Where The Hornets Nest

Autorstwa Luv4_Ava

23.9K 725 3K

(SLENDER PROXIES X GenderNeutral READER) --------------------------------------------------------- The human... Więcej

P R O L A U G E : Infected
P A R T O N E : Planted Stinger.
// Listener //
// Name Of The Game //
// My Rules Your-a-fool //
// Soul Secret //
// Internally Intoxicated //
// Bloodied Bond //
// Bitter Bite //
// We Call Reality //
// Deadly Disgust //
// Porcelain Pitty //
// Mommy Issues //
// Find My Will //
// Key Of Life //
// Find Me Guilty, Love //
P A R T T W O : Unwanted Disturbance
// Not Off Punishment //
// Carved Reunion //
// Weak Legs //
// Words For Death //
// Forget Me //
// Let Me See You //
// Don't Hang Up On Me, Please //
// Gettin' Dirty //
P A R T T H R E E : The Other Man
// Young, (platonic), Love //
// You'll Get Better Soon, Love //
// You're Bad, I'm bad, We're Good //
// The Revengeful Child Of a Father //
Manic at 10 : 01 pm be like
Art and A/n
// The Author and Her Characters //
// It Seems To, Speed Up //
// You Never Change, Do You ? //
E P I L O G U E ; Cured
What Is A Vacire?

// Freedom //

554 22 124
Autorstwa Luv4_Ava







Where The Hornets Nest

Your Story Of Living

January 26th, 2020


11 : 05 am


// YOUR POV //

It is all a repeated schedule, but today I will force it to change.

My cousiosness becomes aware of my reality, and of the hooded man sitting on the edge of the couch, looking out to the wildlife beyond the glass window on the far wall.

For a moment, I take in his company.

"Oh, your awake." He must sense my awareness. He turns to look at me, and straightens his posture.

"I just wanted to come in and let you know that me, Masky and the Chaser will be gone for the rest of the day for buisness. I will be leaving you here with Tobias, so don't be trouble to him otherwise that will result in punishment. I know you two aren't on good terms, but please try to do this for your own sake." He speaks, something inside me grows.

This is my chance.

I can surely over throw the skimpy teen, he's only a few years older than me. If I hit him in the right place he should go down, or maybe I can run and lock him in.

"Okay." I nod, slowly sitting up letting sleep drain away. We sit quietly, taking in the warmth of eachothers presence.

The key in the bathroom is what I need, it is literally the key to my freedom. I stare down onto the old floorboards, thinking. I think back to the other night, where me and the man almost kissed. He seemed to be into it, so maybe this can be an easy way for him to grow to like me.

I bite down on my lower lip, cautious of my upcoming plan.

Slowly I look over to the man, he only where's his black mask like usual. He wears a grey sweatshirt, dirty and baggy jeans.

I inch closer to him to the point our knees rub against eachother, the man hasn't said anything which is good. I can hide the key in my waist band or sleeve, and I can ask to use the bathroom. Theres a window in the bathroom, but it's locked. Maybe the key will unlock it or one of the other windows in this house. It's just one person, one on one, I'm damn sure we've both had fighting experience...so maybe this will be even.

My hand runs over the mans thigh, and slowly trails up his stomach, to his chest, pressing down on his hard flesh. His warm hand grasps mine, holding me in place.

"I have been waiting so long for you to like me." He whispers, letting his hand wrap around me and press on my lower back, to press me closer to him. I want to hiss in disgust, but this is what I have to do.

I have to survive.

His other hand cups my cheek, his palm feels so soft against my cold skin. My free hand reaches for his mask, the anticipation to reveal himself to me kicks in. My hand latches onto the rough fabric, and pulls up.

My eyes widen the more I reveal, but suddenly I find myself regretful in what I have found.

Hazel eyes look back at me, cheeks littered with soft freckles, a slight mustache that rests above his soft lips, distant scars that stain his tan flesh.

It is my lover, Brian.

My lower lip trembles, my hand holds the frowny mask in my bruised hand. Silence is what hurts the most, when he knows he's hurt me the most.

"You... Brian?" I whisper, I do not try to hide the tears of betrayal. But in all, I don't pull away from him. My mind erases the bad in him, and makes me reveal of how good of a man he is and how much he loves me.

"Do you still love me?" He whispers, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks down/up at me through his eyelashes.

