I can't be what you need| RK9...

By androidsuperiority

80.7K 5.1K 4.8K

You're Detective Y/N L/N, you worked through the revolution with Lieutenant Hank Anderson and Connor, the And... More

I quit
Not the same
You shouldn't eat that
Stop annoying me
Sounds... boring
It's time to wake up
The same
It's not a game
Have fun
It got worse
You're safe now
Do you like her?
My name is...
So stupid
I wish you weren't here
Maybe you should
You and I
I need to see him!
He did what?
I'm here
I won't repeat myself
Take the day
Ask me anything
I fell asleep
We don't have much time!
You were too late...
Let her through!
You need to eat
Protect her
Told you so
Not mine
You look nice
I'll carry you.
You're heavily intoxicated
My head...
I really don't mind
Day off ruined
Trust me
Take it for me...
Where's Hank?
Meet Sumo
Why is this happening to me?
Are you sure about this?
I'm just happy, okay?
What the fuck...
It's a timeline
You're watching it, so shut it.
Don't even think about it!
This is new.
I should have...
Nines! Oh fuck!
He's fine... and will be fine
I promise
My eyes!
Tell me why!
I feel fine...
Let me help you
How are you feeling?
Semi good news
I... What?
We're back
I mean nothing
How many nexts must there be?
It's... beautiful
Stop talking
Don't... touch... me
Anything for you...
I can't lose you
No one will hurt you ever again.
Just not in a good mood
Yes I am!
It's okay, it's okay
Welcome back
That's enough!
I wanna leave... I wanna...
You will not eat all of that
I hope this works
They've gone quiet...
Weird feeling
I will never like you
He hasn't
I'm not ready!
I know you are brave
Stop being so difficult!
No. No. No.
You were... you were...
Put it back on
You meant it
I want to be alone...
I would advise you to back off
What? No way!
It's for us
I don't remember asking
Leave her alone!
Where did that...?
You are very clumsy
I-I can't...
We may look like idiots together
You're so boring...
So basically...
I got scared...
You are very cold
Try again
I see you're doing better...
I'm glad this is different...
Just admit what you did.
You look so stupid!
When we find them...
Could we talk... alone?
You just lied
I'm fine honestly!
Hey! Look at me!
Oh God
Just fall asleep
No, I'm good
I can't run that fast
Why didn't you say anything?!
You could have killed her!
Do not argue with me
I'm screwed
Need a hug?
I can't make any promises.
It is not my intention to ever hurt you
Carry me!
I really did that
Fuck you!
You saved my life... again
I believe I would like that
Got a new friend there
Just let me cuddle you
Almost... almost...
We're so close now, Con.
They're so cute
May I let go?
What's taking him so long?!
I am ready
You did it
Now, tell me everything
I never would have guessed
Stop it, Nines
I am not sure...
You saved me this time.
You have to dance with me
Let's dance!
That was not a threat
Be there soon
You cannot make me
I always will too
See this... yeah shut up
There is no winning with you
Jesus! Be patient!
Okay... what about this?
Why does he...
Mind your own business
I don't like this... I really don't
So, whose gonna do it?
She means something to me
Please... I need to apologise!
Why would you do that...
May I point the first one out?
Where are we going?
I-It does?
I don't know how to thank you
Shut up, Hank!
You can, it's okay...
But I did not think you liked it...
I am taking you to bed
I was angry...
Watch out!
I said stop.
It is okay, I understand...
You are so ridiculously stubborn
We really tried
I- Fuck!
You are sulking like a child
That's where you'll find them
Where is she?
No one will touch you, I will not let them
Are you still there?
You are going to lie?
You have a pretty face
No touching
You can't be serious!

You ass

274 18 13
By androidsuperiority

"No, he's right... you look like complete shit." Hank pointed out, while literally making an air circle around your face. Giving him a dead look you fold your arms and pushed your lips together, unimpressed.

