Luck and Laughter (Niall Hora...

By lutmu9

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Amy unexpectedly gets to see One Direction perform and even gets to go backstage. Apparently her shy demeanor... More

Chapter 2 - Backstage
Chapter 3 - Sneeze Attack
Chapter 4 - Questions and the Drive Home
Chapter 5 - Phones and Plans
Chapter 6 - Squirrels
Chapter 7 - Pass the Phone
Chapter 8 - Tours and Bacon
Chapter 9 - Mud
Chapter 10 - Piano
Chapter 11- Cookies
Chapter 12 - The Almost Reveal
Chapter 13 - Ready
Chapter 14 - A Few Tricks
Chapter 15 - Marco-Polo
Sorry :(
Chapter 16- Summah time

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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By lutmu9

So there I was, just minding my own business, doing "homework" (so basically everything but). I was a junior in high school, I wasn't a bad student, I had a few really close friends, I wasn't gorgeous but I wasn't an angler fish either, I had brown wavy hair, brown eyes, 5'2.5" tall, and a sarcastic sense of humor. Overall, I was the most average person that could possibly exist. So back to my story. I was checking Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, everything, when my phone started buzzing. I was sort of annoyed, it was kind of late and I didn't really feel like talking to anyone. Regardless, I stretched over to my bedside table and looked at the screen, it was one of my friends, like not one of my super close ones that I've known my whole life, she was a newer one but a good friend nonetheless. After sighing I figured I should probably pick it up in case it was an emergency. 

"Hey Jen, what's up?"

"Hi Amy" said a gravelly voice, "I have a favor to ask you"

"Sure, what do ya need? Are you feeling okay?"

"That's sort of what I needed to ask you about. Y'know how I told you I was going to that concert tomorrow night? Well, as you can probably tell, I feel like crap and my mom said I can't go"

"Oh no! That's horrible! You were so excited to go. What do you need me to do? I can bring over some soup tomorrow if you want."

"I was actually hoping that you'd take my ticket and go instead. I know you're not necessarily a fan of One Direction, but that's why I want you to go instead of like Becca or Taylor." I was still a little confused as to why Jen was asking me to go. "I have a ticket backstage and they'd get too distracted and excited to be able to tell me anything about it. Would you go for me?"

"oh" I was not expecting her to ask me that.

"I totally get it if you don't want to go, I just figured I'd...."

Her raspy voice made me feel bad for her. She had been talking about this concert for months and I knew she was heartbroken that her mom wouldn't let her go. And I sort of understood why she wanted me to go instead of her other "directionizer" friends. I think she called them that at least.

"No no, I'll go! Let me just clear it with my mom, okay?"

"You're the best Amy!"

"Aww schucks, you're just sayin' that. I'll be right back, one sec."

I was pretty sure my mom would let me go, she had no reason not to. 

"I guess you can. Will someone else you know be there?" my mom asked.

I ran back upstairs to ask Jen what the details were.

"Jen's cousins are gonna be there, I met them at her cookout last month" I yelled down to my mom.

"Okay then, just let me know if you need money or anything." she replied.

"It's a deal" I told Jen.

"Thank you so much Amy! All I ask is that you get some good pictures, some autpgraphs, and possibly get them on video saying my name and maybe even get them to tell me to feel better, oooh maybe they'll even call me to tell me to get better! You have my phone number right? Of course you do I'm talking to you right now!"

"Sure thing, Jen. I'll do my best."

I laughed at her fangirling. I highly doubted that they would do that but it seemed to make her feel better just imagining them calling her. We hung up the phone and I started settling down to bed. This could be kinda cool. I mean, I had never been to a huge concert, just the small ones that small local bands had. And I had definitely never met anyone super famous before so going backstage to meet them would definitely be an experience. Then I realized I knew absolutely nothing about this band. So, naturally, I took to the internet. 