How could I love you when you've taken away the ones who love me?

"I- Ofcourse!" I smile, pressing my lips up against his. For a moment, he pauses, but then the sensation of his hands on my hips bring my heart to an addicting pulsing race.

The aching in my heart seems to be healed, but that is only because I find myself safe with him.

"Shut up you bitch!" He grunts as he pushes me into the passenger seat, chloroform stings my nose. My bones rattle inside my flesh, My shoulders hurt from where he gripped.

I shutter at what once happened.

Maybe this is what bad people do, maybe they manipulate to get what they want.

I want freedom, he wants me.

Two different things.

His fingers hover under my shirt, trailing up my sides sending me to hold back on my motives. His lips trail to my neck, the sensation of teeth puncturing my flesh makes me give out a pained moan.

Brian giggles at this, and results to licking the now numbed spot. My fingers pull at his hair the more he drives me wild.

This is past the point I have wanted to exceed, I have to stop.

"B-Brian, I think I heard Masky call for you." I whisper, letting my dominant hand slide down to his chest and push up against him.

"No he didn't, silly." He whispers, he is enjoying this to much.

"HOODIE! ARE WE GOING OR NOT?!" A irritated shout booms from downstairs, making Brian sigh.

"Now he did...always interrupting the fun." Brian sighs, brushing a lock of hair out of my vision. He pushes himself up and off the couch, and looks down on me for a moment.

"Don't do anything stupid". He states.

It's as if he knows what is going to happen.

As if he knows my wantings.


7 : 23 pm


I sit bored in my room, listening to the occasional curses from downstairs that belong to the twitching boy.

Something changes, when I hear the footsteps of him arrive at my front door.

"Y/n~ I hope you like venison!" He hums, opening the door to display his evil smirk.
I scoot back on the couch, eyeing him.

He gently sets the plate onto the table, and pulls up MY chair to sit down on the opposite side of me.

We sit quiet.

"Arn't you going to eat?" He tilts his head.

"Y'know, I will. It's just, don't you think it's kinda boring in here? Can we eat downstairs?" I question, being gentle of where I speak.

Toby goes still, thinking.

"What would I do against you if I tried doing anything? I'm sure you could take me and put me in my place. I just want to try something new for a change, no ones home...now it's your turn to be the one in charge." I quietly hum, letting my eyes droop at him.

Tobies face softens, he likes my idea.

"You promise you won't tell the others if I do let you eat downstairs?" Toby straightens his posture, looking at me questioningly.

"I promise, a favor for a favor I suppose." I shrug, looking down onto the plate of meat.

"Fine." That word makes me internally smile, it makes me leap inside my body. I watch Toby scoop up my plate with his hand as he stands up, and waits for me to stand aswell.

"Well, you before me." He states, gesturing to the door.

"Um, I have to use tbe restroom if that's fine with you." I quickly turn to face him, pointing to the bathroom down the hall.

God it's so weird asking him to do simple shit.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you." He mutters, pushing me out to the hall. We continue down the hall and to the restroom, unlike Brian, Toby just lets me go in without word.

I close the door behind myself, locking it.

Instantly I lean over to the second drawer to the left, and pull it out. I hold my hand under the wooden material ready for the sensation of the cold metal to hit my palm.

What if it's not there?

What if they moved it?

What if Toby has it?

The feeling of new weight on my palm says otherwise, and it is now the key to my freedom and life. Quietly I push the drawer back to it's original place, and slip the key into my waist band, besides my knife.

I flush the toilet, to make it seem as If I had used the bathroom and unlock the door.

Toby leans on the opposite wall, instantly meeting my gaze with a small smile.

"Your lucky I'm doing this for you, but as you said, I'm sure I can take on a weakling like you." Toby speaks highly of himself, and I silently agree.

I'm not using physical strength, I'm using phycological strength.

We walk down the old stairs, a place I have never been before, only unconscious. Once we reach the ground floor, I am taken back with how clean the room seems to be. It looks like a living room, a large couch on the far wall with a Television on the opposite wall. A book shelf is placed besides the couch, the lamp besides the T.V gives the room a call welcome.

I see the entrance to the obvious kitchen to our right, a small dining table is placed on the right side of the kitchen and looks to be a kitchen counter and other appliances on the left.

