Physical Youth of Courage:New...

By chxr07

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"How in the world did we become a pony?!" "Calm down, guys. Maybe it's because we went through that mirror-" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
New Grand Galloping Gala Dresses
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

39 0 0
By chxr07

"What a beautiful day."

The Gang are walking together in the Ponyville which they agree with. "Hey, what do you guys wanna do today?" Ella asked them. "I don't know. We already did all the work and helped without resting. Especially last night," Courtney grumbles. "Sleeping over with Twilight, Rarity and Applejack?" Carla asked as Courtney nodded but, with the look of displease face. "Yeah but, it ain't pretty."

"Hey, how about we go to the Sugarcube Corner? I bet Pinkie Pie has something delicious she made," Terry suggested.

"Well, in that case, let's go."

All of them start walking to the Sugarcube Corner but, they notice the Ponyville is very quiet and they start nervous. They even notice all of them quickly close their windows and doors in fear.

"Uh, any idea why they are like that?" Rowena asked, not liking the atmosphere. "Are they on holiday or hibernation?" Roger asked causing everyone to look at him in confusion. "What? They're still an animal."

"You don't think there's a zombie breakout?" Irma asked. "Seriously? How come there's a zombie in Equestria, Irma?"

"What if there is?!"

"Not likely."


"Did any of you say that?"


"Psst! Guys!" The group look around and landed on the Sugarcube Corner's door open until, Pinkie Pie appeared, looking very worry.

"In here, quick!"

"Uh, Pinkie Pie? What are you doing-" before Carla could asked, she and the others suddenly dragged in by Pinkie Pie.

They groan in pain and stood up while looking around the room in the dark. "She's coming!" "Who?! Is it a zombie?!" Irma shouted in panic until, Rowena whacked her head with a disbelief look on her face. "There's no zombies in this world, Irma!"

"Pinkie Pie, what are you doing here alone in the dark?" Alex asked the party pony. "I wasn't alone," Pinkie Pie answer as she turn on the light revealing Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Apple Bloom, Applejack's little sister.

"Oh. You all here."

"Okay, so what are you all doing here exactly?" Carla asked getting impatient toward their behavior. "Babe, calm down," Jared calming her down.

"That's exactly what I've been asking them," Twilight tell Carla.

"Is it some sort of game called hide and seek? Because if it is, I'm in!" Dash said while the others look at him deadpanned.

"This isn't a game, Dash! We're hidin' from her!" Applejack pointed outside the windows. Twilight and the Gang look at the pony with curious and courageous while the others are right behind them, shaking in fear.

Until, the pony in the hood starts to face them causing the others to yelp in fear and hiding while Twilight look confuse and as for the others, they have the look of disappointed on their faces while they look at the others with the look of 'really? That's what you guys afraid of?'


"Did you see her Twilight? Did you see... Zecora?" Apple Bloom asked in fear. "Apple Bloom! I told you never to say that name!" Applejack scolded her. "So that's her name? Zecora?" Terry asked rhetorically.

"Really, Applejack?"

"Well, we saw her glance this way..." Twilight has been cut off by Pinkie Pie, "Glance evilly this way." Pinkie Pie notice Carla also glance like that and chuckle sheepishly, "Sorry, Carla."

"Right," Carla said, not looking very pleased at all ever since she got here.

"....and then a bunch of you flip out for no good reason," Twilight continues. "Yeah, she's only digging the ground," Baron said to her. "No good reason? You call protectin' yer kin no good reason? Uhm, I don't mean y'all," Applejack said, quickly realize the Gang aren't pony as she continue, "As soon as my sister saw Zecora ridin' into town, she started shakin' in her lil' horseshoes," Applejack said while shaking Apple Bloom.

"Did not!" Apple Bloom denied but, Applejack ignored her. "So I swept her up and brought her here," Applejack said as she put Apple Bloom on her back. "I walked here myself!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "For safe keepin'," Applejack said stubbornly until Apple Bloom get off from her.

"Applejack, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!" Apple Bloom said as Applejack spoke to her, "Not from that creepy Zecora," suddenly Apple Bloom was levitated by Ella who has a disapproving look. "Seriously, Applejack? You're being overprotective," Terry said to her.

"I agree with Terry. Just because she was your sister, that doesn't mean you can control her life or protect her until she is older," Ella added. "She thinks I cannot look after myself. I'm a filly, not a baby," Apple Bloom pouted while hugging Ella's leg.

"What's so creepy about Zecora?" Alex confused. "Yeah, she doesn't seem abnormal to us," Jared said while looking at the window.

"She's mysterious."


"And spoooooooky!"

Twilight and the Gang look at each other while rolling their eyes before looking out at the windows as the others went to check too. Until, they saw Zecora take off her hood causing the others gasps, making Twilight and the Gang groan in annoyed.

"Will you cut that out?"

"Just look at those stripes! So garish!" Rarity said in disgust. "Really, Rare?" Courtney look at her disbelief. "No offense but, Rainbow also has a stripes on her mane," Harold pointed out. "Hey!"

"And not to mention, she's a zebra," Carla told her.

"A what?!"

"A zebra. And also her aren't a fashion choice, Rarity. They're what she was born with," Carla explains causing Rarity about to faint until Rowena screams in anger, "Will you stop being dramatic?!" Rarity quickly stand up straight.

"Born where? I've never seen a pony like that in these parts, 'cept...her!" Applejack pointed at Zecora. That Gang sweat-dropped, couldn't believe she forgot they are from another world.

"Uh, A.J..."

"Like we haven't seen a zebra in our world," Irma said sarcastic. Applejack looks away embarrassing, forgot they are still here.

"Any idea where she lives?"

"Probably on the land field. Usually-"

"She lives in....the Everfree Forest!" A loud crash has been heard as they start screaming. "Ugh, Spike!" Carla, Jared and Twilight scolded the purple dragon who was in the kitchen.

