By capricornkai

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When Amberle Onyx Fell puts her life in danger at the most critical time during the destruction of The Other... More



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By capricornkai




Over the following days after our trip to the abandoned amusement park, I'd spent the majority of the time researching in my bedroom.

Behind Kai's back.

Since the moment he'd mentioned the key to escaping the Prison World - Bennett blood - I'd been brainstorming ways to access it. The most obvious was contacting my best friend back home and kindly asking her to let us out, but without being able to reconnect with my powers and send her a message, that option was becoming increasingly unlikely as the weeks went by.

The next idea I considered was that maybe somewhere at some point before May 10 1994, a Bennett witch decided to donate blood to a hospital and we could use that. But of course, the chance of that being viable was slim to none, and even if we were lucky enough that it was possible, that would mean searching every single hospital in the world in the hopes of finding it.

Which left one last option... one I wasn't sure would even work.

But it was our only chance.

I'd refrained from letting Kai in on my little secret until I knew I could trust him not to leave me here the instant he knew what to do, so I kept all of the information and research hidden in my room. There was also the risk of my plan failing, and with no other option except hoping for my powers to return fully, it could get Kai's hopes up just for him to lose it and lash out when things didn't go the way we wanted.

And me being the useless baggage weighing him down with no further purpose, I'd be the first one to receive the brunt of his anger.

Frankly, staying alive to see my family again was my only priority right now.

Sitting at the bottom of the main stairs in the Boarding House, I watched my slinky make its way down every step, focusing on the movement as if it would help me concentrate. Once it reached the last one, I threw it back towards the top and observed the repetitive motion.

Since that one spark of magic on the Ferris Wheel, I hadn't been successful in getting my magic back, all while ignoring the truth I'd been too repulsed to accept back then. But it was becoming increasingly clear that there was no way around it anymore.

Maybe I was going about this entire thing the wrong way. The whole time I'd been relying on emotions - fear, anger - and dangerous situations for my powers to work again, just like they had the first time they'd appeared all those months back.

"Give yourself over to the darkness."

I'd been terrified of the darkness, the thought of becoming the worst version of myself and losing all empathy too much to comprehend. But maybe it hadn't been physical darkness Leilah had been talking about but actually metaphorical darkness. Maybe what I needed was to open myself up to it, to become emotionally involved with the darkness. To fall for it, if you will.

Because there wasn't just darkness in the Shadow Realm - it was right in front of me too.

In Kai.

My feelings for him had to be the key. It all made sense now: why my powers got stronger when he taught me, and why they cut off when he betrayed me, causing a toxic, fearful connection between us.

"Face your fears; let him in."

Closing my lids, I allowed images I'd been suppressing to return to the surface. Smiles filled with undeniable joy, laughs that made my stomach hurt and tears spring to my eyes. Nervous cuddles in bed under silk sheets, late-night drives with the windows down and the radio loud.

Slow, sensual kisses that I felt all the way down to my toes. Warm, protective arms wrapped around me in embraces that kept me safe.

As more pleasant memories passed through my mind, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, a slight chill in the air making my entire body turn cold. And yet, I'd never felt more hopeful.

Opening one eye, I peeked a glance down at my hands, waving them to create the desired shape. When smoky shadows danced around my fingers, much stronger than the flicker of power had been at the amusement park, I struggled to contain my excited squeal and swiftly jumped to my feet.

It's now or never.

Grabbing my slinky, I ran upstairs towards Kai's bedroom where he'd spent most of the morning "researching," and knocked loudly on his door.

"Hey, Kai, I'm about to take a shower - don't go in my room!"

I didn't wait for a reply before hurrying across the hall towards my door and slipping inside, quickly locking it behind me. Switching off the lamps, I shut the curtains almost all the way to darken the room, leaving only the light of the sun peeking through a small gap behind me. Then I stood with my back to the windows amongst the ray of light.

Inhaling deeply, I drew the shadows from the room into my body and sent them in three directions: my knee, my hair and my stomach. I sighed in relief as the dull ache from both wounds disappeared, my muscles feeling less fatigued.

Lifting my shirt, I checked to make sure I'd been successful. The opening had fully closed, leaving only a scar in its place. I guess after weeks of holding my gut together by a piece of thread - literally - there were limits to what my powers could do. It wasn't a fresh injury, after all, and at least this way was more authentic if Kai ever caught sight of it.

A stab wound suddenly showed no sign of ever being there in the first place? After I apparently had zero access to magic? He would definitely have some questions, I was sure.

Eager to get on with the main event before I lost my connection, I focused on Leilah's instructions from my dream. Stretching my fingers, I lifted my palms in the air and pulled shadows into my grip, moulding them to my will and forming a dagger.

Once content that the weapon would hold, I leaned towards my feet, stabbing the dagger into the ground where my shadow had been created by the sun behind me. Clasping my free hand over my mouth, I smothered the yelp of agony that escaped my lips without permission.

I hadn't touched my skin in the slightest and yet it felt like someone had stuck a knife through me.

But no matter what, I kept going, refusing to give up until I was free. I didn't know how long I would stay connected to my powers before I'd lose them again, and I couldn't take the risk without ensuring I would still be alive to tell the tale come the day I escaped.

Dragging the dagger along the floor, I outlined each of my feet where my shadow began. The process was painful and exhausting but I pressed on, clenching my teeth together to stop any cries threatening to slip out.

Then, with a deep breath, I yanked the weapon out of the floor and lifted it in the air, surprised to find my shadow now attached to the blade. Keeping control of the shadow that was vibrating angrily, desperate to be released, I threw the dagger into the air and separated the particles with my palms before sending them towards the darkest corner of my room.

And then they disappeared.

My body slumped and I stumbled towards the bathroom, in desperate need of a refreshment. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I was shocked to find how much healthier I appeared already, my skin glowing, my hair shiny and long.

No more hiding under a hat for me.

After cooling my face down with some water, I peeked a glance at the tiles under my feet, my breath hitching in my throat. Even with the bright lights in the ceiling above me, there was no shadow on the ground.

Leilah hadn't been kidding. My shadow was literally detached.

Somehow, I almost felt lighter, like I did sometimes when I was suffering from a fever. As if I wasn't fully in my body but watching from just outside, unable to get back in. It was unnerving.

Lifting my fingers, I wiggled them in the hopes of creating a shadow orb - the first thing I'd ever learned - but nothing happened. I repeated the action, focusing all of my energy on the movements, all while imagining warm arms wrapping around me and soft lips brushing against mine.

It was no use. All traces of my powers had disappeared again.

I guess sending my shadow away had also stopped my very last spark of magic, cutting me off completely.