"Alot to take in, house is more than some old fuckin play room." Toby smirks, setting down my plate on the coffee table infront of the couch.

"I guess." I mutter, taking a seat onto the surprisingly comfortable couch.

Toby sits besides me, sinking into the cushion. He man spreads, giving me less room and forcing me to scoot away from him.

I wonder if he still sees me as a friend, not a person he has control over, not a pet or object.

The room smells of burndt wood, may be due to them creating heat in a fire downstairs in the oven. Or could be we are in the middle of the woods, and the scent from outside always finds it's way inside.

Suddenly I feel the warm sensation of the plate on my lap, Toby's hand that lifts it.
"Arn't you going to eat?!" He seems more impatient now, and I feel the need to take a small convincing bite.

I cut a chunk off of the bone, and shove the tender meat into my mouth. It tastes surprisingly good, making my stomach growl for more.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"What?" Toby leans in, smiling.

"Thank. You." I growl, glaring at him.

"Why, your welcome." Toby bats his lashes, smirking.

I continue to eat, letting Toby watch. Something I find interesting is how the boy goes from Angered, Annoyed, Violent, to Humourous, Happy and Amused.

I continue to eat while Toby fidgets, and finally I find the urge to get this show on the road.

Gently, I rest my utensils on the side of the plate and set it infront of me on the wooden coffee table. "Done?" Toby asks, keeping his eyes on me.

He sits up, and scoops the plate into his hands. He stands up, and looks down on me. "Can I trust you to stay here?" Toby whispers, hardening his gaze on me.

This is a test.

"Yes." I state, keeping my eyes on his.

He smiles, and walks away towards the kitchen. Once I hear the sink begin to run, My eyes immediately rush to the front door around the corner on my right.

The metal key is cold against my flesh as my stomach twists into anxiety.

Rigid breaths escape my mouth, "Toby? Can I use the bathroom?" I call out, on the edge of the couch cushion.

"Yeah, upstairs!" He calls back, the sound of dishes clinging together signals that he is distracted with something else.

I push myself up and off of the soft couch, feeling the carpet underneath my thin socks. I take a few steps around the coffee table, and finally have view of the wooden front door.

It has a simple metal lock, a simple lock that my simple key can slip in to.

My sore legs quickly but stealthily take me across the room to the far wall, where I also have view into the kitchen.

The boy stands with his back towards me, his shoulders move as he washes the dishes.

"Y/n, remember when we went Ghost hunting?" He calls out, making all color drain from my face.

"Uh, Yeah!" I respond, my hand shaking as I reach under my shirt for the key.

I slide around the corner, face to face with the door. It seems so simple, but the voice of a murderer reminds me of my fate.

"I think it would be fun if we could go again, you and me. Maybe we could catch some good evidence. Masky really likes your, gadget thing that beeps with paranormal energy. He used to be real good with technology." Toby laughs, I can imagine his smile as he sets the clean plate onto the drying rack.

I focus on the lock, and slide the metal key inside. It fits perfectly, and I feel the electric pride strike my heart.

Adrenaline pumps throughout my body.

I twist the key, a quiet click signals my freedom. I pull the door my way, inch by inch.

"Y/n, I thought you had to use the bathroom?" Toby calls to me, pausing as my silence links together.

My eyes are focused on his body movement as I slowly open the door. Once I watch his twitching body turn my way, holding the wet plate, the way his eyes widen at me and the open door lets me and the world know I have five seconds to get my ass out of this cabin.

My body acts before my mind, and continue to swing the door open and sprint out, slamming it behind myself.

I don't care where I go, I run where my legs take me.

My feet rip through the muddy grass of the forest floor, trees and brush kiss me as I run through their slim fingers.

The darkness of the woods slowly adapts to my eyes, but the cold around me only numbs my shaking body.

A smile spreads on my face in pride, I laugh, I laugh at my escape.

But the violent shouts, and screams behind me are a constant ring in my ears that send ripping chills throughout my body every time the axe murderer lets them out.

"I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" An angry shout is so close behind me, it sounds like a simple whisper.

The adrenaline in my flesh pumps faster than I can breathe, the scratches and bruises of the woods set my soul free through the blood I give out.

The thuds of my feet drumming against the forest floor give me pride to run, to feel the breeze in my hair, against my face.









My eyes widen as the shooting sound of bullets taking off signals my fight and flight response, and I choose flight.





