Mixed Signals

By meekylil

534 27 40

We think about each other too often to be just friends or was it always one sided... - Ever since her sophom... More



15 1 0
By meekylil


"Why do I have to do it?" Kevin asked me as I, Keeley, Kayla, and Kat were all in his room surrounding him while he laid in the bed half asleep. It was the morning of prom and everyone was up except for Estella who was still asleep. It was 12:24 in the afternoon. Since she was still asleep me and Keeley planned to prank her.

"Because then she won't be mad at us but mad at you." I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

"No, I'm tired." He groaned as he turned over in his bed, having his back facing us.

"Kevinnnn please do it!!!" I whined to my little brother.

"No," he groaned, "get out of my room and close the door behind you."

"I'll let you hug me and we can take some prom pictures together at balboa park," Kat had then said desperately. 

Kevin sat up quickly with a big smile plastered on his face as he stared widely at Kat. Kevin has had a crush on Kat for awhile now and has been trying to get with her for some time but one, she is taken and two, she said that she sees him as a giant with a baby face and she doesn't really like baby face boys.

"Shoo, let's do it now!" Kevin excitedly announced getting up from out of his bed.

"YES!" I whispered shouted.

"I'm going to go get the shaving cream," Kayla said as she started to go down the stairs to the kitchen.

"I'll go get some feathers from Alexa," Kat said as she went over to Alexa's room.

"Okay, and Keeley, get that camera ready." I said before she took her phone out.

When we got everything all of us including Alexa and Myles in my room were ready to laugh at what was about to happen. The shaving cream was already sprayed on her opened hand and Kevin was over her with the long feather ready to tickle her nose.

"Are you ready to record Keeley?" I asked as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Yes," she snickered with the phone camera aiming at her older cousin.

"Okay, start Kevin." I said with a smirk.

"Okay," he said as he bent down to get closer to her quietly. Putting the feather on top of her nose he began to tickle her nose. She began to move around trying to get away from the tickling.

The room was filled with snickering before she moved her hand with the shaving cream and slapped herself with the hand. The room had then roared with laughter as Estella jumped up from the loud laughter before she noticed the white foamy substance was plastered on her face.

"MORGAN!" She shouted.

"What?" I weakly answered as tears streamed down my face.

"I swear I am going to kill you!" She said as she got up swiftly before running after me. My eyes widened as I ran out of my room going down the stairs quickly. I looked back and noticed how close she was to getting me.

"When I catch you!" Estella gritted out.

"If you catch me," I jokingly said aloud.

Seeing the front door I opened it and noticed Zach getting out of his car.

'What is he doing here?' I thought to myself.

As me and my boyfriend made eye contact he smiled before looking behind me noticing the crazy woman behind trying to kill me.

Running up to him I grabbed him and put him in front of me so he could shield me from my crazy friend.

"Move Zach," She said, trying to grab me but Zach's big body stopped her from doing so.

By then everyone was now outside still laughing and Keeley still holding the camera recording.

"It was not me that did this to you," I argued.

"Then who?" she asked as she tried to push Zach away but he wouldn't budge.

"Kevin," I laughed out.

"Aww shit!" Kevin muttered before Estella turned around to him before charging at him.

"Morgan you better come get your friend!" Kevin yelled before he started running playfully knowing Estella couldn't catch him with his long strides.

"Is that whip cream on her face?" Zach asked confused as he tried to hold himself from laughing.

"Yes," I said, "what are you doing here by the way?"

"I came to take you out for breakfast," He muttered as he watched my brother and Estella running around the neighborhood like maniacs.

"If you all don't bring your behinds in this house now!" My mom shouted before she laid eyes on Zach.

"Good morning Ms. Anderson." He waved.

"Good morning Zach." She said with a big smile.

"Do you want some breakfast?" She asked him.

"Yes ma'am!" He said as he dashed inside the house.

"Well what in the world happened to taking me out to breakfast," I said as I began to walk into the house, before being tackled down.

"What in the hell!" I shouted before groaning in pain.

"Your brother told me everything!" She muttered.

"Estella get off of me!!!" I squealed but no one was around to help me because they all went into the house to eat some breakfast.



After I got washed up and ate breakfast we all started to get ready for prom. Zach had to leave so he could get ready and also because I wanted him to be gone. It's like he can't stay 24 hours away from Morgan. Just last night he had come over and kept Morgan away from us for a good thirty to forty-five minutes.

"When is that woman coming mom?" Morgan asked her mom as we all sat in the living room waiting for the makeup artist Ms. Regina had got for us.