Thanks for leaving that little detail out, Leilah.

Before I had a chance to panic - or throw a Caroline-sized fit - I reminded myself that Kai was expecting me to be having a shower right now and wasting time by being mad at Leilah wasn't going to work in my favour. So to keep up the facade, I hurried to get undressed and stepped into the cubicle, showering away the stress coursing through my body.

Once finished, I wrapped a towel around my body to dry off and made my way over to my closet in search of something to wear. Only a few seconds later, however, there was a knock on my door.

With a huff, still slightly mad about losing my powers again, I trudged over and opened the door to see Kai standing there, a beaming smile on his lips. 

Noticing my lack of clothing, his eyes swiftly dropped to my chest. "I... uh..." He cleared his throat, in a daze.

"Eyes up here, Kai," I reminded him playfully.

"Hm?" He blinked, attempting to refocus. "Oh, yeah, sorry I... Wow, I'm really nervous right now," he chuckled. "You're like... practically naked."

My brow arched sarcastically. "I'm wearing a towel."

"Yeah but underneath-"

"Did you come here to ask me something or just stare at my chest like a pervert?" I cut him off, growing impatient. I was so not in the mood for this right now.

"I'm going to Portland," Kai said rapidly, gaze returning to my face, "and you're coming with me."

I let out a laugh in disbelief. "That sounds like I don't have a choice in the matter."

"Of course you do."

Not wanting to be anywhere but in my bed today, I opened my mouth to politely decline.

"You can either come with me willingly or I can knock you out with painkillers and drag your ass to Portland," he teased with an innocent smile before I could say a word. "See? Choice."

I blanched, unsure how seriously to take the threat. It seemed like he was joking, but there was a hidden tint of malice behind his words that made me believe otherwise.

"Can you at least let me get dressed?" I sighed, deciding against arguing with him, mainly for my own safety. "Portland's, like, the other side of the country."

Kai snickered. "Obviously," he replied lightheartedly. "I'm not gonna be able to fly the plane with you sat beside me in that."

Just as I was about to close the door, I paused, his words repeating in my head. "I'm sorry... did you just say 'fly the plane'?"

"Yeah," he confirmed, unfazed. "What, you didn't think I'd drive us all the way there, did you? That would take me days."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Enzo did it."

"Enzo didn't have a choice," Kai pointed out, his tone letting me know he was still salty about Enzo and I's betrayal. "I've flown a plane hundreds of times, so if I have the option? Best believe I'm gonna take it."

"Okay, whatever," I grumbled, finding myself not caring enough to fight about it. "I'll meet you downstairs in a few."

Kai backed up with a grin. "No trying to run away," he warned playfully.

I shot him a sarcastic smile. "Not in the running mood."

He chuckled. "Good."

After shutting the door, I continued searching for an outfit, this time with a new agenda in mind: comfort. I slipped on my underwear then got dressed into a pair of cargo pants and a T-shirt with a hoodie over the top, along with some sneakers.

I blow-dried my hair, thankful that I at least didn't have to worry about being gentle any more, and added some light makeup to my face. Completing the look with some jewellery, I finally made my way downstairs to meet Kai in the living room.

"Are we going or what?" I asked, hovering near the front door impatiently.

Kai glanced at me over his shoulder in surprise. "Yeah," he said, jumping to his feet and hurrying over. "What's gotten into you today? You're grumpy."

"Just homesick." Only half the truth but he didn't need to know that.

"Don't worry," he assured me, opening the front door. "I have a feeling we'll be home sooner than you think."

I merely bobbed my head once in reply, refusing to give anything away.

We got into Kai's Ferrari, him in the driver's seat, me in the passenger's. Before I could move, he leaned over and pulled down the seatbelt for me and clipped it in. His fingers lingered near my hip for longer than necessary and our eyes met, both sensing the tension.

As much as I hated to admit it, his touch turned me on, a shiver of lust tracing the outline of my spine.

"Ready?" he whispered, face only inches from mine.

Breathing out shakily at our proximity, all I could say was, "Mhm."

With a grin, Kai finally pulled away and started the car, revving the engine. I turned to look out of my window to hide the blush creeping across my cheeks.

Oh, boy. This is going to be a long ride...


The flight over wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Kai seemed to know exactly what he was doing so I stayed relaxed for the entire journey, listening to him talk non-stop about random things while I stared at the clouds through the windows in awe.

How often did regular people get to say they sat in the cockpit of a plane without being part of the flight crew?

Almost never, I'm sure.

When we touched down in Portland, Kai hotwired the nearest car and drove us to his family home. We made our way through a wooded area and pulled up to the driveway, the house's location in the middle of nowhere.

"This is kinda discreet," I commented, looking at our surroundings outside the window. "Why are you guys so hidden away?"

"My coven goes out of their way to make sure no one finds us," Kai explained. He rolled his eyes. "Talk about paranoid freak shows." Grabbing the door handle, he glanced at me expectantly. "You coming?"

In response to Kai's request, a deep, accented voice replayed a message in my head out of the blue:

"You think that's bad?" Enzo teased unsympathetically. "You should've seen the house."

Immediately uncomfortable, I sank lower in my seat, scrunching up my face. "Can't I just wait in the car?"

Kai frowned. "What's the matter? You don't wanna see where I grew up?"

I shook my head. "No, it's not that, it's just..."

Realisation clouded Kai's features, a small, knowing smile playing on his lips. "Enzo told you what you'd find if you went inside, didn't he?"

All I could do was pull a face of awkwardness, not having the balls to lie to him about this one.

"I get it," Kai admitted with a nod, thankfully appearing calm. "I can see why someone with empathy may be opposed to the blood of dead children."

"Kai!" I gasped, horrified. His distasteful jokes were a lot harder to swallow since finding out the truth of who he really was.

He giggled, patting my thigh. "Look, what if I clean it up?" he offered. "Would that make you feel better?"

I contemplated the idea for a few moments before finally nodding in agreement. "I think so."

"No worries," he said, opening his door. "Back in a jiffy."

Kai was gone for almost thirty minutes while I waited patiently in the car. As twisted as it was, part of me was glad to see Kai doing the responsible thing by cleaning the blood. Somehow, it filled me with a sense of peace, like he felt remorse for what he'd done and was giving his siblings the closure they deserved.

That wasn't the case, of course, but just for a moment, it showed me that it was possible for him to become a better person, that he wasn't completely irredeemable. I hoped deeply that I was right and that he could change, if not for me then at least for himself.

I guess only time would tell.

When he finally reappeared in the driveway, heading towards the car, I let out a sigh of relief. Being alone in an empty world was unnerving as it was - to be alone at the site of a child massacre was on a whole other level.

