Just A Friend?

By ReadWriteLoveIt

45M 1.3M 672K

Will I Always Be: Just A Friend? {Book 1} *** {Teen Fiction #1} Ashton Thompson is everything you'd... More

Will I Always Be: Just A Friend?
British Vocabulary/ Terms & Slang Phrases
[1]: Bumps, Bruises, Best Friends & Bitches.
[2]: Fake Snow, New Girlfriends & NYE Kisses
[3]: Surprise Visits & Ticklish Moments.
[4]: Chick Flicks...Fantasy vs Reality
[5]: A Smack In The Face From Reality
[6]: Ben & Jerry Kisses
[7]: Family Interruptions & Friendly Spooning
[8]: Morning Glory & Hospital Visits
[9]: Plaster Casts, Play Dough & Prosecco
[10]: Broken Hearts & HOT New Students
[11]: Dinner Disturbances
[12]: Unexpected Messages & Butterfly Kisses
[13]: Pool Parties & Drunken Antics
[14]: Horrid Hangovers & Mysterious Marks
[15]: Flashback
[16]: Just Best Friends
[18]: WTF!!
[19]: Oh My God!
[20]: Mates & Dates
[21]: Setting Rumours Straight & Shocking Announcements
[22]: First Dates & Forbidden Kisses
[23]: Apologies & Confessions
[24]: Designs & Realisations
[25]: Secret Admirers & The End of a Tradition...well for one week!
[26]: A Tempted Moment
[27]: Tina Tantrums
[28]: Falling Out, Making Out & Damn Interruptions.
[29]: Smack
[30]: BFF Timeout!
[31]: Unhappy Birthday
[32]: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
[33]: Tuesday, is just Mondays Ugly Sister
[34]: Lyd vs Ash - Again!
[35]: Well That Was Unexpected!
[36]: Just Like Magnets
[37]: F*** You Reality
[38]: Never Assume, it just makes an ASS out of U and Me!
[38]: Extra
[39]: The Third Wheel
[40]: Just Follow Your Heart
[41]: Emotional Issues
[42]: Mixed Signals
[43]: BF Make Up/ BF Break Up
[44]: TFIF (Thank Fuck It's Friday)
[45]: No Man's Land, A Bottle Of Vodka & A Bag Of Frozen Peas.
[46]: Drunken Tales & A Cold Wake Up Call.
[47]: These Are My Confessions
[47]: His Confessions (ASH BONUS)
[48]: Waterworks, Revelations & Flower Meanings
[49]: Bitches & Ex-Boyfriends
[50]: Drinking Games & R-Rated Kisses
[51]: New Boyfriends & Family Heartbreak
[52]:Revenge Is Sweet
[53]: XOXO
[54]: Fundraiser Planning
[55]: Come Find Me
[56]: Finally Found What I've Been Looking For
[57]: Popped Cherry Anyone?
[58]: I'll Be Watching You
[59]: Tattoo Reveal
[60]: But Who?
[61]: Faux Friends & Interrupted Kisses
[62]: Birthday Shock!
[63]: 3 Words...8 Letters
[64]: One Line Or Two?
[64]: One Shot or Two? (ASH BONUS)
[65]: Young, Wild & Drunk
[66]: Birthday Shots & Horrid Hangovers
[67]: Surprise Surgery & Baby Plans
[68]: Pink Or Blue
[69]: Let The Countdown Begin
[69]: extra
[70]: Final Preparations & Moaning Puppets
[71]: The Fashion Show - Swimwear
[72]: The Fashion Show - Formal
[73]: The Fashion Show - The Boys
[74]: The Fashion Show - Casual Wear
[75]: The Fashion Show - Date Night
[76]: Fashion Show - Surprise!
[77]: Backstage Revelations
[78]: And The Internship Goes To...
[79]: Let The Celebrations Begin
[80]: After Party & Future Planning
[81]: The Calm Before The Storm
[82]: XOXO Revealed!
[83]: You Have The Right To Remain Silent
[84]: Breaking Free
[85]: Cocktails & Confessions
[86]: Friends Are The Family We Choose!
[87]: Sealed With A Kiss
[88]: Quality Time With Family & Friends!
[89 - Part 1]: Last 24 Hours...
[89 - Part 2]: Hugs & Kisses
[90 - Part 1]: His Forever Girl
[90 - Part 2]: It's Not Goodbye, It's Cya Later!
[The Epilogue]
[Full Cast List]

