After regaining the halo of t...

By MissXXX404

148K 2.3K 125

Author: a thin Category: Rebirth through time travel Release time: 2021-08-17 Latest: Chapter 103 Through reb... More


103 END

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By MissXXX404

Chapter 103

    A week after "Fight for the Country" was released, in order to promote the movie, director Su Chaomu took two leading actors, Shen Tinglan and Lu Xiyan, and three important supporting roles, Xia Xi, Xu Runyi and the second male lead, Tao Dongzhi, to participate in a live variety show together. .

    The variety show is called "Game Competition". As the name suggests, the guests need to play various games in the variety show and have to compete.

    After the host activated the atmosphere, the guests were divided into two groups and started the first game.

    The first game is "Flying Chess", the map and rules are similar to the board game version.

    There are 3 guests in each group, one is responsible for doing tasks, one is responsible for throwing dice, and one is playing chess. Everyone needs to draw lots to decide who is responsible for what.

    Lu Xiyan, Shen Tinglan and Xia Xi were in a group. The result of the draw was that Shen Tinglan was in charge of the task, Lu Xiyan threw the dice, and Xia Xi played chess.

    The other group, Tao Dongzhi, was in charge of the task, Xu Runyi threw the dice, and Director Su played chess.

    Every time the guest responsible for the task completes a task, their group will get a chance to throw the dice, and the group that reaches the destination first wins.

    After the host finished explaining the rules, Tao Dongzhi rolled up his sleeves and said confidently to Shen Tinglan, "Master Lan, to tell you the truth, I have never lost in flying chess!"

    Shen Tinglan smiled slightly, "Then I Try to let you lose today, and experience this feeling!"

    After the two sides finished their harsh words, the game officially began!

    The first is five question and answer questions. Whoever finishes the correct answer first will get a chance to throw the dice.

    The host randomly drew a card: "Please name four poems with 'spring, summer, autumn and winter'.

    " She really didn't notice it either.

    Just when she was a little at a loss, Tao Dongzhi beside her blurted out a poem: "When you sleep in spring, you don't feel dawn, and you hear birds singing everywhere!"

    Is this "Spring Dawn"? So it seems that the history and culture of these two worlds should be the same!

    After figuring it out, Shen Tinglan didn't hesitate anymore, "The sound of firecrackers kills the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu."

    Tao Dongzhi thought for a long time, and then popped out a sentence, "When the three autumn leaves fall, flowers can bloom in February."

    Shen Ting Lan finished the remaining three sentences in one breath.

    "I don't know the end of spring even when it rains, and when it clears, I feel the depth of summer." "After the

    new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late." "

    And this winter, Kansai died without a break."

    Host: "Congratulations to Shen Tinglan's team for winning a dice throw opportunity!"

    Lu Xiyan threw the cloth dice in his arms forward, the dice rolled twice, and finally landed on the front of "1".

    Shen Tinglan: "..."

    She had a bad premonition in her heart - Lu Xiyan's luck will not be black from beginning to end, right?

    Moderator: "Second question, what are the three elements of force?"

    What is force? Why are these simple words so difficult to understand?

    Tao Dongzhi, who has been a scumbag since childhood, looked dull after hearing the question.

    Shen Tinglan next to him answered unhurriedly: "Size, direction, and point of action."

    The host: "The answer is correct! Shen Tinglan's group has another chance to throw dice!"

    Xu Runyi couldn't help laughing. "Student Tao, can you do it!"

    Tao Dongzhi ignored her, and looked at Shen Tinglan sadly, "Why do you even know such inexplicable questions!"

    Lu Xiyan helped Shen Tinglan answer with a smile, "Maybe it's because It’s a junior high school physics problem, right?”

    “Junior high school?” Tao Dongzhi was even more surprised, “Master Lan, you remember such an ancient knowledge point?! It’s too much!” Under Tao Dongzhi’s resentful gaze, Lu Xiyan

    again Throw the dice one at a time.