Once I got out of the car, Kai led me towards a small, white mansion in the middle of a field. The front yard was filled with kids' toys, a few chairs and tables on the magnificent porch. All in all, a typical house for a big family.

Inside, Kai began to show me around the different rooms downstairs, telling me about all the amazing meals he cooked in the kitchen before leading me into the living room. He'd done a great job at cleaning up, no sign of blood or death anywhere.

Strolling up to the mantelpiece above the fireplace, I studied the array of family photos in frames, smiling at pictures of his younger siblings. When my gaze landed on one of Kai as a toddler, an involuntary squeak of cuteness-overload escaped my lips.

"Aw, look at you!" I cheered with a giggle, pointing at the photograph. "It's nice to see proof you were adorable once."

He didn't seem offended, instead laughing at his own expense. "I've always been adorable," was all he replied.

Next, I spotted a photo of him, a girl around his age with similar features - Josette, I assumed - and the rest of his siblings. But what caught me off guard was the woman stood between him and his twin with her arms around them, seemingly unfazed by touching Kai - a stark contradiction to his younger siblings who were shying away from him, like he had some contagious disease.

I smiled softly at the image, my chest filling with warmth at seeing her friendly face again.

"You and Sheila were close, huh?" I wondered, gesturing towards the photograph.

"I guess you could say that," Kai admitted with a nod, "until she helped send me to an alternate dimension, of course." When I shot him a sarcastic look, he chuckled. "How do you know her?"

I shrugged. "Her granddaughter is one of my best friends."

"Really?" he asked with brows raised, taken aback. "I remember she mentioned her daughter having a baby... you're friends with her?"

Realising I'd said the wrong thing, I eyed him nervously. "Mhm..."

"I know what you're thinking - don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt her," Kai assured me. "We just need her to get us out." The corners of his lips curled upwards in remembrance. "Believe it or not, I actually have a soft spot for Bennett witches."

Not willing to believe him until I saw proof, I merely continued to observe his body language. "Good, because I may be sweet and patient when it comes to myself, but if you touch a single hair on her head then you should prepare for war."

Kai snickered at my attempt to appear threatening. "I'll hold you to that," he replied playfully. Kai sighed. "So... how is Sheila these days? Still stabbing people in the back?"

I stiffened instinctively. Oh my God, he doesn't know...

"Uh, actually..." I murmured, unsure what reaction to expect. "She passed away."

He blinked. "Oh..." was all he said. Then, after allowing himself a moment to let the news sink in, "But she wasn't that old?"

"Magic took its toll," I explained quietly. "A spell overwhelmed her - she did it to help Bonnie."

"That's... a shame," Kai said, searching for the right word. "Sheila was one of the strongest witches I know. She taught Josette and I a lot." The crease between his brows deepened. "We considered her family."

"I'm sure she felt the same for you," I told him truthfully. "The betrayal must've hurt on both sides, I'm certain." I laced my voice with compassion and gently placed my hand on top of his arm. "Sheila always did whatever it took to protect those she loved so I know it would've been an impossibly hard thing for her to do."

His blue eyes glazed over as if mentally travelling to the past. "Once upon a time, I believed I was also on that list of loved ones," he muttered. Then, snapping back to reality, "But never mind, I've had eighteen years to get over it."

No matter what he'd done, I couldn't help but feel almost bad for the guy.

"Come with me," Kai instructed, reaching for my hand and linking his fingers through mine. "I wanna show you something."

Slightly uneasy at the request, I allowed him to lead me upstairs nonetheless. Once we got to the top, I noticed all of the doors were shut tight as we passed each one, giving me no insight into who the bedrooms may have belonged to.

Strolling towards a specific door, he opened it and beckoned me inside.

The bedroom was kinda minimalistic, even by 22-year-old guy standards. The first thing I noticed was the twin bed consisting of navy sheets, and at the bottom: a Sega Genesis gaming console with a small TV.

His wardrobe was filled with clothes, mostly in shades of blue, grey and black. Next to that was a work desk with a red and yellow lava lamp sitting on top beside a cassette player. On his shelves was a collection of videos consisting of his favourite movies, and cassettes filled with albums of famous grunge bands.

There was an empty bottle of Zima on the nightstand and a comic book: 'Spider-Man 2099, Vol 1, #18.'

His walls were a similar navy colour to his bed, covered in a handful of posters, some with sports players, some with bands and some with comic book characters.

And that was pretty much it.

Weren't the nineties notorious for bedrooms being over-cramped with belongings and decorations?

"Nice room," I murmured appreciatively to make him feel better. I mean, this was kinda private, so I was grateful for him letting me see it.

"Oh, thanks," Kai grinned. "It's not much but it was all I had." He shrugged, leaning against the desk. "My safe haven, if you will."

Kai Parker, openly admitting vulnerability? Who was this guy?

He didn't seem to notice my shock, however, and opened the drawer of his nightstand. Reaching in, he pulled out something and held it up on show.

Between his fingers was a black, beaded bracelet with a small locket charm attached.

I blinked, confused. "It's a... bracelet."

Kai didn't reply, instead rummaging around the inside pocket of his jacket and grabbing a small tin. Lifting the lid, he picked up a pinch of what looked like some kind of crushed herb.

"I know you think I'm a monster," he murmured, opening the clasp of the locket. "I mean, I did murder or heavily maim most of my immediate family," he admitted jokingly, "but after a long period of self-reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I could've handled my anger better."

I raised a brow sarcastically at him. "You said you wanted to get out of here, and I quote, "to give the rest of the Gemini Coven an excruciating death.""

Kai chuckled nervously, sprinkling the herb inside. "I didn't mean it," he said softly, holding my gaze. "Honestly, I would do anything to get my family back. And the thing I'm most scared of is trying to figure out how to live in the world again. I'm sorta hoping you've been a positive influence on me." With a smile, he snapped the locket shut. A wave of seriousness washed over his features. "You're a good person, Amber. You're brave, loyal, patient..." He offered the bracelet to me. "I wanna be more like you."

I frowned, unwilling to take the jewellery until I knew the catch. "Why are you giving this to me?"

"A peace offering, an apology - whatever you wanna call it," Kai explained quietly. "I broke the thing you cherished the most, so I've made you a new one. I know it's my bracelet instead of a necklace but I'm hoping this will make you feel safe again."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Somehow, this day just keeps getting weirder...

"I..." Robotically, I took it from his grasp, dumbfounded. "Wow, um... Thank you," I whispered, holding back tears. Rolling it onto my wrist, I added in a grateful tone, "This means more than you know."

Kai grinned. "Don't mention it," he said simply. "It looks good on you."

