The Heir

By jlf7899

86.8K 3.2K 748

✨Book 4 in the DiSilva Series✨ Isabelle DiSilva, the very definition of a mafia princess. An absolute perfect... More

Character Aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Ryan's POV
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 - Ryan's POV
Epilogue - 5 Years Later

Chapter 2

2.5K 76 4
By jlf7899

Between unpacking, hanging up posters, comparing schedules, and eating dinner, the evening goes by fast. Hannah and I each exchange our uniforms for some more fitting outfits; her in a denim skirt and low cut shirt and me in a tight fitting dress. The bell for curfew rang almost an hour ago and, as a prefect, I made sure each and every one of the freshmen were tucked into bed.

The greenhouse is only in use during the winter months. When it's warm out, it's just used for storage. It sits nearly half a mile from any of the other buildings on campus making it the best place to host parties.

Hannah and I walk through the doors at precisely 11:15, smiling. The space is filled with all of our classmates and even a few people from other grades. There's music playing and someone set up colored fairy lights. A keg and some half drank bottles of liquor sit in the back of the space and people dance in the center.

We go right to the back of the room. On the couch sits the rest of our little friend group. Ryan sits beside Akio Sato. Our very own artist that comes from Japan. Akio's parents are diplomats. He speaks eight languages and is responsible for most of the new murals at the school.

Next to Akio is Lina Meyer. Her family owns the German tech company Siemens. She's an all star track runner and can out drink every single one of us.

Last but not least is Prince Noah Erikson from Sweden. He's not the oldest child meaning he'll never take the throne and he utilizes this. He's a known troublemaker and is more than willing to take the fall when shit goes wrong.

"Hannah! Elle!" Lina shrieks, scrambling to her feet. She hugs both of us, leaning her body weight into it. Jeez, how much has she had to drink?

Lina and Hannah begin to fawn over one another. Giggling about summer flings and complimenting every inch of each other. I take the opportunity to sit on the arm of the couch beside Ryan. He holds out his cup and I gratefully take it.

"Nice haircut," I say to Akio, ruffling his newly shortened hair.

"Parents made me," he ducks out of my reach. "Speaking of which, how's your dad?"

"Shut up," I roll my eyes. He laughs at that.

I finish the drink in my hand and toss the empty cup to the floor. I take Akio's hand with a sinister grin. He narrows his eyes at me but stands nonetheless.

I lead him to the dance floor before releasing him. We dance together to the thudding bass. Swaying our hips and laughing. Hannah and Lina rush over to join us. We scream the lyrics of each song with minimal embarrassment. Noah and Ryan finally give in and approach with enough drinks for all of us.

I love nights like these. When I get to just be with my friends having fun. No worries about homework or rehearsal. Just the six of us dancing and laughing and drinking. I've been waiting the whole summer for a night like this.

"Who wants to blow this bitch and have some real fun?" Noah asks, shouting over the music.

"Like what?" Ryan shouts back.

Noah produces a silver lighter from his pocket. He flicks it open and the flame rises. He tilts his head, still grinning.

"I am not committing arson on our first night back!" Hannah exclaims in horror.

"I'm out," Lina agrees.

"Well?" Noah flicks the lighter closed, snuffing out the flame. I shrug; I'm game.

"Let's go," Akio nods towards the doors. I wave to the girls as I leave. They give disapproving looks but I ignore them. I have to narrow my eyes just to keep Noah in my sights as we venture into the night.

We weave between the trees on the edge of campus until we get to a small clearing. A fire pit has been arranged in the center of the grassy space and I plop down on the soft grass. The drink in my hand sloshes, spilling down my arm.

Noah arranges branches together before lighting them. It takes a minute but soon a roaring fire sits in front of us. Akio sits beside me and Ryan takes my other side.

"Did you know that Montrose is haunted?" Noah asks, finally sitting down.

"Sure," I scoff before taking a drink.

"I'm serious," he insists. "Back when the school was first built a couple of students were killed right here in these woods. They had all of their blood sucked right out."

A chill races down my spine and I shift a little closer to Ryan. Akio smacks his boyfriend's arm.

"Why are you telling lies?" he asks him.

"The killer was never caught," Noah continues as if Akio had never spoken. "Some think it was a vampire. Those things live forever, you know?"

"Shut up, man," Ryan says but I can tell by his voice that he's actually starting to get scared.

"Maybe it has a nest out here," Noah drops his voice to a whisper. "And it sits and waits for other students to make the same mistake. Lurking in the bushes watching and waiting."

Leaves rustle and I jump. A shadow lurks its way closer and closer from the tree line. Ryan sees it too and wraps a protective arm around me. My hand twitches for the knife tucked into my shoe and I watch the shadowed form with bated breath.

"There you are!" Enzo exclaims, coming into full view. "I was looking all over for you."

"Jesus Christ, Enzo," Ryan breathes out, clutching his chest. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Oh, hey Ryan," he offers a small wave.

"Why are you out here?" I ask him. "It's after curfew. You could get in trouble."

"You're out," my fifteen year old brother snarks, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'm older," I counter him.

"Tough shit," he shrugs.

"Isabelle," Noah sing songs, "did you get a boyfriend and forget to tell us?"

I gag before saying, "no, this is my brother. Enzo, this is Noah and Akio. Noah and Akio, this is Enzo."

"Oh shit," Noah rises to his feet. He brushes off his jeans as he strides closer. He looks at my brother's face critically before turning to look at me.

"We don't look alike, I know," I wave my hand to bat him away.

"What's your deal, little Ricci?" Akio asks. "Here to crash the party?"

Did I forget to mention that? To keep everything lowkey, my parents enrolled both my brother and I under our mom's maiden name. Another attempt at protecting us from what they do.

