The Other Halfa

By Vigilante24

758 28 2

What if Danny wasn't the only Halfa? How would the story unfold? Angelina (Lina) Fenton is adopted and offici... More

I. Lives Change After Such Accident
II. Ghost Lunch Lady
III. Attack of the Meat-Monster
IV. Meat-Monster VS Halfa-Kids, part 1
V. Meat-Monster VS Halfa-Kids, part 2
VI. Ghost-Dragon
VII. Unexpected Prom Dates
VIII. An Eventful Prom Night
IX. Failed Biology Test
X. Skulker: The Hunter
XI. Ghost-Kids vs Skulker, Round 1
XII. Ghost-Kids vs Skulker, Round 2
XIII. The 'In' Crowd
XIV. Yard-Sale & Movie-Marathon Night
XV. Here Comes Technus
XVI. Family Trip
XVII. Vlad Masters
XVIII. Meet Plasmius
XIX. Reunion Under Attack
XX. Divorce?!
XXI. Under Arrest
XXII. Ghost Prison
XXIII. The Enemy of my Enemy, is my Friend
XXIV. Revenge is a dish best served Cold
XXV. The Return of the Ghost Warden: Walker
XXVI. Chased
XXVII. Walker's True Plan
XXVIII. The Aftermath of the Battle
XXIX. Training & Bonding between Father & Daughter


130 4 2
By Vigilante24

In the peaceful city of Amity Park, nothing was out of the ordinary; nothing except the three-story house with the giant sign 'Fenton', accompanied by the different and alien metallic structures that surrounded the brick building.

Below the house, in a highly advanced scientific laboratory; 7 people were. The only two adults, known as Jack and Maddie Fenton; stood in front of a sort of deactivated portal.

Jack was large and bulky, with black hair with some white in the back and blue eyes. He always can be found wearing his signature orange jumpsuit with black gloves and boots.

Maddie was a curvy woman with shoulder-length auburn hair, deep red lipstick, and violet eyes. She always can be found wearing a blue rubber jumpsuit, along with black rubber gloves and boots. Also, she has a belt, which has a pouch for her equipment.

They held the two pieces of a black plug and were posing for the picture which was taken by a pre-teen girl.

She has snowy-grey short hair that was braided behind and reached the end of her back with a few uneven bangs framing her face and matching eyebrows. Her eyes were a bright pink and seemed to match her pale-pinkish skin.

She was dressed in a maroon t-shirt which stopped right above her belly button, a black jacket which stopped above her ribcage, dark blue jeans and black combat boots. She smiled as she took the picture and lowered the machine.

"Perfect Angelina! Now, be ready to take the picture once the portal is activated" Jack said with a big proud smile and some childish excitement.

The two famous scientists were as the world called them 'Ghost Hunters'. The woman is highly intelligent and talented, with the help of her husband, had invented all sorts of devices that could be used to catch Ghosts.

Their latest achievement was the 'Ghost Portal' which they were about to activate for the first time. Such discovery would be a breakthrough and allow them free access to the parallel world known as the 'Ghost Zone'.

"Can you do it already and get it over with?" the older teenager of the group said as she crossed her hands in front of her chest and tapped her leg on the ground.

Jazz had a similar facial structure and appearance to her mother, Maddie. She possessed aqua blue eyes and long auburn hair which reaches down to her hips. She also wore an aqua headband, a black long-sleeve V-neck shirt, aqua pants, and a pair of simple, black flats.

The excitement and smile didn't fade from Jack's face as he looked at his wife.

"Ready dear?"


The two of them connected the plug-in excitement as Angelina took a picture, of the still deactivated portal. Jack disappointed, tried again but nothing happened, and the girl lowered the camera.

Tears built up in his blue eyes as he rushed up the stairs, his wife soon following him in an attempt to calm him down. They had put in so much time and effort, yet the portal didn't want to work.

"I knew it," Jazz said and let out a sigh before walking up the stairs, leaving the 4 pre-teens alone in the basement.

"Well then... this was..." Tucker a brown-skinned, turquoise eyes boy tried to say but couldn't find the proper words without sounding mean.

He had black hair and wore black glasses. His outfit consisted of a long-sleeve yellow shirt, green cargo pants with a black belt, and brown boots along with a red beret.

"Disappointing" the other pre-teen girl in the group commented.

The girl known as Sam wore purple lipstick and had fair skin, violet eyes, and short black hair with a small ponytail at the top and the back of her head held by a green hair tie.

