White Fangs [ON HOLD]

By OneDirectionAllDay

37.8K 636 121

Arielle Winston just wanted to make her sister smile again but didn't know she signed a contract to being One... More

Chapter 1~ Blood Sucker
Chapter 2~ Neck Bite
Chapter 3~ Vampires Exist..?
Chapter 4~ The Contract
Chapter 5~ No Choice
Chapter 6~ Vampires 101
Chapter 7~ Decisions
Chapter 8~ Drained
Chapter 9~ Doppelganger?
Chapter 10~ Liam's Past
Chapter 11~ Elizabeth's Insight

Chapter 12~ Two-Face

2.4K 68 21
By OneDirectionAllDay

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Go to hell," I hissed to Landon's request for a hard liquor. His stolid stare was intimating but we were in public, he wouldn't try anything...would he? "I wouldn't talk to me like that, love. Unless you want to watch me rip your pretty little heart out of your body " he threatened keeping his eye contact locked onto mine. I scrunched my eyebrows together in anger contemplating if he was bluffing with that threat. "You can't kill me just yet, you still need me don't you?" I commented in a hushed tone glaring into his ice cold blue eyes. "But of course. I still need you to take care of a few little minor details, but that doesn't mean I can't torture you, draining you from your blood to a point where your hunger is an agonizing pain physically and emotionally," he replied getting up from the bar stool and walking over to the hallway where the bathrooms where located. I clenched my fists tightly together trying to control the trembling of my fingers. I was so scared of him in this moment but I wouldn't dare show him fear. Even with my humanity shut off to block out emotions the involuntary need to flee was pestering my movements.

It was probably not the best idea to follow him into the hallway since it was excluded from the site of costumers but I wanted to know the roots of his plan. "That wasn't apart of the deal. You said I find the girl and then I could be free from you. That I could finally have that freedom I dreamed of. Do you realize how long I have been trapped in this fucking town?" I demanded in a firm tone of voice spotting the tall muscular body near the ladies restroom. "Now Elizabeth, you know I don't play well with the rules" his deep British accent teased with a flutter of his long eyelashes. His voice echoed in my mind laughing at my ignorance to notice this deal was a joke. "Oh and weren't you supposed to contact me as to when you spotted my doppelgänger?" Landon added with a sudden anger laced with his words. "I was going too.." I mumbled feeling defeated. I can't believe I actually trusted that I would get my escape from this simple task of waiting around for my copy. Nothing was ever that easy with Landon and I should have known that.

"Were you really? Mmmh doubt it" he purred licking the bottom corner of his lip. "I was! And you know I'm compelled to tell you anyway" I spat back at him rolling my eyes. "I would watch your attitude," he scolded crossing his arms on his chest. "No! You just keep rubbing in my face how powerless I am against you. You show up out of nowhere and think you can push me around!" I shouted with a flourish of my arms. At this point a young girl quickly scurried out of the bathroom with a frightened completion to her face but I didn't care. "Well you are powerless, Elizabeth. I was just having some good clean fun with you, considering the circumstances that you are doomed to serve me. Your freedom will come down along the line as soon as your assistance is not needed" Landon nonchalantly stated not phased by the sudden raise of my voice. He held onto my wrist firmly, twisting it backward to the point of it snapping. I heard the snap of my bone and let out a scream to only be muffled with his large hand cupping my mouth. "It will heal..but let that teach you a lesson to try and defy me" he whispered into my ear holding me tightly to his chest. The few people that took a trip to the restroom must have just figured we were a young couple in love talking in private by the bathroom's, it wasn't the most romantic factor but it was certainly a clever cover up to our argument.

I stood inert as Landon backed away into his previous stance. I clutched my broken wrist waiting for my bone to contract and heal in only a way a vampire could. I had the luxury of waiting just a few seconds to heal a simple wound, while a normal human would need to rest the limp in a cast for four or five weeks. My breathe was heavier than before as I whimpered fighting back tears. I wasn't classified as a weak person, it just wasn't my label. Every human from the 1860s that I turned would know that.

"What do you want..." I finally asked just wanting to understand the plot of him returning to the town of Mystic Falls just for this doppelgänger. How did he find out this girl would grow up here? So many questions left unanswered by Landon's mysterious, secretive composure. I knew that supernatural events have been famous in this town, the town Council keeping under wraps what they actually discussed behind locked doors. But how did Landon know about my copy in the first place?

"For you to befriend the girl. Make her truly believe you are her new best friend. Allow her to trust you with anything, and make sure she doesn't suspect you knowing information involving werewolves, vampires, or witches," Landon demanded with a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "But why?" I managed to croak out, circling my wrist around to crack the now healed bone. "She is the key to everything. You need to watch her and learn about her life. Find out if she knows about vampires or even if there are any supernatural beings protecting her. That might cause a problem but nothing I can't fix or easily get rid of," he stated with a huff of his breathe. "What are you up to! The least you could do was let me know since I am now apart of this "plan" of yours" I asked putting air quotes around the word plan.

