The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's...

Od Beanyboy2002

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The Stone Mask, a mysterious artefact capable of turning people into Vampires. Brothers Dio and Damian Brando... Více

Summary: O/C
Author's Note: Before We Begin...
Chapter 1: 50 Years Later, The Master's Mission
Chapter 3: The Master of Venice
Chapter 4: Training at a New Level
Chapter 5: Two New Allies Arrive
Chapter 6: A Month's Training, Nearly Completed
Chapter 7: Esidisi's Burning Blood!
Chapter 8: Awakening and the Venture to Switzerland
Chapter 9: Catching a Train, the Soldier's Intervention
Chapter 10: Germany's Cyber Soldier and the Wrath of Kars
Chapter 11: The Hotel on the Horizon, Caesar's Resolve
Chapter 12: The Last, Lonely Bubble
Chapter 13: Picking up the Trail, 100 Vampires!
Chapter 14: Lisa Lisa's Story, the Prelude to Battle
Chapter 15: Battle in the Colosseum
Chapter 16: The Second Battle, Kars' True Nature Revealed
Chapter 17: Blinded by the Light
Chapter 18: The Power of the Ultimate Being
Chapter 19, Epilogue: Joseph's 'Funeral', An Artefact Recovered...
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter 2: The Man in the Pillar, Straizo's Ambition

376 20 2
Od Beanyboy2002

Gyalzen POV

As soon as the plane had arrived in Mexico. Speedwagon guided us to the site of his bizarre discovery. A strange ancient temple in the middle of a Mexican jungle. I wouldn't be able to tell you the exact whereabouts.

Meeting up with some of Speedwagon's workers, we were lead into the temple. A narrow, dark corridor. The walls were lined with strange markings that provoked me to ask "What is this place?" Markings showed what looked like people with great power, far beyond that of a normal man.

Speedwagon explained to our group "When you witness this I think, no, I'm SURE you'll feel a chill. It's frightful enough to make your hair stand on end. It's even worse than the terror we faced fifty years ago when we fought Dio and Damian."

The corridor ended with a large open chamber of sorts and straight away, I knew what had caught the attention. Master Straizo noted "This place is tremendous." Speedwagon stated "This is why I summoned you."

Shining his torch directly ahead, my eyes widened. At first it appeared to be a statue, however Master Straizo exclaimed "It's the mask! There are so many of them!" I'd heard the story of the stone mask many times, and here there were SEVERAL of them! 

In the centre though made me gasp, the clear figure of a MAN! His body melded into the stone pillar with the several masks all around him. Was he a statue? Was he alive? I had no clue, whatever he was though, I felt uneasy being in the pillar's presence.

Image of the man in the pillar:

Speedwagon asked, clearly terrified "What is this? Who is the man in that pillar? It's not a carving. He has amino acids, he has cells. And though faint, he has a body heat and pulse! This man is ALIVE!" 

I took a step closer towards the strange phenomenon. I had no idea something like this was possible. My master's eyes twitched for a moment as Speedwagon asked once more. "Straizo, what is he exactly? How long has he been here? None of that matters, we have one purpose here! I called you so that you could destroy him utterly with Hamon as he sleeps!"

My attention turned to Master Straizo only to see him stood staring at the pillar blankly. He turned to look at Speedwagon and asked "What of Joseph Joestar?" Turning properly, he added "How is the young man doing? I hear he used Hamon to save your life once."

This name was unfamiliar to me, so I just watched the exchange. Speedwagon seemed confused as he asked "Why bring JoJo up now?" Master Straizo continued "I believe it was back when he was thirteen years old. Yes, some men hijacked your plane so that they could ransom you."

Speedwagon went on to give a detailed description of this event. Apparently, this 'Joseph' had been enraged that his suit, given to him by his grandmother, was damaged. In his fury Joseph easily overpowered the thugs and rescued Speedwagon.

He ended his story by saying "He looks just like his grandfather, but he's far from a gentleman. That was when I discovered that Joseph could use Hamon." Master Straizo walked past Speedwagon, clarifying "So, he inherited Hamon breathing from his grandfather Jonathan." 

Speedwagon nodded before asking "That's right. But why bring that up now?" My Master's response caused fear to envelop my mind, I barely had time to leap out of range when he spoke those words.

"I just killed these men..."

In an instant, the other two Monks along with Speedwagon's workers all collapsed in a pool of blood! Had I not quickly reacted, I'd have met the same fate. I was struggling to understand what was happening. I stuttered "M-master, what have you done?!"

Speedwagon exclaimed "What the devil?!" Master Straizo looked between the two of us, finishing his declaration. "...And when you die. Jonathan's grandson will feel grief and anger. He will grow to hate me." Speedwagon barely had time to cry out "STRAIZO-!" Before my master's leg swung around and collided with his head!

