Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

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You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C 6: Written Agreement History
C7: What If's
C8: Scratchmen Apoo
C10: Lunch Date?
C11: Liar
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C14: Bonney
C15: Café
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C25: Clarification
C26: Visit
C27: Last Race
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C9: Punishment Day

379 22 19
By MasclaraReign

You noticed a little change around your surroundings.

You're starting to be confused about how you view your husband.

Aside from loyalty, what else do you really want from him?

The sudden knock on the door took your mind back to reality.

"Y/n?" Your husband called from outside.

You stood immediately from your bed and opened the door to see Kid standing there, wearing shorts and inside slippers as usual.

"What?" You furrowed your brows. For how many months of living with him, he's not the type to be knocking at your door.

"Tsk, just checking if you're alive." He grumbled. He was about to step away from your door but your hand instinctively grabbed his arm.

He was taken aback by the sudden action but even you were surprised on why you did that. He moved again to face you better, letting your hand hold him.

"Something wrong?" He asked with his eyes examining yours. You put your hand down as your brows furrowed while looking at your toes. To be true, your brain is telling you not to let go for unknown reason but you don't want to embarrass yourself.

"Nothing." You answered.

"It's Saturday, let's grab lunch."

"Lunch?" You raised your eyes on him as you were confused.

"It's already 11 am, you've been sleeping for the whole time so I checked if you're dead."

'wooooow, my typical husband's attitude.'

Although, he is acting more and more different each day, you are confused if he is only doing this to hide the fact that he's been out with a pink haired woman, if he's only doing such change to make you believe that there's nothing to worry about behind your back. Is it a possibility? or maybe just a product of overthinking and trust issues?

"If I was dead, would you be happy?" You raised a brow and crossed your arms in your chest while squinting your eyes on him.

"No. Because you will be a nuisance and ruin my weekend. I don't want to spend my weekend with the cops investigating me just because you died from your own stupidity." He said.

"Urgh" You rolled your eyes and retreated back to the room to plop flat on your bed lazily with your face burying on the soft bed. "Go away Kid!" voice muffled by the sheets.

You heard footsteps walking close to your bed then something shifted beside you. You raised your head and was surprised that Kid is laying beside you with his hands behind his head serving as his pillow. While his eyes were looking at the ceiling, you can't help but stare at his side profile but wait a damn minute...

"Why the fuck are you invading my personal space?" you blurted out, not used to him being inside the room or being beside you in bed.

"You might be thinking that we've been together for how many months already and I'm still the same. Well, it's rare for me to act kind for the sake of this marriage but you're still acting like a bi-atch too." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, you're an asshole." You retorted.

"Well I guess we're both a headache to each other."



'Are you cheating on our marriage?' That's what you wanted to say but somehow, you wanted to be more careful with the information you have. After all, Morgans is still on the field to gather much more provable evidence. You can't give him a sign of your hidden investigation or else he'll catch your tail in no time and all of the efforts will be wasted.

"You know, I hate the way you deal with the people around us." You spoke calmly. Because of the little change you observed from Kid, you wanted to try and hope this confrontation with him will not elicit another argument since he is the kind of person who doesn't like people telling him what to do. But of course, you should also watch your tone and try to communicate well with him as calm as you can.

"Are we talking about what I did to Apoo? Woman, that asshole deserves more than that!"

"I know, I agree with you and I know you don't give a damn if a lot of people see you beating his ass but there were children during that time. Can't you not act so violent in front of children?"

"You know, I hate it when people starts telling me what to do..."

There it is, this discussion will definitely turn into an argument just like the earlier months you've been with him.

"...I hate it when people starts trashing people around me like what Apoo did. He embarrassed you in front of others just to get back at me for some petty fight, even had a damn camera."

Beneath those sheets where your face laid, your brows furrowed even deeper. The anger in his voice that you were expecting didn't happen. There's still the hint of irritation but he's calmer than usual so you reciprocated it by being more on the understanding side.

"I understand but next time, not in front of children, Kid."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, not in front of our chi-- not in front of children. I get, I get." He rolled his eyes while speaking like a brat that he is. You felt joy when the discussion didn't turn in to a fight like the old days. A joy that is unexplainable.

"Oh, right..." he trailed as he thinks for a little bit . You turned your head to him while he averted his gaze on you slowly while grinning which sent shivers. You raised a brow, not liking the way he looks at you. You can tell it's nothing good at all.

"It's your punishment day, what do you think do I have in mind for you?" He whispered.

"Well ...uh...revenge?" You didn't know why but you whispered too.

You thought of revenge since you gave him a rough time too when he broke a house rule during the third month of marriage.


Kid came rushing home, his car almost flying through the empty road to reach the house before midnight. Just like Cinderella rushing her way home before the clock hits 12:00.

He parked in a clumsy way as he ran towards the door while holding his keys. When he opened the door, he grimaced upon seeing you standing in the middle of the stairs with your blanket covering your whole body except for the face.

When he lifted his hand to see the time in his wrist watch, he suddenly cursed loudly upon seeing he's 30 minutes late.

"Fuck!" His voice echoed around the house.

"Ahahahahah, guess who's late. HAHAHAHAHAH" You laughed lazily while yawning. Kid clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes away from your smug look.

"Well, I'll punish you tomorrow. I'm too sleepy"

"Whatever, idiot." He mumbled as he followed you upstairs going to the respective rooms.

The following day...

"Get your ass going Kid! Time is gold! Hayaku, hayaku!" You shouted from your sit on the porch. You sat there with your coffee, watching him clean and arrange the little garden in front.

"I am! and stop talking in Japanese that I barely understand." He shouted back, irritated with your punishment.

