Forever & Always (Forever & A...

By TrishaHarrington

132K 3.9K 2K

"Hey, I'm Noah. Who are you?" he said, and that was how it started, how we started as small children in the p... More

Message From The Author
Starting High School
The Strength Of Friendship
A Not So Sudden Change
In The Light Of Day
Everything Comes Crashing Down
The Past, Part I
The Past, Part II
A Sudden Realization
A New Beginning
The Adjustment Period
Helping A Friend
A New Life
Facing The Truth
Celebrating Firsts
Return To The Lions Den
Hidden Suspicions
Friends & Foes
A Little Surprise
Time To Prepare
When One Door Closes...
Another Door Opens
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Finding Our Roles
The Wicked Witch
We Love What's Broken
Welcome To The World Baby J
Be Mine Forever
Let's Get It On
My Heart Is Yours Forever
A Fortnight In Paradise
Forever & Always
Thank you!
Interview with Jesse & Noah

Jesse's Fifteenth Birthday

2.8K 84 16
By TrishaHarrington

“Humor is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes. It's unbridled, its unplanned, it's full of suprises.” 

― Erma Bombeck

My casts came off the following Monday. The doctor was impressed that they had healed so well, and as quickly as they did. Mom was with me the whole morning. We had a nice chat about everything Chris related and went for ice-cream after. Noah was excited to see me without the casts on again.

“Let's get you home. Your daddy's waiting for you. He'll be happy to see you without those,” Mom said and we hopped into the car. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

She went to work after that and daddy and I spent a few hours together. He was acting strangely and I was worried about him. At first I thought it was something bad, but he sat me down when I went into the kitchen to talk to him.

He was shuffling around in the kitchen and he looked extremely nervous. He kept touching his head and scratching non existent facial hair. When I sat down he looked me over, it was a weird thing for him to do. Finally, he spoke.

“Jesse, you know I love you, right?” He asked me as if I had not known that. He had proved it to me over the last few months, years even.

“Yeah. You know I love you too. Right?” I asked him. I was kind of shocked that I was even asking, but something had obviously happened when he had asked me if I knew that he loved me.

He hardly thinks I don't love him. Would he think that? Why would he?

A slow smile etched on his face and he nodded. “Of course I know that. I know your heart Jesse. It's one of the reasons Noah fell in love with you. It's one of the reasons I love you.” He paused. 

“The thing is Chris is worried about what I think of everything. He came to me the other night, after you went back to your old house. I don't know why he feels like that, but I wanted to let you know.”

He smiled at me and stretched. “I'm glad you have a chance to get to know your biological father. I'll always see you as my son because that's what you are, but I want you to build a relationship with him too. Okay?”

I was blown away. Chris had thought we were hurting daddy? He never said anything. Heck, I hadn't even worried about it. Daddy was daddy, it was one of the reasons I loved him. He knew how I felt and what it meant to me, to be able to know who I was and where I came from.

“I planned to. Not that I don't love you, you know I do. But, he's a nice guy and has no one. I think he could be a valuable family member one day. Not just to me. To our family.” I smiled at the last part of the sentence. Our family.

“That's my boy. You're a good man Jesse. I know the type of person you are. You are the type of person who wants the best for others.” He smiled. “I'm proud of you, son and the person you are. Grace is too.”

“You will always be the first dad I had. But Chris is a nice guy and we have a lot in common. I think we could become a unique family one day. But for now I am just glad you aren't upset.” I hugged him tightly and sat back down in the chair.

We smiled at one another and he threw me a coke before I walked up to our bedroom. Mine and Noah's. The room had become more like ours over the past few weeks. Noah's clothes were scattered on the floor. A few of his jackets and jeans.

He always was untidy. It's funny that I even love that about him.

My clothes were hanging up in the wardrobe neatly. His laptop was thrown on a chair that I had bought online, in the corner. His posters were on a couple of the walls. Most of them bands or athletes. 

A mural hung on the side wall. Pictures of me and Noah over the years were pinned to a notice board. There was also a few sentimental trinkets of out time together. A small toy angel was pinned to the top of the board.

