
By 22hrTraffic

2.2K 34 105

I know you're out there, holding on, holding out for me And are we gonna know the time is right? What if you'... More

ONE - Unmistakable
Characters (Not a chapter)
TWO - Haven't met you yet
THREE - I knew I loved you
FOUR - They don't know about us
FIVE - Be my baby
Playlist (Not a chapter)
SIX - All my life
SEVEN - Hey there Delilah
EIGHT - I swear
NINE - Please forgive me
TEN - On bended knee
ELEVEN - Do I have to cry for you?
TWELVE - When you're gone
THIRTEEN - Tears of pearls
FOURTEEN - Back for good
FIFTEEN - Everything I do, I do it for you
SEVENTEEN - Girlfriend
Announcement (not a chapter)

SIXTEEN - (You drive me) Crazy

102 2 1
By 22hrTraffic

At the ice rink

y/n's POV

We all walk up to the guy giving out skates and order our sizes one by one as we trade them for the shoes we're wearing. I look at Nick as he gets his, and he's given these huge skates. He turns to me and smiles, holding them up. "Jesus Nick, those are huge!" I laugh. "Yeah, well, you know what they say about big feet." He winks. "Nickolas!" I whisper-shout as I lightly whack him on the arm and giggle. "Guys, stop flirting. we're here to ice skate, remember." AJ rolls his eyes sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Nick says, joining the other guys on the long padded seat who are putting on their skates. I follow behind him and sit down, putting mine on and fastening the lace tightly and tucking the loose bits into the skate itself. "You seem to know what you're doing, y/n." Howie says, glancing over at me. "Dude, I love ice skating, plus you should always tuck in your laces just in case!" I tell him with a grin. "Really? I'll do that then." He smiles back and tucks in his laces.

The others catch on and do the same, I guess I'm already making an impact on them. Nick reaches into his bag and pulls out two hats. "I brought these for us to share, thought they'd come in handy." He says, handing me a pink woolly hat with two strings at either side and pom poms at each end. "Awe, matching hats, how cute!" I say, putting it on. I take his blue hat and place it on his head so that it covers his eyes. "There, perfect!" I laugh. Nick groans, pushing up the hat and pulling mine down over my eyes. "Payback!" He laughs, too. I lift the hat up and pout as he sticks his tongue out at me, to which I return.

I stand up and try to help Nick stand. "I've got it, I'm fine." He says, smiling. He wobbles about and almost falls over. "You sure?" I ask, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, let's go." He chimes, and we waddle over to the ice holding eachothers hands. Once we step onto the ice, Nick clings onto the side and pretends that he's not about to slip over, placing a hand on his hip and grinning wide and awkwardly. "Come on, Nick, let's go skate!" I say excitedly, smirking at him to see what he'd do next. "Right! Yeah, let's go." He says half heartedly as he carefully stands up straight and pushes away from the side, gliding over to me. I take his hand again and and we start to skate slowly with the other people, I see the other guys gracefully going along with the crowd at a faster pace.

"Bit cold, isn't it?" Nick says, not taking his eyes off of the ice. "Really? I thought it was pretty warm in here." I say sarcastically. "How? We're in an ice rink." Nick says, shooting me a confused look and tilting his head. "I was being sarcastic." I say, giggling and letting go of his hand. "Pft, I knew that." He says. I skate in front of him and turn around, moving backwards. His legs start going into opposite directions as he starts to do the splits, and a look of horror spreads across his face. "Shit, y/n, help!" He yelps. I put a hand across my mouth and let out a wheeze as I help him up so he doesn't fall. "You don't know how to skate, do you?" I crack up. "Of course I do!" He says, giving me a childish beam but stumbles once I let go of him again. "Sure..." I say, holding him up. Nick sighs in embarrassment. "I'll teach you!" I declare proudly. "Please do." He looks up at me with puppy eyes.

Nick's POV

How embarrassing, I just wanted to impress her now look where it's gotten me. y/n proceeds to show me the basics like how you need to push your feet in different directions but only slightly, instead of trying to walk on the ice. She also teaches me how to turn once I get the hang of it, and sooner or later, I'm able to skate without her holding my hand. "I'm doing it!" I shout. "Hell yeah, you are!" She replies, watching me go in circles. I lose balance slightly and glide into her as we both tumble to the ground as I fall on top of her. I use my elbows to hover over her, and we look at each other in the eyes before erupting into a fit of hysterical laughter. "Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened." She cackles. "Stop. I was literally doing so well, too." I crease. "I know, that's why it was so funny, you should've seen your face!" I roll off of her, and she gets up from the ice, helping me up. "Come on, it looks like the guys are leaving the rink. We should go too." She says. I'm slightly disappointed, but I nod, and we go back to the seating area.