    A little better than last time, this time I threw a "2".

    Shen Tinglan answered two of the remaining three questions correctly, while Tao Dongzhi only answered one correctly.

    But Tao Dongzhi had the only chance to win by answering the question correctly and Xu Runyi threw a "6".

    However, Lu Xiyan actually threw two "1"s in the next two times, and the points of the four throws only added up to 5.

    The corner of Xia Xi's mouth twitched, "Actor Lu, did you forget to wash your hands when you went out today?"

    Lu Xiyan looked down at his hands and fell silent.

    The audience in the live broadcast room almost burst out laughing.

    [Hahahaha, look at Shen Tinglan's desperate expression! ]

    [I really never expected that Lu Xiyan was actually a non-chief! To be honest, it is very difficult to even roll out 1, hahahaha! ]

    [I've seen someone with black hands, this is the first time I've seen someone so dark! ]

    [If Lu Xiyan's luck lasts for the whole game, I doubt that their group will even be able to reach the finish line hahaha! ]


    I don't know if Lu Xiyan really forgot to wash his hands. Unfortunately, their group was criticized by netizens, and the biggest point they got in the whole roll was "3".

    On the other hand, the Tao Dongzhi group next door did not roll out numbers below 3!

    Xia Xi could only watch helplessly as Director Su, who also played chess, got farther and farther away from him... In the end, their group lost without any accident.

    Shen Tinglan's heart was so stuffy, she covered her chest and looked at Lu Xiyan with a complicated expression, "It wasn't Tao Dongzhi who defeated us, but your luck!"

    Lu Xiyan talked about him.

    Under the gloating of Tao Dongzhi and Xu Runyi, the host announced the punishment method.

    "Everyone in the losing group needs to post a Weibo. The content is—"

    "The host of "Game Competition" is so handsome! He is even more handsome than me!"

    Xia Xi laughed while clutching his stomach, "Hahahaha! The host, I think you are aiming at the actor Lu!"

    The host smiled Said, "Don't tell me if you see it!"

    Willing to admit defeat, the three guests took out their mobile phones to post on Weibo.

    The one-sentence thing was posted in less than a minute, and everyone didn't take it seriously and continued to the next game.

    While watching the live broadcast, the netizens enthusiastically went to Weibo to watch, only to realize that something was wrong.

    The camera passed just now, and they clearly saw Actor Lu posting Weibo, but why is there no such Weibo in his Weibo?

    Is the delay of Weibo so serious now?

    Just when everyone was wondering, someone posted a barrage in the variety show studio.

    [Fuck! ! ! Hurry up and take a look at the Weibo of "Perfect Matching Looks"! ! 】

    Perfect match? Isn't this the Super Talk supporter of Shenyan CP? He was out of the circle for a while because of krypton gold recruiting CP fans, what is he doing now?

    With doubts in their minds, netizens found his Weibo and clicked in, and saw the one he just posted.

    [Perfect match of looks: The host of "Game Competition" is so handsome! Simply more handsome than me! ]

    Netizen:! ! !

    [Is it because she is a perfect match and deliberately wants to catch the popularity of actor Lu? ]

    [If it's just hype, how do you explain that everyone clearly saw Lu Yingdi posting Weibo, but his Weibo is empty? 】

    【Perfectly matched look, is Lu Yingdi under the skin? ? I can not believe it! ]

    [I can't believe it +1]

    [Sisters! Ben Microscope Girl is here! ! I have always had the habit of recording screens! I just dragged the progress bar of screen recording to the part where actor Lu posted on Weibo, and set it to the slowest speed, I can't wait to watch it frame by frame! It turned out that actor Lu really sent it with the ID of perfect match! ! I posted the screenshot on Weibo, you can click my Weibo to see it! ! My Weibo is...]

    Lu Xiyan really forgot to switch his account when he posted Weibo, he turned off his phone screen after posting Weibo, and did not see that Weibo automatically displayed his Weibo.

