Book 4: Arcane [Thor]

By Animemadness101

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The destruction of Asgard plagues Thor's thoughts, while the god continued to search the Nine Realms for answ... More

Welcome Back!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Book 4: Final Chapter
Author's Note
Book 5 Now Published!

Chapter 10

113 6 13
By Animemadness101

New York City was loud as ever. A part of Anya was glad to trade city life for a rural home in Norway. Coming in for missions or events that involved the Avengers worked out just fine in her book. Loud conversations, honks, sirens, you name it the noise was there. The Bifrost left the three in a construction zone not yet opened for the day.

Thor's outer clothing took on the illusion of worn blue jeans, a dark green shirt, and a faded jean-hoodie. He held a black umbrella in hand that may have looked a bit out of place since no one expected rain. However, it was the easiest way to hide Mjolnir in plain sight. Loki dressed in the exact opposite. It looked like the god was about to go to an important event or meeting. Black suit, black button-down top, black tie, and black leather shoes. And, of course, his hair had been smoothed back and combed into place. Anya, dressed in her Midgardian clothing with a leather jacket to hide her weapons out of sight, blended in just fine without having to use the Aether on herself.

Loki took them to a street corner. A sign that read Shady Acres Care Home had been bolted onto the outer brick surface. Though there was something very wrong with the whole picture. The care home currently sat in a pile of rubble. Workers yelled out orders to the backhoes and trucks that came to collect the remains and shovel it out. It may have once been a place for the elderly, but now sat as a reminder.

"I swear I left him right here," Loki stated.

"Right here on the sidewalk, or right there where the building is being demolished?" Thor questioned in an irritated manner. "Great planning."

"How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future. I'm not a witch."

"No? Then why do you dress like one?"

"Hey," the god protested in a defensive manner.

"I still can't believe you're alive," Thor hissed. "I mourned you, I cried for you."

"I'm honored..." The tone of his voice didn't match the words.

Thor glared at his indifferent brother. He still didn't get it. Anya sighed, very tired of the second prince's antics. Maybe she'd find a way to make Volstagg's wish come true to leave Loki behind. Possibly have S.H.I.E.L.D. pick up the god and deal with the matter.

"Ask him," a teenager whispered.

Just off to the right of the three, two fans had eyes on the blonde Asgardian. Their excitement and nerves clearly showed being in the presence of a member of the Avengers. The God of Thunder. It was adorable.

"Hi, would you mind taking a picture with us?" the friend asked rather hopefully.

"Oh, sure," Thor answered.

They squealed with glee. One pulled out a phone to capture the moment. Anya never minded the fanbase the prince had. He was a very prominent member of the team in the news and other tabloids. The same went for Steve and Tony. Bruce... unfortunately that was another matter entirely. But Clint, Natasha, and her always stayed out of it. Removed. The young woman was more than happy to have the spotlight off her. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. worked better that way. It made it impossible to be compromised on missions.

"Start figuring out where he is," Thor ordered Loki.

Very quickly, the sour expression on his face turned into a wide grin for his fans. He stood behind the girls to take a selfie and made a peace sign at the camera.

"It doesn't bother you that humans throw themselves at him like star struck fan girls?" Loki questioned.

"Why would it?" Anya asked back.

Jealousy was the last thing she felt when the female fans wished to snap a pick of their hero or 'ideal boyfriend' as one had stated in the past. Thor politely decline the invitation of a date soon after. The prince had never given her a reason to doubt his feelings towards her.

"Thank you so much!" the teens squealed. They rushed off giggling.

"You are a strange mortal..." the God of Mischief muttered.

Her head turned to make eye contact with Loki. "I'll take that as a compliment."

A spark of light ignited at their feet. It drew their attention to the sidewalk where an orange ring seemed to expand out from both of their feet in a perfect circular motion. It looked like someone was trying to burn their way through to the surface.

"What's this?" Thor questioned. Immediately, he pinned an accusing look on his brother. "What are you doing?"

