My Brother My Mate?

By Arielc101

402K 14K 1.1K

Ariel is a werewolf, she lives in the Raven Hail Pack. She was an only child for five years of her life, but... More

To all my Readers!
My Brother My Mate?
6th birthday one to remember
My brother?
A random Wednesday right?
10th birthday Carly?
My first day of... 7th grade?
15th birthday boyfriend... Sh!t
The breakup?
Present Day....
My brother My Mate? What?!
Secrets out
Big bro?
Um no?
Bad dreams...
Brought back to life
I'm sorry! Can you forgive me?
You do?!?
I love you too....
A nice day with my mate...
Ready to talk?
New people new... People?
You act like a kid... And you have one
QnA bonus scenes
New Book
Not an update!!!

8th birthday prank?

15.5K 601 93
By Arielc101

"Xavier! Give it back!" I yell chasing after him. "I swear I'm going to kill you!"

"Try me!" He yells throughout the house. I look over the balcony of our second story. I see Xavier eating my ice cream, I literally run down the stairs and grab my cone back from him. "It's mine!" I say running outside on the back porch. I stop when I hear the footsteps go down the stairs.

I run back inside and lock the door. I go up to my bedroom and lock the door. "Finally alone in peace...." I say realizing that my ice cream cone has melted everywhere. "Or uh pieces..." I say throwing it away. Now I need new ice cream.

I was about to open the freezer when the phone rang. I checked the caller id and it was Nicki. "Hey Nicki!" I scream into the phone. "Hey what's up?"

"Oh you know, chasing Xavier trying to get my ice cream back." I say sighing.

"Oh, never mess with a girl and her ice cream..." She says sarcastically.

"It's still good though!" I hear Xavier yell.

"How did he hear that?" Nicki asks.

"I have no idea," I say putting the ice cream away... again.

"So what are you doing today?"

"Oh you know having a birthday party,"

"Oh who's birthday?"

"Xavier's and mine," I say eating my ice cream.

"Oh what?! Oh my gosh! Can I come over?"

"Sure," I say laughing. Nicki and I have been calling each other a lot lately, my mom made me call her once for project information. So when I called she flipped out and was saying how she should've done that before.

"Uh I'll be there at 3:00?"

"Yep see you then!"

"See ya!" I click the end call button and watch TV, and I guess I didn't realize that Xavier sat next to me.

"So what times the party?" I jump when I heard him next to me.

"Don't scare me like that!" I yell hitting him with a pillow.

I hear keys dangling and the doorknob being unlocked, I instantly go back to the couch and lay down. "Xavier sit down!" I whisper yell. He sits down and instantly the front door opens. "Hi guys!" I hear dad yell.

"Hey Dad!" We yell, I switch between the channels to find a good show. I hear another knock at the door, I get up and look through the peep hole. It's Nicki!

"Hey Nicki!"

"Hey!.... Thanks mom!" She yells as her mom pulls out of the driveway.

"So happy birthday! How old are you?" She asks serious.

"I'm eight!"

"Oh yeah! What about Xavier?" Oh no...

"Oh yeah that's right uh follow me now!" I yell running up the stairs, instantly I hear a crashing noise. I turn around to see Nicki soaking wet. "Xavier!" I yell.

"Aww! This was a good outfit." she said squeezing the water out of her sleeve.

"Xavier I'm going to kill you!" I yell "Sorry Nicki do you want me to call your mom?" I ask looking at her clothes.

"Uh yeah...." she said smiling sadly. I called her mom and she picked up Nicki. I felt so bad when she had to leave, I can't believe he did that. That's it! I am so going to get him back this time he'll pay.

I finished after setting up the last piece. I closed the door slowly, and I wait for the prey. I walk back downstairs and sit down on the couch. About five minutes later I heard the horn go off, a huge crash, and him yell "Ariel!"

"Yes oh big brother of mine?" I say skipping up stairs. When I enter his room his bed is soaked with water, the computer still has the cracked screen saver, and he is holding the horn from behind the door. "What the heck?! Why did you do this? How did you do this?" He said looking around.