I suddenly feel a stinging sensation in my left arm, crimson liquid instantly spills.
My right hand latches onto the bullet wound, a pained groan escapes me as my feet fumble on the fallen sticks below me.


"Fuckin bitch.." I snarl, picking up my pace and continue to run down hill into the thicker brush of the woods.

Stars fill my vision, my fingers tingle.

I cannot stop.

I cannot fall victim to the axe.


9 : 05 pm


I prance through the field coated in white, my arms hug my body to keep me warm.

The distant lights of the city bring me hope, my shoes are wet with snow, but I know I will make it.

I know I will live.

Woods turn to fields, fields turn to sidewalks.

And through the darkness of night up comes a Bus stop, a bus that shines down the road is what makes me sprint to the box shaped shelter.

I rush into the blue bus as soon as the door opens, climbing up the steps to sit down.
I feel a rough hand on mine, holding me back.




"You gotta mask? Also, you have to pay, kid." The familiar man sighs, looking up at me. He tilts his head for a moment, "Ain't you M/N kid? The one that ran away or something? Damn, sure as heck looks like it was more than a run away." The man lets go of me.

In remorse.

The best kind of get away.

"Yeah. I'm that kid." I shiver, only wearing a loose shirt and sweatpants in late winter doesn't do good with staying warm.

"Y'know what, you don't have to pay. Looks like you've been through enough. Where 'ya want me to take you?" The man looks up to me, I stay frozen at the earlier mention of my mother.

"(Your adress), please." I whisper.

"About a thirty minute drive. My name's Gerry, if 'ya need anything...Call out to me." Gerry , and this is the signal for me to go sit down.

I decide to sit in the way back, away from eyes.

Old 80's music plays on the speakers, the dim lighting brings slumber to my eyes.


10 : 34 pm


"(Your adress), Y/n this is your stop!" Gerry calls back to me, awakening me from my short slumber. I stand up and wobble out of my seat, and slowly walk down the isle to the front.

The light's shine a bit brighter as I pass them, they hurt my eyes making me wince in an uncomfortable manner.

"Tell your Ma I say hi, Goodnight Y/n." Gerry nods towards me, but I do not return the gesture. I simply pause and lock eyes with him, making the whole bus go cold.

I feel the need to turn, and exit off of the bus.

I don't know why, but I sprint as soon as I step off of the humming bus. My lungs burn with contact of the cold, but I push myself to hold my breath. At first my mind doesn't know where I'm going, but my legs know this route all to well.

I'm taking myself home.

A victim, a hostage, any kind does not pause to slow down and think. I do not want to go back to that cabin, I do not want to go back home. I want to start over.

I come down to a jog as I recognize the apartment building ahead of myself, before I know it my hands already latched onto the cold metal handle to the lobby.

I pull, but it doesn't budge.

This sends me to the pain of screaming and tugging on my door back at the cabin, I almost find the want to do it again. But who will answer at this time of night?

I give up, and rest my head against the glass of the door. Tears have begun to wetten my cheeks, my heart aches in Unkown.

Suddenly, I feel the door push towards me, someone is opening the door. Instantly I step back, and take in the beings features. It's one of my neighbors, Mrs. Walker. She wears her fluffy purple robe, her hair in a bonnet.

"Say, Y/n, what are you doing up this late? Wouldn't your momma be worrying?" She tilts her head, looking at me with remorse.

She grabs my hand, and takes me into the warmth of the apartment lobby.

I shake, staring wide eyed at her. Surely she notices the bruises on my neck that the loose shirt displays, she definitely notices the twitch in my eye.

"Everyone thought you ran away from home, baby. Is that true?" She leans in closer as her comforting voice comes to a whisper, her brown eyes focus on mine.

"I-I-" I cannot speak.

"I need to go see my mother." I whisper, turning away from her. She stands still, watching me walk away as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"If anythings wrong, you come to me!" She calls out to me as I open the door to the stairway. I do not turn, I do not want her to fall victim in my mess.

My legs get to work as I am stuck climbing three flights of stairs. My dominant hand slides against the metal handle as I step onto the first step, and calmly close my eyes at the much needed silence.

When I reach the 3rd floor, my legs burn, but this makes me feel ready for power. My legs take me to the door, and reveal me to the quiet hallway.

