him over her shoulder, her expression cold and distant. "Leave my hand, Jeong Hyeok," she commanded. Jeong Hyeok took a deep breath, his heart felt heavy.

"Love, please listen to me. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday," Jeong Hyeok pleaded, his eyes searching hers for any hint of forgiveness.

"Please, Seri-ah," he pleaded with her. "I know I hurt you, and I am so sorry. I was scared, and I didn't know how to handle it. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that."

Seri yanked her hand away from his and turned to face him, her eyes blazing with anger.

"You insulted me in front of everyone, Jeong Hyeok," she said, her voice cold and bitter. "You humiliated me, you made me feel like I was forcing you to stay with me. You didn't even try to understand what happened. You have no idea how shaken I was yesterday, but all I was doing was trying to make you feel better, and what did you do? You just made everything worse. Called me selfish, a pain in the ass, and unwanted responsibility."

Jeong HyeokJeong Hyeok hung his head, not able to look her in the eye, feeling ashamed and remorseful.

"I don't want you to take care of me Jeong Hyeok. I know how to take care of myself really well. And I have been doing that for the last 20 years."

"I know, Love," he said quietly. "I am so sorry. I wish I could take back what I said and how I acted. Nothing can make up for what I did, I know. Your anger is justified, but please believe me, I didn't mean any of what I said. You are not a responsibility to me. I take care of you like you take care of me because I love you and I want to be there for you. You have never and will never be an obligation to me. I was terrified when I saw you on the floor, and the memories of you in the car came back crashing into my mind. I lost control. I am so sorry."

Seri shook her head and picked up her bag. "I have to go. I don't want to be a nuisance to you anymore." Her voice was trembling with emotion.

With that, she turned and walked out of the office, leaving Jeong Hyeok standing there, feeling more alone and desolate than ever before.




At Jeong Hyeok's restaurant...

Jeong Hyeok's mind was a jumbled mess as he walked into his restaurant. He tried to focus on the meeting with his manager, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Seri. Guilt gnawed at him like a persistent ache, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of apprehension. He knew he had to make things right, but he didn't know how.

As the day wore on, his anxiety only grew. Every time his phone beeped, he hoped it was Seri, but each time he was disappointed. The weight of his mistake felt like a heavy burden on his shoulders, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of regret.




Finally, the day was over, and Jeong Hyeok found himself driving toward Seri's apartment. He knew he was taking a risk by going there uninvited, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to see her, to talk to her, to make things right. As he parked his car outside her building, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst.

He knocked on her door, his heart was pounding in his chest. He waited nervously, hoping she would answer, but when the door opened, it wasn't Seri who stood there. It was Joo Meok, who gave him sympathetic look.

"Jeong Hyeok, How are you doing?" Joo Meok asked, his tone laced with concern as he noticed the sadness etched on Jeong Hyeok's face.

Jeong Hyeok managed a sad smile, however, Joo Meok nodded understanding what the man was passing through.

"I... I just wanted to see Seri," it was clear that he was struggling to keep it together.

"I know" Joo Meok looked down averting Jeong Hyeok's gaze.

"She doesn't want to see me." Jeong Hyeok stated not even asking. His heart sank at the confirmation that Seri didn't want to see him.

"I understand," he then muttered, feeling the weight of his actions. He didn't know how to make things right.

"I am sorry Jeong Hyeok."

"No Hyung she is right. Is she doing, ok?" He asked worried about her.

Joo Meok nodded. "Seo Dan has been with her since she came back from work."

"Is she taking her medicine on time?"

"She is. We are making sure of that" Joo Meok smiled assuring.

Silence hung between them for a few seconds until Joo Meok placed a supportive hand on Jeong Hyeok's shoulder. "Don't worry, she'll come around. Give her some space and talk to her tomorrow." Although he felt his heart crushed, Jeong Hyeok nodded and turned around to leave.

As he was leaving, Joo Meok stopped him. "Jeong Hyeok-ah, let's go out for a drink. It'll take your mind off things."

Jeong Hyeok hesitated for a moment but realized he needed the distraction. "Sure, let's go."




At Mu Hyeok's pharmacy...