    No one noticed this flashing scene during the live broadcast, but now the microscope girl has cut down the part before Lu Xiyan's screen is turned off and adjusted it to the slowest speed to make a moving picture, so that netizens can clearly see the scene in Lu Xiyan's Weibo ID is "a perfect match for looks".

    It's outrageous!

    [...I really can't imagine what kind of expression the cold actor Lu uses to check his super chat every day! 】

    【Pupil earthquake! I, I am the only fan of Actor Lu! ! ! You may not believe me when I say it, but I have scolded him in private messages before! This is simply outrageous fucking open the door for outrageous - outrageous home! ]

    [Tongwei fan, I also scolded... (pain mask)]

    [I am different, I not only scolded him, I also reported him crazily before... Laughing and crying.jpg]

    [Hahahaha distressed Lu Yingdi's only fan! ]


    The barrage and Weibo were full of wailing, but the person who was recording the variety show didn't know anything about it.

    When the variety show ended and returned to the backstage, Hao Jun handed him the phone with a complex expression, "Congratulations, I'm so excited for mentioning the trending search!" Congratulations

    on the last trending search, Lu Xiyan took the phone inexplicably, and saw the phone After seeing the picture on the screen, I almost threw the phone out uncontrollably!

    #卢西延营马#, #卢西延是神颜精通#

    What the hell? How did netizens pick this up? !

    Seeing disbelief written on Lu Xiyan's face, Hao Jun began to gloat, "You forgot to cut the trumpet when you first posted the punishment Weibo and let the netizens find out! Public relations is a trivial matter now, you have to think about how to explain it to Shen Tinglan Let's go."

    Lu Xiyan froze, returned the phone to Hao Jun, and turned to look for Shen Tinglan.

    At this moment, Shen Tinglan may not know about the disturbance on Weibo, so he has to explain it first! Don't let the little girl treat herself as a pervert!

    Shen Tinglan just entered the dressing room, chatting with Xia Xi while waiting for the makeup artist to prepare tools to help them remove makeup.     Lu Xiyan opened the door and came in, seeing that she didn't have a mobile phone in her hand, he let out

    a long sigh of relief, "Lanlan, I have something to talk to you alone, are you free now?"

Pick up your phone and try to reduce your sense of existence.

    Shen Tinglan pointed to the makeup artist, "Then can I wait until I finish removing my makeup? Soon!"

    Lu Xiyan pursed her lips, and just about to nod, she heard Xia Xi yelling next to her.

    "Fuck! The perfect match of looks is actually the name of Lu Yingdi?!"

    Lu Xiyan: "..." Xia

    Xi suddenly raised his head after speaking, and saw Shen Tinglan, Lu Xiyan and the makeup artist all looking at him with one look. more complex than one.

    She hurriedly covered her mouth and smiled mischievously, "Ah, what, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do! I'm going out first! You talk about it!" "Cough, I suddenly want to go to the bathroom, for a

    while I guess I won’t be able to come back!" The makeup artist also stopped what she was doing, and walked out behind Xia Xi, "You guys chat first, and after a while, Mr. Shen, you can send me a WeChat message!"

    Xia Xi opened the door, Xu Runyi Just as she was about to come in at the door, she saw Xia Xi coming out and pulling her gossip, "Hey! Have you checked Weibo!! The perfect match is actually Lu Xiyan's vest!! This world is too magical!" Xia

    Xia Xi and the makeup artist blocked the door, Xu Runyi didn't see Shen Tinglan and Lu Xiyan inside the room, chattering with Xia Xi endlessly.

    "Oh my god! Do you know? In the early days of Perfect Match, she found all kinds of wives with high salaries. Some drew fanarts of Shenyan CP, and some edited the beautiful love stories of the two of them! God, Mr. Lu must be in love. Lanlan!!"