I turn, and begin to slowly walk down to my door.

My mind is so tired I don't recognize the wooden door that has an indent in it, I don't recognize the number in the fine metal. I don't recognize the barrier of my home.

I raise my weak hand and make a fist, and pound on the door.

For a moment I wait, listening to the rummaging on the other side of the door and the muttered curses.

I hear the door become unlock, and watch it be swung open, to reveal a woman with a messy bun and robe. Her face is wrinkled with stress, a cigarette fits perfectly in-between her index and middle finger.

Her narrowed eyes grow wide, she steps back.

"Where the fuck have you been. You scared me shitless Y/n!" She gasps, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the apartment. She slams the door shut, and pushes me to the kitchen as if I'm the problem.

"The cops have been looking for you, how long? What got into your mind to run away? New boyfriend/girlfriend? That BSF/N kid?!" She rambles, throwing her hands up into the air.

I stare at her blankly.

"Are you on something? What the hell." She groans, leaning against the wall as she pinches the edge of her nose.

"They got you. Didn't they." She whispers, finally looking me in the eye. For a slight second, I feel remorse, loved, but then it kicks in.

"You knew about them? Did you know that they would kidnap me?" I whisper, forming fists with my hands.

"Your your father's kid, ofcourse I knew this would happen. I remember the day your father went missing when I first got pregnant with you, came back the day before you were born looking like he escaped a posse of fuckin murderers." She grunts, walking over to the kitchen table and pulls out a seat, and sits down.

"What have you been doing. Why didn't you come looking for me?" I furrow my eyebrows, tears pool back up in my eyes.

"I mean look at you, hun, your back. They won't try coming for you in awhile, and when they do, it'll just repeat." She shrugs, taking a sip of her wine.

I walk towards her, unintentionally.

"You actually fucking mean it, don't you? Did you even care that I was taken?! Did you even question if their was a possibility of me getting murdered?! I WAS ABUSED! DRUGGED EVERYDAY!" I shout, swiping everything off of the kitchen table, and to shatter on the floor.

She stares at me for a moment, biting down on her tongue.

"A mother can't do everything to protect her child." She states. This makes me wild, her words sink deep into my burning heart, making it freeze cold.

"I'm done being your kid. I'm fucking done with you and these people." I growl, turning and run for the stairs. My mind takes me down the hall and to my room, to find my door closed. I reach out to the metal handle, and swing open the door.

I freeze, my mind becomes disoriented.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM!" I scream, stepping in to get a better look. All of my clothes lay scattered on the floor, my laptop's screen is shattered and is bent backwards. My matress is half way off the bed, My blankets and pillows are torn up.

My eyes circle the mess, reliving each memory each item served to tell.

I hear her come up behind me, silent.

"Paybacks a bitch." She simply says, and this does it. I turn to her in a flash, my hands latch onto her shoulders and violently push her against the wall. My eyes burn into her eye sockets, she only looks at me with fog.

The house is quiet, masking the upcoming pain to come. The pictures on the wall surround us, watching us ruin all of the memories that could've meant something.

Dad's picture is hung behind us.

"Everytime I see you your a living memory of why D/N is dead. If you hadn't of been born, he wouldn't of died. I wish I listened to your grandmother and got an abortion, so you and those monsters wouldn't of ruined our love." She states, her hand raised.


Somehow her words hurt more than the force of her hand against my flesh. My heart stings more than my cheek. I wobble away from her, holding my face.

She looks at me with Instant shock, of either her action or words, or maybe both.

I push past her, and rush down to the stairs. I know where I am going, I am making my way to the refrigerator where the Whiskey is placed. She follows behind me, repeating "sorrys" and "I don't mean that".

My hand grips at the fridge door and swings it open. I kneel down to the bottom drawer and pull out the Whiskey bottle. I plan drinking this raw.

I stand up, popping off the cap and instantly bring the gold liquid to my lips. I chug as much as I can get, feeding myself, giving into relapse.

The cold glass is suddenly ripped out of my hands, and falls the my feet resulting in it to shatter, and for my happiness to be wasted.

I stare blankly at it, and then up at Mom's red face that is wet with tears.

"The only thing useful you have is a victim complex, and that shit sure as hell won't work with me M/N." I grunt, stepping away from the glass shards and begin to make my way to the door.