"Creating my hybrid army. Oh and if along the way you happen to scope out any vampires in town let me know, love. They would play a great role in the ritual..." he said with a such great determination. Hybrid? The alien word rolled off my tongue, rushing my mind into overdrive collecting all my knowledge to come up with a definition of the delicately pronounced word that tumbled out of his lips seconds earlier. Suddenly, the word had hit me. A hybrid was the combination of a vampire and werewolf to create the perfect breed of species. I wanted to see if my keen description of the word was correct but as soon as I opened my mouth to ask the original, he walked away leaving me in complete awe and confusion.

Arielle's P.O.V

I screeched as Miley and Audrey sandwiched me into a tight hug as soon as I stepped foot in the Grill. We giggled all the way to an empty table before we took our seats and let the seriousness to why we were here actually here kick in. We all engaged in quick small talk and bits of gossip that was going around school at the moment. Audrey looked sheepishly at me while Miley scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion. "Audrey? Is there something you want to say" I asked tilting my head while looking around the room trying to see if I could find my look alike in the same place she was the last time I had been here. "Well, it started junior year. I was talking to my Grams about our family's ancestors for the history report Mr. Preston assigned us one day. She was showing me that our older generations preformed witchcraft and it is passed down every generation. Since we cracked the code that vampires exist and even doppelgängers I figured it was the right time to tell you guys I am a witch. Last summer Grams taught me how to read palms to see if I had any spiritual connections with magic. Like every generation in my family, I did inherit the power. Ever since then I have been performing spells and learning the basics from my grandmother," Audrey babbled starring wide eyed at Miley whose mouth hung agape as my attention snapped back to her.

"But we don't know if vampires exist! You're crazy! There is no way you know magic.." Miley reasoned, shaking her head. At this point, I believed just about anything. I smacked my lips together trying to come with the right words to say but just as I began to speak I trailed off. "Audrey have you finally gone crazy? Is something else bothering you and that's why you made up this crazy story?" Miley pestered resting her elbows on the edge of the table. "I'm not crazy, and you agreed with Colton that vampires did exist," Audrey whispered as her cheeks grew red from anger or even embarrassment. "I think it is pretty cool," I added to the conversation glancing around the room once again without finding the person I desperately needed to settle things with. "Thank you! Plus Miley, Grams even told me that vampires do indeed exist, same with those dogs that come out at night. What are they called again? I forgot," Audrey exclaimed with wonder. "Werewolves," I breathed out. "Yeah that's it" she added with a bright smile. Miley let out a sigh and nodded her head toward Audrey. "Alright I'll believe you, but tell me more about this magic thing," she curiously asked.

I could automatically tell this conversation would go on forever and I was cut for time, remembering Zayn was to meet me here in 15 minutes. I excused myself from the table to take a quick bathroom break, that iced tea I had ordered filled my bladder up to capacity. As I quickly walked to the hallway that led to the restrooms I bumped shoulders with some stranger. The impact of the hit made me stumble backwards, luckily I had caught my balance. I looked up to the man who mischievously smiled at me. I've seen him before, he was the one who thought my name was Elizabeth. "Sorry love, you should watch where you're going" he interjected while walking away from me. My heart pounded violently against my chest as the familiar fear I received with our first encounter ran through my body once again. I ignored how rude he had just been because I desperately needed to go to the toilets. As I approached the ladies room I spotted my double and froze in my tracks.

She stared back at me mirroring my surprised facial expression. "W-why do you look exactly like me" she stuttered out weakly. Wait, does that mean she has no idea we are doppelgängers? "Um...I'm not sure.." I lied through my teeth. I couldn't just expose all the things I knew to her in this very moment, I mean I barely even knew her name. "I'm Elizabeth..and you are?" she asked me waving here hand for me to continue this conversation. Well that was right on cue. "Arielle" I replied right before she pulled me into a hug raising me off the ground. "This is so exciting. I always wanted a twin sister!" she exclaimed with an annoying high pitched voice. I moved backward and smiled at the slight innocence to the girl in front of me.

It was just like looking in a mirror. She had her long dark brunette hair resting around her shoulders, dull hazel eyes that contrasted my lively ones, thick eyebrows, defined jawline, full pink lips, and long eyelashes. A small waist and thin legs, crossed over each other in a standing position just as I was standing at that moment. I felt like a ghost looking back on my life, only I didn't work at a bar/café.

"Yeah, we should get together sometime soon to talk about how strange it is that we look exactly alike. I mean I know we aren't related so aren't you just a tiny bit curious as too why we share the same looks?" I said pursing my lips together trying my best to avoid any awkward conversation. "Oh defiantly, I would love to get to know you and become close friends and what not," Elizabeth agreed pursing her lips together as I had just did. This was so freaky. "Oh give me your phone so I may type in my number and you can just text me whenever," she added. I pulled my iPhone out of my back pocket and handed it to her. "I'm going to pee, be right back" I uncomfortably stated walking into the bathroom leaving her my phone. I was contemplating if I should trust her right off the bat of meeting for the first time. She seemed relatively kind and bubbly so I didn't really see a problem with it.