Her clothing consisted of a black choker around her neck, a black tank top exposing her midriff with a purple oval in the centre, a black striped skirt with a green crosshatch design, purple leggings, and black combat boots. She also wore a pair of black bracelets around both of her wrists.

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time my parents invented something that didn't work," Danny Fenton said.

Danny has a skinny built body with the same facial structure as his sister and mother. His hair was black, and his eyes were blue, like his father's. He wore a white T-shirt with a thin red collar, red cuffs, a red circle in the middle, light blue jeans, and red-and-white sneakers.

"So... now what?" Angelina asked and turned to her adopted brother and best friends.

She wasn't surprised that the Portal didn't work, having lived with the Fenton's all her life; she had seen many failures up until then. Even though they weren't her real parents, they treated her as one of their own; for which she was thankful.

She kind of felt bad for Jack, knowing how much praise and effort he puts into his work each day. She admired that even though she didn't believe in Ghosts.

"I know!" Sam said with one of her grins which terrified the trio, knowing she had a plan. "Why don't you and Danny go in? We can take a picture of you in suits"

"Why?" Danny asked and tilted his head to the side.

"Why not?"

"I don't know Sam," Lina said and looked suspiciously at the portal, a weird and uneasy feeling at the bottom of her stomach.

"Come on! It will be fun. Go on you cowards"

Danny looked at his adopted sister who shrugged her shoulders before heading to the cupboard to grab their suits. Danny's was a simple white suit with black gloves and boots. Lina's was the same, but she had borrowed a black spray can from Sam and had reversed the colours.

One of the many things she had in common with the young Goth was her love for the colour black. She even had a few black clothes but found an odd comfort in the ones she was wearing every day.

They both wore their suits and walked towards the portal. Danny walked in first, but Lina stopped, a shiver going down her spine.

"Go in already" Tucker shouted as he stood next to Sam who was holding the camera.

"I think I will stay here," Lina said as she stood at the entrance of the Portal while Danny walked further in.

"This is kind of cool," the boy said as he looked around, only for his hand to press a red button he didn't see.

Immediately, the machine sparked to life and a green beam hit Danny before the whole room was engulfed by a bright green light.

"Danny! /Lina!" the two friends shouted as they were thrown back from the blast.

When it was over, they opened their eyes and blinked to get rid of the blurriness. Once they did, they lifted their bodies into a sitting position and let out a groan of pain. They looked around to see that the Portal was alive and had a green mist swirling in circles inside it.

Then, their eyes landed on their two unconscious friends and they immediately rushed to their aid. Both Danny and Lina were lying on the hard floor, their appearances altered in both skin and clothing.

Danny's black hair turned a snowy white and his white and black suit had the colours reversed. Also, his skin had turned a shade darker and was cold to the touch.

Lina was in no different situation as she lay on her back, not moving or breathing. Her hair had turned a midnight black, her clothes also changed in colour and the once deep black was now a glowing white. Her ears were sharp and pointy, and her skin had turned an icy blue and was cold when Sam's hand touched it.

"There is no heartbeat!" the Goth said as she placed her head, first on Danny's and then on Lina's, only to hear nothing.

"No..." Tucker exclaimed, his face dropping and his eyes turning glossy. No, he couldn't believe that his two childhood friends were dead; all because of a stupid idea.

Just as they were about to break down, a gasp was heard, and they turned to look at Lina. She had opened her eyes which were now a blazing red and immediately shot up with a hand holding her now white suit.

"Lina!" the two friends said with joy, which only increased when Danny opened his eyes which had turned bright green. "Danny!"

"What... what happened?" the boy asked as he raised his body slowly, a hand on his head.

"You... I... The Portal... something happened... and then you two...but no heartbeat... and then..."

Tucker was unable to finish a complete sentence as his hand went to Danny's wrist but sensed no pulse. His eyes were wide, and he was still pretty shocked by how his friend was alive and talking while his heart was not beating.

Sam had stood up and grabbed the small mirror from the wall before kneeling by their side. She allowed the two siblings to look at their appearance, which only allowed them to gasp and touch their faces; not believing that those people were them.

"I think both of you are dead," Sam said after a moment of silence, her words sounding strange and ridiculous in her ears, but no other explanation could come into her mind.

"What? How?" they asked at the same time as they checked each other change.

"Danny your eyes and your hair/Angel your clothes and your hair," the two of them said together and pointed at the said body parts or items.

"How are we going to explain this to Mom and Dad?" Danny asked and let out a groan, no thought in his mind other than the fact that he was dead and so was his adopted sister.