"This isn't me," Loki protested. A yelp escaped his lips.

The concrete seemed to disappear out from under him and he fell through out of sight. The orange ring disappeared right after. Alarmed, the Asgardian's head snapped to his girlfriend.


She too fell into the abyss, the Aether unable to react in time to assist the host. Thor searched the area around him. Both were gone. He even scanned the sky to see if either of them fell out of it. But there was something on the ground where they once stood. A small, rectangular card.

"Anya? Loki?" he questioned.

The tip of the umbrella tapped at the object to be sure it wasn't a trick or trap to capture him too. No reaction. The prince picked up the item to find writing on one side.

177A Bleecker St.

An address? Who wanted to see him? The only individual Thor knew in New York City was Tony Stark, but this didn't lead him to the tower. He found himself in an unfamiliar area. 177A Bleecker St. turned out to be an Old English style building. It was a little out of place from the traditional brick buildings or the modern take on some structures. Especially when it came to the massive whimsical window on the top floors that sat at an angle half facing the city, the other half pointed at the sky.

Thor ascended the steps to the wooden door. Before the prince got to the third knock in the blink of an eye, he no longer found himself outside. The unfamiliar interior had his eyes roam over the dark wood, various doors that lined the hall, and some artifacts that hung on the walls.

"Thor Odinson."

The voice made the god turn. He'd been brought to an area of the building that had a clear view of the large window. It sat at the top of a staircase leading to the lower levels. And in the natural lighting the Asgardian found the silhouette of a man hovering at the top of the stairs. He drifted closer to the prince's position. The Asgardian held the umbrella in front of him in a defensive manner in case the stranger was hostile. The stranger's wardrobe consisted of a dark blue robe, black boots, a brown leather belt, and a red cape with a high collar. Thor's eyes flicked to a golden pendant hanging from a leather string. A dull green glow came from inside the intricate design. Something about it piqued his interest.

"God of Thunder. You can put down the umbrella."

The noise of a shift made Thor notice an umbrella stand at his side. An odd place for it to be in the middle of a room. He slipped Mjolnir into place and another shift occurred. Thor stumbled a bit into an artifacts room. Once again, the movement couldn't be explained. The stranger had joined the prince, having changed position. Many relics in the room were unrecognizable yet the Asgardian could tell just how old and sacred some were. Thor couldn't help but pluck a piece of one off a display near him to observe it.

"So, Earth has, uh, wizards now?" Thor motioned in the man's direction.

Being from Asgard and around his brother long enough the magic in this household was strong. He went to slide the object back into place, and accidentally clinked it against another. The action knocked it off. His hands scrambled to catch the artifact and right it.

"The preferred term is 'Master of the Mystic Arts,'" the man said.

The fiddling on Thor's part caused more pieces to detach.

"You can leave that now."

The prince set the one still in hand on the table a bit awkwardly.

"All right, wizard," Thor said. "Who are you? Why should I care?"

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, and I have some questions for you. Take a seat."

A comfy chair found its way under the god. This time they came to a study. Stephen sat opposite him.


A weight formed in Thor's hand. A mug of hot tea had appeared out of thin air.

"I don't drink tea," the prince stated.

"What do you drink?"

Thor chuckled, "Not tea."

The weight became heavier. A pint glass full of beer took the place of the tea. Pleased with the choice, Thor began to gup down the beverage.

"So, I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother, Loki, is one of those beings."

"He's a worthy inclusion," the Asgardian answered. The empty glass refilled in his grasp almost instantly.

Stephen leaned forward in his seat. "Then why bring him here?"

"We're looking for my father."

"So, if I were to tell you where Odin was all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard?"


"Great!" his hands clapped together. "Then let me help you."

The prince nodded in approval. However, that didn't answer why someone very important to him had been taken too.

"But what of Anya? Is she on that list of yours?"

"Yes, she is. Miss. Fredrickson is a rather dangerous individual as well with what's harboring inside of her."