[17]: Argument after Argument

596K 17.3K 16.7K
By ReadWriteLoveIt

**Picture of Chase** >> The very gorgeous Lucas Bernardini *eye-heart emoji face*

I love Saturdays, having a nice long lie in and praying that I'm not hungover from the night before. Today wasn't one of those days though, I could feel the pounding in my head and my stomach swirling like it was a washing machine. I was once again pressed up against Ash's bedroom wall with him right behind me; with Ash junior making himself known at the bottom of my back. It had been a month since I'd last kissed him, and boy did I miss doing it, it was so hard. I'd like to say that I was slowly getting over him, that hanging out with Chase every Saturday night and kissing him was helping but it wasn't, because I knew this wasn't going anywhere. I knew it was just us hanging out when he was in town, which sucked because he was the first guy in a long time that I liked more than just a friend.

Every Saturday at one of his friend's parties we'd kiss and every week he'd try to get things to go further but I wasn't ready for that. We weren't dating, and I'm not the kind of girl to hook up with just anyone.

I turn over slowly as not to wake Ash, my eyes roaming over his face, he's so gorgeous it hurts my heart. I wish I could roll over in his arms every morning and kiss him, not having to hold back; that I could run my fingers through his hair and over his strong shoulders. But I couldn't, he was still with Tina which was very surprising, they'd made it a month. Well kind of, they did break up for three days about two weeks ago, so they hadn't been together for a full month.

Tina had come round early one Saturday morning to surprise Ash with a day out and had flipped when she walked into his room and saw us in bed asleep together. Can't say I blame her, I'd be pissed if I walked in on my boyfriend with another girl in his bed, but hey, who cares. I hate the bitch and Ash was mine in my books anyway. Ash didn't apologise for me being there though, he said this is what we always did and that nothing ever happened, we were just friends. That sucked. But he told her that it wasn't going to change, that me and him would still hang out every Friday and sleep in the same bed. Now however, just in case she gave us a sneak attack we lock his bedroom door.

Closing my eyes I snuggle closer to Ash, I didn't have any plans today until later so there was no point in getting up yet when I could lay in his arms for as long as possible. I know I was just torturing myself being here but I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment; I loved just lying here with him. I wasn't sure if Ash was awake or not but I felt him wrap his arms tighter around me before throwing one of his legs over mine. Now this was my happy place, I didn't want to wake up.

I'm not sure what time it was when I woke up again, but my headache had passed, and I didn't feel sick. Just hungry. I felt the space next to me lighten, Ash was up. I heard him in his bathroom as I attempted to open my eyes; his room was always so bright. I need to buy him some blackout curtains, that way I wasn't at risk of burning my retinas every time I woke up.

Ash walked back into his room a few minutes later, his morning soldier still standing loud and proud. That boy had no shame.

"Morning Lou."

"Morning, how you feeling?" I ask stretching my arms above my head.

"Better than I thought I would, we went through a lot of vodka last night."

"I know, I'm surprised I've not thrown up."

"Don't jinx yourself." He grinned before pulling on a pair on grey joggers.

"Breakfast?" He asked throwing a pair of shorts at me.

"Always." I smile slipping them on and following him downstairs. He made us both pancakes, just like he does every Saturday. It was another one of our traditions.

"What you doing today?" He asked before putting his fourth pancake onto his plate, I was still making my way through my second.

"I need to finish off sketching two dresses for class this afternoon then nothing till Chase picks me up for that party tonight."

"You're seeing him again?"

"Yea, he can only come down on the weekend you know that."

"I know, I just don't know why he can't come down in the week and take you out properly."

"We're not dating Ash, he's not my boyfriend."

"I know that, but you're worth better than what he's giving you. You barely text or talk during the week unless it's to plan when he's down at the weekend."

Nope, the boy I'm texting and talking to during the week is Elliot. He's become a really good friend but also someone who loves to get a little flirty. It's nice. I know this thing with Chase isn't going to go anywhere but he's the only boy who's shown an interest in me other than being a friend.