"She'll be here in just a minute," She said as she straightened Alexa's long thick hair with a hot comb and a flat iron. It was really smoky here.

"Well it seems like she's taking her precious time," Morgan impatiently muttered.

"Don't start to aggravate me now Morgan," Ms. Regina said sternly.

Before Morgan could say anything a knock had came from the front door.

"Hopefully it's her," Morgan said, getting up to go and opening up the front door revealing a medium height brown skin woman with dreads holding a big bag of makeup products reminding me of my aunt Annette.

"Gawd you look just like Regina," the woman said to Morgan, "she here?"

"Yes ma'am," Morgan said, opening the door wider to reveal her mom.

"Domonique!" Ms. Regina acknowledged.

"Hey Girl! I'm so glad you wanted me to do your daughters and their friends' makeup for prom!" she said with excitement.

"Yes, I want you to make them look good. Do your magic baby!" Ms. Regina declared with a smile.

"Oh girl I will! Now who wants to go first?" She asked us as she looked around at all of us.

"I wanna go first!" Keeley said, raising her hand up high.

"Come on then girl," Domonique said with a bright smile.

    When Domonique started on Keeley's makeup I sat at the breakfast counter eating a snack while I scrolled all on tiktok. I was bored and didn't want to talk about boys with Morgan, Kat, and Kayla.

Feeling somebody near me I look up and see Morgan. She was softly smiling at me before sitting at the seat next to me. Something was telling me she needed something or wanted to talk to me about something.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"When was the last time you talked to...you know who?" She asked softly.

"Who is 'you know who?' Morgan?" I already knew but I just didn't want to know.

"Sebastian dummy!" She snickered as she softly punched me.

"Hell no! I haven't said anything to him since that night." I stated.

"Well he's been wanting to talk to you." Morgan shared.

"So," I stubbornly responded but deep inside my heart was racing.

"So, go fucking talk to him." she pushed.

"No, I don't want to and if he wanted to talk to me so freaking bad he could have texted, called, or even come up to me." I argued.

"He has been texting and calling you. He literally tried to call you like four days ago when we were at the mall, but you sent him straight to voicemail. Also, he has tried to come up to you but you turn the other way." Morgan argues back.

"Blah blah blah," I said, "I don't know what you're talking about." I then turned away from her because I didn't want to continue with this conversation.

"Would you stop being stubborn for once and just talk to him? It's like you're getting more and more stubborn by the day. Your stubbornness is getting worse!" Morgan whispered shouted at me.

"If I don't want to talk to him, stop making me try and talk to him. You keep pushing me to talk to him and it is starting to piss me off." I said angrily.

Morgan just stared at me with a blank expression before rolling her eyes and getting up from where she was sitting.

"I just want you to be happy for once and not always depressed all the fucking time. Watching you all gloomy makes me sad for you because I hate seeing you like this, but when you're with him you're like the happiest person alive." She snapped.

I avoided eye contact because she was right, but my pride was too high to tell her that to her face.

"So I'm sorry if I wanted my best friend to be happy," she said before walking away.

"Wait Mor-" I began but she was already gone.

Getting up from off of the seat I was sitting in I followed Morgan who went all the way up to her room. Walking in I see she was laid on her bed just laying on her phone. She didn't acknowledge my presence.

"Morgan I'll talk to him okay?" I mumbled as I leaned against the door frame. She then side eyed me before looking back at her phone.

I groaned as I jumped on the bed sitting next to her.

"Morgan! I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I am being too stubborn about the situation. I'll try and talk to him." I say.

"Good thing you acknowledge that you're stubborn." She muttered before sitting up.

"Yeah, and I thank you for worrying about my happiness as well." I commented.

"Yeah, you're welcome. You know he's going to be at prom tonight by himself because he wanted to go with you but then that night happened." Morgan explained.

"He was?" I asked dumbfounded as a smile began to slowly form on my face. Morgan looked at me with a smirk before continuing to talk.

"Yeah, too bad you told him that someone else could have him." Morgan sarcastically said before sighing.

"I feel so bad..." I groaned as I laid back on her bed. I regret ever shutting him out.

"I bet you do," she laughed as she got up from her bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to look at my dress. I want to imagine myself in that dress and wonder how my white Naveen would look at me whenever he sees me.," she exclaimed as she went to her closet.

"Again?" I asked. This was like her hundredth time this week looking at her dress. She was going to call herself 'Princess Tiana' tonight because it was princess and the frog theme and also she's taken it too seriously because her middle name is also Tiana.