I mirrored his features.

He gestured towards the door. "You ready to go home?"

Frowning, I peered around in confusion. "But we just got here?"

Kai remained unfazed. "I showed you the house, let you see just a snippet into my past, and now you've got your gift," he pointed out. "That's all I needed."

"Oh..." I blinked. This boy was giving me serious whiplash. "Um, sure. Let's go, I guess."

And then he led me out of the house, towards the car. Just like that.

Once slipping inside the vehicle, I closed the door behind me, heaving a sigh. The swift, almost unnecessary trip across the country refused to sit right with me. Kai didn't like to waste time on anything that wasn't important, so why would he bring me here just to give me a gift - and as an apology, of all things?!

"Okay, I trust you," I murmured, ready to test him. Then, as an afterthought, "Almost."

Preparing to twist the screwdriver in the keyhole, Kai glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"I need one last thing from you before I'm locked in," I explained.

He raised a brow. "What's that?"

"Tell me what we really came here for," I commanded. When he opened his mouth, presumably to lie through his teeth, I cut him off before he could. "And don't say the bracelet, because you wouldn't drag us all the way across the country just for that."

Realising he'd been caught out and I wasn't about to let him get off so easily, Kai slumped, turning fully to look at me. "You promise?" he wondered cautiously. "That's all you need and we're partners again?"

I held his gaze. "Prove to me I'm making the right choice."

He stared at me for another few seconds before giving in. "Fine." Reaching inside his jacket pocket, Kai pulled out a bloodstained hunting knife. "I came back for this."

I could only gawk at him incredulously. "Some dirty-ass knife?" I questioned in disbelief. "That thing better be worth a million bucks on eBay or I swear-"

"I have no idea what eBay is but this isn't some ancient artefact," he interjected with an eye roll. "We've been talking so much about my past recently, about Jo, and what you said... it got me thinking."

Frowning, I asked, "Wait, what did I say?"

"About her putting her magic somewhere for safekeeping."

I groaned, rubbing my face frustratedly with my palms. "Oh God, Kai, I was just kidding-"

"Maybe so, but I needed to test your theory." Kai inspected the knife, twisting it by the hilt. "Turns out you were right."

My jaw dropped. "Her magic's in there?" I squeaked, pointing towards the weapon.

"Yep," Kai confirmed proudly with a bob of his head. "Ready to be used for when we get the blood from your little friend."

My features scrunched up at the prospect, uncomfortable with the amount of pressure it was putting on me to come through. "Kai, I'm not so sure if..." Noticing something glistening in his other pocket, I paused. "What's that?"


"That shiny thing sticking out of your pocket," I elaborated, reaching over. "What is it?"

Kai shifted away from me in a heartbeat, catching my wrist in his vice-like grip. "Nothing you need to worry about."

I glared at him. "You're seriously keeping secrets right now?" I hissed, yanking my hand out of his. "After what we've literally just discussed?"

He merely shrugged, returning his focus to the windscreen. "My business is my business."

"If it affects me in any way then I have the right to know," I warned.

His lips curled into a sly smile. "And the minute it does, I'll tell you."

I could only stare at him in utter disbelief before turning to look out of my window.

Just when I was starting to think things were changing for the better...

"I want to go home now," I muttered, resting my cheek against my knuckles.


"Take me home, please," I repeated, more forcefully this time. Unfortunately, it was also accompanied by an emotional wobble in my voice.

Kai sighed in frustration, switching the ignition. "Fine."

We didn't talk again after that - not for the remainder of the drive to the airport, not during the five-hour flight, not even on the way back to the Boarding House. The pit of discomfort that had been stirring in my stomach since I'd spotted the mystery object in Kai's pocket didn't disappear, making it almost impossible to ignore.

Which meant only one last option: I had to start my plan. And fast.

I knew that the trip had changed the way I saw Kai - for better and for worse. It solidified my feelings for him, but in the same breath, I knew I needed him to leave me so I could carry out my plan without him getting involved or raising any suspicions.

The moment I saw the knife filled with magic, I realised Kai would do whatever it takes to get out. He had back-ups upon back-ups, whereas all I had was an idea that may or may not work. My gut was telling me the object Kai was hiding from me was the device he'd mentioned a few weeks back that had been used to send him here - the ascendant, was it?

Maybe the exact same device was needed to get us out.

I mean, what else could he have collected from his home that would've been such a big secret to keep? And him having the audacity to lie to me about it? Yeah, that wasn't sitting well at all.

It's just a shame he couldn't see that for himself.

"Okay, I surrender. This is getting weird now," Kai grumbled when we finally walked into the Boarding House. "Come on, are you really gonna go all day without talking to me?"

"Gonna take a bath," I informed him bluntly. Flashing a sarcastic smile, I then said, "There we go - I just spoke to you."

As I left the room, Kai called after me, "Amber-" but I ignored him, making my way upstairs to my room.

Just as I'd thought, it had been a long journey and although I usually washed once a day, all the travelling had made me feel icky. As soon as the bubble bath was ready, I climbed in and submerged my shoulders under the foamy water, leaving just my head above to rest against the tub.

No matter how hard I tried to relax and clear my thoughts, it was no use. I'd once thought I had time to construct and carry out my plan but if today had shown me anything, it's that I'd thought wrong. There was a high chance Kai was going to figure out a way to escape before I could get to the Bennett blood first... and then he'd leave me here all alone.

At least if I could get to it before he did, I had the chance to consider what to do afterwards.

Either way, I wasn't willing to stick around and find out. I had to separate myself from Kai until it was safe to be around him again.

And to do that, I had to lie like my life depended on it - because this time, I had zero doubt that it did.


A little while later, after spending the evening reading near the lit fireplace, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

This boy was nothing if not persistent.

With a groan, I placed my book to the side and climbed out of the armchair, approaching my door. Opening it with a sigh, I stared blankly at the unwanted visitor. "What do you want?"

"Can we talk?" he wondered, brows furrowed with frustration. "You're mad at me and I can't even defend myself because I have no idea why."

"It's nothing," I stated with a shrug. "I'm fine."

Refusing to take no for an answer, Kai barged past into the room. "Bullshit." Turning around to face me, he asked, "Is it because I didn't tell you what was in my pocket?"

"Nope," I replied in a bored tone. "It's because the trip opened my eyes."

Kai arched a brow. "To what?"

Welp. Here goes nothing...

"The truth."

He could only stare at me, bewildered at the accusation.

"That I'm holding you back," I elaborated. "Face it, Kai, the only use I had was my ability to open portals, and now I can't even do that." A painful truth, but true nonetheless. "You've got a better chance at escaping on your own, and living with you every day knowing that? It would be too painful." I turned away from him. "Just let me go."