"Uh, sorry!"

"The Everfree Forest just ain't natural. The plants grow..."

"Animals care for themselves...."

"And the clouds move..."

"All on their own!"

Again, Rarity faint. The Gang just looks at the girls with an annoyed face. "You girls are being a dramatic queen," Harold comment.


"I mean, seriously? Did you forget that we're not from here but from another world? Everything you just explain is still the same and it's all perfectly fine," Carla told her until, she felt someone tapping her leg. She looked down and saw Apple Bloom who was looking at her with full of curious about her and the other's world.

"What does your world look like, Carla?" She asked. "Well, back at our world, we called ourselves a human with no color only to be fair skin. Everything isn't controlled by Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. I wish I could tell you everything but, it's gonna take a while," Carla said to her.

"Can you pretty, pretty please tell me all about your World sometime," Apple Bloom asked in curious which Carla giggle and ruffle her hair.

"Of course, Apple Bloom but, right now, we should go say hello to Zecora-" Carla was about to head out the door but Pinkie Pie quickly block her path.

"You can't! She's evil!"

"Pinkie Pie's right!"

Carla just look at them with disbelief, "Do you have proof?"


"Do you have proof she was evil? Or witness she have done something terrible?" Carla asked leaving Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash silent, didn't know what to say.

"Beside, you girls are being ridiculous. Just because of her appearance, all of you judge her," Carla scolded them until Pinkie went in front of her, "Well this might," she said as she start singing as Rainbow sigh, "Here we go..."

She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
Then she'll gobble you up-

"Pinkie, that's enough!" Roger yelled at her in anger that Pinkie Pie stopped singing due to shock. "Wow," Twilight said in almost sarcastic. "That's...catchy."

"It's a work in progress," Pinkie Pie said while Roger groaned in disbelief. "Hearing that, you've been judging her too much," Dash comments causing Pinkie Pie to look at him shocked. "It was all a bunch of rubbish gossip and rumor," Jared added.

"He's right. You all judge her without getting to know her or seeing any proof that she is evil," Twilight agrees. "Besides, what does Zecora do exactly?" Harold asked while looking at Rainbow, demanding the answer.

"Well.... Once a month, she comes into Ponyville," Rainbow started as Twilight went in front of her, "Ooooh," she sarcastic.

"Then, she lurks by the stores," Rarity continues while the others roll their eyes and gasp dramatic, "Oh no." "That was scary."

"And then, she digs at the ground," Fluttershy finish.

"Oh my goodness! Could she find something scary inside?" Irma said in sarcasm but, went into a normal tone, "Really? That's it?"

"You girls start gossiping just because of that?" Baron asked in disbelief. "Or is it because of her appearance that's why you girls start to talk bad about her," Carla added but, sigh, "I mean, think about it. Maybe she comes to this town for visiting and being friendly," she told them.

"Yeah! Maybe she is just tryin' to be neighborly," Apple Bloom agrees with the white Alicorn. "Carla's right. She was just lurking free and also to do some shopping," Twilight said.

"Yeah! Every pony likes to shop. You know what I think?" Apple Bloom was cut off by Applejack who went in front of her, "Apple Bloom! Hush and let the big ponies talk!" Applejack scolded her until Jared, Rowena, Ella, Alex, Harold, Terry, Eliana, Dash, Irma, Roger and Lumina went in front of her face with anger look.

"Applejack, stop being harsh toward Apple Bloom!"

"Just because she was younger than you, that doesn't mean you can be stern all the time!"

"And sometimes, she can learn something good."

"At least she doesn't judge Zecora just like you are!" Hearing Terry said like that, Applejack start to get mad.

"Why you---!"

"Okay, knock it off you guys!" Courtney quickly went between them to stop the fight. Carla saw Apple Bloom walking away feeling hurt by what Applejack said. She decided to check on her feeling worried, "Apple Bloom, are you okay?" she asked softly.

"Ah'm fine, Carla. It's just that, I don't understand why Applejack is so overprotective towards me even though I didn't ask her to," she said while looking down.

"That's because she loves you, Apple Bloom. But, I know that's too much because there's no way she's gonna take care of you until you're older," Carla sigh while continue to hear the others said.

"Think about it first. If she did something evil, we can still stop her. Not hiding here like you've been chased by the monster," Mei Hui pointed out. "Thinking like that...okay, you all have a point there," Rainbow admit it.

"Do you agree with them?" Applejack asked in disbelief as Carla scoffed quietly until, she saw Apple Bloom go outside. 'Where is she going? I should follow her,' Carla thought and went to follow Apple Bloom quietly, and didn't want to get scolding by Applejack and leaving the group to argue.

While Carla is looking for Apple Bloom, she sees her hiding behind the board when Zecora looking in her direction. Carla slowly went beside her and cleared her throat, "Apple Bloom. What are you doing?"

Apple Bloom startled at her sudden voice and turned around. "I was"

Carla sigh, "Apple Bloom, I'll accompany you but, quietly we follow her because I don't want your sister to scold me for letting you into trouble," Carla warns her. Apple Bloom nodded happily as the both of them start to follow Zecora quietly to the Everfree Forest.

Meanwhile, as for the others...

"All of you are being ridiculous! Have you ever learned about 'not to judge the books by it covers,' for goodness sake?!" Alex said in frustrate. "Well, I hear that Zecora eats hay," Pinkie Pie pointed out as Alex's eye start to twitch and let out a frustrate scream and fainted.

"Pinkie, I eat hay:you eat hay," Twilight reminded her as Roger added, "In case, you forgot, we, from another world, don't eat hay and most of all, zebras don't eat hay. They only eat grasses, bushes and also bit of leaves."

"Wait, they do?" Pinkie Pie asked in shock. Roger look at her disbelief and face-hoof.

"Hey! Where's Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked in shock. All of them start looking for Apple Bloom until they realize Carla isn't there too.