"No," Enzo frowns deeply. He points an accusatory finger at me, "you're not supposed to hang out with boys by yourself."

"I'm not by myself," I reply before taking a drink. "Ryan's here. Besides, it's really none of your business what I do."

"I'll tell Dad," Enzo threatens.

I quirk a brow, "I'll tell Mom you snuck out your first night."

"You wouldn't," he gasps.

"Oh, but I would," I say, turning back to the fire.

"La mamma ha detto che dovresti aiutarmi," he huffs.
(Mom said you're supposed to help me)

"Non hai bisogno del mio aiuto," I scoff, adding, "coricare."
(You don't need my help. Go to bed.)

"Isabelle," he hisses. I turn around and my face drops. My fearless little brother actually looks scared right now. Whether it's the woods or the school as a whole I'm not sure. But he hasn't looked this afraid since we were little.

"Alright," I sigh and stand. "Let's go."

"Ah, c'mon," Akio groans.

"Already?" Noah asks, tossing his hands up.

"Enzo," Ryan calls. "Fatemi sapere se qualcuno vi dà problemi."
(Let me know if anyone gives you any issues)

"Grazie," Enzo offers a small smile.

I grab my brother by the back of the neck and push him forward. We walk in silence towards the large illuminated buildings. The only sound being the snap of branches under our feet. Enzo moves for the front door but I stop him.

"What are you doing?" he asks harshly.

"If you go in the front they'll know you snuck out," I remind him, "just follow me."

I go around to the back of the building. There's a small door that's used by the landscapers whose lock has been broken for years. I shimmy the door open and slide inside.

We sneak through the halls up to the freshman floor. Students hang out in the common room laughing and playing music. I'm not sure which room is Enzo's so I let him lead the way.

His side of the room is everything I'd expect from him. Posters of girls in tiny bikinis next to old shooting targets on the walls. His suitcases still have not been unpacked nor has his clothes been folded. I hop up onto his bed, lofted for storage, and swing my legs.

His roommate's setup is also pretty normal for a teenage boy. Sports teams logos are proudly displayed on nearly all of his belongings.

"You like your roommate?" I ask passively. Enzo paces back and forth the length of his room. From the door to the windows and back. I simply watch him.

"He's fine," Enzo says dismissively.

"Then what's wrong?" I ask confusedly.

"How do you do it?" he stops his pacing to look at me. "How do you keep all of the lies straight? How do you lie to everyone? I've already slipped a dozen times just because of my name."

"C'mere," I pat the bed next to me.

He frowns but does as I asked. The mattress bounces slightly when he jumps up. I hold out my hand and he takes it.

"You need to remember that the lies are the only thing keeping us safe," I tell him softly. "Don't get too creative or over the top. Get as close to the truth as possible. Just stick to believable basics."

"Like what?" he scoffs.

"Like, what would you say if someone asks what Dad does for work?" I ask him.

"He makes a lot of money because he works with guns and shit," he replies.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "no. Dear God, please tell me you didn't say that to anyone."

"Fuck you," Enzo sneers.

"Dad is an American businessman. He does import and export. That's all," I tell him the unofficial line we all use.

"I'm not going to respond when the teachers call me Ricci," he insists, "I'm going to get in so much trouble."

"They don't call us by our last names unless we're in trouble so just don't get into trouble," I shrug. "You have a unique first name, just pay attention to that during attendance."

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to laugh?" my brother sheepishly asks.

"Of course," I squeeze his hand for reassurance.

"I want to go home," he whispers.

I smile sadly; I remember my first night. Given I was a few years younger than Enzo, I didn't want to be here either. I was hell bent on finding a way home but instead I made amazing friends.

"It'll be okay," I smile softly. "You'll make friends and find where you belong. You should join the equestrian team with me."

"I'll look gay," he groans.

"Hey," I smack his arm, "there's nothing wrong with being gay."

"Didn't say there was," he mutters, "but I'm not."

I roll my eyes, "just trust me. Once you make a few friends, you'll stop being scared."

"I'm not like you, Elle," he shakes his head. "People don't drop to their knees when I walk past. They don't listen to me like I'm a fucking God. Making friends isn't as easy as you think."

"Just because we're different doesn't mean you won't make friends," I tell him. "Classes haven't even started yet. Give it a week at least before you call it quits. For me."

"Fine," he huffs. "One week and I'm calling Mom."

"I'm going to go to bed," I tell him, jumping down. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he sighs, "grazie sorella maggiore."
(Thanks, big sis)

"Anytime," I smile.

I leave his room and head towards the eleventh year floor. I smile and say hi to the people who talk to me in the hallways.

Enzo's right. The way I'm treated, especially here, is not a normal thing. People really do cling to every word I say. They openly stare and compliment me hourly.

And he's right that he's not like me. He doesn't know how to captivate an audience. He doesn't know how to compartmentalize to make things easier. He might actually have a tough time here if I don't keep an eye on him.

Too caught up in my thoughts, I walk right into someone. I stumble backwards, already mumbling an apology. My gaze lands on thick black boots and I trail my eyes up to the boy's face.

He has dark, messy hair and matching dark eyes. He's tall with broad shoulders. But his face doesn't go with the whole dark and brooding appearance. His features are soft and he looks down at me with genuine concern.

"I'm so sorry," he starts, "are you okay? I was just-"

"You're new," I cut him off, matter of fact.

He seems taken aback by that, "yeah, I am."

I smile and stick my hand out, "Isabelle Ricci. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, uh," he clumsily shakes my hand. "William Montgomery."

"Welcome to Montrose Academy," I chirp before brushing past him.

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