All those times we spent together and we never get bored. It's definitely love.

I closed my eyes and remembered the good times we had together. Noah was at school and I was given some time off, to adjust to everything. It was easier said than done. Andrea's funeral was scheduled for the following Thursday and no one was sure whether I would attend or not.

Laughing to myself I moved to the floor length mirror. I started at myself. Looking at myself was still strange for me. I couldn't point out what Noah found attractive in me. To myself anyway I was nothing to look at.

Shaggy blond hair that reached my chin and baby blue eyes that looked like the sky on a warm summer day. They were nothing special or unusual. Well, maybe my eyes were lighter than most shades of blue eyes.

My face was rounder than it once was. It had changed a lot since my heart attack. It had gotten thin, but it was not plumper. I had been eating a lot more than normal. And, more regularly.

My body was still pretty thin. My arms and legs were thin and my stomach was flat. I didn't have a six pack like Noah, but my body was starting to fill out a bit more than before. I finally looked more mannish, instead of boyish.

Lifting the t-shirt over my head I saw pale skin appearing from under the piece of clothing. A large scar ran from my right nipple to the top of my neck. Where the transplant had taken place was a scar right across my chest.

A few smaller scars were scattered along my body. A few of them on my stomach and one rather large one where they had removed my spleen. Some of the scars were covered by slightly off coloured skin. I guess some of the bruises had remained. Even just slightly.

What does Noah see when he looks at me? Does he really see a handsome, beautiful person like he tells me. I'm not that much to look at. Maybe I am though. I fit look of the “girls” he used to describe when we were kids. Blond hair, blue eyes. I guess I am what he wants after all.

I smiled at the mirror. The person there smiled back and I felt my heart pound ever so slightly. I didn't hate the boy that was looking back at me. For so many years I had always felt disgusted at the person who looked me in the eye.

“I am a beautiful person. Not ugly, not disgusting. I am a person who is worth more than he was given as a child.” I whispered to myself in the mirror.

For a while I just looked into the eyes that were in front of me. The eyes that Noah looked into every day and smiled into. I smiled into them too. Something had happened to me and I wasn't sure what. But I knew I was a good person. I was a person who deserved to be loved like any other person.

I turned around and looked at the room again. Something felt peaceful about this room. There was nothing left to hurt me. Andrea and Nathan were dead. I had a small group of friends and an incredible boyfriend who loved me.

I had three parents who loved me. Even if one of them was afraid of that fact it was no less true. I loved all four of my parents. Even the one who hated me, who had tried to get rid of me. I loved her because I was a good person.

My birthday was coming up soon and I was excited. Noah had planned a birthday party for me. The guys were coming around as well as their parents and the family. Mom had announced she was making my birthday cake. That ended in her upset and daddy and Noah apologising.

My birthday was going to be a happy occasion. Noah had almost burst when he talked about me turning fifteen. I joked that he was starting to feel old and he scowled at me. It was one of the funniest things.

Other things had started to come into my mind too. I was starting to wonder when we would make love for the first time. I had gotten used to calling it that, Noah said it sounded more like us. Sounded more appropriate for the two of us.

He had not mentioned it in a while though. My mind did not immediately go to thinking the worst though. I knew we were taking our time. I trusted that it would happen when I would least expect it.

It will be one of the most magical things I will ever do. Your first time is supposed to be magical. I can not imagine it being any other way.

“Jesse, do you know if your mom is planning on bringing home food or should I start making dinner?” Daddy appeared behind me with an eyebrow raised.

“Mom said she might be late, so you should start dinner... Or you could just order pizza or something. I mean it's not like we have that much food in the house anyway.” I smiled when he sighed in relief.

“Really? You really think that? Because that would be... Nice.” He sounded like an excited child and I laughed.

“I'm pretty sure pizza would be fine...”

“You think? Would you prefer to have pizza? I know you like home cooked food, but pizza would be easier to have.” He trailed off and I rolled my eyes smiling. “Yeah daddy. It would be easier to order pizza.”

“YES!” He exclaimed with a huge grin.

Bemused I asked. “Are you okay daddy?”