Please take the hint...

Unfortunately, he didn't. Instead, Kai grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back to face him again. "Did you bump your head on the flight?" he questioned, staring at me like the bump had grown into an extra head. "What happened to being partners?"

As far as he was aware, my explosive reaction was completely out of the blue and I didn't blame him. In a way, it was.

But I had to do something or I wasn't making it out of here alive.

"I've been nothing but a burden to you since the day Enzo left, don't deny it. If you stay with me, you'll never escape," I continued, trying to sell the story as best as I could. "I'm giving you a chance to save yourself here without carrying extra baggage." Gulping down the emotion building in my throat, I croaked, "I know you, Kai, whether you like to admit it or not. You're smart. You'll do the right thing and save yourself without a single shred of guilt."

To my surprise, he let out a harsh bark of laughter. "Is that what you really think?" he fumed. "That I'm keeping you alive just on the off chance your powers come back?"

I nodded, keeping my cool. "That's exactly what you're doing - you've told me so every single day."

Vexed, Kai pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, shaking his head. "It's a big part of it, I won't lie to you," he admitted, "but we have fun, don't we? I enjoy your company."

"Because I'm your only company," I reminded him bluntly. "It's not like you have much of a choice."

He tutted. "As far as options go, Amber, you're a pretty good one." Then, in a softer, more vulnerable tone, "You promised you wouldn't leave me here alone."

God damn it. Not the Kai Parker guilt trip.

"And I meant it," I pressed on, trying to stay in control of the situation. "You have to be the one to leave me."

Kai stared at me, eyes wide. "Where has this come from? You were fine until we got back in the car."

Okay, he's not taking the bait. It's time for the big guns.

"Seeing your past was too much," I grunted, folding my arms across my chest. "I don't trust you and I certainly don't want us to be friends anymore."

Kai blinked in shock at my harsh words. "Wow," he muttered. "Okay then."

Remaining strong, I tried not to give away the pain secretly contaminating my chest, making it hard to breathe. "So let's just divide the world in half and go our separate ways."

He frowned. "And if you change your mind?"

"I'll page you," I replied simply with a shrug.

Kai hummed in thought, lids narrowed challengingly. "Fine," he eventually said. "If you want me to be selfish, I'll leave first thing tomorrow morning-"


"-but on one condition," he continued as if I hadn't spoken.

I sighed. "And what's that?"

Kai stepped forward to close the gap between us. "I want you to be selfish."

My brows knitted together in confusion. Me? Selfish? "What are you talking about?"

"Admit the way you feel about me... deep down," he murmured knowingly. "Be truthful to yourself and give in to your dirtiest desires." Kai reached up to twirl a lock of my hair around his finger absentmindedly. "Accept that you're secretly fascinated by the darkness I hold and you crave it, despite everything that I've done," he continued, voice raspy and enticing. "Be honest with me... and I'll stay away."

I eyed him for a few moments. This compromise was treading dangerous waters. Yes, he would walk away and I could do what I needed to do, just like I'd been hoping for, but it would also mean admitting not just to Kai but to myself the truth of how I felt towards him.

Something I'd been putting off for months.

"You promise?" I finally questioned distrustingly. "I give you my confession and then we peacefully go our separate ways?"

Kai flashed a grin. "I'll even get the Porsche and leave it outside ready for you."

I gulped. "Fine." Lord help me. "I want you, okay?" I snapped. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

He merely waited for me to expand on my answer because he knew, of course, I wasn't finished just yet.

"I want you more than I understand and more than I should. And I hate myself for it but it's the truth," I continued begrudgingly. "You're right - I crave you, even knowing the darkest, twisted parts that lay beneath such a beautiful surface." I let out a harsh laugh, self-loathing. "Because no matter what you've done or what we've been through, I still can't seem to shake... just how much I want you."

Kai didn't even flinch. Only inches away now, his gaze dropped to my lips for a second then back up to my eyes.

We were both breathless, the room turning silent when my rant came to an end. I could sense what was coming, the thick, undeniable tension between us suddenly stifling, but somehow I held back for as long as I could.

Until he whispered those three little words that would get any girl's heart racing:

"Then prove it."

We stared at each other for a moment, a silent message passing between our eyes.

Ah, screw it.

Throwing myself at him, I wrapped my hands around Kai's neck and crashed my lips on his passionately. He didn't hesitate in kissing me with the same amount of desperation, slipping an arm around my waist and pulling me tight against his body.

We stumbled towards the wall, Kai pushing me back and trapping me with his hips and tall stature. He tore my camisole off my body with ease as we moved and I tossed the shredded material to the ground near our feet. Kai tugged his shirt over his head by the collar before throwing it to join my top in a pile on the floor.

With a gasp, I grabbed his face and reconnected my lips with his, our kisses rapid and sloppy, both running high on adrenaline and arousal.

I knew what I wanted - what was about to happen - and although wrong, I couldn't help but want it more. With the pace we were working at, there was no going back from this.

Somehow, I wasn't afraid. I wasn't nervous or filled with regret.

I was thrilled.

For a brief moment, Kai pulled away, grabbing hold of my jaw in his hand. "If this is the last time I'm ever gonna see you, I'd better give you something to remember me by."

I swiftly nodded in agreement, panting before kissing him again.

Kai slid his hands from my neck, over my chest, all the way down to the waistband of my shorts. He slipped them over my thighs - once they hit my ankles, I quickly stepped out of them.

He pressed burning kisses all over my throat and collarbone, desperate groans escaping his lips as he held me tight.

"You're so hot," he whispered gruffly in my ear.

I couldn't help but moan at the compliment, tugging on his hair and yanking him closer, our proximity still not enough. Kai let out a dark chuckle at the action, his hands roaming all over my body, exploring every curve and lapping it up.

"I was never allowed to touch anyone," he said breathlessly, pulling back briefly to search my gaze. "But with you? God, I can't stop."

"Good," I said simply with a bite of my lip. "Don't stop."

Air hitched in his throat at my reply, as if shocked at my permission - and desperation - for his palms to be on me, and re-captured my lips in his.

When I linked my hands around his neck, Kai grabbed hold of my wrists and pinned them up against the wall above my head, kissing all over my throat. His teeth grazed my skin occasionally, sucking on a certain spot that drove me crazy, sure to leave marks in the morning.

Growing impatient, he suddenly nibbled my earlobe and whispered, "I thought I told you to prove it."

I didn't even need to ask him for elaboration regarding his request - I knew exactly what he meant. With a nod, I trailed my lips across his bare chest and down to the waistband of his pants. As I lowered myself to my knees, Kai unbuckled his belt with skilled fingers and swiftly pulled his erection out of his boxers.