Thor's eyes narrowed. "How do you know of that?"

How did this stranger know of such a closely guarded secret when neither of them had met before?

Stephen tapped a finger against the golden pendant that hung from his neck. "We have something in common," he mentioned.

Based on the 'wizard's' expression, questions in regards to what resided inside were off limits at this time.

"She has the situation under control," Thor reassured. "Besides, she's been back on Midgard for well over a year now with no incident."

"In a secluded location. I did not become a watcher of this realm until after the events that unfolded in Sokovia. This is the first time since Ultron that she's been in a populated area in my jurisdiction. Missions from S.H.I.E.L.D. aside. And Anya has indeed grown stronger since then."

"She is not a danger to herself and others. We've made sure of that."

"Good. I had to be certain. An Infinity Stone is not something to be taken lightly. No matter how much of it is being utilized. I feel more confident now after our conversation in her walking about freely."

Good. Anya had worked hard to partner with the Aether. It hadn't been easy in the slightest. Now in regards to Odin, why did this mystic allow his father to remain on Midgard for so long in a home for the elderly when his place was on the throne of Asgard?

"If you knew where my father was, why didn't you call me?" he questioned.

"I have to tell you, he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said he had chosen to remain in exile. And you don't have a phone."

"No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an electronic letter. It's called an email."

"Yeah, do you have a computer?"

"No. What for?"

Stephen gave him a look.

"You could have contacted Anya if you were indeed watching her movements," Thor said. "When I'm on Midgard, I'm always with her. Anyway, my father is no longer in exile. So if you could tell me where he is, I can take him home."

"Gladly, he's in Norway."

Norway? How long had the king been in the same country where Anya and him resided? Stephen stood from the chair and the room changed instantly. They were now in a library, the wizard flipping through a book as the beer sloshed over the edge of the stein from their abrupt movement. Thor was no longer sitting, nearly tossed out of the seat that disappeared.

"I'm just seeing whether this incantation requires any Asgardian modifications," Stephen said.

Thor wobbled and gripped at a bookcase shelf for support to steady himself. The glare that he shot towards the mortal went ignored.


The book was snapped closed and they transported to another room. Thor began to feel incredibly dizzier.

"Oh, we don't need that."

The Asgardian had taken the bookcase with them due to contact. It disappeared on the spot to return to its rightful place. Thor pitched forward a bit, which made more of the beer spill. He set the mug on a table and shook off the wet liquid from the hand.

"Will you stop doing that?" Thor questioned in an irritated.

"I need just one strand of your hair," Stephen said.

"Let me explain something, my hair is not to be meddled with."

A strand of hair was ripped from its place, making the Asgardian wince. One moment, the wizard was in front of him and the next he appeared behind the prince to collect what was needed. Stephen held the golden strand between the fingers. It sparked orange in color before their location changed once more. This time, it wasn't a flat surface. Thor rolled down the last few steps into the main foyer. Conveniently, Stephen stood at the bottom of the staircase unaffected. Instead, he began to make orange shapes and symbols with his hands.

"We could have just walked," Thor grunted.

With a final push of the palms out from the chest, an orange ring expanded into a large doorway that revealed a grassy stretch of land. A gateway to Norway.

"He's waiting for you," Stephen said.

Thor nodded and straightened his jacket. "All right."

"Don't forget your umbrella."

"Oh, yes."

He held out a hand in anticipation. Multiple crashing sounds followed, which didn't seem to bother the Asgardian in the slightest as the wizard gave him a look.

"Sorry," Thor shrugged.

Though he wasn't really sorry at all after Stephen's antics. Finally, Mjolnir disguised as an umbrella snapped into his palm.

"There we go. Now, Anya?"

"Yes, hold out your arms."

The god did as told. Sparks of orange ignited in the space above him to open into a perfect circle. From the abyss the young woman, surrounded by the Aether, floated carefully into the prince's hold. The dark matter retracted now that the host was safe. It hissed in disapproval towards Stephen. The young woman's eyes blinked rapidly to clear her vision, glad to see Thor.