"Even Carla's not here," Mei Hui said until, she saw Rowena and Ella look calm. "Aren't you two worried about her?" She asked.


"Because we know she's-"

"Wait, you don't think Carla brought her to Zecora?!" Rarity freaking out. "Oh no," Fluttershy covered her mouth. "Why would she do that?! Does she seriously want to put my sister in danger?! I get she doesn't like if we judge Zecora but, that doesn't mean she bring my sister-"

"SHUT UP!" Jared shout at her which all of them except Alex, Rowena, Ella, Terry and Harold, look at him shock.

"You know what, Applejack? You should stop now. You have gone too far with your stubborn pride! You and the girls don't make any sense! You never try to meet Zecora and never bother to greet her like us!"

Twilight notice the sink at the kitchen started to shake which the others notice and gone panic and worry.

"The reason why Carla says like that and did that is because she doesn't care about everyone's appearance and also really wants to be their friend! I thought all of you really like to welcome everyone just like you did to me and the others especially Carla, but?! This doesn't look like it was a friendly welcome?! How could you all do this?!"

Suddenly, a loud flash came from the kitchen which everyone flinched until, Spike came out, looking soaking wet. Jared stood there quiet and started to be confused and scared. 'Did that?' he thought and slowly look at the others which they are worry.

"I'm going to look for Carla and Apple Bloom. If Zecora is really a good pony, all of you should go apologize to her and if she's not, we can handle it," Jared said in stern and walk out, went to find his girlfriend and Apple Bloom.

The Mane 5 only stood there in shock as the others walked past with a disappointed look on their face and went to follow Jared from behind.

"You know? Jared's right. All of you shouldn't judge Zecora and also, none of you didn't listen to Carla...again. Now, once we get those two, we should ask, not yell. Spike, you stay here in case Carla and Apple Bloom came back," Twilight order to Spike.

"But, Twilight, this is different," Applejack said while trying to convince her. "Is it, Applejack?!" Twilight snapped at her as she went to follow the others.

".....maybe we were all wrong about this. They have a point. Especially Harold and the others. They seems to hate when we judge Zecora like that," Rainbow Dash admit it.

"Don't say that, Rainbow. Zecora is bad news, I can tell."

"Are you even hearing what you said? You heard what they said and still think Zecora is evil?"

"I-I'm just trying to look after Apple Bloom."

"I get that she's your little sister but, Ella's right. You're being overprotective of her."

"I agree."

"So do I! They appeared here out of nowhere and waiting to going home while helping us here."

"Well, I've been overreacting and didn't go say hello to Zecora."

"Not you three as well. I'm telling you. She's evil, she's got to be," Applejack said stubbornly until, Rainbow couldn't take it anymore. "Celestia's sake, Applejack! Stop being super stubborn right now! Put your pride aside and admit you're wrong!" Rainbow shout at her.

"She's right, Darling. You need to stop believing everything that has spread everywhere. Which makes us also need to stop too," Rarity added.

"Yeah. Didn't you hear what Jared said?"

"He only said that because Carla's his girlfriend."

All of them gasps what Applejack just said as Spike facepalm, knowing Terry will be angry at her.

"Okay, you know what? We have no time for this. We need to catch the others quickly!" Rainbow said as they agree, leaving Spike who was still facepalm.

"Hope they didn't get into a heat argument."


Zecora walks to the Everfree Forest while Carla and Apple Bloom follow her from behind quietly. Carla was about to go inside the forest but, she noticed Apple Bloom hesitate. She walk toward her and levitate her and put her on her back.

"Stay close, okay?"

"Okay, Carla."

With that, they went in the forest. While they were walking, Apple Bloom hugged Carla closely while Carla looked around until, they saw Zecora, not far away. Carla decided to walk toward her with Apple Bloom on her back.

"Uh, excuse me? Zecora, right?"

"How did you know my name?"

Apple Bloom is surprised by her language while Carla, seems not. "Well, I heard your name from any the rumors and it was not that pretty," Carla said nervously.

"I see. May I know your two names?" Zecora asked. Carla looks at Apple Bloom and back at Zecora, "My name is Carla. And this Apple Bloom, my little friend. Sorry if all the rumors about you were bad. They just never saw any of your kind before," Carla said to her which Zecora was surprised. "You are one of the most special pony I ever met," she said.

"That's what they said all the time," Carla chuckles until, Zecora sees Carla's symbol and recognizes. "It's true. You're the Cheerful," Zecora said in shock. "Uh, yeah."

"I heard the legends. So, is it true?"

Before Carla could answer, she and Apple Bloom heard the others voices. They turn around and saw the others stood on a flowers.

"Aw crud."

"You get back here right now!"

"Wait, guys! Zecora didn't-"

"Beware! Beware, you pony folks! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!" Zecora warn making Carla confuse. 'Leaves blue? What did she mean by that-' her thought was cut off when she saw the others standing on that doesn't allow. 'Oh, that. not good.'

"Beware! Beware!" Carla startled when Zecora last warned and disappeared in the fog. "Zecora, wait!"

"You better leave!"

Jared quickly went toward to Carla and hug tightly until, Apple Bloom hold onto Carla tightly so that she won't fall.

"Carla, stop scaring me like that! I get you want to say hello but, that doesn't mean you have to leave like that," Jared scolded her but, his face looks worried. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Carla looked down. Jared sighs and hug her again while Apple Bloom look at the two with grinned.

"At least you and Apple Bloom are okay."

"And you! Why couldn't you just listen to yer big sister?!" Applejack scolded Apple Bloom who was still sitting on Carla's back. "I....I...."

"Who knows what kind of nasty Zecora could have just put on you?"

"Just like in my song!" Pinkie was about to sing as Lumina used her magic to shut her mouth with an annoyed look. Until Applejack faced Carla, who was startled. "Especially you, Carla. What were you thinking trying to bring Apple Bloom toward to Zecora? Are you trying to get her into trouble?!" Applejack scolded her.