The instant I came eye-to-eye with his size, I gasped instinctively, my jaw dropping open. "Are you kidding me?" I cried, gawking up at him.

He blinked. "What?"

"Look at that thing!" I whined, gesturing to his dick. "How am I supposed to fit that in my mouth?"

Smug, Kai smirked. "I'm sure you'll figure it out," was all he said, taking hold of my head and directing me back into position.

Needing no more prompting, I stroked the tip with my tongue, giving him a few kitten licks before opening my mouth fully and allowing him to gradually slide all the way to the back of my throat.

He dipped his head back, letting out a sigh of bliss, his thighs clenching on either side of my ears. "Holy shit..." he whispered in a strained voice, watching my actions from behind half-closed lids.

I hummed in reply, the vibrations increasing his pleasure while I gazed up at him with eyes full of lust.

"Your lips," Kai groaned, running his thumb over them. "I've been dreaming about those lips wrapped around my dick for months." He gulped thickly. "It's even better in real life."

Bobbing my head up and down on him, I kept hold of his base with one hand while making sure my mouth was wet enough for him to slide in and out with ease. Drool began gathering on my chin and his cock, but this only seemed to turn him on more. I made sure to pay extra attention to all parts of his private anatomy, gliding my tongue over sensitive areas and grinning when he let out involuntary whimpers.

Kai watched me with fascination the entire time, his Adam's apple bouncing with anticipation while he struggled to contain his deep moans. He ran his hands through my hair, pushing it away from my face to see me better. Occasionally, his gaze would drop to my breasts held up in my bra and his dick would clench in my grip, a small grunt escaping his chest and his eyes rolling back into their sockets.

Seeing Kai fall apart all because of my actions turned me on more than I thought was possible, heat pooling between my legs already.

He began to fuck my mouth when I relaxed my throat for him, his fingers knotting in my hair and pushing deeper into me, getting carried away. His moans increased in volume, his legs trembling and his chest rising and falling. Only another minute and he would cum, I could tell.

"Ooh, not yet," he suddenly warned with a chuckle, pulling out.

Leaning down, Kai grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the ground before kissing me roughly, forcing my mouth open and rolling his tongue on mine.

His hands began to glide up my back, only moments away from unclipping my bra. He paused just before, however, to ask, "Do you take any birth control?"

I shot him a sarcastic look. "Have you seen me take any in the four months I've been here?"

"No..." Kai murmured sheepishly.

Flashing him a tight-lipped smile, I simply said, "Then there's your answer."

"No need to get snarky," he grumbled with an eye roll. Stroking my hips, he added in a softer tone, "We can always try without? I should be able to pull out in ti-"

"Absolutely not," I cut him off in horror before he could finish his sentence. "Find a condom or we're not doing this."

Kai's brows furrowed in thought. "I think I saw one in my bathroom."

I snorted. "Vampires own the house so I doubt that."

"Maybe in the future, but in 1994? This is still a Boarding House for guests - human ones," he reminded me. "People did a lot of screwing in the 90s."

I couldn't tell if I was getting impatient because I was desperate for him, or because I was growing more self-conscious as time went on, but either way, I snapped at him. "Fine then, hurry!"

Without another word, Kai zipped up his pants and rushed out of the bedroom in search of the condom he'd apparently seen - which I hoped would be the right size because something was telling me he was gonna struggle. While he was gone, I strolled over to the mirror, turning and twisting to get a glance at every angle of my body.

Standing in just my underwear, I ran my hands over my breasts - were they big enough? Or too big? - and grazed my palm along my stomach. It had been a while since anyone had seen me naked and the thought of Kai's reaction to witnessing my body without any clothes on made me nauseous.

He'd probably spent years fantasising over the next girl he got into his bed... what if I didn't live up to his expectations?

"Admiring the view?" a deep voice chuckled from behind me, ripping me out of my dangerous thoughts. "'Cause I know I am."

Noticing Kai's beaming reflection standing in the doorway, I smiled, slightly embarrassed. When I turned around to see him fully, he held up the condom still in the packet and made his way over to me.

"So we're really doing this?" he wondered.

"Less and less the more you keep talking instead of getting on with it," I teased.

"What's the rush?" Kai tossed the condom onto the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Is it a crime to wanna savour our last moments together?"

I tilted my head at him knowingly. "You're stalling," I said in an accusatory tone. "Let's get this out of our system so we can go our separate ways."

Instead of being insulted, Kai simply shrugged indifferently. "Okay." Then, without warning, he knotted his fingers in my hair and kissed me.

After getting over the initial desperation, our kisses eventually became slower, sensual just like they had on the Ferris Wheel. His tongue flicks were long and gentle on mine, my physical reaction to his mouth travelling all the way down to my toes.

I could tell my desire for him was becoming obvious through the way my lips moved on his, but I no longer cared. Matching my yearning, Kai removed his pants and boxers completely before he pushed me back onto the bed. Then, after climbing on top of me as we continued to kiss, our hips began to grind against eachother, Kai's arms keeping me trapped underneath his sculpted body as he held me tight.

When I took a long stroke of Kai's tongue with my own, he groaned, a shiver rippling through his back at my actions. Kai pulled away and straightened up, removing his lips from mine. I stretched towards him with a whimper, eager for more, suddenly feeling like a piece of my heart had been stolen from me.

Instead, Kai clasped his fingers around my throat and pushed me flat against the mattress, holding me prisoner with his hand. "I can't wait any longer," he gasped out. "The way you kiss me..." Shaking his head, his voice trembled as he whispered, "It drives me crazy."

With his free hand, Kai picked up the condom packet from beside us and lifted it to his lips before ripping it open with his teeth.

"Don't do that!" I cried disapprovingly. "It'll tear!"

"It's fine," he shot back with a tut. "I was careful." Helping me to sit up, Kai handed me the condom. "Put it on for me," he instructed.

Just as I was about to roll it on with my hand, Kai halted my actions.

"With your mouth," he elaborated, wearing nothing but a temptatious smirk.

I stared up at him, double-checking he was being serious. Kai nodded expectantly, however, as if to say, 'Go on.'

Doing as I was told, I placed the condom carefully between my lips before pressing it against his tip then slowly gliding it down the shaft.

Kai immediately groaned at the action, lacing his fingers through my hair to guide me. "That's a good girl..." he breathed proudly.

I peered up at him and fluttered my lashes, enjoying his praise. When I finally pulled away, he grabbed my jaw in his hand, kissing me passionately.

"Lie back," he commanded after a moment, so I did. Kai slipped his fingers underneath the waistband of my underwear and slid them over my legs before tossing them to the floor, leaving me exposed to him.