Daddy looked happy and he hummed his answer, closing the door behind him. I smiled and knew that he was happy with the answer. Anything that meant he didn't have to cook made him happy. Daddy hated cooking for us when mom wasn't home. It was funny, he owned a restaurant, but he hated preparing his own meals.

He's the funniest person I have ever met. Daddy needs some sort of help, maybe I should recommend my psychiatrist, it's not normal to be that childlike. 

My fifteenth birthday started out like a normal day. I woke up with Noah wrapped around my mid section. He had fallen asleep there early that morning. For some reason he had been struggling to fall asleep. I smiled when I heard him moan my name in his sleep.

“Oh God. Jesse!” His voice was distant and slightly husky. “Yeah baby. I love you too. I love you so much. You're so tight!” I snickered into the pillow. Trying not to wake him up was hard. He was saying a lot of very funny things in his sleep.

Please don't say any more. You are going to make me sick if you keep saying these things. God I love him!

After, he mentioned my name a few more times I decided wake him up. He would have been embarrassed if mom or daddy had walked in and heard him saying my name. Besides. I didn't want them thinking we were doing something.

“Noah. Love. Wakey, wakey. Come on love wake up.” I whispered in his ear and he moaned again, this time his eyes opened. I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead gently. His lips curved into a sexy smiled.

“Morning baby. Did you sleep okay?” He asked me when he managed to sit up. I chuckled when he leaned over and kissed me before hopping off the bed.

“I slept fine. But you didn't. You were awake for hours. Is everything okay?” I asked him teasingly. I wasn't worried, he was like that sometimes. Always around a birthday or special event.

His brown eyes locked on mine and his smile widened. “I'm fine. Just had a difficult time getting to sleep. I was excited about my baby turning fifteen today.” His voice was husky and I raised an eyebrow.

“Your baby?” He smirked and I returned it. “You just want me to sit in your lap today. Don't you?” I allowed my voice to tease him even more.

“Yep. Now get ready. People will be here soon and I want to celebrate you turning fifteen in the biggest way possible.” He gave me a kiss and slapped my ass before walking out of the bedroom and down to the bathroom. I sighed and hopped into the shower in our bathroom.

Noah and mom were eating breakfast when I went down stairs. I had changed into jeans and a sweatshirt that fitted me really well. I was surprised at how I looked in them, I looked like a normal teenager. Not like a bum on the street.

“Morning birthday boy.” Mom chimed when I walked into the kitchen. Her tiny baby bump was showing under her clingy top.


Noah pulled me down onto his lap and started to feed me. I smiled at him and ate everything he gave me. Kisses and bites of pancakes were my birthday breakfast. It was the best birthday ever as far as I was concerned.

“Your daddy is just gone to collect Rachel and the girls. Chris should be here shortly.” Mom announced and she got up to clean the dishes.

I turned in Noah's lap and straddled him. We made out in the chair. His tongue in my mouth, his teeth nibbling at my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and took control of the kiss.

I could do this all day.

His mouth tasted sweet and minty. A mixture of toothpaste and chocolate spread from the pancakes. Mom was giggling behind us and she let out a wolf whistle. Noah and I smiled into our kiss and broke apart.

“That's enough you two. I don't want people to think I raised rabbits. Now go and wait in the living room.” She chided and turned back to the sink.

Oops. He's not going to be happy about that.

Noah reached for my hand and linked our fingers before guiding me into the living room. His smile light up his face and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He was the perfect boyfriend.

“Happy birthday Jesse. I love you.” He kissed my cheek. “I love you, baby.” He whispered into my ear and sat down on the chair. He groaned as he did and I smiled. Mom had just given him an almost impossible task. Noah hated not being able to touch me and that was exactly what he couldn't do. It was driving him crazy.

“I love you too, Noah,” I said simply and he beamed.

Chris walked in the door a few minutes later. Mom rushed in to give him a big hug. He looked embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable. He looked over at me and I hugged him too. It was nice, but he was really tense during the hug.