Let's see what tumblr has to say about them. An endless list of pictures came up with five guys (not too bad looking guys I should add). The images ranged from concert scenery, to paparazzi pictures, and all the way to pictures of what seemed like Africa. Then there were a few that looked like just five good friends hanging out. Jeez, one of them could really get some air. Dang, that one has better legs than me. That one's eyes are so deep and brown. There was something about one of their noses that I really liked. But the other one had a smile to die for. I can see why Jen was so obsessed. 

I woke up the next morning groggy with my laptop sitting on my bed beside me. I guess I fell asleep reading up on these guys that I was going to meet in a few hours. Wow, I only had a few hours until I was going to be at a concert with thousands upon thousands of screaming girls. I groaned a little, I never really understood the whole "I'm going to scream as loud as I possibly can so I can't actually hear what you're singing" thing. But whatever, I was going to a free concert, it'd be fun.

I hopped into the shower and then started to prepare for the night out. Jen's cousins were picking me up at 4pm so I had about 3 hours. I was in no hurry so I contemplated what I was going to wear. I obviously had no merchandise which is what I'm assuming the majority of people were going to be wearing so I was at a standstill. Should I dress it up a little or just go with a t-shirt and jeans? I decided to go with my geeky "I ate some pie" shirt and some jeans. I say geeky because it was actually my "square root of negative one, two cubed, sigma, pi" shirt. Things like that are funny to me, I know, it's weird. Now for the task of doing something with my hair. I figured I should put some effort into it since I was dressing down. However, my hair was perpetually frizzy and a pain to deal with. I managed to make it look acceptable with a thick headband. 

Two hours to go. I should probably eat. I didn't want anything too heavy. A PB&J would do. I found a note and some money my mom had put on the counter before she had left for work. 

Have fun tonght!

Don't forget to thank

Jen and her cousins.

Love you <3

I was getting pretty excited now. No, I had next to no knowledge of this band that a ton of girls would quite literally kill to go to but I would have fun. Jen's cousins, Monica and Julia, were nice and seemed like fun people to go to a concert with. 

One hour to go: I was on youtube. I should probably try to learn some of their lyrics before I left.

10 minutes to go: I was watching out the window, munching on some crackers.

4pm: Where the heck are they?!

4:03pm: Finally, I almost skipped to the door. Why was I so giddy, I was usually a pretty level headed, subdued person, but hey I was going to a concert and meeting a famous band.

The car ride was awkward to say the least. It was an hour and a half drive to the venue and I barely knew these people. They were more than nice, but another one of their friends was there so they were talking to her the whole time while I chatted with their mom about colleges and majors because that seems to be the only thing adults can talk about to high schoolers.

The parking lot was a sea of cars with scattered teenage and preteen girls running to the entrance with frustrated mothers trying to keep up. As we walked in there were excited shrieks and giggles everywhere. The energy was contagious. I couldn't help but smile as were pushed our way past the bustling people toward the ticket booth. Then we were in. The Stadium was massive. We walked past groups of girls singing lyrics together and little girls telling their mothers about which boy they wished they could meet. I had no idea where our seats were so I was just blindly following Monica and Julia while marvelling at everything around me. I almosr bumped into Julia as they stopped in front of me. My jaw dropped. These weren't just tickets to a popular concert. These were front row, center stage tickets to the most popular boy band in the world. And I was here in my stupid "I ate some pie" t-shirt. Oh god why did I wear this? Why did I put my hair like I had it? Oh well, at least I'd get some really good pictures for Jen. 

                I sat in silence taking everything in; I wanted to be able to describe everything perfectly to Jen. I owed her a big one. I started getting a little bored with no one to really talk to so I decided to snapchat a few pictures to Jen. She sent a few back, one with her wearing a sad face but then a few ecstatic faces. I could see tissues piled around her and her hair was all messed up. I wished her better. Just as my phone said the snap was sent, the lights went down and a hush fell over the crowd followed by an uproar of deafening screams.


This is my first time writing anything. I hope you like it and please please please give me some feedback so I know what to change or what to improve on. Thank You!! <3

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