Assuming direct control. (Mas...

By HallowedGrimm

14.2K 366 246

"This war's brought us pain and suffering and loss. But it's also brought us together--as soldiers, allies, f... More

What Just Happened?
Alliance Personel Database. (Bio)
Bio Pictures.
Y/N Abilities. (Updated)
Eden Prime.
The Citadel
The Turian, The Krogan, and the Quarian
Y/N the Spectre
The Asari Archeologist
Y/N fun facts
Y/N Alternative Armor Colors
Y/N Fun facts 2
Incorrect quotes #1
Y/N's theme song
Ship Inspection. (Short)
Virmire Survivor Vote
The Reporter (Short)
Updated Spartan N7 Armor

Getting to know the Crew

495 18 15
By HallowedGrimm

In Y/N's dream, he is seeing remnants of his past.

???: "You have your orders. Get in, Find the Hostages, Get out."
???: "Hostiles, incoming!"
???: "Fall back! We can't save them!"
???: "Y/N, Get the hell out of there!"

Y/N: "Negative, Sir. Those hostages need help, and I won't abandon my men."


Y/N: (Cuts comms) "Sorry, Sir."
Y/N: (Pained.) "Sir... Everyone is out, hostages are free... so are my men..."

Y/N Is seen under some debris from a collapsed building, and he has some rebar stabbed through his stomach and legs.

???: "Y/N, What's your status? Where are you?"

Y/N: (Pained) "I'm not gonna make it...... I'm... Sorry."

???: "Son, you listen to me, Your going to he okay, We'll get to you!.... Y/N?"

Y/N: "I'm... still here, Sir... I want you to know... it was a privilege, and an honor to serve under you."

???: "... You've done me proud, Sergeant."

Y/N: "Thank you... Sir... Tell my men... I wont be able to join them at the bar."

???: "I'll... pass the word along."

Y/N: "Thank you, Sir. It was an hono--"

Then an explosion was heard, causing Y/N to wake up in a cold sweat. He sits up in his bed, and he rubbed his eyes.

Y/N: 'Sorry Sir... But I had to do it, and I'd do it again... I hope you let my family know that I didnt go down easy....'

He then gets up and he puts on his uniform, and he exits his room. He decided to speak with some of the crew. He went down to Engineering, and he walked up to Tali.

Tali: "Ah, Shepard."

Y/N: "Hello, Tali. How are you settling in?"

Tali: "Your ship is amazing, Shepard! I've never seen drive core like this before! I can't believe you were able to fit into a ship this small. I'm starting to understand why humans have been so successful. I had no idea Alliance vessels were so advanced."

Y/N: "The Normandy was a joint project worked on by the Alliance and Turian Hierarchy. It's a prototype, Cutting edge technology."

Tali: "A Month ago, I was patching a makeshift fuel line into a converted tug ship in the flotilla. Now I'm sitting aboard one of the most advanced vessels in Citadel space. I have to thank you for bringing me along. Traveling in a Vessel like this is a dream come true for me."

Y/N: "I'm glad. I know the Quarian people depend on ships to survive."

Tali: "Yes, but we don't have anything like this. We make donwith cast off and second hand equipment. We just try to keep them running for as long as we can. Some of the Fleet's larger vessels date all the way back to our original flight from the Geth."

Y/N: "The Quarians must be some of the best mechanics in the Galaxy if they can keep a ship running for 300 years."

Tali gave a small blush under her helmet.

Tali: "U-uh, well, They're constantly being repaired, modified, and Refitted. They aren't pretty, but they work. Mostly. We've tried to make ourselves as independent as possible on the Flotilla. Grow our own food, mine and process our own fuel. But some things we can't make on our own. A patch to maintain the Hull Integrity requires raw materials we just don't have."

Y/N: "And that is why you are sent out on pilgrimages."

Tali: "Yes. I am surprised you know quite alot on our species, Shepard."

Y/N: "I've always admired the Quarians for their tenacity. What, with being confined to Enviro suits, having a weak Immune system, and the fact that you've lived on ships most of your life where one hull breach could destroy a ship."

Tali: "That... means alot, Shepard. No one outside my species really see the value in us. It's nice to hear it from you."

Y/N: "Your apart of my crew, Tali. I see Value in everyone that's apart of it. Even you."

Tali: "Thank you, Shepard."

Y/N: "We'll talk later another time, Tali."

Tali: "See you later, Shepard."

And Y/N walked out of the Engineering room and into the Cargo bay, where he see's Garrus, Wrex, and Ashley. He decided to talk to Wrex first.

Wrex: "Nice ship you've got here, Shepard. I knew I chose right the moment you took down that Krogan on Therum. Although you did it almost without any effort. Most humans would have been turned to paste. How'd you manage that?"