Before I could cover myself up, he spread my thighs open, staring hungrily between them. He teased the slit with his fingers, making sure I was wet enough. I moaned softly at the sensation and Kai grinned in reply, chuckling under his breath.

From where he knelt in front of me, Kai allowed his spit to drip onto my clit, the liquid trickling down my entrance and making my toes curl.

Kai leaned over me, placing his hand beside my shoulder to keep himself balanced. He teased me with the tip of his cock, rubbing it over my clit and letting it get wet.

"Please," I begged before I could stop myself, beyond desperate to feel him.

As soon as the plea escaped my lips, Kai's expression clouded with lust, blue eyes darkening to the colour of cobalt. He began pushing himself inside per my request, slowly filling me up.

I whimpered at the feeling, biting down on my lower lip to keep myself quiet. It had been at least eight months since the last time I'd had sex, and with Kai's size, it almost felt like I was experiencing the first time all over again.

"Hold on, baby," Kai urged in a raspy tone as he watched himself. "Just a few more inches..."

Once he was all the way in, we both dropped our heads back to moan in bliss. That initial feeling of him reaching the deepest parts of me was indescribable; one that was hard to beat and one I would never get over.

"There we go..." Kai breathed with a grin, washing his gaze over my features before he started to thrust in and out.

Oh my God, I'm having sex with Kai Parker!

After getting over the initial shock, I allowed my senses to expand and truly take in everything I was experiencing so I could enjoy it to the fullest.

Kai was, of course, one of the hottest men I'd ever laid eyes on - and with him hovering above me, his silver chain swinging in my face with every grind of his hips and his sparkly blue gaze staring down at me like I was the prettiest painting in the world, I'd never found him sexier.

His cologne invaded my nostrils, making my mouth dry up, instantly needing him closer in every way. I ran my fingers through his soft, dark hair and kissed him passionately, sucking on his tongue.

It was weird to be connected with him in this way, for multiple reasons as well as the most obvious. For a start, I never thought I'd be having sex on this bed again in my lifetime, especially not with a completely different guy.

Mentally noting some of the similarities between my sexual partners, I almost laughed at myself.

Enzo was right. My taste in men was tragic.

Suddenly, Kai began fucking me hard, making me forget that I was ever thinking of anything other than his dick plunging in and out of me. Part of me wondered if he'd done it on purpose, craving my full attention.

Kai slammed a hand over my mouth and pushed himself deep inside, overwhelming my senses until all I could see, all I could feel, all I could taste... was him.

He stayed close, pressing his forehead against mine and gazing into my eyes. Not once was there ever an instance where our bodies weren't touching.

And God, did I love it.

As my eyes began to roll back from mind-blowing pleasure, I couldn't stop the moans and whimpers that escaped my throat with every buck of his hips, spilled curse words muffled by Kai's palm.

Kai turned his head and placed his ear near my lips. "Huh?" he teased with a grin. "What?" Kai chuckled darkly. "I can't hear you; say it louder."

He thrust hard into me and uncovered my mouth, only for me to cry out, "Shit, Kai!" almost immediately.

Kai tugged my bra away from my breasts, swiftly trailing feverish kisses all over my chest. I arched my back off the mattress, gripping the sheets with my fists. He teased my nipples gently with his teeth, occasionally capturing them between his lips and sucking, making me a moaning mess.

Continuing to push himself in and out of me at an altered angle, he straightened up a little, giving him the perfect opportunity to stare down at me, roaming his hungry eyes over my body.

"You've been thinking about this all day, haven't you?" he wondered, a small cluster of sweat gathering on his forehead. "Don't lie, I can tell by the way you moan for me."

Suddenly forgetting every word in the English language, I could only nod in reply, whimpering at his relentless thrusts.

My confession adding fuel to the already raging fire, Kai began fucking me harder and faster, if that was even possible. The ceaseless sound of our bodies repeatedly connecting was seared onto my brain forever.

"Get this off," Kai commanded, sitting me up so he could unclip my bra and toss it to the side.

Now completely naked, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled our bodies tightly together, digging my nails into his shoulder blades. With my bare chest pressed against his and my actions driving him crazy beyond repair, Kai moaned louder, shaking his head as he struggled to hold back.

"Okay, that was a bad idea..." he warned with a nervous laugh, pausing and pulling out.

Once I got over the devastation of the heartbreaking emptiness that swiftly followed his exit, I couldn't help but smirk, proud that I could bring him so close to orgasm with just my body and a few scratches.

Another bad idea apparently, since Kai noticed, arching a brow. "What are you smirking at?" he asked warningly, gently stroking my clit with his thumb.

"Nothing," I lied, grinning and breathing heavily.

He tilted his head. "Oh, you think it's funny, do you?" Without warning, he inserted two of his fingers inside me.

I gasped in bliss at the sensation, crying out and dropping my head against the mattress, arching my back in response.

Barely giving me a chance to adjust, Kai began to curl his fingers against my G-spot and pump them in and out, before teasing my clit with his thumb again. Overstimulated, I squirmed and attempted to sit up, but he immediately pushed me back down and trapped me on the bed by my throat.

"Stay right there," he warned, pushing my thighs against my stomach to give him more room to work with. "Don't you dare move."

My entire body trembled and I moaned, struggling to catch my breath. I'd never felt such intense pleasure, every muscle and nerve-ending setting alight. With my legs back and my hips raised, his fingers entered me at the perfect angle each time, clouding my thoughts into one word only:


Just as I was moments away from coming undone all over his fingers, Kai quickly angled himself ready and pushed his dick back inside me. As he thrust, his hands wandered along every curve, keeping himself balanced on his knees and elbows while he sprinkled kisses over my face, throat and chest. He eyed the scar along my abdomen for a moment but didn't pay it any further attention.

Kai clutched onto my shoulders and held himself deep inside me for a few seconds, causing my toes to curl and my body to convulse.

"Stop shaking or you're gonna make me cum," he grunted in my ear, almost as a warning.

"I can't stop," I gasped out, squeezing my legs tight around his waist.

He looked down at me teasingly with a pout. "Aw, you can't?"

Shaking my head, I whimpered.

"No?" Kai pulled all the way out just to push himself deep inside me again.

My head dropped back and I moaned. "Oh my God..."

He chuckled, lifting my legs onto his shoulders as he fucked me. He leaned down and captured my lips in a rough kiss filled with tongue and saliva - to distract me or himself, I wasn't sure.

"Holy shit- you're- so deep-" I stammered, struggling to focus.

Kai just groaned and panted in reply, bucking his hips against me and pressing kisses to my ankles.