...Few hours later

"Sasha look!" Regina shouted as my mom walked through the home door. My moms eyes immediately went to mine before looking me over at the white silk dress that flowed down my body. A long slit exposing my caramel legs. My hair was long in a body wave reaching my waist. My makeup was not all extravagant but it was simple but very pretty. I looked pretty. I felt pretty.

"Oh my baby! You are so beautiful!" My mom said as she rushed to me giving me a big hug.

"Thank you mom," I muttered out as she was cutting my airways by how tight she was hugging me.

"What about me!" Keeley announced as she came down the stairs wearing a bright red dress.

My mom looked over at the stairs at Keeley before smiling again.

"You girls are getting so damn big! Oh my gosh!" She said,

Hearing a knock at the door Zach and some other white boy who looked to have a little Asian in him had came walking in through the front door. Zach was wearing a nice white tuxedo with a light green bow tie to match with Morgan who was still upstairs doing her last minute duties. The other boy had on a black tuxedo with a turquoise bow tie. He had darker hair and brown eyes, the opposite of Zach. He must be Kyle because Kat was wearing the same color dress as his bow tie.

"Oh shit! Look at you Zach! You look good." Ms. Regina said as she went over and gave Zach a hug.

"Thank you Ms. Anderson. Also this is my friend Kyle and he's here for Kat." Zach said motioning to Kyle. Regina looked at Kyle with a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you Kyle. You boys look handsome." She complemented.

"Thank you," They both said.

"If somebody wasn't so damn disrespectful all the time he would've been down here going to prom as well." Ms. Regina said a little bit louder enough for Kevin to hear.

"Oh my gosh!" Kevin groaned from upstairs.

"Anyways Morgan and Kat are still upstairs so they'll be down in just a bit." Ms. Regina said.

"Okay," Zach said before he looked over to me, "this is the most I've ever seen you dressed up." he joked.

"This is the most I've ever seen you without a black eye but lucky for you i'm about to give it to you," I whispered to him not wanting my mom or Ms. Regina to hear.

He laughed, "I'm just saying you look good."

I was caught off guard by the compliment but I wasn't too surprised because he was a gentleman and he is really nice.

"Thank you, Zach." I said before running upstairs to Morgan's room where the rest of them were.

"The boys are here," I said walking through the door.

"Oh my gosh already?" Kat squealed as she walked around the room frantically.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked Morgan, Kayla, and Alexa.

"She's scared that Kyle might want to have the s-word after prom." Morgan explained jokingly.

"It's not just that. I mean i'm ready, but I'm just insecure about my parts." She retorted.

"Parts? What parts?" I was confused.

"Her private parts," Kayla input.

"Ohhh," I said, now realizing it.

"Morgan, how did you do it with Zach?" Kat asked desperately.

Morgan looked at Kat with wide eyes before looking at Alexa who had a surprised look on her face. Alexa doesn't know about Morgan and Zach having sex.

"Morgan, you and Zac-" Alexa started.

"No! Now let's move on." Morgan answered quickly.

"Yes, you guys did!" She shouted out before laughing.

"Oh my gosh." Morgan groaned as she hid her face from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Morgan, I didn't know she didn't know." Kat apologized innocently as she looked at Morgan apologetically.

"It's fine," Morgan muttered.

"Does momma know?" Alexa asked.

"No!" Morgan answered quickly, "and she is going to stay not knowing."

"What if you get pregnant? Momma wanted us to tell her whenever we're doing that type of thing so she could put us on-"

"Birth control. I know." Morgan said, finishing Alexa's sentence.

"I won't tell," Alexa states.

"Good," Morgan sighed in relief, "now if you're not comfortable with showing yourself all the way just do it in the dark." Morgan explained.

"The dark? Okay." Kat said as she had a mini hyperventilating session.

"It's going to be fine." Kayla said, rubbing Kat's back softly.

"Wow," I breathed out not knowing what to say in this type of situation because I never did the grown folks stuff like Morgan and Kayla was doing.

"The boys are waiting for you girls!" Ms. Regina shouted from downstairs.

"Alright girls let's go," Morgan said as she was the first one to walk out of her room.

"The cameraman is waiting for us, hurry up!" Morgan said as she slightly jogged down the grassy knoll to go down to the huge lake where Mr. Kit was waiting for us at.

"We're coming! Dang." I yelled as I tried not to trip on the heels. I didn't know how she was doing it. I would've fallen in these stilettos.