Y/N: "Ah, That. I was drafted into the Military at a very young age, when I was a kid, about the age of 9. I was subject to an Experiment that was supposed to make Super soldiers to help secure human dominance in the Galaxy. They cut me open, and augmented my body, increasing my muscle and bone desnity, increasing Strength, Speed, and Durability, and they also gave me a slight healing factor. And my Perception was also overhauled, allowing me to perceive things better than any human. However I was the only survivor of the Procedure."

Wrex: "Hmph. So everything special about you came out of a bottle?"

Y/N: "No. I was selected because of my natural leadership, was physically superior than my peers, having greater reflexes, and, Acording to others, had a strong will and determination to get the job done."

Wrex: "Huh. Suppose not everything can be Engineered."

Y/N: (Chuckling) "No, I suppose not."

Wrex: "Well, what did you want to speak to me about?"

Y/N: "What's your story Wrex? You asked about mine, what about yours?"

Wrex: "Hmph. I suppose that's fair. I was around when the Genophage hit, when the Turians sterilized my people. As such, I lost hope in the Krogans and left Tuchunka after killing my Father. It wasnt the Genophage that was killing us, but the Krogan. I quickly became one of the more famed Bounty hunters in the Galaxy."

Y/N: "Hm. I'm sorry, Wrex."

Wrex: "Ah, it's all in the Past. Nothing we can really do about it."

Y/N: "I should get going."

Wrex: "Yeah, whatever."

Y/N then goes over to Garrus, and speaks with him.

Garrus: "Thanks for bringing me on board, Commander. I knew working for a Spectre would be better than life at C-sec."

Y/N: "Have you worked with a Spectre before?"

Garrus: "Well, no. But I know what they're like. Spectres can make their own rules. Your free to do things your way. At C-sec, your buried by rules. The damn bureaucrats are always on your back."

Y/N: "I won't deny that Being a Spectre has its benefits, but rules are there for a reason."

Garrus: "Yes, but if I'm trying to take down a suspect, it shouldn't matter how I do it, so long as I do it. But C-sec wants it done Their way, Protocol and Procedure first. That's why I left."

Y/N: "So you quit because you couldn't do things your way?"

Garrus: "There is more to it than that. But as I rose through the ranks, I got saddled by more and more red tape. C-sec's handling of Saren was typical. I just couldn't take it anymore. I hate leaving..."

Y/N: "I understand that it was a tough decision, but do you believe you made the right decision?"

Garrus: "... Yeah. Either way, I plan to make the most of this. And without C-sec headquarters looking over my shoulder, we'll, maybe I can do things my way for a change."

Y/N: "As long as it doesn't put anyone innocent in the way."

Garrus: "I understand, Commander."

Y/N nods and he turned and left. He then goes over to Ashley.

Ashley: "Commander, do you have a minute to talk?"

Y/N: "Speak Freely, Ashley."

Ashley: (Takes a breath) "Alright... I know things are different aboard the Normandy, but-- I'm concerned about the Aliens. Vakarian and Wrex. With all due respect, Sir. Should they have full access to the ship?"

Y/N: "They may not be with the Alliance, Chief. But they are apart of this Crew."

Ashley: "This is the most advanced ship in the Alliance Navy. I don't think we should give them free reign to poke around the vital systems. Engines, Systems, Weapons."

Y/N: "Is that your only reason?"

Ashley: "We-- Humanity, I mean-- have to learn to rely on ourselves."

Y/N: "Somethings we can't do alone, Williams. Standing up for ourselves doesn't mean standing alone."

Ashley: "As noble as the Council members seem now, if their backs are against the wall, They'll abandon us."

Y/N: "So your reasoning is... Racism?"

Ashley: "No, no. Look. If you're fighting a bear, and the only way for you to survive is to Sic your dog on it and run, you'll do it. As much as you love your dog, it isn't human. It's not racism, Not really. Members of their species will always be more important to them than humans are."

Y/N: "I understand some of your reasoning, Chief. But could you explain why you believe this?"

Ashley: "My family has been in the Alliance since it was founded. My father, grandfather, great-grandmother--they all picked up a rifle and swore the oath of service. I guess we just tend to think of Earth's interests as our own."

Y/N: "Alright, but you'll still need to work with them. You don't need to like them, but ask that you atleast respect them. Like age old human military saying. Embrace the Suck."

Ashley: "It won't be a problem, Commander. You say "jump," I say "How high." You tell me to kiss a turian, I'll ask which cheek."

Y/N nods and he turns and leaves. He needs to head back to the Citadel for a few things. One thing was for certain though. He forgot he disliked Ashley.

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