"Y/n! Where are you going!" She sobs, rushing to me as I hold the door open ready to leave her and her words. I pause, and turn back to face her.

Her hands cup my cheeks as she looks up/down to me, her mouth is agape as sobs escape her mouth. I clear my throat trying to make myself clear, "If two men come by, tell them I was already here and left. There's no need in lying to them." I begin, making her go quiet.

"Y/n, baby, I love you. Please don't leave me. I have no one left!" She sobs, trying to lean in and hug me. I stop her my pressing my palm to her upper chest, my palm feels cold against my mothers flesh.

"I'm not a child anymore. I am not your baby, I am not your anything anymore and never will be. If you see me, I do not see or recognize you. This is it, you are dead to me." I whisper, keeping my eyes locked on hers.

Her bottom lips tremble, her hands shake against my face that she holds. Her hands slip from my cheeks and down to my shoulders, taking in my prescence.

"And uh, Gerry says hello." I sigh.

She quits, and realizes her show was for nothing. She pushes away from me, stepping back inside the apartment. "Also, mind getting me a bottle of wine?" I tilt my head, resulting in the door being slammed in my face.

"Wonderful reunion." I mutter to myself, and turn to head back to the stairs, to the lobby, to the sidewalk, and to wherever I need to be lead to.

It's better to finish trouble than start it.


11 : 02 pm


I walk aimlessly down the sidewalk, glad to have snuck a hundred dollars of Ma's cash and a coat.

"Am I homeless now?" I whisper to myself, continuing to step on the lines of the sidewalk. The road is not busy, and neither are the shops that I pass.

The late winter air caresses my face, bringing a slight sting to where Mom slapped me.

I do not have the urge to think about anything, I just want to except that I am free for the time being. My hands press against the soft fabric inside of the coat pockets, the hood protects some of me from the wind.

My legs continue to stride to the corner of the sidewalk, and I now recognize where I have stopped. At the diner, where much seemed so right but came out wrong.

There's a local shelter down town, but it's surely closed at this time of night. My mind instantly tells me to go to BSF/NS house, but something in my gut tells me it's not the time.

"Hey, isn't it kinda late to be out and about?" I hear a woman's voice call out behind me, making me freeze in my tracks. I turn slightly to see a blue van pull up to the side of the road close to the sidewalk, the window rolled down to display a woman with blackish brown hair. She wears a white fluffy coat, and wears black glasses.

"Uh, I'm just heading home." I step away, fake smiling.

"I could give 'ya a lift if you don't mind, but I'd understand 'cuz it's kinda weird getting into strangers cars. But we're adults, nothing really to worry about." The woman shrugs, keeping her eyes on me, watching me.

Inspecting me.

I pause to think, what's the worst that could happen? I step closer to the van, and try to look into the windows, but their tinted just like every car now days.

The pocket knife in my pocket grows wet due to the sweat on my hand as I grip it.

"I, uh, sure...could you give me a ride to down town?" I speak up, coming closer to the van.

"Yup! Just get in the back, my passenger seat is kinda dirty. I work in the construction business so there will be some tools back there if 'ya don't mine. But uh, that should be it." She points to the door behind hers.

My hand wraps around the handle and yanks it open, to reveal the dimly lit middle seat to the van. I step in, and sit down on the seat closest to the window. I close the door, and stay still in my seat.

The woman pulls onto the main part of the road, the click of the car doors locking give me intense anxiety.

What kind of dumbass move is it to escape a fucking cabin with assumed serial killers, then willingly get in a car with a stranger?!

How much did I drink?!

"So, uh, You work night shift or something?" She asks, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, I get done pretty late and usually my friend picks me up but she's sick." I lie, looking out of the window. My hand is stuck to the door handle, I can't let go.

"You must miss it, since you don't remember your own shift." The woman's voice grows monotone, making me pause. I look into the rear view mirror, locking eyes with her.

"Pardon?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't lie to me, Y/n. Being held away from your life for three months surely wipes away your memory but i'd expect you to remember atleast something." The woman laughs, turning onto a side road.

Into the woods.


Originally this chapter was supposed to be a moment between Y/N (you) and Kate where she reveals herself to you and you two bond or whatever but Wattpads been bugging and I've decided to just get to the point.

Brian and Kate are your main love interests btw...but I think I've made it pretty clear...hehe in two chapters from now it going to be spicy



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