When we all finally got to the cameraman he started to quickly position us in a certain position. He had all of us girls in the front with the male counterparts in the back. Since me, Keeley, or Alexa didn't have a male counterpart there was just one extra person in the front.

"Okay everybody smile big!" The cameraman said.

"Please don't fuck this up," Morgan muttered.

"Fuck what up?" I asked, confused looking at her.


"Gah dammit! That! The picture!" She said frustratingly.

"Calm down Morgan." Alexa commented.

"Right," I said.

"Listen it won't happen anymore," Zach whispered in her ears as he rubbed her back softly.

"Okay," Morgan replied.

"Now is everybody ready?" The cameraman asked.

"Yes," we all said in unison.

"Alright!" he said.


"Wait wait wait! We have to redo that, my eyes were closed." Alexa stated.

"Oh my gosh!!!" Morgan groaned with agitation.

After 3 more tries we finally took a good group picture before we started taking pictures of just us girls, then just the boys, then we took pictures with our dates, and finally we each took our individual pictures. It took a good 30 minutes to an hour before we were all finished with everything.

"Who's ready for PROM!" Kyle shouted as Kat was wrapped around his arms.

Everybody began to shout in response to what he had said with much enthusiasm as I just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do but slowly clapped.

"Why in the hell are you clapping?" Alexa asked as she gave me a confused look.

I quickly stopped clapping as I began to walk away to the rental car my mom and aunt Annette had gotten for me and Keeley. That was embarrassing to say the least.


"The venue is really nice this year," Morgan commented as we all walked up to where the prom was going to be taking place. The boys were walking behind us playing around while Kayla and Tristian were already inside.

"It really is," I said just talking because I didn't even know where prom was last year.

"Now around 10:30 we are leaving for Chris's party," Morgan states. I looked at Morgan dumbfounded because I don't ever remember planning on going to a party after prom.

"I thought we were leaving after the announcement of the Queen and King?" Kat asked.

"When did we plan on going to a party?" I was confused.

"Morgan didn't tell you?" Kayla asked me.

"No, she didn't tell me anything." I state as I glare at Morgan with annoyance. She couldn't even hold eye contact with me because she knew she was guilty.

"Yeah, Chris Emmons is throwing a party after prom and everybody is going so the rest of us wanted to go as well." Morgan explained.

"What makes you think I wanted to go?" I asked.

"I didn't ever think you would have wanted to go," she softly laughed, "you're just going."

"You're so annoying." I muttered.

"Whatever but don't forget what you also came here to do," Morgan reminded me.

"I won't. I'll just go and do it now." I said before leaving the others behind while I walked into the venue.

Walking around the starry night themed prom I almost bumped into everybody I crossed paths with. It was quite packed and very hot. Seeing numerous boys with the same haircut as Sebastian I tapped all of their shoulders just to be disappointed that it wasn't him.

"Seba-" I began but a white boy with glasses had turned away with huge big teeth sticking out of his mouth, "nevermind." I said before scurrying away.

"Is he even here?" I asked myself.

"Estella is that you?" I hear someone say. I looked behind me and saw Abriel with Ezekial. They were wearing matching champagne colors.

"No," I said as my eyes began to wander around for Sebastian.

"Girl you look really good!" She complimented. I then made eye contact with her and gave her a genuine smile.

"Thank you," I replied back.

"Did you come with anybody? Where's Morgan?" She asked as Ezekial stood behind her like a tree.

"I came with Keeley and Morgan is somewhere around her with Zach," I explained.

"Oh, and I don't know why I thought you would have been with that asian boy...umm what is his name again, Steven?" She said as she smiled away making me more agitated than I already was.

"His name is Sebastian and no I didn't come with him unfortunately."  I said.

"Oh, now I know why he was looking at me like I was crazy," she muttered.

"Why? What did you do?" I was very eager to listen to this conversation.

"I cussed him out because he was with this brown haired girl just a few seconds ago." She explained.

"Huh!?!?!" my heart dropped hearing this.

"Yeah, they're by the punch over there." she said pointing over to where there were dozens of people standing by the big bowl of red concoction.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said as I began to scurry over to the punch area.

Walking very fast in these stilettos my ankles began to cramp up. It really hurt. I was on the verge of taking them off and just walking on this floor barefooted.

When I got to the crowd of people I pushed everyone out of the way until I saw the unthinkable. My stomach churned up in disgust as my eyes started to water. The scene that was taking place in front of me made me want to just curl up and die slowly.

It was Isabelle and Sebastian.

The person who I truly love was kissing the person that I absolutely hated.