"Since when will I do that?! Apple Bloom wants to say Hi to her which I don't want to leave her alone. Sure Zecora lives in this forest but, that doesn't mean she's evil," Carla tries to tell her but, Applejack doesn't buy it. "Don't try to lie to me, Carla. I know you want to talk with that evil pony-" "Okay, A.J, save it."

"Also, there's no such thing as curses!" Twilight said, backing Carla up. Rainbow want to say something until, Harold cut her off, knowing what will she say.

"No. No, don't even think about it, Rainbow. I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say and not to mention, you're gonna point some of their horns," Harold said while pointing at Twilight, Jared, Carla and the rest.

"Just you wait. You're gonna learn that some pony tales really are true," Applejack warned them causing Carla to have enough. She put Apple Bloom on the ground and start glare dangerously at her.

"Seriously?! You're still believing all of this rubbish?! Want to know something?! I just spoke with Zecora and she doesn't seem evil at all! And she didn't even curse at all!"

Applejack then glare at her back, still mad the fact she bring Apple Bloom with her.

"Don't think I forget about you, Carla?! I'm still mad at you for bringing Apple Bloom with her! And you heard what she chanted!"

"She wasn't chanted! It was her language! It's a nervous habit she has! Everyone has their own habits, so do you! Why don't you stop being arrogant?!" Carla yelled at her until, Applejack said something she wouldn't do.

"You're the one that should stop! You were also stubborn but, still believing every pony was lying! How could you so dumb and being total weirdo?! You think you can act like that just because you're the Cheerful?!"

All of them gasped at what she said as the other Troublemakers Gang looked at Applejack in anger while Carla stood there with a hurtful face until, Applejack realize what she said and gasps.

Suddenly, tears appear on Carla's eyes. "Wow. That's what you've been thinking. Thanks a lot. But, you're right. I'm weird with the weirdest imagination I ever had. Keep on judging everyone, A.J," Carla said but, keep her smile on her face while the tears rolling down on her face and started to walk away slowly.


"Guys, it's fine. It doesn't hit me a lot, really," Carla assured them and flies away while Twilight and Rainbow try to stop her.


"Carla, wait!"

Suddenly, they heard a loud smack. Turns out, it was Terry who slapped Applejack across her face causing Applejack shock.

"How can you say that to her, A.J?! How dare you hurt my little cousin's feelings?! You have no idea how she has been through for calling like that since she was a kid! You know what? I was wrong about you. I thought you are the honest best friend I ever had but, seems like it wasn't. You always think you're right all the time and don't believe what the others just said! If pride is really more important to you than your friends own feelings, then you're not my real friend anymore!" Terry shouts at her and start to walk away.

The rest of the Troublemakers Gang also look at Applejack in anger and follow Terry from behind with the others follow them too.

As Terry walk away, he suddenly stop and he start to breakdown in tears silently, which he knows he miss his old childhood best friend.

Ella saw it and decided to hug him as comfort along with Jared, Harold, Eliana, Baron and Roger while the others comfort Rowena, Alex and Harold who has a sadden look on their faces.

As for the Mane 6 and Apple Bloom who were looking at Applejack in anger, "Way to go, Applejack! Not just listening to her but, you just hurt her feelings!"

"A-Apple Bloom, I'm just trying to protect ya-"

"I don't need protectin' all the time! I'm not a foal, I'm filly! Terry's right, pride is really more important to you than others' feelings! And for the record, I'm the one who brought Carla along to meet Zecora, not her!" With that, Apple Bloom stormed away leaving Applejack and the others.

"Applejack, how could you say that? You know how painful it is to Carla. And also, from what I saw a far, Carla talking to Zecora and also, Zecora didn't even do anything toward her and also, Carla just want to make friends," Twilight told her.

"Seems like Carla really wants to be her friend," Fluttershy admits it. "That sounds very sweet of her," Rarity added.

"Should we check on her?" Pinkie Pie asked in worry. "Probably not because Jared is on his way to comfort her at their house," Twilight explain to her.

"Hope she doesn't throw something hard at him," Rainbow said hopefully. "She won't. But with that she's hurt and angry, thanks to the certain pony," Twilight glare at Applejack who just flinch.

"We'll check on her tomorrow, whether Applejack want it or not," Twilight said as she and the girls walk away, leaving Applejack in guilt.

While they are walking, Pinkie Pie start talking, "Hey, did any of you notice toward to Jared when the sink of the water came out from the kitchen?"

"Now you mention, I have no idea but, I just notice Jared's face, he seems to notice the water were out of control and start to panic, worry and more than that, scared," Twilight explain.

"They sure are hiding something from us but, I don't want to force them," Rainbow said, remembering Harold once fly faster until the wind blew harder.

"But, let's just wait until, they are ready to explain," Twilight told them.


Carla is lying on the bed while sobbing quietly until, she feels someone lying beside her. She turned around and saw Jared staring at her with a worried look. Carla sniffed and wiped her tears away, "When did you get here?" She asked him. "Just now," Jared answer softly and caress her tears along with her cheek.

"Are you okay? After what does Applejack said?"

Carla stayed quiet and nodded as she scooted closer to Jared. "You didn't have any anxiety attack since you got here," Jared asked in worry. "Almost but, I manage to take a breath. And also, I'm okay, it doesn't hurt what does Applejack said," Carla muffle.

Jared sighs, knowing she was too stubborn but, in different ways. "Carla, don't hold it. Just let it out and I will be here with you. Okay?" He said while hugging her. After hearing that, Carla starts to cry while she hugs Jared tightly as Jared comfort her, knowing she is easy to get hurt from every words.

But, they didn't realize they had already fallen asleep in each other's arms waiting for the next morning.


Carla is sound asleep on the bed when all of a sudden, a loud scream coming from the living room causing Carla jolted up and look beside her and saw Jared's gone.