“Happy birthday son.” Chris' birthday present for me was a pocket watch. At first I didn't get the gift. It was really nice, but I just couldn't imagine where he had bought it. When I turned it round though I saw it was engraved. 


One word. But it was a word that meant the world to me. A family heirloom. I had never expected to be given such a wonderful gift. Chris was really trying to welcome me into his family. It was working.

“Thank you. It's a wonderful gift.” I could feel a few tears threatening my eyes. His gift meant so much to me.

I have two pretty incredible dad's in my life. I just hope we can all be one big happy family one day. That would be the best thing ever.

“It's nothing really. I just didn't know what to get you. My grandfather gave this to me on my fifteenth birthday, it's been in my family for generations. You can pass it down one day. Keep it in the family and all that.” His voice was gruff.

“It really means a lot to me.” I told him and hugged him again.

Mom dragged him into the kitchen just as Lexi and Alex arrived. Their parents made a b-line for the kitchen and Lexi hugged me. She was glowing with happiness. I thought she was finally starting to look like herself again.

“Happy birthday, Jesse.” She squealed and Alex tugged me into a hug. Noah was standing back with a smirk on his face.

“You trying to steal my boyfriend now?” Noah asked and Alex look over his shoulder and leaned closer to me. He puckered his lips and prepared to kiss me. Before, he could kiss me Noah had him by the collar of his t-shirt and was pulling him back.

“Don't even fucking think about it.” He growled which made Alex smirk. 

“Don't tease me with it then. Jesse's hot and maybe he wants to kiss me. Maybe he wants my tongue in his mouth. He might be tired of you sticking your tongue in there.” That only made Noah growl more and he slammed Alex into the floor and sat on his back.

“No one is allowed to kiss Jesse apart from me. Not you, not your girlfriend or any of the other something billion people on the planet.” Noah's voice was calm, but it came out as sort of a growl.

“I will protect what's mine. Even if that means I end up going down for a long sentence. I would murder anyone who lays a hand of lip on my baby.”

Lexi and I burst into a fit of giggles. Just then Joey and Ricky walked through the door. They looked stunned at the sight before them. Alex was face down on the floor and Noah was sitting on his back. His fist propping up his chin.

“Did we miss something?” Joey asked.

“Alex has decided to try the gay thing. He wants to stick his tongue in Jesse's mouth.” Lexi giggled and I hunched over.

Ricky replied to that. “Alex has a death wish. No offence Jesse, but I'd rather cut my tongue out than kiss you. Noah would butcher me.” I smiled and nodded at him. My cheeks hurt from laughing.

“Get the fuck off me Noah.” Alex was squirming under Noah and taking a swing at him. “Nope. You tried to kiss Jesse. I should make you pay. This is your punishment.” Noah starting moving around in a circle.

Daddy and the girls walked in followed by Rachel. They looked down at Noah and Alex and rolled their eyes.

“Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!” The girls screamed and ran into my arms again. I grabbed the three of them and hugged them tightly. Caylee kept a good grip on my neck, Emme and Belle each took an arm and we stood there. 

“Aww, such a sweet sight. Jesse, you should just stay like that forever. I think that is the cutest thing I have ever seen,” Mom said behind me. She and Rachel swapping smirks and I laughed.

“Nah. I think the big baby would complain about that.” I replied innocently.

“Baby? Who's the baby?” Noah asked.

The girls got the sudden urge to annoy Noah and started chanting “big baby.” Noah growled and looked at me.

“Who's the big baby?” I just smirked and sat down carefully.

Noah was not happy with that and hopped off Alex. I saw him scramble off the floor and glare at Noah. Noah, however, didn't notice, he was too busy stalking over to me. His eyes full of mischief.

“You're going to pay for that.” He told me and lunged on me tackling me to the sofa. I laughed and he tickled my sides. His fingers trailed along my ribcage.

“Now who's the baby? I don't see a baby in the room. Do you?” He was evil. EVIL! And, he was teasing me the way he knew how. I had always been ticklish and damn in Noah didn't know that little fact.

“Noah!” I screamed and attempted to buck him off me. It didn't work though and he leaned forward and kissed me. His lips were soft but very, very firm on mine. It was not a PG kiss at all. His tongue swept across my lips.