"Wow thanks... fucker..." You grumbled before looking back over to Connor.

"Don't worry about me, I'm completely fine." You reassured him, but Connor of course looked completely unconvinced. "You are not, you are exhausted I can tell." Connor commented an extremely concerned look on his face. 'Come on Nines, step in to help me' You begged inside your head hoping that Nines would somehow know that's what you wanted.

"Detective L/N struggled to sleep last night, she was very restless. She ended up in the living room with me, I gave her many suggestions yet none of them worked." Nines lied, but this only made Connor's face soften but the worry in his eyes stayed. "She slept for two hours and twenty minutes in total, so she shall be very slow and unfocused today."

"That is not much sleep... maybe you should go home. Catch up on some sleep." Connor said his eyes focused on only you.

"I'll be okay, Connor." You told him before looking away from him and towards Nines who was already looking towards you, instantly you had to bite down onto your tongue to stop yourself from laughing when Nines winked at you. 'Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh.' You persisted inside your head, the wink was very forced and weird just like the first time Connor had ever winked. Seeing Nines do it just made it more funny.

"No idea how you're gonna function on that much sleep, definitely don't let her have a weapon today." Hank joked but you were really just too tired to retaliate to his jokes which he noticed. "She's so tired she can't even argue with me."

"Or maybe she's just sick and tired of hearing your voice, Hank." Connor said with a shrug as Hank turned to glare at Connor, who just stared back at him. "I'm sick and tired of hearing yours yet I still let you talk." Hank retaliated which only caused Connor to roll his eyes at him.

"Y/N, are you feeling okay?" Nines whispered out as his hand reached out to place itself in its usual spot. Your thigh. "I'm just really tired, Nines, I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment." You admitted your voice hushed while Connor and Hank continued their back and forth.

"Perhaps we should speak to the Captain, I can probably convince him to let us go home." Nines offered and it was a sweet idea, but you had to work you couldn't just go home because you were tired. "I'll be okay, just hope I don't have to chase anyone today." You whispered back with a breathy laugh.

"Very well." Nines said before going quiet, his hand gliding up and down your thigh.

"You know I was going to suggest that me and you go drinking tonight, Y/N, but maybe another night now." Hank said catching your attention, looking over at him you gave him a sad look. It had been awhile since you spent anytime with Hank. "Maybe another night? I'm just going to go home and pass out later." You asked, it would have been nice to go out.

"Sure, we bringing the weirdos though?" Hank asked as he pointed between Nines and Connor, Nines seemed completely uninterested in what was being said whereas Connor looked offended that Hank had said he looked weird. "I don't know... depends if they want to come... Nines would you want to?" You asked instantly knowing what his response would be.

But all he did was shrug at you, his head seemed to be somewhere else at the moment and you had no idea what was going on. Looking over at Connor you waited for his response, even though it was still awkward... even more so after yesterday you still didn't mind hanging out with him and Hank. Hank would keep him grounded.

"I'd like to come, we have not spent much time together recently." Connor said as he smiled softly, then looked back to his terminal.

"I will accompany you, Y/N, knowing the Lieutenant it will involve alcohol. So it is best that I come so that you have someone to rely on when drunk." Nines said his fingertips digging into your thigh to grab your attention, looking over to him you nod. "So not tonight, maybe tomorrow night if Y/N doesn't still look like death." Hank suggested then clapped his hands together.

"Could be-" You cut yourself off with a loud yawn, shaking your head like it would get rid of the feeling, "fun." You finished while shifting in your chair.

"Yes it could be." Connor mumbled with his eyes still fixed on his terminal.

Nines stood up from his chair making you look up at him with a quizzical expression on your face. "Where are you going?" You questioned as yet another yawn escaped, it was starting to annoy you how much you were yawning now. "I am going to go and get you a caffeinated drink, it is the only way you shall make it through todays shift." Nines stated as he moved away from his chair and opened your drawer and pulled out a teabag. "I will be sure to make it strong."