"I did it because you pranked my friend!" I yell throwing my hands in the air. "That was funny.." he said laughing. "ugh!" I leave and sit back down on the couch. "Hey sweetie happy birthday!"

"Mom! Xavier pranked my friend and she had to leave early...." I say stomping my foot. "Xavier! What did you do?!"

"I might have drenched her friend in water." he yells.

"Ugh can we worry about it tomorrow? I want to give you your birthday gifts!" She screams.

"I don't want another brother please! He so annoying!" I say hugging her. "It's ok you aren't getting another brother," she starts laughing.

"I got you a new computer, and I got Xavier a bike." She whispered to me.

"What?! You did?" Xavier yells running down the stairs.

"How did you hear that? She whispered it!" I say looking at him.

"You did?!" He asks again not minding me or my question.

"Maybe but don't tell-"

"I told you not to tell them!" I hear dad yell.

"Run!" I say heading towards the backdoor. I go out on the porch and go back through the basement door. Ugh! I run back up the stairs and close the basement door behind me. I go straight back upstairs into my bedroom.

It was about five minutes later I decide to peek through the door. I see Xavier looking over the balcony. "What are you looking at?" I whisper. He doesn't answer but just keeps staring. I crawl over next him and see mom and dad sucking face. "Gross!" I whisper yell.

I look at Xavier and his eyes are a different color, a goldish color. "What's wrong with your eyes?" I whisper. His eyes instantly go back to blue. "What do you mean?" He asks

"Never mind," I say pushing him away. "Why were you watching them suck face?" I ask walking into his bedroom. "I was wait for them to stop sucking face so I can get my present!" He said falling face first into the pillow.

I laugh and check outside again. "Ugh that's it......... mom!" I yell from the bedroom. In about thirty seconds she is up the stairs and out of breath. "What's wrong?" She asked looking around the room.

"Nothing I just wanted you to stop kissing dad or..... whatever you were doing" I say making a weird face. I see mom sigh and walk out of the room. I walk downstairs after them and dive straight for the presents. In the end I got a new computer, an iPod, and $100 to spend at the mall. I have to say today was really.... Fun. Our birthday are so close together that we had our birthday on the same day. It was fun, but the prank that I did today... it was awesome!

"We need to kill her and her family!" A man said.

"We can't kill Lycans George!" The Blonde man said.

"I don't care! They deserve to suffer for what they did to us!" I could hear an inhuman growl bounce off the walls. The blonde man left, I looked over at the other man. He stared at me and his eyes changed colors, just like Xavier! He walks over to me and kicked my tummy, and my jaw.

I wake up screaming, no no no. I feel tears falling down my face. I look over at my clock to see its 12:47. I try to go back to sleep but there are noises outside and it scares me to death. I get up and grab my puppy. I head across my bedroom to Xavier's room. I open the door and see Xavier asleep in his bed.

I walk next to his bed and tap on his shoulder. His eyes open slightly and look at me. "Ariel what's wrong?" He asked sitting up.

"I had a nightmare I'm so scared..." I say crying.

"Come here," he said pushing his blanket away. I sit across from him and he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me from behind.

"What happened?" He whispered in my ear.

"S-some man wanted to k-kill some one a-and h-he looked a-at me a-and he k-kicked my tummy and m-my h-head." I say hugging my puppy.

"Shhh it's okay," he said rocking. "It's not real, it's a dream, it's okay." he whispered in my ear. I flinch at every noise that sounds in the room. "Ariel you need to calm down, relax." He said calmly in my ear.

I close my eyes and lean against his shoulder, I could feel him trace circles on the back of my hand. "Do you want to sleep here?" He whispers in my ear. I nod my head yes, "okay." He said sighing. I could feel him wipe away my tears.


Xavier's POV

There is something about her, something about her makes this home special. Every house, every family, this one just makes me a normal kid. No more pranks, no more going from house to house. No more having adults send me away for what I've done. Ariel just makes me happy.

I am planning to stay at this home, to live with her, to be here for her, and be able to call them mom and dad. I can't stand for her to be hurt. I would be glad to call her my sister....

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