"Are you well?" the Asgardian asked.

"A bit disoriented," Anya answered. "Where was I?"

"In a temporary void," Stephen answered.

Her attention turned on the man sporting salt-pepper hair.

"My apologies. You are host to something rather unpredictable. I had to be certain you weren't a danger to such a populated area."

"I won't hold that against you," she said.

The Aether made a noise in her ear, eyes darting to the pendant around his neck. Her eyes widened a bit in surprise.


A hand raised to his lips. "Maybe another time," he offered.

Anya nodded in understanding.

"I suppose I'll need my brother back too," Thor interjected.

"Oh, yeah. Right."

This time, the man's hand made a circular motion. The same ring appeared off to the side and expanded a lot quicker. Loki dropped through, screaming. He hit the floor and gave off an oof.

"I have been falling for thirty minutes!" Loki shouted.

"You can handle him from here," Stephen grinned.

The God of Mischief stood with a grunt, trying to regain his surroundings. That dark hole had been never ending.

"Yes, of course," Thor said. "Thank you very much for your help."

"Good luck."

"Handle me?" Loki spat. "Who are you?" With the flick of his wrists, daggers appeared in his hands.

"Loki..." the prince warned.

"You think you're some kind of sorcerer?" The dark-haired god charged. "Don't think for one minute, you second-rate–"

"Goodbye," Stephen spoke.

The wave of a hand had the open portal to Norway rush towards the three individuals to swallow them up. Thor and Anya would have laughed from the way Loki fell face first into the grass. But now wasn't the time from the fact they weren't alone. In the distance, near a ridge that overlooked a remarkable ocean landscape, stood the ruler of Asgard. He didn't wear his royal robes or a crown. Odin's appearance took that of a mortal man.

Thor carefully set the young woman on her feet. His hesitance to approach his father stemmed from the fact that he didn't want leave her if she still felt unsteady on her feet. The agent smiled up at him in reassurance.

"Go," she spoke lowly.

The prince squeezed her hand tightly before letting go to walk across the field. A noise behind the human proved that Loki got to his feet to silently follow after his brother. Anya stayed back to not crowd the family.

"Father?" Thor spoke up.

"Look at this place," Odin said. He didn't look back to continue to take in the scenery. "It's beautiful."

Loki came to stand on the king's right a bit on edge. This exile had been his fault. What punishment awaited him this time?

"Father, it's us."

"My sons. I've been waiting for you."

"I know. We've come to take you home."

"Home, yes." He didn't appear to be in a rush to leave. "Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?"

The God of Thunder glared over the ruler's head. "Loki, lift your magic."

But his brother shook his head to say that this wasn't his doing.

Odin chuckled. "Took me quite a while to break free from your spell." The king faced his son without an ounce of anger or judgement. "Frigga would have been proud."

Loki's eyes became glassy from the rare compliment.

"Come and sit with me. I don't have much time."

The king turned to lead his sons to a rock protruding from the grassy plain. His sights set on the mortal in the process.

"Ah, good," a smile touched his lips. "I see you have brought Anya. Come forward, my dear."

The agent was a bit surprised from the invite. An encouraging nod from Thor had her move closer, while the Asgardian took a seat.

"I'm happy we found you," her head bowed in greeting.

"There is no need for formalities. We are not on Asgard." He took the mortal's hand in his. "I must admit that I have not been fair to you. I have not hidden my disapproval towards your involvement in Asgard and your relationship with my son. You are a mortal; he is a god. The two of you are of two realms. I did not see this as a successful union. I am not stubborn to admit now that I was very wrong to doubt you."

Anya had to prevent herself from pinching an arm. This must be a dream to receive Odin's acceptance.

"You are kind, brave, fearless, and selfless. All attributes that would make a great ruler alongside my son."

Thor beamed beside the young woman from his father's words.

"You are kind, brave, fearless, and selfless. All attributes that would make a great ruler alongside my son."