Mu Hyeok was packing up for the day when a stranger entered his place. Assuming he was just another customer, Mu Hyeok greeted him politely, asking how he could assist him. However, he got a bit surprised when the man approached him and introduced himself.

"You must be Ri Mu Hyeok-ssi. I am Choi Jun Seo, owner of C&H Group". Jun Seo bowed respectfully.

Mu Hyeok was taken aback but nodded in acknowledgment.

"How did you know my name? Have we met before?" asked Mu Hyeok, visibly confused.

Jun Seo smiled and replied, "No, we haven't met before. However, if you have a moment, I would like to speak with you."

Not sure whether to oblige, Mu Hyeok glanced at his watch to give Jun Seo an excuse that he have to leave, but the other man was quicker and directly added, "I promise it won't take up much of your time. Just 10 minutes."

"Sure, please have a seat," Mu Hyeok gestured, intrigued by Jun Seo's unexpected visit.




Next Morning...

In a very fancy hotel room...

Jeong Hyeok groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his head throbbing with a dull ache. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness hit him, causing him to lay back down. It was then that he realized he was completely naked, with no recollection of how he ended up in this state.

Panic washed over him as he tried to piece together what happened last night, but his mind was blank, except for a few blurry images.

As he looked around the room, he figured that he was in a very fancy hotel room. The plush furnishings and the elegant decor only served to make him feel more out of place and uncomfortable in his current state. He saw some clothing strewn across the floor, with a breakfast tray on the small dining table in the room.

He tried to recall how he got there, but the memories were vague and unclear. He remembered drinking, lots of it, and then he vaguely recalled being approached by two women. But he couldn't remember their faces, one sat next to Joo Meok and the other sat next to him. The memory made him feel even more uneasy. Then he remembered entering the room with a woman. She went to bed with him, and they kissed. All he could recall were a few hazy moments, the sound of laughter, the taste of alcohol, and the feel of a woman's skin against his own. But he couldn't remember her face.

Did he cheat on Seri? He couldn't remember, and the thought made his stomach turn.

Jeong Hyeok groaned as he put his hand to his head, feeling the pounding headache. He needed to get out of there and find out what happened. He searched for his clothes, but they were nowhere to be found.

He got out of bed, feeling dizzy, and stumbled across the room, trying to find his clothes. He managed to find them and get dressed, he then picked up his phone, to call Seri. He had to tell her what had happened. As he opened his phone, he noticed a message from Seri.

"I am heading early to the office today. Let's meet for lunch?" Feeling ashamed and guilty a tear rolled down his cheek.

She was finally ready to talk to him and he fucked it up again in a way that definitely couldn't be forgiven or fixed. Jeong Hyeok threw the chair next to him in frustration. He couldn't believe what he had done.

He left the room, feeling worse than the day before.

How could he do that to Seri? She will be devastated.




At Seri's Choice...

Seri hurried into the office, glancing at her watch.

"Am I late?" She asked Gwang Hyeok who had a similar worried look to that of his boss.

He assured her that she was not, and she let out a sigh of relief before heading into her office to meet the unexpected visitor.

"Ri Mu Hyeok-ssi," she greeted him with a formal head bow, aware of the tension that still existed between him and her boyfriend, which was caused by her. She had to be formal, even after the countless gatherings with him, his girlfriend, and his brothers.

Mu Hyeok stood up and greeted her in the same manner, and she motioned for him to take a seat as she settled behind her desk.

He seemed surprised to see her with a wrapped hand and scratches on her face. "I hope you are ok."

"A minor accident," Seri replied nonchalantly, trying to downplay it as if it was no big deal.

"I came here early and announced I know, but there is something important that I want to talk to you about."

This quipped Seri's interest so she directly said, "Sure Mu Hyeok-ssi you can tell me."

She just hoped that he wasn't there to ask her for the impossible... and that is to leave Jeong Hyeok.




A couple of hours later...

"I will be in your office in an hour meet me there." Jun Seo smirked evilly as he looked up from his phone.

He had finally received the text message from Seri.




End of the chapter :)

Thank you for reading 💕💕💕

The next chapter is coming soon!

A lot has been left unexplained in this chapter, but please trust Jeong Hyeok 😂.

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