The Heir

By jlf7899

101K 3.7K 899

✨Book 4 in the DiSilva Series✨ Isabelle DiSilva, the very definition of a mafia princess. An absolute perfect... More

Character Aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 - Ryan's POV
Epilogue - 5 Years Later

Chapter 3

2.2K 76 16
By jlf7899

The first day of class is always exciting. On move in day, each student can find their class schedule on their school issued desk. We compare schedules immediately, figuring out who is sharing classes with who. Gossiping about teachers and trying to guess what the new ones are going to be like.

Classes are divided by academic achievement. Ryan, Hannah and Lina tend to have classes together while Akio, Noah and I get thrown into advanced placement courses. This year is no different. Well, except for the fact that Ryan somehow tested into our English class.

First period: Advanced Calculus II

Lockers line the walls of the academic buildings. Each student can find all of their books for the semester inside. Due to the nature of our first class, Akio, Noah and I decided to go early. Attempting to avoid the crowded halls and overwhelmed freshmen.

The boys' lockers are right beside each other and they quickly pull out the necessary books. Mine is down the hall a bit and I quickly put in the combination.

Noah leans his forearm against the locker next to mine, looming over me with a height only a Scandic person could achieve. Akio grabs the door of my locker and looks at the photos taped inside, left over from last year.

"What the fuck are you doing?" the only voice I didn't want to hear this morning snides.

I roll my eyes, not even bothering to look at him, "go to class, Enzo."

"You're not allowed to hang out with guys alone," he insists. "You know this."

"It's not like we're having an orgy," Noah laughs.

"Now, that's an idea," Akio adds. I shake my head.

"C'mon, Elle," Enzo grunts.

Enzo grabs my bicep and utter instinct takes over. I reel my arm back, elbowing him in the ribs. He lets out a grunt but releases me nonetheless.

"Don't grab me, Enzo," I warn him.

I slam my locker shut, rolling my eyes, and move to push past my brother. I shove his shoulder to get him out of my way but he grabs my wrist. Hard.

I lock eyes with him and quirk a brow. No fucking way.

In one smooth move, he swipes my feet out from under me. I grab onto his arm as I fall, taking him down with me. We both hit the hardwood with a thud but I'm quicker to recover.

"Oh my God!" Akio exclaims.

"Elle!" Noah adds, "are you okay?"

I ignore my friends, at least for the moment. For some reason it seems like my brother really wants to fight me today. While I don't typically engage in physical violence, he's perhaps one of the only people who could put up a fair fight against me. I need to knock him down a peg.

I push myself up and press my knee into his chest. Enzo coughs and his brows furrow in seemingly rage. As I reach into my shoe for my knife, he grabs my shoulders and tosses me over his head. I land flat on my back, the wind temporarily knocked out of me.

People are starting to gather. Whispers and even some cheering comes from the growing crowd.  It must be a sight to behold. The perfect princess of the academy fist fighting her little brother in the hallway. And not just street fighting.

Realization hits me hard. Fighting like this is going to blow our cover. Normal people aren't trained the way my siblings and I are. Normal people don't fight like this. Fuck.

Enzo grabs my one arm and twists it behind my back. I reach down and pull out my knife. I swing blindly at him until he hisses through his teeth and releases me.

I jump to my feet, blade in hand, and stare down my brother. I need to end this fight and I need to end it quickly.

The sleeve of his uniform shirt is sliced, crimson seeping out to stain the fabric. He lunges towards me, fist poised to strike, but I kick him in the gut before he has the chance.

He staggers backwards, breathing heavy. I look down at him for a beat before turning to walk away. But apparently he isn't ready to give up quite yet.

He grabs my arm again, spinning me back around to face him. He throws a punch, wild and angry, that I quickly block. We go back and forth, throwing punches and blocking them.

He drops his arms, shaking out his wrists, and I take my opportunity with this temporary opening. I land a punch square in the jaw sending him to the floor. He scrambles to get back to his feet, one hand on the already growing bruise on his jaw.

Before he can get any further than his knees, I press my knife against Enzo's neck and look down at him. He meets my gaze, still holding his jaw, and his nostrils flare.

"Are we done?" I ask, tilting my head. "We both have class to get to."

His lip curls in a snarl, "lo finiremo più tardi."
(We'll finish this later)

"It's already finished," I snark back. "non osare combattere di nuovo con me in pubblico."
(Don't you dare fight me in public again)

"Sei un imbarazzo," he calls after me.
(You're an embarrassment.)

"Vaffanculo," I scoff.
(Fuck off)

"Se continui a comportarti come una sgualdrina, papà ti rinnegherà!" he shouts.
(If you keep acting like a slut, Dad is going to disown you.)

"At least I'm not a pussy," I call over my shoulder.


Noah and Akio walk hand in hand in front of me into fourth period. Last one until lunchtime. Contemporary literature taught by my all time favorite teacher; Ms. Hess.

She's on the younger side when compared to the other teachers, probably in her mid thirties. She has curly red hair that I was convinced was dyed for the longest time. She's short, a couple inches smaller than me, and always wears horned glasses.

"We should hit the town this weekend," Noah looks at me over his shoulder. "Start off the semester with a bang."

"Sounds good," I grin back. Dio, I've missed getting into mischief with my friends.

I take my seat in the back corner of the classroom closest to the windows. Akio and Noah move to round the row of desks but before they can reach my desk again, someone else drops into the seat beside me. I glance briefly before shaking my head and pulling out my notebook.

"Crazy huh?" Duke says, forearms on his desk. "To think I'd have class with the princess."

"Shut up," I roll my eyes.

"Beat it, Duke," Noah kicks one of the chair legs.

"Mind your business, silver tip," Duke scoffs. My brows lift at the slur.

Noah laughs, shakes his head, and sits in the desk in front of Duke's. He winks at me once he's settled and I bite back a smile. Noah's not the kind of guy to get into fist fights. You'll never see him rolling in the dirt to get some hits in. But I know that he's planning his revenge already. I can't wait.

"You should let me take you out this weekend," Duke continues, the stupid smirk he always wears ever present.

"I have plans," I half lie. I mess with my pens and books in an attempt to make myself look busy.

"C'mon," he reaches across the aisle to put his hand on the back of my chair. "There's this crazy concert happening back in my hometown. I'll fly you there, first class."

I roll my eyes again before looking at him with a blank face, "I own my own jet."

"Well-" he struggles to compose himself.

"Don't bother," Ryan's voice comes behind me. "And get the fuck out of my chair."

"Oh fuck off, po'," Duke snarks back.

My gaze snaps to Ryan. His hands are curled into fists and his tie is already loosened. The flare of his nostrils lets me know that his first few periods did not go well. Shit, he might jump Duke right here in the classroom.

Ryan grabs the back of Duke's collared shirt and yanks him out of the seat. Duke hits the floor with a thud and Ryan simply takes his seat like nothing happened. I look at him in amusement and he flashes a look of confusion.


"Nothing," I shake my head, looking away.

"I don't want to hear it," he warns.

I sit a bit straighter in my seat as our teacher walks in, "we'll talk at lunch."

Ms. Hess starts writing on the board and the sound of rustling paper fills the room. Ryan extends his hand towards me over the aisle. I shake my head but pass him a pen anyway.

"You should try a harsher approach," Ryan whispers. "It might be time for the long game."

"I know," I whisper back. I've been coming up with a plan since he cornered me at my room a few days ago.

"I can't believe he actually still thinks he has a chance," Akio turns around to mutter.

"You need to kill his ego," Noah adds under his breath.

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