Thor beamed beside the young woman from his father's words.

"You have not only faced the dangers presented on Midgard, but have also met enemy forces within the Nine Realms no matter the risk. For that you have my respect. The sacrifices you made on the Dark World and at the Convergence have not gone unnoticed. Nor those that you continue to make even now."

The mortal's brows pinched.

"I know what still harbors inside of you. I had begun to suspect Thor and you were keeping a secret from me before you returned to Midgard. When I broke free of Loki's spell, I kept an eye on your movements. And I was right to do so. You're still the host to part of the Aether."

"I am..." Anya answered hesitantly.

"May I see it?"

The dark matter took a bit of coaxing on the young woman's part to convince it to come to the surface. The king wouldn't do anything to harm it or her in anyway. Its color entered the agent's eyes, the matter coiling down the arm to circle their clasped hands.

"Remarkable. I've never seen the Aether so tame."

"It can still lash out if I ask. Or if I'm in danger."

"A true bond no one has ever accomplished before. I do not blame you for the lies. The two of you did it with the best intentions. My history with the Aether is not a pleasant one. But I understand now that in the right hands and guidance it can be used for good. You will not allow it to pull you into the darkness. It is probably for the best that the Aether does not ever become whole again. With this part missing it can never reach to full power when the Convergence comes to pass once more. Even if harboring this Infinity Stone is a hard burden to bear."

"I really don't deserve this praise," Anya said.

"Yes, you do. Which is why I leave you with this."

The young woman watched as the king reach for the golden chain around his neck, pulling it from the inside of his shirt. At the end hung an elongated golden prism that nearly reached as long as her pinky. Anya didn't expect to see the ruler wearing such delicate jewelry, removing it from its place and beckoned her to bend down. Hesitantly, the young woman lowered for it to go over her head to rest around the neck. It felt a little heavy against her chest.

"Please accept this as my apology. It once belonged to Frigga. The Spear of Nidavellir's oldest and brightest star, Vega. This is Sudrstjarna."

Her eyes widened in shock.

"A very fine weapon that will serve you well. It is yours to watch over now."

"I-I can't accept this," she whispered. She wasn't royalty or one of Odin's kin. This had to be left to Thor or even Loki for that matter, having lived in Frigga's household. Trained under her.

"I insist." The king gave a kind smile. "You're stronger than I could have ever imagined. Keep the Aether close to you and do not speak of this secret so freely. For you may bring more trouble to yourself than wished."

"I'll guard both with my life."

"I know you will."

Anya stepped back to examine Odin's gift. While it looked small in nature, she knew that was just a guise. Like how Mjolnir could take on another appearance to blend in.

"Father," Thor spoke up. The prince took a seat beside their father. "I know that we failed you. But we can make this right."

"I failed you," Odin said. "It is upon us. Ragnarok."

"No, I stopped Ragnarok," the god reassured. "I put an end to Surtur."

The king shook his head. "No. It has already begun. She's coming. My life was all that held her back. But my time has come." The brothers exchanged a look of confusion. Neither of them knew what he meant. "I cannot keep her away any longer."

"Father, who are you talking about?"

"Goddess of Death. Hela. My firstborn. Your sister."

All of them were speechless from this new information. "Your what?"

Even Loki wasn't aware of this secret. All their lives Thor had been the firstborn. The rightful heir to the throne.

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless."

Dread formed in the pit of Anya's stomach.

"Whatever she is, we can stop her, together," Thor tried to remain hopeful. Together, they'd vanquish another enemy like so many before.

"No, we won't. I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone." No, this wasn't right. He couldn't leave now. "I love you, my sons."

Loki looked a bit taken back from the way Odin acknowledged him. For a brief moment, the agent's heart went out to him. He had finally received the acceptance he wanted all along.

"Look at that," Odin said. The ruler pointed out at the horizon. "Anya. Please tell me why you chose a plot of land in Norway to call your own?"

