Into the Honeyverse

By chasethemayhem

33.4K 542 170

Because everyone needs a little more Hangman in their lives 😎 There are so many ideas I had for Jake based o... More

I Like You
One Beer
wait in the truck
Single Saturday Night
Small change!
Worse Than Treason
Love You Again*
Last Night
So It Goes...*
Mom & Dad Don't Get Out Much
Flight Risk (1/4)
Flight Risk (2/4)
Flight Risk (4/4)
Into the Honeyverse
Living For the Night x George Strait
Cover Me Up x Morgan Wallen
Champagne & Sunshine x PLVTINUM*
Boyfriend x Hardy
My Kinda Morning x Chase Wright
Me On You x Muscadine Bloodline*
Don't Just Undress Me With Your Eyes*
Digital Daggers
Digital Daggers: Sister Wives groupchat
Digital Daggers Pt. 2
Tiny update!
In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised
Shook Me All Night Long
She Ain't Takin' Your Call
That Pretty Girl's In Pretty Good Hands

Flight Risk (3/4)

577 17 1
By chasethemayhem

You're my sunrise, you keep comin' up You're in every conversation, every smoky situation
If it's water, if it's whiskey in my cup
You're the memories I'm drinkin', you're the thoughts I'm always thinkin'
It don't matter how far I run
You're the one that I can't run from
Used to be my late nights, love me till the daylights
Now you're just my sunrise, you keep comin' up
Sunrise x Morgan Wallen

Spicy times ahead friends, 18+


I'm an idiot.
A certified moron to think I could keep my feelings for Jake fucking Seresin at a surface level.

To make matters worse, I'm an even bigger idiot to think he wouldn't haunt my every waking thought when I pushed him out of my life.
Nat and Bob have asked me what's up on numerous occasions, and l've successfully skirted answering them. Whether or not they believe me is a different story. Natasha is the one person l've talked to about my relationship with Jake. She and I have been friends since she met Bradley in flight school and the permanent move to Miramar has only made our bond tighter. She's been my best friend, second only to Jake. Until recently, I guess. I thought icing Jake out would make my life easier, but I think it's worse now than before. I see him everywhere. The clean break I was hoping for is a splintered mess. I swear, every little thing reminds me of him. I went grocery shopping and instinctively grabbed a tub of the disgusting plain Greek yogurt he puts in his breakfast smoothies. I went to order a pizza and had one with sausage on one half and pepperoni on the other before I could even realize it, then quickly took off both toppings altogether. Hell, a bird shit on my windshield the other day and it reminded me of when a seagull dropped a bomb on him at the beach a few months back. I missed him so much that it hurt and I found myself almost breaking down and calling him on more than one occasion.

Then my dumbass thought of the genius idea to mislead him into thinking I was dating Cole. In theory, it was gonna work out great. Nat had come to pick me up from work one day because I had a nasty ocular migraine, and she had left Cole stunned. When I came back to work the next day, he has asked me about her and I offered to set them up. Since Natasha Trace is intimidating by nature, unless she lets you in her inner circle, he was a little skittish on being set up on a blind date. So l offered to bring him around the squad until he felt comfortable enough to ask her out himself. In a shocking twist of events, the great Phoenix herself loves the sweet, quiet type and they hit it off immediately. Since they weren't ready to let the nosy shits that are our friends into their newly developed relationship, we came to the agreement that we would all keep up the current dynamic of Cole sticking close by me whenever they were around. While Nat has a take no shit mentality, she's also a terrible liar and wouldn't be able to deny if anyone suspected anything. Me, however? I'm a Bradshaw, mischief and a way with words are in my genetics so it was easy for me to give believable non answers. Plus, for my own selfish gain, it let Jake to believe Cole was there for me, even though I neither confirmed nor denied it. Which is how I find myself locked in the warm embrace of one Jake Seresin on the patio of the Hard Deck, my true feelings for him escaping the jar that l've tried to keep sealed tight.

"No matter how hard I tried to run from how I felt about you, feel about you, I couldn't ever get far." I admit, my chin dropping to my chest to avoid his bright green gaze. "I get it if you don't want this, I was a complete bitch and I'm an absolute mess."