She quickly went to the living room to check on her boyfriend. "Jared, what's wrong-" when Carla got there, she stopped her track and saw his horn look flat as for his glasses lens, they look like a fog.

"How am I supposed to see when there's a fog coming out of nowhere?! And what the heck is wrong with my horn?!"

"Jared, calm down!"

"Carla, baby, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"Did something happened to you like me?"

"Nope. I don't feel anything funny," Carla answers as Jared starts to freak out again. "Jared, calm down. We'll find a way to cure this but, right now, we need to go to Twilight," Carla said as she went to door but, realize he cannot see. She quickly went back pull Jared with her magic.


As they have already reached Twilight's tree house, Carla uses her hoof to knock the door while her horn is glowing to levitate Jared until, the door opens revealing Spike.

"Oh, hey Carla--uh, what happened to Jared?" Spike asked after he saw Jared's state.

"I'll explain later," Carla said as Jared continue, "Where's Twilight?"

"She is inside but, she's not looking good," Spike added which makes Carla start to worry. "Uh, what do you mean?"

"I'll show you."

Spike escorted the two to the living room until they saw Twilight is looking at every book.

"No, no, no, no, no! None of these books have a cure! Ugh! There has to be a real reason for this! An illness?! An allergy?!" Twilight panic.

"Twilight, are you okay? What's wrong-" Carla stopped her sentence when she saw Twilight's horn is soft, wobbly and covered in blue spots.

"Carla, why did you stop? Is it bad?!" Jared asked in panic while looking around. "Carla, thank goodness you're here! Wait, Jared, you too?!"

"What else do you think?!"

"I know your horn becomes like that but, your glasses-"

"Don't! Just don't!" Jared exclaim as Twilight start to keep quiet and look at Carla but, start even more shock.

"You don't have one of these..."

"Nope. And also, I don't feel funny either," Carla told her. "Okay, but, any idea why it become like this?!"

"Twilight, calm down! We'll figure it out! All we need to do is to find the book that has the answer in it," Carla said. "How about this?" The three look at Spike who was holding the green book that has a title 'Supernatural.'

"Supernatural? Spike, the word supernatural refers to things like ghosts and spirits and zombies, which-"

"Wait, Spike, give me that book."

Spike gives the book to Carla as Carla starts to flip the pages. "Carla, there's no cure-"

"Seems like I have read this book-wait, I have! And there must be a cure in chapter 40!" Carla said, Twilight started to look into it. "Where?"

"It should be right..."

Carla opened the page 40, revealing it was torn. Twilight and Spike slowly back away from Carla and stand on both sides of Jared, which Jared knows something is going to happen. "She's gonna explode in three, two-" before Jared could finish his count, a loud window crash heard.

Turns out, it was Carla who threw the book away with a fury look on her face. She breath heavily while glaring at the window as Twilight levitate her and put her down.

"Carla, take a deep breath," Twilight calms her down. Carla follow what she said and decided to take a deep breath slowly until, she's calm now.

"You good?"

"Yup. And Twilight, did I mention 'Don't judge the book by it covers' because you have already done it," Carla reminded her. Twilight looked down, realize she was right, "Sorry, Carla."


The girls look behind them and saw Jared fall on the ground when all the book knock over with Spike help him up.

"Can we find a cure now?!"


They looked over and saw Pinkie Pie and Roger until they saw their tongues were cover in blue spots and swollen.

"Is it just me or did any of you hear Roger's voice?" Jared asked while looking around as Carla steady him.

"We all do," Carla answers. "Pinkie! Roger! What happened?" Twilight asked in worry. "I woketh upft fhist morningth andth theth firsth thingth I sawth wasth oursth tongth becometh liketh thisth!" Roger answers while spitting. "Pee pah Zecora! Sthe put a cursthe on me!" Pinkie Pie added as Roger send her the look of deadpanned.

"Pinkie, don't think I don't understand what you're saying and also, Zecora didn't put a curse on you. She had only some kind of warning. If she put you and Roger a curse, she would've chanted or something and please, stop spitting!" Carla said while avoid the saliva suddenly they heard a loud thud.

Carla went to check the window until she shrieked when Rainbow, Irma and Dash hit the window many times. 'That's gotta to be hurt,' Carla thought while she wince seeing them like that.

"Open the door, please!" 

Irma screamed while she hit many times. Carla quickly opened the door but, with a fast pace, they suddenly crashed into a bookshelf but, it wasn't them. It was Harold who was flying faster nonstop.

"What just happened?! Oof!" Jared fall on the ground but, Twilight quickly stop him from falling as Carla walk toward the three pegasuses.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Glad you ask, Carl. We have no idea."

"I bet it was Zecora doing."

"Rainbow, we have already talked about this!" 

"Sorry, Harold!"

Carla flies toward her cousin who was struggling to control his wings. "What the heck is wrong with my wings?! And Carla, how come you can still fly properly?!" Harold asked while pointing at her wings.

"Don't ask."

"Uh, what's wrong with your boyfriend," Irma asked when she saw Jared's glasses were full of fog. "I've been asking that too when I saw him like that," Carla answers. "You guys were okay but, us?!"

Carla quickly turns around and sees Rarity whose mane, coat and tail are really long while the others own horns were also the same with Twilight and Jared. Carla, Twilight and Spike yell in surprise.

"What...! How....?!"

"Bestie, I get it," Rowena said, while trying to keep her cool down. "Yeah, it was not that pretty and Rarity, don't try to accuse Zecora out of nowhere," Courtney said as Rarity was about to say it. "Oh, right."

"I told ya so!" 

A loud high pitch has been heard as they saw Applejack and Terry were on Apple Bloom's back and look very small. "It's a curse, I tell ya!" Applejack reminded them. "For the last time, Applejack, it wasn't a curse!" Terry snapped.

"But, Fluttershy...seems just fine."