"Because it felt right," the young woman answered. "It felt like I belonged there. It felt like home."

"Hmm," he hummed. "I couldn't agree more. Remember this place, my sons. Home."

Without any warning, without another word, the King of Asgard faded away into a flurry of glowing particles. They drifted out over the water and into the sky. To be with Frigga in the cosmos. The Asgardians stood to watch their father leave them. The sadness Thor felt weighed heavily on him. First their mother and now...

Loki. If he hadn't meddled. If he would have just left things alone. If he had not resorted to his tricks and illusions this wouldn't have happened. Odin would still be with them. The sorrow turned to anger towards the God of Mischief. Thunder echoed in the distance, dark clouds rolling into the area out of nowhere. The wind began to howl. Immediately, Anya and Loki looked to the prince worried for different reasons.

"Brother," Loki spoke in warning.

He feared Thor's wrath from the way electricity sparked in the Asgardian's palms. Despite Mjolnir not in its true form. His breathing grew heavy to try and hold in his anger, glaring at his brother.

"This was your doing," he stated.

Anya took a step forward to try a prevent a fight from breaking out.

"Don't," Thor warned her. "I do not want to injure you by accident."

Something caught the agent's attention out of the corner of her eye. It started off small, a black bubble that seemed to grow and multiply as the seconds ticked by.

"I think we have bigger problems to worry about first before the two of you go at it," Anya voiced.

Their heads turned to see what the young woman spoke of. A hole seemed to form in the center of this bubbling substance, producing a green glow from the center. Whisps at the edges crawled out and finally stilled. To take on the form of an oddly constructed doorway. The brothers shared a look. Anya was right. What happened to Odin had to be put on hold for the time being. Thor slammed down the tip of the umbrella against the ground, outer human clothing turning to that of his Asgardian armor. In turn, Loki produced two short swords, rings of green wrapping around him to will away the black tailored suit. Not knowing exactly how to handle the newly acquired weapon from the former king that hung around the neck, Anya's hand settled on a hidden handgun, the color of the Aether coming to the pupils.

From the darkness a woman emerged. She looked a bit worse for wear. Her black and green armor had been torn and dirtied, as if having just been in a battle. Skin deathly pale, it made the long black hair and dark makeup around the eyes stand out all the more. Her wicked smile made Anya uneasy.

"So he's gone," the female spoke. The hole closed up, disappearing from sight. "That's a shame." The lack of remorse in her voice didn't sit well. "I would've like to have seen that."

"You must be Hela. I am Thor, son of Odin."

"Really? You don't look like him."

"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement," Loki offered.

Her eyes immediately honed in on the trickster. "You sound like him." A smirk spread across her lips. "Kneel."

"Beg your pardon?"

An arm rolled out to produce a long black sword into her grasp. "Kneel. Before your queen."

"I don't think so," Thor stated.

He threw Mjolnir with all his might to knock back his sister. She didn't finch like so many would. The Asgardian merely caught the flat face in her palm, effortlessly holding it back. The corner of her lips turned further up. In a mocking manner. As if asking if this was the best he could do. None of them knew what to say by the display.

"It's not possible."

"Darling, you have no idea what's possible," Hela said.

Her grip tightened on the weapon. Cracks broke across the surface and scattered about instantly. Mjolnir trembled in her grasp and exploded in a burst of lightning. The kickback knocked Anya to the ground. Thor and Loki threw up their arms to protect themselves from the intense gust and bright light. What remained of Mjolnir sat in pieces strewn across the grass. It left its wieldier stunned, Anya horrified, Loki a bit fearful. Hela raked the fingers through the hair. It transformed into a helmet with multiple black antlers. A black sword appeared in each palm once more with a simple motion and she stalked forward in a confident manner towards her brothers. The action of destroying Mjolnir and her movements scared Loki enough to not care about the dangers that could follow and shouted at the sky,

"Bring us back!"

"No!" Thor exclaimed.