"Turn over," he commanded when it appeared to get too much for him.

When he flipped me over onto my stomach, he slapped my ass before lifting my hips for him. Gripping onto my hair, Kai pushed himself back inside.

I sighed in bliss at the change in position, grabbing hold of the sheets to stop myself from collapsing.

Kai trailed his tongue along my spine before biting down on my shoulder. "You want me, huh?" he growled in my ear. "Is this what you wanted?" He slammed hard into me, making me cry out before repeating louder, "Is this what you wanted?"

"Oh my God, yes!" I moaned, my eyelids squeezing shut from overwhelming pleasure.

Kai groaned, his fingers sinking into my hips as his dick rubbed repeatedly against my G-spot, both of us struggling to contain our pleasure for much longer.

"I'm so close," I gasped.

Kai hummed in approval. "You wanna cum?"

I nodded, biting down on my lower lip. "Mhm."

"Beg me for it," he demanded in my ear, clamping his hand around my throat. When I didn't reply, he repeated himself: "Come on, beg me to make you cum."

"Please," I rasped, losing the battle. "Please, Kai, make me cum."

Kai grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them together behind my back, then fucked me with his most unforgiving strokes yet. I cried out, only moments away from collapsing against the mattress, my legs shaking uncontrollably.

He reached around my hips to circle my clit with his free hand. "Now," he finally commanded.

After being denied my orgasm for so long, when I was finally allowed to release, it came in waves, my sight darkening and the world around me fading away. My blissful moans increased in volume as I rode it out, so grateful for his permission that I almost cried.

Kai hit his high almost seconds later, the way my body reacted to his touch and my walls clenched on his dick enough to send him over the edge. He groaned and pressed sloppy kisses to my back as he came down, collapsing on top of me.

Finally pulling out completely, Kai leaned back on his knees breathlessly and took off the condom, tying the end in a knot before getting up to throw it in the trash.

I rolled over, panting as I wiped away the perspiration from my forehead with my arm. Emotionally and physically exhausted, I wriggled under the sheets, more than ready to get some sleep.

To my surprise, Kai strolled towards the bed and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, a stark contradiction to what we'd been doing for the past thirty minutes.

He smiled. "I'll see you in the morning to say goodbye."

As he turned to walk away, I sat up immediately, reaching out for him. "Kai, wait-"

He paused, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Maybe you can stay... just for tonight," I offered sheepishly. "It is our last one together, after all."

Kai barely took five seconds to make his decision before flashing a grin and jumping onto the bed, excitedly getting under the covers beside me.

We both shifted to get comfortable, facing eachother on our pillows. Kai was still naked and, unable to resist, I shuffled closer, hiding my face in his bare chest. To add the cherry on top, I pressed a tender kiss to his blazing skin.

"Are you sure you won't change your mind?" he whispered, slipping an arm around my back and holding me tight.

"I don't know," I admitted in a hushed tone, nibbling on my lower lip anxiously. "Ask me again tomorrow."

His chest vibrated against my cheek as he laughed quietly. "Night, Ambear."

I gulped. "Night, Kai..."

We both paused to look at eachother before kissing softly one last time.



For hours I hadn't been able to settle, my mind refusing to rest. I'd noticed something that I hadn't been able to look past since I saw it.

Amber didn't have a shadow.

Now, that could've just been a mere coincidence; a mixture of components such as lighting and angles that could've given the illusion of her being without one.

But my gut was telling me I was right, that my eyes hadn't been deceiving me at all. I could've questioned her about it, but that would've led to unnecessary arguments and drama that I didn't have the time, patience or interest for.

And that's not all. Something was off about her body while I'd been inside her, I just knew it. Something... different. She'd changed somehow in the past twenty-four hours but I couldn't figure out why.

Nevertheless, it was enough of a hunch that it made me wriggle stealthily out from under Amber's arm, climb off the bed and silently search through her room for answers. And once I found out what she was hiding from me?

Well, it would be enough motivation for me to leave her ass in the dust.

Double-checking over my shoulder that she was sound asleep, I snooped through Amber's desk, finding nothing, before making my way over to the bookshelves behind the bed. As carefully as possible to not wake her up, I scoured through the novels, looking for something of interest.

To my surprise, an Atlas was sticking out further than the rest of the books, as if having been put back recently. Pulling it out and opening it, I flicked through the sections in search of answers.

Between the pages containing the map of Nova Scotia were a few notes written on a sheet of paper:

'Bennett blood & magic - Qetsiyah? Silas' tombstone?
Ascendant - most likely in Portland or Kai already has it?
Eclipse - every day at 12:28.
Spell - in Bonnie's Grimoire.'

Underneath that, circled on the map, was a small island just off the coast, followed by instructions on how to get to the desired tomb of this so-called 'Silas'.

Amberle Fell, you lying, manipulative little genius.

This entire time she'd been planning an escape behind my back, keeping me out of the loop and sending me away so she could do it all without me.

But what I couldn't understand was why she'd lost her shadow. If she'd known a way to get out that didn't require her powers, why had she been trying so hard to reconnect with them?

It didn't matter. I didn't care enough to question any further - I'd seen enough.

Taking a spare sheet of paper, I copied all of the information including the exact coordinates for Silas's tomb and folded it up, ready to take with me. Then I placed everything back where I'd found it so as not to raise Amber's suspicions that I was onto her.

Her betrayal had finalised my decision - I'd considered leaving her behind but a small, annoying voice in the back of my head told me that would only end up causing more problems in the long run. So I stuck by her, got her to trust me, and even developed a crush on her in the meantime.

But that was all over now. I was back to focusing on my priority and proving why I should never trust anyone but myself.

My gut was always right, just like I'd known. And as a consolation prize, I now also had the map of the key to my escape, along with the extra ingredients.

After getting dressed, I hurried to leave one final note for Amber before placing it on the nightstand beside her, ready for her to read when she finally woke up and wondered where I'd gone.

Staring down at her relaxed, pretty features, I smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

And then I spun on my heel and hauled ass out of there, never to return.


Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've done an author's note.

I just wanted to say thank you all very much for sticking by me and giving me love every chapter. Your feedback is always welcomed and appreciated, so please keep it coming.

I started this book writing 3k-4k chapters and yet this one hit over 11k words, which is wild!

I hope the smut was okay? I haven't written smut in over a year so I'm a little out of practice. I can't believe it took thirty chapters for it to happen in Scar Tissue, which is pretty late by my standards when I write books, but it felt right to the plot.

I'm sorry to have kept you guys waiting! I think if I'd rushed it any earlier for either of the men, it would be giving major insta-love.

Thank you again, I love you all 🤍

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