"Including Mei Hui," Carla added. "Yeah, they are but, the problem is, they won't talk," Alex told them until, he suddenly knocked over by Jared who was trying to see.

" Jared, get off of me!"

"Wait, Alex, are you under me?"

"Take that stupid dirty mind out of you!"

"Fluttershy, Mei Hui? Are you two okay?" Carla asked as the two of them nodded. "Is there something wrong?" Lumina asked as the two nodded again, not speaking. "Would you care to tell us?" Twilight ask but, they shake their head.

"'re not going to tell us?" Courtney asked and the two nodded again. "Yes you're not or yes, you will?" Baron asked until a book hit at his face causing him fall backward as he yelp turns out it was Mei Hui who was getting annoyed as Applejack went to the two for demand answer.

"Good gravy, girls! What's wrong with you two?!" 

Suddenly, something makes all of them shock when they heard both of their voices are very deep.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Now you guys get it why we didn't talk."

Carla's right eye start to twitch as she saw Spike was about to laugh and quickly stop him, "Spike, don't laugh, please."

"Okay," Spike snort while controlling his laugh.

"Okay, since all of you looked to say this? Like, you guys are sick or something. I have found the book I read once and saw the cure but, unfortunately, someone rip it," Carla deadpanned.

"Uh, is that why the window...?" Ella asked while pointing at the broken window which Twilight and Spike nodded. Rainbow struggle to get herself out of the broken stair as Carla levitate the stair and Rainbow flying around.

"I hate to say this but, do you think Zecora has a cure or something?"

"Well, I'm not sure-"

"We'll go to Zecora's and force her to remove this hex!" Applejack declare. "Okay, for the last time, Applejack! It wasn't a curse or hex! Do you know the difference between the curse or hex?!" Carla snapped while trying to steady Jared with her magic.

"Don't get confident there, Carla. I know what is curse or hex and I know which one of it," Applejack told her when the others except Jared look down at Applejack with fury face.

"Applejack, you're being ridiculous!"

"Are you trying to hurt her feelings again like yesterday?!"

With that, they start to argue as Carla sighs, feeling a headache. "This is all my fault," Apple Bloom said sadly as Carla turned to her. "It wasn't your fault, Apple Bloom."

"But, it is. If only I wouldn't follow Zecora, this would've happened," Apple Bloom said. Carla looks at the others who are still arguing and at the books while thinking. 'If there's no cure in that book, maybe Zecora will help us. That's it!' Carla thought as she levitated Apple Bloom and put her on her back. "Come on, Apple Bloom. I know a pony who could help with the problem," Carla whispers as Apple Bloom grinned, knowing what she meant as the two went out, which they didn't notice by Applejack.

"Now where does she think she's goin'? I knew Carla force her to follow her," Applejack said as she jump into Apple Bloom's  mane as the both of them went to the Everfree Forest.


"So, you're sure Zecora has a cure?" Apple Bloom asked Carla. "Yup. I just realize Zecora is carrying the satchel and sort of have a herbs inside so, I just thought, she might be have a cure and also, once the others are done recovery, I'm gonna tell this to Mayor Mare," Carla grumble at the last part. When she turn around, she saw Apple Bloom is gone.

"Apple Bloom? Apple Bloom? Apple Bloom, where are you?!" She shouted while looking around. "Oh dear, I hope I don't lose her-"


She turned around and saw Apple Bloom running toward her. "Apple Bloom, there you are! Don't try to do that again next time, please! I was so worried," Carla said to her. "Anyway, where you run off to?"

"I'll tell you on the way," Apple Bloom said as the both of them start to walk to Zecora's hut.


As for the others, things aren't going well.

"Hold on, Rarity," Eliana is trying to pull Rarity by biting her tail. "Easier for you to say that," Rarity said. 

"Jared, you're going the wrong way!" Alex warned him but it was too late. Jared fall on the ground with his face.

"That's gonna leave a mark," Terry winced while on Roger's head as Roger rolled his eyes. Suddenly, Harold start to fly even faster while screaming and straight toward to Rainbow Dash until they fly very far.

A loud thud has been heard. Both of them groan in pain as Harold was above her again. When they come to their sense, they realize their faces were closer as they start to blush.

"Aren't you two gonna kiss or what?"

They turned to the sound and saw Applejack smirking at them. "Don't you dare."

Applejack quickly grabs a hoof-made tack and puts it inside Rainbow's mouth and ties the rope together on Rainbow and Harold's tail. Applejack went to Harold's head and grabs the rope.


Without warning, they quickly flies faster as they are screaming.


The group have finally reached Zecora's hut as they look around. "Not bad," Irma said awkwardly trying to fly properly. "Pfor a placeth ofth evilth!" 

"Pinkie, canth youfth shut upft?!"

"For the tenth times, Pinkie Pie, she's not evil!" Suddenly, they heard a rustle. They looked except Jared beside them and saw Rarity cover in the leaves. "Oh. I look horrible!" Rarity cried as Pinkie open her hair.

"Plis place plooks horrible!" 

"Oh my. This place really does look horrible."

"Is that compliment or what?"

They quietly went to the window and peeked over as they saw a lot of strange things. "Nice decorations, if you like creepy!"

"Need to remind you, Rarity but, that's how the medical herbs people do that," Lumina reminds her. "Oh. Is that so?" Rarity asked embarrassing as Lumina nodded.

Suddenly, the door opens revealing a vial on her mouth. They quickly hide so that they won't be spotted but, quickly pulled Jared along.

And then, Zecora pour it inside the large pot and start to speak in native language which shock the other ponies except the others.

"Sthe sthole my sthong! Sthe sthole my sthong!"

"She stole your song?" Rarity asked. "Oh Pinkie," Alex sigh. "Doesn't sound like it was your song, Pinkie." "Yeah, that was only a native language," Jared added.

Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy look at each other, feeling unsure. "What? You girls still believe those stupid rumors again," Courtney asked in disbelief. "But, all of you seeing those terrible things," Rarity said as Courtney groan.

"What terrible things? The scary looking masks, confusing incantations and a great big bubbling cauldron?" Terry asked rhetorically, glaring at the three, still mad. The three gulped nervously as Rowena added, "Everything you girls pointing at Zecora like she's a bad pony." 

"Wait, what if....Zecora is just making soup?" Twilight pointed out. Lumina, Ella and Baron went to peek the window again and back at the others. 

"Now that you mention it, Twi."

"It's nothing bad or evil when she's making a soup."

"I mean, what could go wrong for her to make a soup?"

Inside the hut, Zecora tasted the soup and spoke, "Mm! The perfect temperature for ponies, I presume. Now, where is that Apple Bloom? And also, I told Carla Felcia to be hurry."

From the outside, the Gang look at each other, wide eyes and understand why does Carla went here: She want to find the cure with the help of Zecora!

Unfortunately, Twilight and the girls were misunderstanding.

"Or....what if she's making Apple Bloom soup and trying to go to Carla next?!"

A small silence started until the four started to scream as Jared, Dash, Roger and Mei Hui quickly covered their mouths.

"Way too jump conclusion, Twilight!"

"If she's making the soup, she would leave their ribbons on the table!"

"And also, you don't have to scream!"

"The boys are right."

"And way too open your mouth, Baron," Eliana looked at Baron dryly as Baron chuckled sheepishly.

Suddenly, a loud scream was heard from the sky. 

"I'm coming for ya, Apple Bloom!"

The three crashed inside Zecora's hut as Zecora spoke in native language while looking at the three shocks. With that, Applejack went to jump on Zecora's ear and start to wrestle but, Zecora look at her in confuse as Rainbow try to stop Harold from hitting everything until, the girls burst the door opened while the others try to stop them and calm them down.

"Girls, calm down!"

"What have you done to Apple Bloom?! And where's Carla?!" Twilight demands while Jared tries to calm her down. "Twilight, don't get any idea!"

"No! No!" 

"Hang on, Harold-whoa!" Rainbow suddenly been pulled by Harold who was flying even more faster.

"Ponies! What is this you..."

"Look, this is all the misunderstanding but," before Ella could finish, Rainbow suddenly was thrown away until she hit the cauldron until she spilled every water on the ground.

"No! You know not what you do! You've gone and spilled my precious brew!" Zecora scolded them. "Miss Zecora, we didn't mean to. We're sorry for what our friends did," Lumina apologized as Eliana continued, "Look, it was all the misunderstanding and our friends-"

"We're onto you, Zecora!"

"Twilight, no!"

"I didn't want to believe that you cursed us but the evidence is overwhelming!" Twilight said as Jared face-hoof.

"Twilight, stop! Before we could, you know, we should realize what we did by destroying her house!" Irma said while waving her hoof in panic.

"Irma, don't you get it?! She put this curse on us!"

"No, none of you don't get it! I can't believe all of you act just like Applejack and what? Ignoring Carla's words!" Terry snapped at them as he stomped his hoof on the ground causing a little shaking. This cause Jared fell on the ground as he yelp.

"Now where is Apple Bloom and Carla?!" Twilight asked as she and Zecora glaring at each other until....

"That was the most funniest thing you guys ever did!"

"Well, you can say that again."

The one who arrives is Carla and Apple Bloom who are carrying the bag on their back. "Zecora, we're here and brought what you asked for. Also, sorry for the wait-what the heck?!"

Carla and Apple Bloom stop their track when they see the mess and the others. "Hi Babe," Jared wave his girlfriend while his face still on the ground.

"What in Ponyville is going on here?"

"And why are you looking like that to Zecora, Twilight," Carla asked while she went to help her boyfriend. "Also, can some pony explain to me, what in the world is going on here?!" 

"Apple Bloom! Carla! You two are okay!"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Apple Bloom asked while Carla looked at Twilight confusion. "Because Zecora is an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you up into soup also, she's trying to do to you next, Carla," Twilight told them.

Carla looks at the cauldron, then at Apple Bloom and herself. She and Apple Bloom look at Zecora who look at them until, the three of them start to laugh but, Carla is the one who was laughing so hard.

"What? What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry!" Carla continued to laugh harder as she rolled on the floor. "What's so funny?"

"Oh Twilight. Did those silly fillies finally get in yer head?" Apple Bloom asked while laughing as Carla stood up, "Besides, there's no such thing as a curse. Didn't I tell you guys already?" Carla asked smugly.

"And how do you explain all of us?" Rainbow asked while pointing at herself and the others. 

"It wasn't a curse. Yesterday, while you guys still think Zecora is evil, she gave a warning about the joke plant: which you guys step on it," Carla explain.

"Wait, what? You mean the beautiful blue flower?" Irma asked while Carla nodded. "And you're telling us now?!" Applejack said angrily as she landed on the table while glaring at Carla.

"Well, you didn't give an explanation-"

"Of course you didn't because you only-"


Applejack flinched at Carla's yelling.


Carla shouts at them and turns around, not facing them. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow only look down in guilty.

"I think you girls should apologize to her and after that, to Zecora," Twilight suggest which the others also give her the knowing look.

"I'll apologize to her later," Twilight told them.

And then, the first pony who walks toward Carla is Rainbow. "Carla, I'm sorry. I should've think about what I did yesterday until I forgot," she apologize.

"Me too. It makes me feel like a bully when we all judge Zecora without getting to know her," Fluttershy motion herself.

"I'm sorry, Carla. I also shouldn'tfh write all the badthft songs and judge her thatfht way," added Pinkie Pie.

"Ever since you and the others showed up here, I realize I didn't judge you but, I judge Zecora. And also, I'm sorry, Carla," Rarity said in guilty.

The others look at Applejack who was nervous to apologize to her. She take a deep breath as Lumina lifted her up.