"Hahaha, If you don't hurry up, the sun will fry you and turn your pale skin into bacon!" You laughed. Obviously, you were purposely pissing him off.

"Shut up, idiot! Don't you have better things to do? Other than watching and picking on me?!"

"It's Saturday, idiot. Our office off. Besides, it's better to watch you before you slack off from your punishment hahaha"

"Maybe you just love watching me cuz I'm half naked, pervert." He's obviously confident with his statement, standing under the sun with only his shorts, bandana to keep his hair up and sandals.

Your grin faded instantly as your mouth formed in a disgusted expression. Kid smirked and thought he got to shut you up for good but it didn't last long before you talk back.

"What? You think you're hot? You're only hot when the sun finally burns you, like literally hot bacon! HAHAHAHAH!" Laughing out loud after roasting him. That only pissed him even more.

"Shut up idiot!"

Not wanting to disturb him anymore, you started walking inside the house while laughing at his grumpy face. It was a priceless look on his face.

Kid went back on plucking wild grass on the little garden while muttering incoherent words.

An hour passed and he's almost finish with his first task for the day. Stepping back a little, he's delighted by his clean work. He didn't realize he was smiling while looking back at his child hood. Looking back to how life was hard for their family when their parents were still alive. Those days were long gone but everything remained in his memories, the strong bond with his parents and brothers, hard days and traumatizing experiences, everything stayed vividly that only the Eustass family knows about their hardships before reaching where they are today.

You stepped out of the house carrying a tray of cabbage rolls and two juice cans. While placing it on top of a little table sitting on the porch, his smile caught your attention. He was currently wiping his sweats using the bandana he took off from his head while looking at his work.

Hmm, I didn't know a grumpy Kid could smile without looking deadly.

"Time to eat." You spoke, taking his attention.

"I'll call for food delivery." Kid started fixing his things.

"I cooked cabbage rolls." You said in your bored tone as you sit on the chair beside the table. He paused and look to your direction where you started scrolling through your phone. Kid was oblivious about the fact that you called Heat just to ask him about Kid's favorite food. Lucky for you, you had all the ingredients needed for cabbage rolls.

" Move it Kid, you'll be repainting the gate later on." You reminded him of his next task when he didn't move. You heard him sighed roughly and his stomps coming closer. Kid entered the house to wash his hands before coming back outside to sit on the other chair near the table.

From your peripheral, you watched him relaxed on his sit and took one cabbage roll. He held it near his eyes as if he was examining it.

"I didn't expect you know how to cook." He muttered and took a bite. You squinted your eyes on him while he's staring back at you as he tries to examine if your cabbage rolls tastes the same with what he use to have.

"Of course I do, every Charlottes know how to cook."

"Well, you're a Eustass now."

"Yeah, a curse that you gave." Talking back to him like a teenager brat.

"Want one more curse?" He said as he tries not to laugh. Your head tilted from curiosity like a cat. He looked at you straight into your eyes and smirk. "A Kid Eustass Jr."

Your face exploded into crimson red up until your ears when you realize what he meant by having a Kid Eustass Jr. . Kid laughed at your reddening face as he was successful in making fun of you.

"You pervert!" You shifted form your sit to face away from him and started tapping on your phone.

"HAHAHAHA, finally got to hit a nail on you."

"Shut up, after you repaint the gate, you'll have to wash the dishes, dust the whole house, wash curtains---"

"Woah, Woah, woah Mrs. Eustass! That's too much for a-day punishment!"

"I'm not done yet, Mr. Eustass! after you wash the curtains, you'll fix the sink and check my car."

So on and so on as you two went back on bickering on the porch. Kid was complaining while eating the cabbage rolls at the same time. You, on the other hand with reddened face, started giving him lists of unnecessary house chores.

If you two had neighbors, they would've called the police and reported your house for being too loud.

Though you were just messing up with him and was not really serious about all the house chores you gave, Kid finished all of it in just a day.


"Revenge...correct." Kid said, still wearing a grin. "Let's go to Hillside. Bring some knives and garbage bag"

"Hillside? You're not planning on murdering me, are you?" You almost whispered while eyeing him.

Kid blinked few times before bursting out and laughing at you.

"HAHAHA, your face! HAHAHHA. I should've taken a picture!"

And for a rare occasion, you saw him laughing at you, carefree. Not the typical insulting laugh but a laugh that is genuine as if you two were so close. You covered him with the sheets and turn your head away from him as your body slumped back to the bed while you burry your face again on the soft cushion, feeling your heart beating faster.

"Come on, let's go. Don't go back to sleep idiot." He said.

"I'm too tired to be climbing Hillside. If you're going to murder me, just murder me right here, right now. I'm too lazy to climb a hill just to be murdered."

"That's the punishment, making you climb the Hillside with us."

"Us?" You lifted your head and looked at him with furrowed brows. "Oh my gosh, you're really planning on murdering me , aren't yah." you said, exaggerating your reaction with a mocking tone.

"No dumbass. Just come on."

"Whatever, crackhead." You went back on burying your face on the sheets again.

"You're the crackhead." Another shifting beside you and it was a shock to your whole being when you felt strong hands grabbing your ankles and pulling you to the edge of the bed.

"KIDDDDDDD!!!!!" you quickly grabbed the headboard for support.

"Get...up! today is your punishment day! Time is gold! don't be unfair, woman."

"Alright! Alright! Stop pulling me off the bed, crackhead!"

"Not until you promise to get up!"


Time after time, you can feel changes around him. Not much but you can totally say there's changes. Moreover, something inside you seems to change alongside the situation.

What could it be? It is somehow starting to confuse you more. 

Hey there Sunshine, thank you for reading, voting, and adding this book to your reading list. I hope you have a good day everyday :)

Written date: March 10, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara

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