The catcalls behind us, did not deter him and he deepened the kiss. His hands were all over me and for a minute I thought they had left us to it. But suddenly daddy was behind Noah and he lifted him off me.

“Dad stop! Let me go!” Noah wriggled in daddy's arms and everyone laughed. I smiled sheepishly and adjusted my clothes.

“Now, now boys. We don't want you to rip each other's clothes off in front of us.” Rachel was pure evil and her smile was even more evil.

Daddy swung Noah around and even lifted him over his head. That entertained us all. When Noah finally landed back on his feet he looked green. His legs wobbled underneath him and mom had to steer him over to a chair.

“Now sit there and try not to jump each other's bones. We are still in the room and not a lot of people want to get arrested for watching child porn.” Mom's voice was teasing and she shot me a wink before heading off to the kitchen with the other adults.

“I don't wanna sit here on my own.” Noah announced as he looked over at me. “Come sit on my lap angel. I want to feel you here.” He patted his lap as a welcome to me. Against my better judgement I walked over to him.

Before, I got the chance to reach him he pulled me down and his arms went around my waist. It was one of the most natural feelings in the world. I didn't fail to notice the hard on I was sitting on either.

As the conversation took off I decided to tease. I was a good boy really. Noah would try to push me forward, off his hard on, and I would push back into him. His moans could be heard in the room.

“You okay Noah?” Alex snickered and Noah possessively grabbed me and hugged me to his chest. Alex lost it and fell back on his back. I didn't see the funny side to it, but I couldn't see Noah's face either. I knew he had a habit at making faces at people. That was what I presumed he was doing.

“Calm down. For God's sake Alex, you'll kill yourself laughing if you keep it up.” Joey exclaimed and pulled him up. Lexi smiled and rolled her eyes. Noah smiled at her and kissed my cheek.

I knew I was a huge girl, but it was only when he did that, I realised that I was not a big girl. I was a huge girl. It was kind of annoying, but when I kissed the side of his mouth, I knew he was just as bad as I was.

“You two need to get a room.” Lexi winked at turned back to Alex and Joey on the floor. They were wrestling.

Noah started kissing and nipping my neck and I bit down, hard one the fading hickeys at the side of his neck. We must have looked very funny because I could feel the hickeys on my skin. I smiled knowing mine were on him too.

During the short period of time, Ricky had gotten up and left the room. I didn't have time to wonder where he'd gone because Noah took my mouth in a bruising kiss. It demanded our full attention and soon the world around us was just us together. His shirt annoyed me and I ran my hands under it.

I straddled his lap and his hands ran under my shirt and trailed up and down my back. I was in heaven. His hands were soft on my back. I removed one hand and grabbed his neck. Tickling the skin with my finger tip.

Noah moaned and broke the kiss. His lips were swollen and his eyes were wide. The proud feeling in me was evil. He looked like he had been doing a lot more than we had and then I noticed the sticky patch. I was very evil indeed.

“I want to play a game!” Ricky's voice was in the far corner and he was standing against the wall. His face was blank, but his eyes were gleaming. I took notice of the vegetable behind his back and with my best judgement got off Noah's lap and sat on the floor.

“A game? What sort of game?” Lexi asked she looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I looked away smiling.

“Jesse knows the game I want to play.” I hid behind my hands and smiled into them. Everyone’s eyes were on me, I couldn't stop myself laughing and I could feel Ricky smile. He was getting ready to play his game. Or whatever he was planning.

“What's the game Rick?” Joey stalked over to him and I heard a small scuffle.

I looked up at the same time Ricky produced the carrot. It had  a face drawn on and some make-up. He had actually put make-up on the carrot. 

“Her name is Kelly and she wants to play with us.” He was smiling, but I could see it was only because he was desperate to laugh. 

Noah squinted at the carrot and laughed. Alex glared at him and I hid my head in my hands. Ricky sat down beside Alex and waved the carrot in his face. Eyes wide Alex groaned.

“No dude, just no.” 