"You're right, Carla. I only care for my pride rather than care for my friend's feelings. I wasn't honest to myself and believe those rumors also didn't wait for any pony to confirm whether the rumors are true or not. I'm sorry, Carla. Also you, Terry," she apologize.

Carla is still not facing much to the five ponies in worry. She turns around and faces them with a frowned face. They are ready to get scolded until a warm smile appear on Carla's face.

"I forgive you girls." Hearing that, makes them all perk up and look at her shock.

"You are?"

"Yes. But, promise me, you girls won't do it again next time, okay," Carla pleaded which the girls nodded.

"Hey, Twilight. Did I mention you also started to judge Zecora?" Jared asked smugly as Twilight shove him.

"Zecora, I'm sorry if we destroy your home," Twilight apologized to Zecora.

"Apologize accepted," Zecora forgive her as she turns to Carla and Apple Bloom. "Have you two brought something I told you?"

"We sure are," Apple Bloom said as Applejack looked at her sister.

"Apple Bloom, sugarcube, I'm sorry if I was overprotective to you," Applejack apologize to her.

"It's fine, Applejack. I know you only wanted to keep me safe," Apple Bloom said.

"Now, since we know the cure, we should head back to the Pony Ville," Twilight declare but, Carla stop them.

"Before we bring Zecora, there is one last thing I wanted to do," Carla said while she smirk.


"...and that's how it is, Mayor Mare."

Carla told Mayor Mare about all the ponies behavior toward to Zecora.

"Oh, goodness me. I didn't know about that. My apologize, Carla," Mayor Mare said.

"Nah, it's fine. At least Twilight and the girls learn their lesson," Carla said while looking at the Mane 6 where they smile at her.

"Well then, I should better make an announcement," Mayor Mare said as she went to the Ponyville Hall. With that, she told all the ponies how disappointed she is for judging Zecora without getting to know her. All of them look down in guilt and are ashamed of themselves. They apologized to Zecora about their actions towards her and Zecora forgave them.

Carla also told them she once read about the cure for the Mane 6 and the others and told them and the Mayor Mare one of Twilight's book pages has been torn. Turns out, the group of mare unicorns tore the page purposely because they don't like Zecora's appearance also, they are jealous of Carla because she was beautiful than they are, has a good heart and has a boyfriend too.

After finding out, the Mane 6 and the others start to scold at them along with other of the ponies while Carla only stood there along with Spike, Apple Bloom, Zecora and the Mayor Mare.

After that, Zecora explained the herb she picked and decided to complete the herbs. The group starts to gather all the flowers enough for Zecora to make the cure. With that, all of them went to the Ponyville Day Spa and asked the spa twin sisters, Lotus Bloom and Aloe Vera to make the herbal bath filled with the cure. 

"Dear Princess Celestia,
As you can see, I have learned the most very valuable lesson: Never judge the book by its covers or their appearance. Sometimes someone or some pony may look funny, strange and scary, doesn't mean they are not nice. Real friends don't care about their appearance or maybe really want to be their friends with the same experience or really like having a strange great friend. 

Your Brave Student,
Carla Felcia."

Carla finished writing her report and put it back inside her bag and continued to pour the herbs inside the bath along with Zecora and Apple Bloom until the spa twin sisters approach them.

"Miss Zecora, I would love to get the recipe for this bath. It's simply luxurious," Lotus said. "Well, of course but, not just me who made the herbs. Carla Felcia surprisingly make the herbs too," Zecora gesture at Carla who was shock at the sudden mention.

"What? Me? No way, I just did it because I saw my Mom once make the herbs," Carla told them. "Well, in that case, it would be our pleasure for you to help us, Carla. And also, again we apologize the way we acted towards Zecora," Aloe said truthfully.

"It's fine. At least you are forgiven," Carla accepted but, yelp when she almost got hit by the water.

"Oops, sorry, Babe. Didn't mean to hit you," Jared said sheepishly as his horn and glasses went back to normal. His wet hair drips down while bathing. Carla started to blush and grabbed Zecora's hooves and used it to close her face. Carla knew they are still a pony but, still can't resist Jared's hotness.

The Mane 6 and the others along with the ponies notice and giggle and chuckle.

"Well, seems like Carla glad you are being cure to your handsome back, J," Eliana said while grinning which makes Jared blush too.

"Hey, Carla, do you want to join us bathing?" 

"Nah, I'm fine," Carla decline while still have a blush on her face.

The girls look at each other and smirk as Twilight starts to levitate her as Carla yelp in shock. "Hey, Twilight! What are you doing?! Put me down-!"

"Too late for that, Carla!"

With that, Carla suddenly fell inside the bathing tub. She came out from the water and spits out the water with a deadpanned look and gave the same look at Twilight.

Twilight just smile innocently as Jared chuckle as he gave the peck on Carla's lips much to her shock.

"Hmph, how rude," Carla giggles Jared chuckle while Twilight looks at the grinned until they heard Apple Bloom exclaim.

"Where's Applejack?!"

All of them check whether they sat on her while Terry look around his best friend until they heard a voice.

"I'm right here, little sis. I ain't tiny no more! Uh, where's Terry?"

Suddenly, Applejack yelled when she was thrown away until she fell on the other tub. Turns out it was Terry who spit out

"Sorry, A.J!"

"It's fine, Terry."

"Oh! I have never felt so lovely in all my life!" Rarity said until Pinkie Pie popped right beside her, much to Rarity's shock. "I never realized how horrible it is not to be able to talk. I mean-"

"Pinkie, we get it already. You can talk, I can talk so, stop," Roger reminded her as he covered her mouth. "Part of her saying is true. Right, Fluttershy, Mei Hui?" Carla look at the two.


"It's totally is."

"Well, in that case, is it okay if I can get out of this bath tub because I have already taken a bath?" Carla asked rhetorically making all the ponies start laughing while having fun.

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