Blood gushed from his head as he collapsed to the ground! Now it was just me and my clearly-insane master who stared down at Speedwagon's body for a moment before turning and walking towards the pillar slowly.

It seems, Speedwagon wasn't dead yet as he was able to sit up, asking "S-Straizo. Are you MAD?!" My master came to a stop before answering "Quite the opposite. I'm thinking very clear. I chose the path of Hamon in order to forge my body. But as I trained, the aging of my body became painfully clear to me. Hamon gives only the slightest edge over ordinary people. Its practice cannot prevent the aging process."

He brought up a hand to his cheek and pointed at a scar, I'd always seen it but never asked about its origin. As my Master's eyes shot to me he asked. "Gyalzen, do you see this scar? It was gifted to me many moons ago by a Vampire named Damian Brando. When I fought Damian, it was apparent I could not beat him, if Jonathan Joestar hadn't intervened I'd have certainly died. The important thing that stuck with me was what Damian told me that day." He paused for a moment, before grinning and repeating a sentence as if it was a fond memory.

"Your Hamon will only get you so far. The power of a Vampire knows no bounds."

I was frozen where I stood in fear as my Master's grin remained "I memorised that exact quote for fifty years. Every time I looked in a mirror and saw my aging face as well as this scar he gave me, I would remember that defeat. The power, the youth. I realized he was right, Hamon could only get me so far."

Turning back to address both of us. He folded his arms and looked up. "In the battle all those years ago, I secretly admired Dio and especially Damian. They were powerful, beautiful and IMMORTAL! I coveted the power of the mask. I didn't care who got in the way!"

Approaching the pillar he reached out and took one of the masks from the wall. Speedwagon gasped out "Y-you've become twisted, Straizo." As Master Straizo turned to us, I saw him place the mask to his face as he said "Your blood will now grant me immortality. With you two gone, only Erina and Joseph Joestar will know of the mask. Once I am rid of them, I will take my time and learn more of the mask than Dio and Damian did!"

Speedwagon tried one last warning "Y-you mustn't. T-there are still terrible things we don't yet know!" I called out "Master DON'T!" However it was too late. My master, or OLD master, wiped the blood of Speedwagon and the others onto the mask.

Within an instant, spikes shot out, stabbing into his head. A bright light shone out that forced me to cover my eyes. Even through the light I could hear Straizo's roars, and it was as the light dimmed I noticed something strange.

My old master's body began to change, his grey hair became a dark black, his wrinkles disappeared and his voice began to morph to that of a younger person. My fear only went up as the light disappeared completely.

For a moment there was silence, before an eerie laugh filled the chamber. I realized instantly, it was coming from Straizo. He reached up and took the mask from his face before dropping it to the floor. It was now I got my first good look as he turned to face me.

Image of Straizo as a vampire:

A low hiss escaped his as he bared his fangs at me. If I wasn't already scared at my Master's sudden betrayal, I was definitely TERRIFIED now! Here was the man who'd trained me, now a VAMPIRE, and likely intent on ending my life!

"Gyalzen..." Straizo took a step toward me, saying my name in a sinister tone of voice. "Oh Gyalzen, you have shown such potential ever since I took you in. For that reason though, I cannot let you leave this crypt alive."

In that moment, all I could ask was "Why?" Straizo just raised an eyebrow and replied calmly "You know why Gyalzen. I was willing to do ANYTHING to regain the youth I once had. Look here." He pointed to the same cheek as before stating "My scar is gone. Fear not, I shall make your death quick and painless."

Extending his arms out, either side of him and announced "BEHOLD! I shall finish you with the same technique Damian Brando used to scar me all those years ago as well as the same way in which Dio managed to kill the mighty Jonathan Joestar! Witness my SPACE RIPPER STINGY EYES!"

In a split second, what seemed like beams of pressurized liquid from his eyes! I narrowly evaded by leaping to the side causing the beams to collide with the chamber's wall, leaving two circular holes.

As soon as I was back on my feet, I turned to see Straizo beginning to walk towards me. His grin only grew as he spoke "Make this easy on yourself Gyalzen. With your knowledge of Hamon, you will no doubt become a threat to me."

I gritted my teeth. I'd only heard stories as to what Vampires were capable of, those beams were enough demonstration to prove that the stories weren't exactly false. My only escape was through the corridor we'd come through before.

It was unlikely I'd able to just run. I'd have no choice but to fight! Swallowing my fears, I entered a stance,  before leaping up into the air! Straizo followed my gaze as I swung my leg around to land a Hamon-infused kick to his neck.

This attempt was unsuccessful, Straizo simply raised his arm to block the attack. Hamon still channelled through the limb however before it could fully connect, my old master lashed out with his other arm and struck my shin!