"Life saver." You muttered while Nines's LED flashed yellow, he seemed hesitant to actually leave you behind. "Want me to come with you?"

"No it will only make you more tired, I am sure that the Lieutenant and RK800 can entertain you while I am busy." Nines said before then walking away, his destination being the break room. You had never felt so grateful to have Nines, he was being perfect.

"I always find it weird when he's nice... because he's only nice to you." Hank commented glancing up at Hank you saw him watching as Nines disappeared completely. "I guess he has to be nice to me, I'm his partner. Plus most people here just treat him like the machine he is, they need to treat him more like how they treat Connor." You said while thinking about what Hank had said, was Nines only nice to you?

He'd said nice things to Hank in the past right?

He was definitely nice to Samuel.

"He's also nice to Samuel." You added as Hank shrugged, looking over to Connor you could see that he agreed with Hank.

"I believe he is only nice to you, but then he has to establish a good bond with you. Without you he is nothing, but you have made a friend from it so no one can complain." Connor said, shock overtook your mind as thousands of questions coursed through your mind, the main one being. 'Has someone fiddled with his wires or is he really trying to look past his jealousy?'

"Who the fuck are you? And what have you done to my Son, you know the one who can't stand RK900." Hank said out loud you couldn't help the small laugh that left your mouth, it was nice to know that Hank was as shocked as you with what Connor had said. "Very funny, Hank. But I am serious, it is clear that you two have a very good friendship." Connor commented as he shot a smile your way, clearly he meant it when he said he was going to do everything he could to make you forgive him.

He was starting with his jealousy.

"I should take him to CyberLife to get checked right? Just in case he's broken. I don't want a broken Connor." Hank asked directing the question towards you, looking over at Hank you saw he had a very serious expression on his face, he genuinely was considering that Connor was broken. "I'm sure he's fine, Hank." You laughed as you played with a pen that was sat on your desk.

"Are you experiencing malfunctions, RK800? If you are I would suggest visiting CyberLife." Nines's voice called out as he approached your shared desk, Connor's head whipped around to look at him. "I am not, Hank is just being annoying." Connor replied with a weird expression on his face.

"I do not understand... the Lieutenant said-"

"He was teasing Connor. He wasn't being serious, Nines." You told Nines who made an 'o' shape with his mouth before nodding, he then placed a mug of tea down in front you and sat down into his chair. "I still do not understand fully, but thank you for explaining it to me." Nines thanked, Connor had now gone silent and moved his attention back to his terminal while Hank just smirked over at Connor.

"Hank stop it." Connor grumbled as Hank started to laugh.

"I haven't done or said anything." Hank said raising his hands to show innocence, but you knew for a fact he was still trying to tease Connor. "No, but you are thinking of doing or saying something, so stop." Connor argued back as Hank smiled over at you.

"I'm not getting involved, I'm going to sit here quietly and drink my tea with Nines's company." You told Hank as you took ahold of the mug and started to blow onto the tea, Nines's hand pressed down on top of your thigh as he began brushing his fingertips over your thigh. "What shall we do today if we do not get called out on a case?" Nines asked you, as his hands glided across the length of your thigh, making a shiver run down your spine from the suddenness and the area he had touched.

"Uh... Urgh I guess just look through evidence..." You stammered the pitch of your voice going higher than normal, to play it off you coughed straight after.

"Boring." Hank said.

"Y/N, you spent the whole evening doing that, you are exhausted because of it. Doing more would be highly unwise." Nines murmured, as his face slowly got closer to yours. "I'll be fine... I've got you." You mumbled back giving him the 'don't push it' look.

As if to prove his point you yawned once again so instantly raised the mug to your lips and took a mouthful of the tea. You hated that he was right you were too tired to be staring at case files all day long.

"I am not sure that is wise, Detective L/N. You barely accumulated many hours of sleep, trying to focus on evidence all day would be challenging." Nines said aloud so Hank and Connor could hear every word of it. 'This asshole.' Was your only thought.