“There once was a pretty carrot. Her name was Kelly. She was the prettiest carrot in the whole wide world. But nobody thought that, she was very, very, very upset. Kelly was the friendliest carrot anyone could ever meet.”

Alex was red, Lexi and Noah were not far behind. But Joey looked like me, he smiled and we looked around.

“Kelly wanted to have friends and so she made a boy named Ricky feel like a carrot so he could take her to meet his friends.” At that the guys burst into honest to God laughter. Joey was still smiling at me though.

“Kelly was so happy to meet all the friendly people, but they just laughed at her and she was not very happy. You see, Kelly had an evil side and she did not like people making fun of her.” Alex was lying on his side and Ricky shoved the carrot in his face.

“Kelly decided to take action. She grabbed a chainsaw and a hammer from her bedroom and turned up at Ricky's friends house. The chainsaw was her favourite weapon to use on people who pissed her off.”

He waved the carrot around some more. I was having a hard time keeping a straight face. I could see Rachel peek out the kitchen door and I shot her a glare. She smiled and closed the door. It had been a setup all along.

“When Ricky's friends answered the door, Kelly was waiting and she attacked the people in the room. The friendliest carrot murdered all the people in the room, including poor Ricky and he was nice to her.”

“She was very happy with herself and went off to meet another human boy who would give her some more human friends. The end.”

For the next half an hour people were laughing in the room. I had managed to make my way into the kitchen. Rachel and Chris were smiling, while everyone else avoided meeting my eye altogether. I was not surprised. They were all fucking cowards.

I left the room with a huff and heard the booming laughter follow me into the living room. Noah's head was on a lap and Alex was still bright red. Alex was dancing around with the carrot. He was calling out “pretty carrot” and singing along to a song I didn't quite catch.

“I'm a pretty carrot here me sing. I love humans they love me. I want kisses and hugs today. I like to sing with Ricky. Who find me fun to play with.” He was sounding scarily like a girl and I could actually imagine him playing with the carrot.

“Who wants to kiss the Kelly. Everyone who laughed at her has to kiss her. So, who's first, she won't bite... Much.”

Lexi stood up first and she kissed the top of the carrot. Noah stood up next and grabbed the carrot before closing his lips and giving “Kelly” a dry kiss. Alex was still laughing but Ricky was not willing to wait.

He stepped over Alex's trembling body and shoved the carrot into his mouth. Alex lunged at Ricky and started shouting while Lexi, Noah and Joey laughed at the display. I was doing my best to keep a straight face.

“Son of a bitch. What the fuck are you trying to do?” Alex cursed and lunged for Ricky again. Knocking the carrot out of Ricky's hand in the process. Poor Kelly fell apart on the floor.

I stood up and pulled them apart. I was the one person they wouldn't let get hurt. Noah had made sure of that. Lexi smiled at me and she looked at Joey who smiled back at her. They were planning something evil.

They looked at Noah and raised an eyebrow at me. Confused I turned to see Noah sitting there smiling at me. It's amazing how many times I have caught him just smiling at me. Like there was no one else in the world.

“We forgot the biggest part of today.” Lexi announced and Joey looked over to Noah. “Yeah, she's right. It's Jesse's birthday. It means he just get fifteen kisses off each of us. Noah's had his fifteen kisses, the rest of us need to do it now.”

Of course they'd tease him again!

“What! No. No. No. Don't you guys fucking dare!” He was pissed, no doubt about it and of course they got a rise out of that.

“Fairs, fair. Jesse's one hot guy, we've all agreed if we had to be with a guy he would be the one we'd be with. He's very tempting Noah.” Joey was getting the reaction he wanted to get. Noah looked at him with an “if looks could kill” glare.

Alex crawled over to me and grabbed the back of my neck. Noah got to him first and dragged him by the legs across the room. He was spitting fire and Alex was laughing his ass off.

I smiled to myself it was the funniest birthday I had ever had. Noah was absolutely not happy with this conversation and crouched down in front of me. His lips found mine in an incredibly intimate kiss. 

Neither of us cared about the people in the room. His lips and mine made magic together. They would give some and take more. Our tongues reunited and came together like they had been separated at birth. Noah was acting strange though, he pulled back before anything else happened. That was not like him.