I swiftly turned around as I began to speed walk out of the venue. I couldn't be in the same approximately  as them right now. I had to get away.

My heart ached as my tears flowed like a river.

This was all my fault.

My stupid stubbornness took the best of me.

Took away my once happiness.

Finding a bench I quickly took myself over and sat down. I was breathing hard from all the heartache and running.

"Are you alright?" I hear a voice that I haven't heard in a long time. Looking up I see my childhood friend from Elementary school, Angel Morales. We haven't talked since the beginning of junior year. He looked good wearing all black.

"Umm yeah," I said weakly as I wiped away the tears.

"No, you're not." he said as took a seat next to me.

"Then why did you ask if you knew I wasn't alright?" I asked, looking at him directly in his eyes before breaking a smile. It was hard to keep a straight face when looking at him. It wasn't because he was ugly, it was because I could never take him seriously.

"Because I wanted to see if you were going to lie or not," he said before smiling at me.

"Oh," I said softly before looking away at that scene of him and Isabelle kissing.

"You remember back in first grade we were playing cops and robbers. I was the cop and you were the robber. Do you remember trying to climb up the rock wall very quickly because I was right behind you?" He asked as he looked me in my eyes trying not to laugh. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I began to laugh at what happened. It was so embarrassing.

"I fell on my back and got sand all in my hair," I laughed, "my mom had just done my hair the night before."

"Do you also remember your 8th birthday in the 2nd grade?" He asked me.

"Yes, I fell asleep at my desk and woke up with cake smashed on my face," I shared, "till this day I still don't know who did that."

"That was so hilarious," he laughed out loud.

"No, it was embarrassing." I said as the emotion of what I felt on that day rushed through me. I was ready to fight the person who did it but nobody ever confessed, they just laughed.

"You know it was me. I smashed the cake on your face." He confessed.

My eyes widened in shock before hitting him.

"Oww!" he said, "that actually hurt."

"I can't believe it was you!" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry but it was only payback because remember when you took the last snicker bar out of the treat box? You knew I was talking about getting it and you took it anyway." He explained with laughter.

"It was just a snicker bar!" I shouted.

"Yes, my snicker bar!" He shouted back at me before we both started laughing.

We began to talk and talk as we caught up with each other. It felt like just a minute but almost an hour had passed. Everything felt good and I wasn't as sad as I was anymore.

The instrumental of 'Ma Belle Evangeline' began to play.

My eyes widened. That was my favorite song from 'Princess and The Frog'.

"Do you want to dance with me?" I heard him ask. I looked up at him with eagerness.

"Yes!" I said before quickly getting up. Grabbing his arms I dragged him back inside to dance. Inside the venue I see Morgan already slow dancing with Zach with a tiara on top of her head. When she saw me her lips grew into a smile before running over to me.

"I'm Prom Queen!" She beamed.

"OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS!" I said matching her vibe.

"Congratulations Morgan," Angel said. Morgan's eyes then went up to his and she was shocked. Since sophomore year he had a major glow up.

"I thought you moved schools," she said to him.

"No, I've just been busy working on myself." He replied.

"I can tell," she said with a bright smile.

"So who made the king?" I asked.

"Sebastian," she answered.

"Oh," I said as my smile fell.

"Did you talk to him?" She asked me.

"No," I muttered, "umm let's dance now before the song is over." I was now pulling Angel on the dance floor leaving Morgan behind because I knew she was going to lecture me about talking to him. Only if she knew.

When we got to the dance floor he softly placed his hands around my waist and I placed mine around his shoulders. We looked at each other but then looked away because of the awkwardness. We laughed softly before looking back at each other as we slowly danced to the song.

While dancing I rested my chin on his shoulders. I felt comfortable and at ease, Angel also smelt good.
Feeling someone staring at me my eyes scanned to the dark monolid eyes that broke my heart into millions of pieces. He was sitting down at one of the round tables with his crown on top of his head.

He stared at me with an expression I couldn't figure out to be but it made me uncomfortable. Looking away reality hit me. I was literally dancing with my childhood boy best friend. He was one of the boys I never found myself ever being in this predicament with. Especially being this close to me.

"I still have to take you to a quinceanera." Angel broke the silence.

"You and Mateo always told me you guys were going to take me and Morgan to a quinceanera but never did." I stated.

"Well my sister is having one next friday," He replied, "do you guys want to come?"

"I would love to. I'll just go and ask Morgan whenever we are alone." I said.

"Okay, cool." He said, smiling softly.

"Cool," I said, smiling as well.

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