"So, it's just a bit of fun. We both know it's nothing serious. We hang out and get drunk together. Kiss a little but that's it."

"He's a bad influence on you, you're out drinking with him and doing god knows what else."

"Excuse me, don't 'god knows what else' me. I'm not into drugs. Don't be such a prick Ash. I'm having fun, don't be such a Debbie downer."

"I'm not; I'm just worried about you. I know what guys like him think about pretty girls like you. He probably just wants to get you into bed and use you as a casual fuck whenever he's in town. Giving you excuses as to why he can't hang out during the week."

I quickly slide my chair away from the table, causing that horrible sound as it scrapes across the floor. "Yea that's probably true, because that's the only reason he'd want to hang out with me right?" I say feeling my eyes fill up with tears. "I'm only good for hot guys like him to bang and to fuck around with when they're bored or at a party. Not that I'm an interesting person or fun to be around. No it's just for sex."

"Lou...I didn't mean..."

"Thanks Ash. If that's the case I don't know why you keep hanging out with me then, when you're not getting to fuck me."


"Screw you Ash. I'm going home."

I run upstairs and change into my jeans quickly before grabbing my phone off charge. As I get to the top of the stairs Ash is there looking apologetic.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that Lou, I'm just worried about you. I don't trust him. Please don't leave yet."

And just as he says that the front door opens and in walks Tina with a huge grin on her face.

"Baby you ready to go shopping?" She shouts out.

"And there's my cue to leave." I reply to Ash as she spots us upstairs.

"Lou don't go, you can come with us."

The look on Tina's face almost made me agree just to piss her off but I didn't want to be around him just yet.

"No thanks, just go enjoy your time with... Tina. If that's possible."

Before leaving I turn to Tina and glare at her, "And shut your mouth will you, Ash's mum is sleeping upstairs after finishing her nightshift. She needs her rest."

"Oh like I knew that." She says raising her voice again.

"Just shut up." I say hissing at her. "Stop shouting."

"Lou I'm sorry."

"Yea whatever Ash, I'll speak to you after."

I say before shutting the door behind me and walking down his driveway. The door opened behind me making me look back.

Ash was stood there putting a t-shirt over his head, holding his trainers in his hand.

"At least let me drive you home."

"It'll take me ten minutes to walk, I'll be fine." I reply,

"Just get in the car Lou, please." He says unlocking it.


Literally two minutes later we pull up outside my house. "Thanks for the lift."

"Please don't be mad at me, you know I hate that. I didn't mean what I said. You're the one person I can have the most fun with, and I know every time we hang out it'll be a laugh. I'm just worried about you when you're with him. I don't trust him; I have a bad feeling every time you hang out together."

"Well I have the same bad feeling about Tina yet you still date her."

"That's different."

"Not it's not. I appreciate your worry but it's not needed. Chase is a good guy, he won't hurt me."

"I still don't trust him."

"You don't have to, I do. And I do. Now go back to Tina, I'm sure she's already pissed that you've brought me back here."

"She'll be fine, she can wait. Are we okay?"

"We're fine, now go."

"Okay, you sure you don't want to come with us."

"No, I actually do have sketches to do for class."

"Alright then, I'll speak to you after."

I smile and get out his car before heading inside.

Stupid protective boy.

But I wouldn't have him any other way.

Well...except as my stupid protective boyfriend.


Since Ash dropped me off earlier, I've actually had rather a productive day. I clean and tidied my room, placing all my dirty clothes into the washing machine then hanging them out to dry. I hoovered the whole house before emptying and re-filling the dishwasher. Cleaned down the surfaces, made myself some lunch and then drew two going out dresses and a casual outfit for class. I was now in the middle of deciding what colour to shade in one of the dresses when the doorbell rang.

There was no one else home so I got up and answered the door. There stood in my doorway was Chase.

"Hey." He smiled pulling me into a hug,

"Oh hey, what are you doing here so early?"

"Well I managed to get down here earlier than I thought, so I was wondering if we could hang out for a little but before I have to go and get ready for tonight."

"Yea sure, sounds great." I smile inviting him inside. "You want anything to eat?"

"No I'm okay thanks, I managed to grab something on my way over."