We were ushered into the kitchen for cake and more presents. I was so happy with what I had gotten. A few DVD'S, one of those being the first three seasons of Mrs. Browns boys, an Irish show I had found online.

Clothes, lots and lost of clothes. I got a leather jacket that was way too big for me, but daddy said that I would grow into it. I really doubted that, but let it go. I also got a lot of money, nine hundred dollars to be exact.

Some time during the bigger celebration Noah disappeared. He had been there when I cut my cake, but after that, I couldn't find him. Some of the guests left a while after the cake. Rachel was planning on spending the night with the girls.

Where is he? Why would he leave the party? I hope he's okay.

Daddy and Chris were huddled together in a corner. They were looking at me, when I would catch them, they would turn back around laughing. After a while I got tired and worked my way over to them.

“You two okay here?” I asked slowly. They were both drunk, but something in their eyes told me they understood what I had said.

“We're fine Jesse. Just talking about how proud we are to have you as a son. We are you know. You have made the three of us so proud.” Daddy was leaning on Chris, and Chris was doing his best to stay upright.

“We love you son. You're our son. We love you so much and we have agreed we can share you.” Daddy giggled and Chris choked. I smiled at the two of them, they were acting like fools.

Mom butted in and with Rachel's help they hauled the two drunk men upstairs. Mom would not let me help, pregnant or not she was adamant she could take her husband to bed. The underline joke was not lost on me.

“You laugh now. It makes it no less true.”

I searched the house for Noah. The clock read six o'clock, but it was still bright out. From the colour of the sky though I guessed it would not be long until it started to rain. But Noah was still nowhere in sight.

Our bedroom was empty too. He had been in there though. The wardrobe was left slightly open and some of our clothes were missing. Confused, I walked back down the stairs to see Rachel and mom resting on the sofa.

When I entered the room they looked at me, eyebrows raised and returned to their conversation. Sighing I went into the kitchen to get a drink, looking for my phone I found a text on it.

Meet me at the lake when you get this.

No need to bring anything but you.


I looked at the text and smiled. Noah had been at lake all afternoon. I wondered what he had planned. I laughed when the image of Noah breaking up with me flickered through. It was amusing because earlier he had been all over me.

Mom and Rachel appeared in front of me and I jumped.

“Have fun sweetheart. I'll see you in the morning. Make sure you're careful crossing those roads. And, bring your phone. I don't want anything happening to you.” Mom smirked and kissed my forehead before heading upstairs.

“Yeah, have fun kiddo. I'll see you tomorrow.” She smiled and patted my back, retreating up the stairs as well.

Their words sunk in and I grabbed my jacket and headed out the front door. It had been years since Noah and I had actually spent the night at the lake. It was one of the nicest places, but it still made little sense.

As I walked past the houses and the shops I smiled. This was bringing me back to September. I doubted that Noah could top that day. It was the best day of my life before that day. He was going to try though, I sensed it as I walked.

I could see the sun setting in the horizon. It was going to be dark soon, it was romantic to picture Noah waiting for me. Maybe he had the tent sent up already. Thinking like that gave me a hard on.

It was like walking on air the whole time. I stopped to say, “hello” to people and I skipped past the outskirts of town. My stomach was doing somersaults and I was excited to spend the night with Noah. Alone. No one else in sight.

As I approached the lake I paused and looked around. The trees were still there, but some had been knocked down. I found it sad that they had disrupted the beautiful lake. Some developer wanted to build a shopping complex on the land and fill in the lake. It made me sad to think about the lake not being there.

Leaving the trees behind, I looked around for Noah. This was getting to be a habit with him and I didn't know how to feel about it. I walked towards the water and stopped then turned back.

Hands grabbed me from behind and before I could say anything else Noah's hot mouth was on mine. Kissing me with more passion than I had ever experienced before. His lips and tongue worked mine and I was lost in the burning passion. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“I think it's time.” He panted and kissed me again. His mouth was savage on mine and I didn't get to ask him “time for what?”

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