I  leapt back, as soon as I landed back on the ground, pain shot through my leg causing me to drop to one knee. Master Straizo looked down at me and said "You're lucky Gyalzen. I am still coming to understand these new abilities. Fifty years ago, I learned Vampires have the ability to entirely FREEZE their targets. I do not yet understand its workings, if I did, you'd have been dead already."

Just as I was about to step forward again, a cough caught my attention. I turned to see that Speedwagon still lying on the floor, barely clinging to consciousness as he looked at me. He rasped out "Y-You..."

Another cough interrupted his speech before he continued "R-run child. Run!" Another cough. "H-he won't hesitate to kill you. You may be s-skilled, but you c-can't underestimate a Vampire. Get out, while you still c-can..."

He stared up at the chamber ceiling weakly saying "Erina... JoJo..." Before his eyes closed and he passed out. I was unsure if he was dead or not, I had little time to focus on this as Master Straizo's voice caught my attention.

"So, he's out of the way now. That just leaves you." Turning back, I saw the Vampire leap up into the air. I had to tread lightly here, I waited for Master Straizo to attempt an attack. As he kicked at me, I cartwheeled to the side.

As I did so, I intentionally allowed both hands to scrap along the floor. Upon landing on my feet, I placed by hands together and began rubbing them. It may have seemed strange at first, however there was a reason for this.

Soon enough, small trails of steam began emerging from the gap between my hands. Once a suitable about had built up, my hands parted to reveal a small cloud forming which caught Straizo's attention as he stated "I'm well aware of your tricks Gyalzen, you would be wise to just surrender."

I ignored his statement, I didn't know if I could win, but I would at least TRY! With that in mind, I lunged forward towards my old master before attempting once again, leaping into the air and yelling "ZOOM PUNCH!"

My arm extended outwards, due to the emission of steam, its speed and therefore impact were increased. My master just about leapt back before he could receive a Hamon-infused fist to the face, he then countered in fierce retaliation.

I had little time to act as his arm struck me across the face. My eyes went wide and I'm pretty sure I spat up blood as my head was knocked to the side. Any further and my neck would have been broken!

The blow caused me to collapse to the floor however I was quick to recover and once again attempted to attack with my other hand. While the steam on my right hand had disbursed from the Zoom Punch, my left hand was still emitting the vapour.

I couldn't just attack again, Straizo would just dodge and I'd have to build-up more steam. I also couldn't rely on the usual Hamon techniques here either. Straizo would certainly see this coming.

I thought back to Speedwagon's words. Perhaps he was right, as-is, I couldn't fend off my old master. He knew every move I'd make BEFORE I'd make it. My only option was to escape. But how? I began analysing my surroundings.

It was here that I took note of two pillars, on either side of the path we'd come through. These were different from the large centre one, instead looking more like your traditional stone pillar. With this knowledge, I developed an idea.

Straizo was still approaching me slowly, grinning maliciously, and it was here I made my move. I lunged forward. My master extended his arms out, declaring "Face your death head-on!" However this wasn't my aim.

With my left arm, I yelled "ZOOM PUNCH!" Once again, my arm extended out however this time it wasn't aimed at him. The fist flew over his shoulder and collided with one of the two pillars. Due to the speed and force of the blow, the pillar was heavily damaged.

I took this chance to land a kick to Straizo and used it to get past him to the exit. My master seemed caught off guard by the abrupt action and just asked "What are you planning?" All I could muster in response was a sad "I'm sorry Master."

With a deep breath, I channelled Hamon into my leg before lashing out at the damaged pillar. A second powerful strike was enough to shatter a chunk of the pillar and make it topple towards me. It collided with the second and like dominos, that fell as well.

The collision caused dust to be brought up into the air around us and it was here I ran. I ran faster than I ever could before. My mind was racing, my master, who had TRAINED me from a young age was now trying to KILL me! What's worse, he knew everything about how I fought and knew exactly how to counter. 

I needed further training. And I knew of only one person. Straizo had told me of them numerous times in the past and in a situation like this? I felt they were my only chance.

Luckily, I'd also been told exactly where to find them...

Straizo POV

As soon as the dust cleared there was no sign of Gyalzen. It didn't take a genius to figure out where he'd gone. There was only one exit to this place. I could have easily pursued, however I didn't.

Instead my attention turned to the bodies in the chamber. I had a more important business to deal with. As soon as I'd dealt with Joseph Joestar and that feeble Erina, I would locate Gyalzen and put him down as well. He wouldn't evade me for long.

For now, I had to dispose of these bodies and then I would pay JoJo a little visit...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, the first fight of this story. The main reason Gyalzen lost here isn't because he's weak, but rather that Straizo already knew how to react to every move. I really hope you enjoyed and as always, thank you for reading.

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