A warm palm finds it's way to my cheek, thumb landing on my chin and pushing up. "Good thing I've been conditioned to keep things clean for the better part of my life," Jake teases.

My nose scrunches and his hands settle back on the railing behind me. "That was bad."

"Yeah, it was. I'll give you that," Jake chuckles.
"But I want you and every bit of chaotic energy that comes with you. I never thought I'd want to be a one woman kinda guy, the idea used to give me hives for fucks sake! But then you came along and knocked me on my ass without even trying.  Sure, it started as just sex. Then you took care of me when I celebrated a little too hard after Mav's promotion. I thought it was all a drunken dream until woke up with a trash can by the bed and my sheets smelled like coconut because you were still there."

"I'm scared you won't want me anymore when you don't have to chase me, that it's only been the determination of winning keeping you with me. Hangman doesn't chase girls, they fall at his feet." I admit sheepishly.

Both of his hands, calloused from working on his plane, gently hold both sides of my face and mine rest on his wrists. The way this big, strong man could have such a tender touch has always short circuited my brain. "Teenaged me would punch me in the dick for this, but I haven't even looked at another girl since I met you. Because that's all they are to me, girls. One night only, a means to an end. P'll call you a liar if you ever repeat it, but I didn't realize what I missing until you. You think I can fuck you within an inch of your life based on chemistry alone? Hell no! I couldn't do that with just anybody."

My eyes well with tears and his thumbs swipe them off my cheeks as they slip out. "Nobody would believe me if told them you were a sap anyway. Please continue." I sniffle and he presses a sweet kiss to my nose.

"Dick," his chest rumbles with a low laugh. "I'm serious though, the level of trust I have with you should be apparent in the nasty shit we do. I was also extremely selfish before you, again it was all a means to an end. But making you scream my name was more than ego boost, it was...God. It was more than be trying to be the best, I wanted to make you feel the best. Even if that meant I'd leave with blue balls." I blush at the memories of some of the "nasty shit" we've done. "Anyway, you little perv. My soul is tied to yours. Everyone before you is a blur and I know there won't be anyone after you. So, whatcha say? Wanna give this a real shot?"

Tears are flowing freely at this point and I nod in his hold. "I think you might be worth the risk, Seresin." I grin cheekily before his lip crash down on mine.

I feel comfort for the first time in weeks from the gentle brush of his kiss. My arms snake up around his neck and I melt into his chest as his hands grip my waist and pull me closer. His touch alone is like aloe on a sun soaked, being wrapped up in him again immediately soothes the burn the distance I forced on us left behind. I push up on my tiptoes to deepen the kiss and l'm quickly pulled impossibly closer to him, his already hard cock against my hip. I gasp at the contact and Jake takes the opportunity to slip his tongue between my parted lips. My nails trace against his skin before they tangle into the cropped hair at the nape of his neck.

He breaks the kiss and drops his forehead to mine with a satisfied sigh. "Shit, honey. Didn't think I was ever gonna get to feel that again.,"

I grin slyly. "What? This?" | repeat the action, adding a little extra pressure as my nails drag across his scalp.

Jake groans and it vibrates through every cell in my body. Before I know it, he's gripping the backs of my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me down the steps of the deck and towards the soft sand. I giggle at his antics then drop my lips to his neck, peppering kisses up and down his tan skin. I nip at his jaw and relish in the feeling of him flexing it at my touch.

I'm about to ask where we're going when my back lands roughly against a wooden wall. I pull back to look at Jake and he's wearing a bright smile that surely matches mine when I realize where we are.

The lifeguard shack.

Where he pulled me to sneak a kiss and tell me how sexy he thought it was when I tackled my own brother in dog fight football. Where we've snuck off to when we couldn't stand to not have our hands on each other around our friends while at the Hard Deck. Where he found me on the day of what would have been my parents' 40th anniversary. Where I realized my feelings were deeper than I wanted to let on, because not even my brother had reached out to me that day. I reach up and trace my fingers along the side of his face, my focus locked on the emotion swimming behind his the gorgeous green of his eyes that is thinned to a slim ring around his lust blown pupils.