I show him around my house briefly before packing away my designs and putting them into my folder. I didn't want to lose them; I'd not had chance yet to scan them onto my computer yet as a backup in case I did lose my sketch.

"So this is your room?" He says following me inside.

"Yea, it's nothing fancy but I like it" I smile. Thinking to myself I'm so glad I cleaned up in here earlier.

"Oh wow, did you design this?" He asked walking over to my mannequin placed in the corner. It had an old dress I'd made on it.

"Yea, I made it over the Christmas holidays, not had chance to wear it yet though and I don't like leaving Manni naked." I laugh. Yes I had named my mannequin, Manni.

"Why don't you wear it tonight, I bet you'd look gorgeous in it. Then again you look amazing in anything you wear."

"Thanks." I reply smiling, feeing a blush stain my cheeks.

He turns and smiles at me causing my stomach to magically learn how to backflip.

"I mean it, every time I see you; you always manage to look beautiful."

"Thank you."

I was backed up against my wardrobe as Chase pressed himself against me before pressing his lips to mine. My arms looped around his neck as his grip my waist, pulling our lower halves even closer.

Just then I hear the front door open and close. "Lou, are you here?"

That was Ash. What does he want?

I pull away from Chase who's pouting at me and I grin up at him before calling downstairs.



I wipe my mouth before jogging downstairs to see Ash pacing in my living room.

"Ash what the hell...is everything okay?"

Just as he was about to reply Chase walks into the room and Ash's face turns to thunder.

"Do you mind leaving so that I can speak to Lydia in private please." He says to Chase through gritted teeth.

"No you don't have to leave, just go wait in my room or something." I reply smiling at Chase. "We'll only be a minute."

"Lou, I want him to leave."

"Ash this is my house and he's my guest, stop being so rude."

"It's okay Lyd, I can go so you's can talk. I'll pick you up later okay."

"Okay." I sigh turning to say bye. What the hell was up with Ash?

As Chase leaves he places his hands on my cheeks before kissing me. This was so weird to do this in front of Ash. I was about to pull away when I felt Ash push Chase off me and then punch him.

"Ash what the hell is wrong with you, get off him." I scream as he goes to punch him again.

"You're such a prick, how could you do that to her." Ash shouts as I push him away.

"What the hell are you going on about?" I scream back, before turning round to see Chase rubbing his jaw.

"What the hell man. What was that for?"

"You know damn well what that was for. I saw you in town earlier kissing Rachel."

I gasped and turned to face Ash. "What are you going on about?"

"When I was shopping with Tina earlier, I saw him. I saw him in the food court with Rachel, my ex-girlfriend Rachel. They were sitting all close and cosy then he kisses her and leaves."

"Chase?" I say turning to look at him.

"That wasn't me." Chase says gritting his teeth. "I don't know any girl called Rachel here."

"I think you've got him mixed up Ash, he doesn't know anyone here apart from me and his friend who's party we're going to later."

"I didn't get him mixed up, I know it was him."

"Ash, Chase doesn't know anyone here. Is this all from what happened earlier, because of our argument?"

"Of course not. Lou I'm trying to look out for you."

"Lyd I'm gona head out okay, I'll be back later to come pick you up." Chase says walking over and pecking my cheek.

"Okay, I'll see you after." I reply walking him to the front door and shutting it behind him.

"You are not going out with him after, Lou I just saw him with his tongue down Rachel's throat."

"He's been here with me Ash for about half an hour, when did you see him?"

"I duno, an hour ago or something. But it was him, I know it was. Why don't you believe me?"

"Because I know he doesn't know anyone here, every weekend when we hang out it's only me and some guy that he talks to because we're the only people he knows."

"I don't believe this. You're going to take the word of some guy you've known for all of five minutes over mine, your best friend who you've known your whole life."

"No, no. I'm not taking sides but Ash are you sure you didn't confuse him with someone else. After our argument earlier thinking you saw him because you don't like him."

"No. I know who I saw and it was that dick head. Are you still going to go out with him later?" He asks and I nod.

"Well don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." He says angrily before walking out.

No...you've already done that.


Who do you think is telling the truth?

#TeamAsh or #TeamChase

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Thanks for reading..x

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