The Primordials: Death's Fury...

By OtherWorldsJT

679 130 169

Series Synopsis: Embark on a journey with Alissia beginning two centuries after the Supreme Primordial Death... More

Characters 1.0
Chapter I: Intuitions
Chapter II: Lonely View
Chapter III: SVVL
Chapter IV: PRP (Pt.1)
Chapter IV: PRP (Pt.2)
Chapter V: Meeting Death (Pt.1)
Chapter V: Meeting Death (Pt.2)
Chapter V: Meeting Death (Pt.3)
Chapter V: Meeting Death (Pt.4)
Chapter VI: Dark Lessons (Pt.1)
Chapter VI: Dark Lessons (Pt.2)
Chapter VI: Dark Lessons (Pt.3)
Chapter VII: Divine Threat
Chapter VIII: New Introduction
Chapter IX: Shocking Revelations
Chapter X: Internal Nightmares
Chapter XI: Home
Chapter XII: Viraa's Reveal
Chapter XIII: From the Beginning
Chapter XIV: Cintracies (Pt.1)
Chapter XIV: Cintracies (Pt.2)
Chapter XIV: Cintracies (Pt.3)
Chapter XV: Tender Flames
Chapter XVI: The Winged Wolf (Pt.1)
Chapter XVI: The Winged Wolf (Pt.2)
Chapter XVII: Unwelcome Guests
Characters 2.0
Chapter XVIII: Daylight Massacre (Pt.1)
Chapter XVIII: Daylight Massacre (Pt. 2)
Chapter XIX: Purgatory
Characters 3.0 (Final)
Chapter XX: Fate (Pt.1)
Chapter XX: Fate (Pt.2)
Chapter XX: Fate (Pt.3)
Chapter XXI: Captive Proposal (Pt.1)
Chapter XXI: Captive Proposal (Pt.2)
Chapter XXI: Captive Proposal (Pt.3)
Chapter XXI: Captive Proposal (Pt.4)
Chapter XXII: Judgment Hall (Pt.1)
Chapter XXII: Judgment Hall (Pt.2)
Chapter XXII: Judgment Hall (Pt.3)
Chapter XXIII: Mirror
Chapter XXIV: Leery Vibes (Pt. 1)
Chapter XXIV: Leery Vibes (Pt. 2)
Chapter XXIV: Leery Vibes (Pt.3)
Chapter XXV: Turning Point (Pt.1)
Chapter XXV: Turning Point (Pt.2)
Chapter XXVI: Master Plan
Chapter XXVII: First Strike (Pt.1)
Chapter XXVII: First Strike (Pt.2)
Chapter XXVIII: Crowned Display
Chapter XXIX: Desperate Measures
Chapter XXX: A Bloody Departure (Pt.1)
Chapter XXX: A Bloody Departure (Pt.2)

Chapter XVI: The Winged Wolf (Pt.3)

6 2 0
By OtherWorldsJT

      On October 15th, the day Tymon finished his training finally arrived.

      Tymon faced the combat droid at level 10. At that level, the droid could only briefly keep up with Tymon as they moved at incredible speeds.

      Tymon didn't throw a single punch since he knew it wouldn't do anything to the droid. Instead, he marveled at his new power as he effortlessly dodged most of the droid's attacks and used spirit enhancement to guard against the others. While doing that, he also counted how many times the battle would be over if he decided to grab the tag. After he reached 53, he became bored and palmed the droid's face. The droid struggled to break free of Tymon's now overwhelming strength.

      Tymon turned the droid away and pulled the ribbon from its back to end the battle.

      Due to how adept he'd become, everyone knew that would be the day he finished, so Mr. Heart had already prepared to test Tymon's capabilities again.

      Tymon entered the white circular room beyond the white door from when he first arrived.

      Standing in the center of the room, he remembered how Mr. Heart had told him the system they used to rank a Primordial's physical capabilities were passed down through the generations. There were seven levels of strength and thirteen levels of speed, each with a low, mid, and high range. He bet it was something created initially by Viraa.

      I'm a lot stronger and faster now. My results should be way better this time. Tymon thought to himself.

      Tymon was told, for the safety of everyone, not to transform at any point during the test. Tymon assured them that wouldn't be a problem since he didn't know how to.

      The first test was a test of strength.

      Tymon floated 100 feet in the air until he touched the ceiling. Once Mr. Heart began the test, the ceiling began to lower.

      Tymon's task was to use his strength to keep himself and the ceiling off the floor. With each passing second, the ceiling would grow heavier and lower. Once the ceiling was lower than 7 feet and Tymon's feet touched the floor, the test would be over.

      Just like last time, Tymon did this, although it took longer this time.

      Once that was completed, he began the speed test. The speed test comes in two stages. The first stage is on a circular revolving track built into the circumference of the room's floor. Beside the track were a green pole and a red pole, each placed opposite to the other at the halfway points of the circle.

      Before beginning, Tymon stands on the track with a stationary green pole to his right. Once the track started to move, his goal was to stay as close to the green pole as possible while the track sped up. Once he could see the red pole next to him, the test was over.

      After that test, the track was lifted into the air and converted into a tube. Tymon couldn't fly when he first arrived, but now that he could, he was supposed to fly as fast as he could for 30 seconds while staying inside the tube.

      After the final speed test finished, Mr. Heart and Alissia showed Tymon his growth.

      "I remember you asked for a comparison last time to gauge yourself, so along with your initial results, I also uploaded results from your previous incarnate, the century he died," Mr. Heart stated.

      The stats on the dashboard read:

      Tymon Kage

            Physical strength (July 19th, 3045): 1,200lbs (Low Level 1)

            Physical strength (October 15th, 3045): 12.5 tons (Low Level 1)

            Physical strength (previous incarnate): 64 tons (Low Level 2)

            Ground speed (July 19th, 3045): 110mph (sub-level 1)

            Ground speed (October 15th, 3045): 364mph (sub-level 1)

            Ground speed (previous incarnate): 913mph (sub-level 1)

            Flight speed (July 19th, 3045): N/A

            Flight speed (October 15th, 3045): Mach 3 (Low Level 1)

            Flight speed (previous incarnate): Mach 11 (High Level 1)

      "Sub-level?" Tymon said dubiously.

      "It seems you've never been renown for your speed," Mr. Heart said almost apologetically. "Regardless of your stats, remember you are only 20. Your physical and spiritual abilities will strengthen as you gain more experience as a Primordial, but they'll primarily develop with age."

      Tymon couldn't get those numbers out of his head. For most of the day, he sat in his room thinking how even though he was stronger now; he'd most likely be weaker than each of the other Primordials they found. Yet he was supposed to be a Supreme Primordial. Not to mention they each most likely could already use their hybrid forms. He'd need to find a way to close the gap. But how?

      Suddenly there was a knock on his door.

      Alissia peeked her head in, then walked in, followed by Trik.

      "Seems like your training ended just in time," Alissia said. "Trik found out Avarice is hosting a convention in Phoenix tomorrow. I think it's the perfect opportunity to get a good look at him, don't you think?"

      "Yeah," Tymon answered.

      "Let's see what we're up against."

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