"I like a challenge... why do you think I'm still spending my life trying to get you to Deviate?" You questioned your voice dripping with sarcasm and pride, Nines's eyebrows creased together at your words. "Maybe he's right, Y/N, you'll barely be able to focus on anything." Connor called out which only made Nines smirk at you, he had won.

"No seriously I'll be fine... Hank a little help here." You whined looking over to Hank for some sort of help but he only grimaced instead. "I gotta agree with them, you look like you're about to pass out from exhaustion." Hank pointed out and that's when you knew Nines had won this battle, and oh boy was he smug about it.

Letting out a huff you choose to ignore all three of the guys and go back to your tea, enjoying the sweetness of it. Even though you were irritated by its maker. Nines's hand drifted from the top of your thigh to your inner thigh, his fingertips brushing the inside, tenderly. Yawns kept escaping you as you started to feel more tired.

"So sleepy..." You mumbled as you pushed your chair closer to Nines's and rested your head onto his shoulder.

"I am not surprised." Nines responded.

You were going to flat out refuse to move your head off of Nines's shoulder, Connor looked over at you a clearly concerned look on his face. There was no sign of any jealousy currently. Tilting your head up you press your lips closer to Nines's ear.

"You ass." You whispered into his ear before pulling your head back down and snuggling into his shoulder.

"Noted." Nines said under his breath meaning that you heard it because of the close proximity to him, Nines's hand was still running itself up and down your thigh.

"Here's an idea how about Nines reads the case files to me." You suggested with a huge smirk on your face, knowing that Nines wouldn't see it but would feel it on his shoulder. "Yeah I suppose that could work..." Hank said while shrugging.

"I would not mind doing that." Nines declared as his fingertips dug into your inner thigh, making you let in a sharp, quiet gasp. 'Oh Jesus...' was your only thought at his actions. "See easy fix, now when do we go down there?" You asked all of them, your head still snuggled into Nines's shoulder.

"Just give me another like four hours and I'll be ready to go down." Hank groaned, you understood his reluctancy to do it because it really felt like you all did the same thing over and over.

"We won't find anything new... that's already obvious..." You mumbled, last night was completely pointless simply because you and Nines found a few things but nothing case breakthrough worthy.

That's when silence fell over your small group, lifting your head for a few moments you take ahold of the drink Nines had made for you and took a few mouthfuls. Then rested your head back down onto Nines's shoulder, your eyes getting heavier and heavier by the second. Both Hank and Connor had began doing things on their terminals, so they weren't really paying attention to you.

Small yawns kept slipping from you while Nines just allowed you to rest your head on his shoulder, your eye's constantly fluttering closed then open again.

"Detective L/N! My office!" Fowlers voice yelled startling you, making your eye's go wide.

"Oh God, am I in trouble?" You wondered out loud as you raised your head from Nines's shoulder, then stood up and moved swiftly towards Fowlers office. You could hear Nines right behind you, your knew there was a possibility that Fowler would tell him to leave but you hoped he wouldn't.

Upon entering Fowlers office you sat down across from him trying to make yourself look as awake as possible. "You look... tired." Fowler said as he stared at your face.

"Well, I am pretty tired...what am I uh... in here for?" You questioned hoping that you didn't sound rude at all, you felt Nines's presence behind you. "Just wanted to see how last night went, you two find anything new?" Fowler asked as his eyes looked between you and Nines.

"A few things but nothing that leads us to our group..." You admitted tapping a single finger up and down on the arm of the chair.

"You tried and that's that all that matters, make sure you head home early today. I don't really want you passing out at work." Fowler stated making you laugh, one of Nines's hands landed on your shoulder as his fingers pressed down slightly. "I will make sure that she does not stay too late." Nines told him so you twisted your head to look over at Nines with a small smile on your face.

"Good, now out of my office." Fowler ordered waving the both of you away.

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