Zayn's P.O.V

I shuffled in front of the small bar with a vibrant purple lit up sign on the brick wall outside reading Mystic Falls Grill. Although both L's in Falls and Grill were burned out. I pushed the door opened coming in contact with the heavy liquor smell that you needed time to get used too. I glanced around the room eyeing the back of a tiny brunette girl only to be disappointed when she turned around because it wasn't Elle. My heart rate returned to normal as I looked around the room in search of my beautiful friend. I hope one day I can call her my girlfriend, that is if the rest of the lads don't make her fall for them first, but I'm determined to make her mine. The bar was surprisingly busy with a bunch teens huddled around a pool table with glasses of scotch held in their hands.

My eyes settled on two girls dressed in light colors with a light application of make-up on their face. The town was small so I figured they might know Elle. I slowly made my way to their table shoving my hands in my pocket while I made eye contact with the one that had an auburn hair color. "Uh hello, do you happen to know a girl who goes by the name Arielle or Elle?" I questioned holding an intense eye contact. The aroma of their human blood filled the air as I stood there on display for their judgment. My fangs wanted to make a sudden appearance but I kept them under wraps while the two girls looked me up and down, perhaps realizing who I was or just mentally undressing me. "Yes, she happens to be a very close friends of ours. She went to the bathroom in that direction, down the hallway," the blonde informed me. "Massive thank you" I replied with a smirk making my way toward the hallway spotting Elle standing by the ladies' bathroom, tapping away on her phone looking extremely concentrated and interested.

"Arielle ready to go?" I asked pulling her small frame in for a hug. She was tense around my body which was strange and unlike her. She inhaled a long breathe pressing her cheek against my neck and then relaxed in my arms. She looked up at my face and gripped her phone tighter. "Zayn?" she paused questioning my name, like an internal conflict was arising in her head trying to see if that indeed was my name. I am a very observant person and something was different about Arielle. "Yes, Zayn!" she shouted with a devious smirk. "Actually, you can leave. I don't need you anymore I can get someone else to go accompany me. Sorry pretty boy you must be upset, but then again I'm not actually sorry. You should save your time trying to flirt with me because you aren't my type. See you soon, babe" she slowly told me with a straight face placing a butterfly kiss on my jaw before walking into the bathroom. Her eyes had a fire in them and were darker then usual. My heart began to ache and my slight anger issues boiled up my blood in a fit of rage. I turned around stomping out of the Grill without a single insult thrown back at her or acknowledgement of her friends. I just didn't have the heart to tell the girl I love an insult. What was her problem? Making me walk all the way over here being excited to spend more time with her and then crushing our plans while calling out my feelings and getting rid of them. Basically telling me she will never go for me so I should stop trying to win her over...

What was wrong with trying, no one can help when they fall for someone. Should I just give up now? Fuck I hate this feeling in my chest. I balled my fist and instantly hit the brick wall outside. The surface held as a good base to take my anger out on, it was better then blood bingeing. My knuckles were now broken, swollen and bleeding rapidly but the wound would heal in the matter of seconds so it didn't matter. I groaned in both physical and emotion pain as I began to walk home hoping the cold wind will calm me down and clear my racing mind.

Arielle P.O.V

I exited the stall to find a smiling Elizabeth handing me back my phone, I slipped it into my back pocket and returned a warm smile. I went to wash my hands remembering that I left Miley and Audrey out there for a while now. Just as I was about to tell Elizabeth I would see her later she interrupted me, telling me she had to go work her shift now and she would text me later. I nodded and left the bathroom making my way back to my friends who stared at me in wonder. "When were you going to tell us you knew Zayn Malik!?" Audrey shouted with excitement. "What? How did you know?" I asked with a light blush in my cheeks remembering the feel of his firm hand on my thigh. "He came here looking for you and went to search by the bathrooms. He actually just left," Miley contributed folding her hands together. He ditched me? He could have waited by the bathrooms for five minutes, he didn't have to leave. That's fantastic, sarcasim intended. Now I had no one to go with me to visit Nikki. I totally forgot, Nikki! "Guys I need to go like right now, visiting hours are almost up at the hospital. Text me and we will set up a sleepover or something, I'll catch you up on me knowing One Direction and what my copy is like! " I shouted racing through the door. "Wait you met her?!" both of them said simultaneously. I chuckled and grabbed my phone going through my contacts.

My fingertip hovered over Zayn's name. He was unbelievable leaving me hanging like that. What am I going to tell Nikki, or how am I going to make it up to her? She was pissed at me and if Zayn were by my side I'm sure she would have forgotten all about her being mad. Before I knew it my finger found a new name through my list of contacts and clicked the call button. I pressed the phone against my ear and began walking to the hospital feeling my stomach churn wondering if he would pick up. The line only rang once before that familiar deep, slow talking, husky voice echoed through the call sending a shiver through my body stopping at the core of my lower region.  


I know this update should have been ages ago and I'm sorry! I am just busy with my new PSAT classes because you know I want to actually pass my SAT with flying colors! So please bear with me and give me motivation in the comments or just vote for this chapter so I can start writing the next chapter sooner! :)

What do you think so far? Any comments? Till next time...bye:) <3

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