By Queenbee_Jikook

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Guk: I knew from the moment I laid eyes on park jimin that I was in trouble. No omega has ever made me want... More

Author's note
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1.4K 141 2
By Queenbee_Jikook


"He's not here." I can feel
it the moment we pull up to
the chateau.

The front door is standing
wide open and it looks like
the set of a horror movie.

Or the scene of a crime.

"What?" Jungkook is already getting out of the car and running toward the house.

"Help me find him." he calls
out over his shoulder.

I shake my head.

He's not here.

I'm not sure how I know but
this just doesn't feel right.

There aren't any other cars parked near the house and
even though it looks like there was some kind of struggle
here, I can't shake this gut feeling that San's already
taken Jimin somewhere.

"Jimin?" I call out, walking quickly through the entrance
hall and dining room, then
the sitting room and the
billiard room.

I can hear Jungkook running from room to room upstairs calling his name, too.

But he's not here.

I circle back to the stairs as
he's rushing down to meet me.

"Come on." I say.

"Jimin's not here."

"How do you know?"

"Where is he, Guk?"

"Tell me what you know."

He's starting to lose his cool
and that's not going to work.

We both have to stay as
calm as possible while we
get the fuck out of here.

"Just come on." I say, already running back toward the car.

"I don't know where San's
taking Jimin but I promise
you that neither one of them
are here."

He gives me a hard look once we're back inside the car.

"I'm trusting you." he says.

"Tell me where you think
Jimin is."

"Okay." I say, trying to
sort through the information
we already have.

"We didn't see any blood or anything at the house to
suggest San's hurt him, right?"

"You mean aside from his smashed phone, those
crushed flowers and the
paper with a picture of Jimin
with me splashed across the front page?" Jungkook inhales sharply and then shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, I know we're on
the same team here."

"I'm just so worried about

"I'm worried too, bro." I reach over to squeeze his shoulder.

"But we have to go with what
we know so far and from what
I can tell aside from that
stuff you mentioned there
wasn't any sign of violence."

"No blood or whatever. Right?"

He nods. "Right. Nothing
like that, thank God."

We're speeding on the road
back to Paris and I know Jungkook is counting on me
to come up with some kind
of lead we can work with.

"So, if he hasn't hurt Jimin,
he must be planning on
taking him somewhere."

"Do you know if San has a
place here? In Paris?"

Jungkook shrugs.

"How should I know?"

"You're the one who
introduced him to me."

"Do you know if he has a
place here?"

I don't want to admit that
I know next to nothing about
the guy but Jungkook probably already assumes that much, based on his snappy response.

"Let's just assume he doesn't have a place here, He
obviously isn't going to take Jimin out in public if he's
kicking and screaming, right?"

The pieces are starting to
fall into place, so I don't
give him time to answer.

"And if San can't go out in
public with him, he's probably not flying commercial back
to Seoul."

Jungkook looks at me and nods.


"That all makes sense so far."

"Right, so..." I pull out my
phone and start dialing.

"Drive to the airport."

"Not de Gaulle airport."

"The private airstrip."

I feel the car accelerate now
that he knows where we're heading.

"Who are you calling?" he asks.

"I'm going to have the police meet us there and then I'm going to see if there are any planes chartered for Seoul
this afternoon."

"Fucking genius." Jungkook murmurs, keeping his eyes
on the road.

"I can have us to the airport
in fifteen minutes as long as
the traffic cooperates."

I don't answer. I just look
out the window and pray.

My only hope is that San
won't hurt him, since it doesn't seem like he's done so yet.

But I know we're not dealing
with a rational person.

He's not in his right mind,
so there's really no telling
what he might do.

When we arrive at the
airstrip, their security guys already have a jet
surrounded on the runway.

We drive up as close as we
can as police vehicles begin streaming in.

It looks like a rave with all of
the lights flashing around us.

A man flags us down and motions for us to leave, but Jungkook slams on the brakes and jumps out.

"Our Omega is on that
plane." he shouts as I move around the car to join him.

"Do you know if he's okay?"

The man shakes his head
and I hear shouting in French over his radio.

"What are they saying?" I ask
but the man holds a hand
up, listening.

"My men are on board."

"They have the criminal in custody." He listens for a moment longer, then adds.

"Your Omega is safe."

"Oh my God." I say, letting
out the breath I'd been
holding this whole time as
I lean against the hood of
our car.

"Thank God."

Jungkook is still pressing the man for more details.

"When can I see him?"

"Let me go to him, please."

The man ignores Jungkook
and starts running toward the plane as several other men emerge from the doorway.

San is with them, in handcuffs and marching along so
calmly that it gives me a chill.

He looks in our direction and stares for several moments
until he's prodded along by
the security guard behind him.

Without anyone standing in
our way to stop us, we move closer to the plane.

And that's when I see him.

"Jimin." I call out, waving frantically as his head pokes
out through the doorway.

"Jimin, over here." Jungkook's voice joins mine as he
zeroes in on us.

Even from a distance, I can
see the look of relief on his
face as he hurries down the stairs toward us.

"I knew you would come
for me." he gasps as we crush him between us in one big hug.

"I knew you'd find me."

"I never doubted it alphas."

"You're safe now." I say,
taking a step back so he
can breathe.

"We're going to take you
home and get you cleaned
up." Jungkook adds.

"Did he hurt you? Do you
need to go to the hospital?"

"Or I can have a doctor
meet us at the chateau if
you'd prefer."

"No, I'm okay."

"Some bruises but that's all."

Jimin looks around for a
moment at all the activity,
the shouting and the flashing police lights.

"I just want to go home
with the two of you."

Jungkook turns to me.

"Get him into the car."

"I'll deal with the police."

For once, I'm perfectly
happy to take orders from
my brother.

As long as it means Jimin
is safe and coming home
with us, I'll do whatever he says.

Jimin stops me when we get
to the car and throws his
arms around me again.

"Thank you, I don't know
what I'd do without the
two of you."

"You saved my life, Both of
you acted like heroes today."

I'm not sure what I can
say to that.

I certainly don't feel like
a hero.

"We just wanted you back."

I help him into the car and
then lean in for a quick kiss.

"We'll always do whatever it takes to be with you."

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