"Looks like you two had fun." Kev chuckles. "Yeah, we saw you topple onto y/n." AJ snorts. "Alright, enough." I say, sitting down to take off the skates. "I'm starving. We should eat after this." Brian says, standing up. "Absolutely, who's down for Burger King?" Kevin asks. Everyone collectively says, "Me!" And we all go get our shoes and put them on.

Once we're ready to leave, we go back to the car, and I drive over to the nearest burger king, which is about ten minutes away. We get out and walk up to the counter to order our food. "Right, I'll get everything. What do yall want?" AJ asks. "Three cheers for Jay, everyone!" I say. We all cheer for him as he rolls his eyes. "I'll get a cheese burger with fries and a coke." I say. "Ooh, could I get a triple cheese burger and a chocolate milkshake?" y/n chimes. Brian hesitates before he speaks. "Err, I'll get a regular beef burger and a coke with fries." He says, whilst Kev and Howie order the same thing as me. "Thanks, AJ!" Everyone shouts as he goes up to get our food. We find a big table to sit at and settle down, talking until he comes back with two big trays. "Here you go, guys, and m'lady." He smirks at y/n. I give him a death stare, and he shrugs at me.

He sits down beside Kevin, and we all start eating. Jesus, I needed this, I didn't realise how hungry I actually was at the ice rink. I hear a light thud from the other side of the table and a pissed off AJ scoffs. "Five seconds rule." He says, reaching down to pick something up. A burger. "Ewww, dude, that's so gross." Howie pulls a sour face. "Imagine what's been on those musty ass floors, man." I say. "I do five second rule!" y/n pipes up, her voice muffled by the burger inside her mouth. "Oh, ew babe, that's nasty." I laugh. Her face goes red, and I look at her, confused as the guys go slightly quiet, looking up at me. What did I say? I don't think...oh. "Uh, I need to go to the toilet." I say quickly, excusing myself and going to the restroom.

y/n's POV

I know for a fact I look like a tomato right now, so I hide my face with my hair and continue eating. "So, are you two a thing?" Howie asks. I don't even know what we are, what do I say? I want us to be 'a thing', if I'm honest, but we haven't exactly talked about that. "Uh, no." I say quietly, taking another bite out of my burger. We continue eating until Nick comes back and sits down. "You okay?" I ask, breaking the silence. "Yeah, I'm good." He smiles. We eventually start talking like normal again. Phew.

We pack up, put our leftover paper and boxes in the trash, and go back to the car. On the way home, we talk about the next country we're stopping at and what kinda stuff we can do there. "We're back!" Nick says, pulling up outside of the hotel. "Woop woop!" Brian cheers. We walk back to our room and sit down. "Who wants to watch a movie?" Kevin asks. "Me!" Everyone shouts. "Alright, alright, let's watch speed!" He says, putting it on. "I love speed. It's one of my favourites!" I say happily. "You love speed, huh?" AJ snorts. "Not the drugs, no." I laugh, tilting my head at him. The movie starts playing as it starts to get dark outside. I feel Nick's arms wrap around me, so I get comfortable and lean back into his embrace as we snuggle against each other. He places a kiss on my head, and I hear him sigh contently. I feel a bunch of butterflies errupt in my stomach, feeling him so close to me. After a while, I notice my eyes starting to get heavy, feeling relaxed within Nicks arms.

After the movie

"Alright guys, I'm gonna call it a night." Kev says, slapping his legs before getting up. "Yeah, same. I'll see yall in the morning." AJ follows. "Oh, Brian, do you think you could share with Howie for the rest of the tour since y/n is here now?" Nick asks, fluttering his eyelids and pouting. "Kicking me out of my own room, how disgusting." He shakes his head. "Thanks, Bri." Nick says as Brian gets up and moves his stuff into Howie's room. "That just leaves us two." He turns to me, smirking. I look up at him and smirk back. For the first time, I see lust in his eyes, and it does something to me. "Nick, your belt is prodding me, I need to get up." I say, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "I'm not wearing a belt, y/n." He whispers. My breath hitches, and I shift position to sit in between his legs.

"We should take this into the bedroom." I say as a rush of confidence goes over me. Nick nods and gets up, taking my hand. Holy shit, this is it.

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