    "Stop, stop! If you don't want to be blocked, shut up!!" Xia Xi quickly interrupted Xu Runyi, quickly closed the door of the dressing room, and dragged her away like a breeze!

    Xia Xi didn't know if Lu Xiyan fell in love with Lan Lan. But Xia Xi knew that if she let her talk like this, she might be miserable!

    inside the house.

    Shen Tinglan laughed out loud, "Teacher Lu, you are too cute!"

    With her smile, the awkward atmosphere dissipated a lot.

    Lu Xiyan helped his forehead helplessly, "It's all right now, everyone knows that I like you."

    Hearing this, Shen Tinglan didn't seem surprised, but just blinked curiously, "So you really like me Huh? I thought I was just pretending to be passionate!"

    Now it was Lu Xiyan's turn to be surprised, "You've already seen that I like you?"

    "You can't tell, right?" Shen Tinglan's ears turned red slightly, Turning your head away uncomfortably, "You used to call me with the mobile phone number registered for 'Shen Yan Perfect Match', and Weibo reminded me after I saved that number..." "I've known since

    then That number belongs to you, and I can't help wondering if you like me...but you haven't expressed it, so I think maybe I'm being self-indulgent." After

    Shen Tinglan said this, Lu Xiyan realized what he had missed. What!

    But maybe it's because I like it too much, so I'm cautious.

    I want her to see that I like him, but I'm afraid that she won't even be a friend if she finds out.

    He raised his head and looked at Shen Tinglan seriously, with a slight smile in his eyes.

    "Then is it still too late for me to confess?"

    "Lanlan, I like you, and I've liked you for a long time, longer than you know."

    Shen Tinglan's ears burned even more, she avoided Lu Xiyan's focused gaze, blushed and said softly, "It's too late."

    "Actually, I've been waiting for this sentence from you."

    The author said:

    This is the real end! !

    Thank you little angels for your continued support!

    Open a raffle to express our thanks!

    By the way~ I am humble and looking for a collection>.<

    The next book will open "Master of Metaphysics Dreams to Have Black Fans", please bookmark~ Master of

    Metaphysics Chu Yanxiao has been very poor because of his accurate divination and leaked too many secrets.

    Unexpectedly, after an accidental death, she passed on to an even poorer 18th-line female artist who had just debuted!

    It also binds a system called "Get Black Fans Get the World".

    System: Want to get rich? Want to become Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life?

    Chu Yan swallowed with a smile: I want to dream!

    System: Then go collect black fans! As long as you collect enough 10 million black fans! You can get an unlimited black card!

    Chu Yan smiled and rolled up his sleeves: Isn't it just annoying! How difficult it is!

    So she started dying.

    Hearing that a certain top fan is protecting her shortcomings, she made a calculation and posted a blog to expose that certain top fan's character is worrying, and she has done bad things behind her back.

    I heard that everyone hates the shame of strong support, so she took all the resources and showed off in a high-profile way that she brought money into the group.

    I heard that everyone can't understand Versailles, she carefully considers every word she speaks, and strives to be in Versailles.

    I heard that Actor Feng's fans hate to stir up CP the most, so she deliberately cue him to fire CP on various occasions.

    Chu Yanxiao originally thought that he would die like this, and he would definitely gather enough black fans to complete the task soon, become Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

    But who can tell her! Why did she do all the things mentioned in "What do celebrities do to attract black people" on XX. Not only did she not get black fans, but she also attracted a lot of fans? ?

    What's even more outrageous is that one day the film emperor actually posted a blog!

    Feng Yan: I promise your pursuit @楚言笑

    Chu Yanxiao:? ? ?

    You may not believe it, I’m just greedy for your fans...


    for voting for the overlord or irrigation nutrient solution for me during 2021-08-13 01:59:06~2021-08-14 16:09:35 My little angel~

    Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 15201877 10 bottles; Xingyu 1 bottle;

    thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

The content of this site is only for free learning and exchange, and shall not be used for any commercial purposes

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