"No, there must be some way to fix it or something... there is no way we stay like this... we need to find a way and change back!" Lina exclaimed, slamming her fist on her open palms.

On cue, two white rings appeared on her waist and started to climb up/down her body in different directions. One went towards her legs and boots while the other went up to her torso, arms and head.

Then, the two rings died, and the adopted Fenton was left sitting; back to her normal appearance and clothing.

"How did you do that?" Danny asked shocked as Sam grabbed her wrist and let out a sigh of relief when she felt a pulse.

"I... I do not know... I just... thought about changing back? I am not sure" she said as she inspected her body and clothes.

"Maybe it is something like wishing. Maybe you need to think of it hard" Tucker suggested as he searched in his little portable device, for any information that could be linked to the miracle he just witnessed.

The kids spent around 5 minutes as Danny tried hard to change back to normal and Lina back to whatever her other self was. In the end, they succeeded with the Fenton turning back to normal, much to his relief.

Lina managed to make the rings appear, but they died as soon as they came, leaving her as a normal being.


A month had passed since that incident and the two friends and siblings were still trying to get a hang out of their new abilities. Lina seemed to have better control over it while Danny was a victim of his.

To their big luck, neither their parents nor Jazz suspected anything. Instead, the couple was too excited about their invention working and Jazz tried to stay as far away as possible; worrying more about school and her social life.

Tucker and Sam had tried to help, via research or moral support but were as clueless as our two heroes. Now, they were trapped once again in the basement, forced to sit on uncomfortable chairs next to their best friends.

"So, Danny, Angelia..." Jack started as he stood in front of them. "You and your little friends want to hunt ghosts?"

"Uh, actually, Dad? I want to be an astronaut"

"I am still not sure, but I do not think that becoming a ghost hunter is on my list," Lina said right after her adopted brother.

She had thought about it but never truly believed in ghosts. Yet again, the accident with the portal had made her a little more open-minded but still sceptical. Either way, hunting ghosts was not as appealing as it may sound.

"Sorry, Mr Fenton. I was into ghosts, but they're so mainstream now. They're like cellphones" Sam said and was followed by Tucker.

"Waste these looks and all this charisma hunting ghosts? Criminal"

"Well, if you do want to hunt ghosts, there are a few things you need to learn," Jack said, ignoring their answer, as he turned to a

table with laboratory equipment and beakers.

A blue mist suddenly escaped Lina's and Danny's mouths.

"Oh no," the latter exclaimed as they all turned their attention to the portal. "This isn't good"

Two ectopuses escaped from the portal, growling. The ghosts grab Sam and Tucker around their mouths and lift them out of their chairs.

"True, I've never seen a ghost, but when I do, I'll be prepared" Jack started as he picked up different equipment and then let it down to pick something else. Danny looked at his sister alarmed. The ectopuses were floating above the floor, Sam and Tucker still in their grasp and Jack fully ignorant of the situation. "And so will you. Whether you want to be or not"

The two siblings looked at each other with determination before standing from their chairs and changing into their other forms. Then, they start fighting the ghosts in an attempt to free their friends, all while Jack stayed fully ignorant and too busy with his 'toys'.

"It all starts with your equipment" As he said that, he held up a thermos while behind him, Lina punched an ectopuses and send it flying back to the portal. Sam and Tucker, now free, are thrown back into their chairs just as Mr Fenton walked over to them. "Sam, Tucker, this is the Fenton Thermos," he said and passed the object to Sam before turning his back on them once again and focusing on the lab table. "It's supposed to trap ghosts but since it doesn't work yet it's just a thermos. A thermos with the word "Fenton" in front of it"

Behind them, the second ectopuse is sent flying on top of its brother. Defeated and dizzy, they fly back into the portal. Our heroes leave out a sigh of relief and turn back to their normal selves, before taking their seats.

"And that? *points at the portal* That is the Fenton Portal. It releases ghosts into our world whether I want it to or not. And someday, I'll figure out how that *Taps the door* works too." with those words, he turned his attention to the two pre-teen friends of his children, who were shaking from fear and a small adrenaline rush. "Now, who wants to hunt some ghosts?"

"Uhm... Mr Fenton..." Lina managed to say as she stood up and placed her hands on the shoulders of her scared friends.

"You kids look at you! You're too excited to speak! So I'll just go on speaking. I was born many years ago in a log cabin in the woods. Don't exactly remember where, but I do remember I wanted a pony"

Sam and Tucker, now calmer, look at the siblings. Danny hangs his head in embarrassment and Lina let out a sigh while shaking her head in disapproval. They were in a for a few long hours of torture.

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