He charged towards the Goddess of Death to hold her off alone. Unfortunately, the prince didn't move fast enough. Anya, Loki, and Thor became swallowed up by the multi-colored rays of the Bifrost. In the return trip they tried to collect themselves. The God of Mischief had opened the door for Hela to return to Asgard. There was limited time to formulate a plan when Thor, at the front of the group, glanced down.


Their heads whipped around to follow his line of sight. Hela had rushed into the Bifrost before it managed to close. And the human was the closest to their enemy. The agent ripped the other hand gun out of the holster to take aim at the god. The other having fallen from her grasp upon hitting the ground. Three shots fired to hit their mark. A quick slice of a sword cut through every one of them. Hela reached out to grip the mortal's ankle, who in turn tried to rip away. The goddess seemed to be a bit stunned from the contact.

"You're mortal," she stated.

The Aether reared up. It screeched in an inhuman manner, shocking the enemy even further. She didn't have time to examine this odd anomaly. Not with the way the dark matter rushed her to attack. Hela tossed the agent towards the wall of color, the force shattering it under her back.

"No!" Thor shouted. He lost sight of the young woman instantly.

Hela gained ground on Loki next. The god threw a pair of daggers in her direction to try and throw her off. She threw them right back. His defensive reaction knocked him into the wall of the Bifrost from the force behind the redirect and he too went flying out. Hela's malicious grin proved that she'd be victor. That did not mean Thor gave up without a fight. The sister hovered in front of his position. He threw out a round of punches to fight off the goddess to beat her back. The prince couldn't allow her to step foot on Asgard–

A hand gripped at Thor's jaw. A pressure made it difficult to breathe. Any harder and she'd break his neck. Hela slammed him back first against the Bifrost to drag him through it. The colors splintered and cracked like crystalize particles. A boot landed in her gut to force the two to separate. In retaliation her sword arched out to cut him down. To avoid the attack, it forced Thor to fall out of the Bifrost into the abyss that lied beyond.

Volstagg gripped the handle of Hofund to keep the Bifrost activate between them and Midgard. The panic in Loki's voice from the device didn't sit well with the warrior when he came to the dais. Finally, he saw a figure come through the bright light alone. A quick twist of the sword cut off the Bifrost, but who emerged didn't look familiar.

"Who are you?" Volstagg questioned. Fandral turned from his overseeing of Skurge's clean up. "What have you done with Thor and Anya?"

A sword escaped an open palm to run Volstagg through the gut without warning. The large warrior slumped to the platform, unable to defend himself. The shock of attack had the blonde warrior rush forward with his rapier unsheathed. Hela, unconcerned, threw a necrosword into the Asgardian's chest. Instantly, Fandral dropped to the ground as well.

The goddess's eyes landed on the only soul still standing in the golden room. Skurge remained rooted in place out of fear.

"I'm Hela."

The fact that two of the Warrior's Three were still twitching two more necroswords landed in the sides of them, effectively killing Asgardian warriors. The gatekeeper kneeled before her to prove he meant no harm.

"I'm just a janitor," he said.

The answer amused her. And the fact that he didn't fight back like the other two unfortunate souls.

"You look like a smart boy with good survival instincts. How would you like a job?"

"What did you have in mind?"

Without a word, Hela matched from the room towards the Rainbow Bridge. Skurge followed like a loyal servant to not incur her wrath. The mere sight of Asgard had her take a deep breath in. In the few minutes she had arrived in this realm already her powers had begun to return. The biggest change so far was the sight of her armor that had mended in areas already.

"Ah, it's so good to be home."

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In an alternate universe, where there are no Avengers and secret organisations hide the existence of the supernatural from the rest of humanity, a se...
219K 6.4K 43
Loki x Reader You live with the avengers. One day Thor will take you all to the Asgard. There you'll meet someone who changes your life. But soon aft...
355K 11.2K 16
Having lost her sight during the New York attack, a young girl deals with living in a big city. Returning home one evening, she bumps into a stranger...