"Jake." I whisper.
"I know, birdy. I know," he replies softly, and that's all it takes for me to launch myself at him again.

Because Jake Seresin is a smooth mother fucker, he manages to pop the lock on the door and carry me inside without stumbling in the slightest.  Somehow, with only the light of the moon peeking in between the slats of the roof, Jake finds a blanket and gently places me back on my feet so he can spread it out. I slip off my shoes and step backwards on the blanket, my hand slipped in his. Once his boots are off, I sink to the floor and tug him with me. Kneeling between my parted legs, Jake's palms trace a scorching hot path from my ankles, along the outside of my thighs, and lands on the skirt of my dress pooled at my hips. He grips the soft fabric in his hands, like he's trying to ground himself. Usually I'd tease him, ask him if he came in his pants like a teenager already. But not tonight, I can't bring myself to tease him. Not when the depth of his feelings for me is shining in his eyes, not when there's a palpable charge in the air around us, not when we're finally honest with ourselves.

My hands trace across the tops of his shoulders, down his arms, and around to his sides where I grab the worn material of his tshirt and start dragging it upwards in an attempt to get it off of him. Jake catches on and starts pushing the hem of my dress up too, matching my pace.
"Up," he commands once it bunches at my chest, and I happily comply. My dress is ripped over my head and tossed onto a table in a corner, Jake's shirt sailing close behind. With his hands softly guiding me back to the floor, I grip his dogtags in my hand and pull his lips back to mine. The kiss is messy as the lace that barely counts as panties is ripped from my body. Literally ripped. A soft mewl falls from my lips, because holy shit was that hot, and my hands reach for his belt buckle.  Once I feel the cool metal on my fingertips, my hands are snatched away and pinned above my head, making me pout.

"Mmm, not yet. I have a theory I wanna test real quick. Thad a downright filthy dream about you the other night, in a position almost identical to this one, and I wanna see if I can make it come true."

My eyebrow pops up in curiosity but I nod my head regardless. He wasn't lying when he said the trust between the two of us is something special. He leans over me, the chill of the metal of his tags against my sternum making me shiver as his lips trail down my jaw. It's not anything new, he's used that metal chain in plenty of ways before. I'm about to question him when his hips roll forward and the cool metal meets the warm wetness that's steadily been building between my legs. I gasp and my legs lock around his waist on instinct.

"Ohmygodjake!" The words are pushed out of me surprised whimper.

"Yeah? That feel good honey?" He asks between kisses and nips at my collarbone.

"S.....sso good," I moan out shakily.

Jake lets a little more weight rest against me before he gently rolls his hips against mine. One of the ridges in the design on the buckle catches my clit and have no control over the noise that leaves my mouth as my back arches and my eyes roll back. Jake is quick to bring a palm across my mouth, keeping the sounds at bay. He'll never fully stifle them, he loves the sounds he can pull from me too much for that, but he will quiet them to where only he can hear.

"That's it. Look at you, good girl. You're already close, aren't you?" I nod frantically, needing juuuuuust a little bit more before the buzzing in my veins overtakes me. "I bet you're so wound up, haven't had me there to take care of you. I know you've probably tried to do it yourself, but you can't quite get it done the way I can, huh?
Nothing can make you feel as good as I do, yeah honey?"

His deep voice in my ear and one last firm roll of his pelvis is what does it. My heels dig into his back as I scream "yes Jake! Only you!"

Jake leans in and kisses me as I come down, hands gently stroking my face as he whispers sweet praises in my ear. Once I blink the haze out of my eyes, I find Jake has pushed his jeans and boxers down to his knees. His belt is out of its loops, tongue sliding over the buckle as he moans at the taste.

"Always taste so sweet, my love. You ready for me?" He asks.

"You should know the answer to that. I'm always ready for you;" I smirk back.

He gently pushes into me, taking only a couple thrusts to fully seat himself since l'm soaked.
Once he bottoms out, he groans and bends down to bite at my shoulder.

"You feel so fucking perfect. Fuck, I forgot how damn wet you get for me, how tight you squeeze me. Damn baby, if I could choose how I go, it'd be just like this" he pants between slow thrusts.

One of my hands lands in his hair and the other is on his back between his shoulder blades, leaving crescent shapes and red streaks across his skin as he finds the perfect rhythm and continuously strokes that spongy spot deep inside me. Before know it, I'm cumming again. One of my legs is hitched up over his shoulder as he picks up speed, hips furiously pounding into me and pushing me back to the edge I'd just barely returned from.

"Come on, gorgeous. Gimme one more, you can do it, he coos as his hip bone is smacking so hard against the back of my thigh that l'm sure l'lI have a bruise tomorrow. Damn if I don't love when he leaves marks, though. One hand is clasped over my shoulder, pulling me even harder against him. The other is gripping my hip, suddenly squeezing even harder and making his blunt fingernails dig into me and break the skin. That tiny bit of pain not only sends me over the edge, I'm damn near dropkicked into it and I turn my head and bite into Jake's bicep to keep from having anyone in a 5 mile radius make sure I wasn't being brutally murdered.

Jake rolls off of me and pulls me into his side as our breathing evens out, gently stroking my hair as we both come down from a mind numbing orgasm. Once my brain returns to my body, I look around the tiny shack.

"How'd you get in here? Not that I'm complaining, but I recall there being a lock?" I ask.

"A certain lifeguard may have seen me pining and gave me a copy of the key for when I finally decided to win you over for good," Jake says with a grin.

"Ahhh, Erin Sue and her southern Belle, conflict resolution skills strike again," I smile back. "We owe her a favor or twelve."

Erin Sue; local lifeguard & paramedic, former beauty Queen, and the love of my brother's life.
Now we can add mediator and overall angel to the list. We quickly redress, Jake grabbing the blanket and leaving it on the chair outside with every intention of taking it home and washing it.

Once our shoes are in our hands, we start walking back up to the bar to rejoin our friends. Just as I lift my foot to put my shoe back on before climbing the stairs of the deck, a pained groan sounds from the right of the door.
"Aw, c'mon man! You couldn't have waited until you got home to defile my precious baby sister?!"

I jump and yelp in surprise, my brother being the last person I would have expected. "Bradley!
Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I saw Bagman here follow you outside, and since his truck is still out front I figured y'all were still here. Warranted a quick check to make sure you didn't murder him. Now I wish I were dead so I wouldn't have to see your post coital glow," he gags. "Could've gone my entire life without seeing that."

Mine and Jake's eyes bounce between each other and brother in rapid succession, both thinking we've clearly entered an alternate reality.

"You...know? And you're not mad?" lask, confusion written all over my face.

Bradley nods. "I've known since almost the beginning. I wanted to be mad about it, trust me, did. But then I saw how gentle he was with you. Sure, he was still a dick at times, but he wasn't when he was with you."

Jake is stunned speechless. He was prepared to go full medieval knight and fight for my hand with my brother, not have it gifted to him. "I. Uhh... what?" He finally stutters out.

"After about 4 months, I saw a look in your eye that I've only seen in pictures and heard stories about. You look at her like my dad looked at my mom. And then she got the same look of adoration in her eyes when she talked about you that my mom had when she told us stories about our dad, about how he was her lifetime love. I know how you can be, Birdy. You don't like to let people in, so I didn't question it. Figured you'd d tell me when you were ready. Then you two spent the last 3 months being miserable idiots. Hangman wasn't even an ass anymore, he was just quiet. Which is terrifying, by the way. So Erin Sue and I decided we could give y all a little nudge. I'm glad it worked. Not a lot of people meet their soulmate, but you two did. We can talk more about it later, because I can't take you seriously with your messed up hair and flushed cheeks. Get outta here, l'll fill the others in on what happened. I love you, baby bird." Bradley gives me a tight hug and moves to Jake to do the bro hug back slap thing and Jake threads his fingers back through mine once they separate.

"I love you too, Brad Brad." I kiss his cheek and we make our way to the truck. Jake opens the door and helps me climb in as always and is quick to hop into his own seat.

He starts the truck and turns to look at me before putting it in reverse. "I love you, Bristol Bradshaw. The for a lifetime kinda love." He pressed a tender kiss to my knuckles and smiles at me.

"I love you too, Jake Seresin. For this lifetime and the next.

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