A Story That Fits With You

By asrivatsan27

2.5K 103 0

Saga 1: Zoro finds about his family and decides to abandon the Straw Hat's to protect his brother from the Wo... More

Saga 1: A Normal Day
A Bigger Bounty
Zoro's past
The Plan
'I'm The Good Guy'
Now You See Me
The Aftermath
A Type of Family
Fight, fight, fight, fight
Thanks for 100 reads...I guess.
Black Blades
Sanji VS Suke
Fly Away, Father Shimotsuki
Saga 2: Zoro's Going To Become a Lawyer
Invasion at Night! Sabo of the Revolutionary Army!
New Beginnings! A Familiar Lost Race!
Zoro's Thoughts! Nami Taken!
Sedative Pr3cautions! The Aftermath!
A Secret Find! A New Navigator Needed!
Barging In! Akainu's Bad Day!
Zoro's Dare! The Lesson on Armament!
Bumbling Urouge!
FILLER......(or not)
Enel meets Akainu!
Null and Void
5 Hours Ago
Untitled Part 33

peak chapter (or not)

23 2 0
By asrivatsan27

"Urouge, answer this question in full honesty." Chopper started to breathe a bit more heavily.

Urouge widened his eyes a fraction.

"What was the second capturers name?"

"My memory's still foggy, but I think I heard the words Tornado and Club. Does that mean anything to you?" Urouge asked, and the Straw Hats stiffened at the sound of the name 'Tornado' and 'Club'.

"Did this person have any type of ship near the place where you were beaten up?" Robin chimed in.

"No, but I remember seeing a hot air ba-"

"A HOT AIR BALLOON?!" Luffy screamed.

Their worst, (eh, kinda), nightmares had come true.

They would have to go back to Skypiea.

"Dammit." All of the crew said together.


"Rip my heart from willing arms."
"But they can't take my mind..."
"Brand new start I've taken on."
"Vengeance is my right..."
"And I know..."
"That your eyes' on me."
"So I won't..."
"Take the time you need..."

"Kay', that's enough singing for now, Brook. We need to head back up to Sky Island to get Nami back." Sanji lolled around.

"You're such a spoilsport, Sanji-kun."

"Yeah, I am. But for good reason too...we need to get Nami back as soon as we can. And you're going to help us...right?" Sanji sneaked a peak at Urouge.

"Yes, that bastard has probably captured my crew along with the remnants of URROUGE. I can't let Enel and that bastard Club the Lunarian live anymore." Urouge reminisced, as he gazed up to the training deck, where he saw Roronoa Zoro and Monkey D. Luffy training together, sparring.

"Wow..." Urouge thought.

"Don't take notice of them, Urouge. They're always-." Sanji thought.

"I'm going to join them." Urouge suddenly appeared on the steps going up to the training deck.

"WHY?" Sanji screamed. But Urouge had already made his way up to the staircase towards the training deck. When he got there, he found Luffy panting his heart out, and Zoro, still screaming out the number of pushups he was repping.

"669, 670!" 

"What is going on here?" Urouge asked. Luffy turned his head towards Urouge, still panting heavily; his eyelids dilated towards the Mad Monk.

"Finished...training. Need meat." Luffy gasped for breath.

"Oi, Pirate Hunter! Have a duel with me!" Urouge suddenly acclaimed.

"Huh?" Zoro was confused. How the hell could he make a fair fight with the Mad Monk if he was so injured?

"I'll use my Devil Fruit. I can grow up to any size I want and increase my muscles and strength while you continue to hit me." Urouge explained.

"...Don't blame me if you get absolutely pummelled." Zoro sighed after a moment.

"Watch your words, Pirate Hunter." Urouge snickered.

"You watch your tone, stupid Mad Monk. I'll demolish you." Zoro unsheathed his sword, and threw Luffy off the training deck to the surface, where he was then caught by Sanji.

"Let's do this." Urouge charged at Zoro. At once, Zoro held his Ichimonji out and then slashed his katana straight at Urouge. 

"Tiger...Hunt!" He screamed, as the slash impacted the Thousand Sunny so much that it had blown an extremely high level of wind down the throat of the sunflower of the Ship. It smashed the Thousand Sunny against some rocks on a nearby island and stabilised itself again. 

The boat shook as it rattled against the current of waves pushing it back.

"Woah! Pipe it down, you two!" Nami screamed.

"More!" Urouge yelled as his muscles expanded along with his body, causing him to grow more and increase his body mass.

"Two Sword Style: Ultra-Shikotsumyaku!" Zoro screamed again, as his swords then were encased in Armament.

"Tch. Why isn't it changing to a Black Blade from before? It would be so much easier if that was an option." Zoro sighed as he leapt backwards.

Urouge took this opportunity to take the attack and attack Zoro at full speeds, running at him with his fist, (which was still bigger than his neck and head, by the way.) He landed a quick hit on Zoro and the mosshead was sent flying back into a palm tree inhabiting on the island they had 'embarked' on.

"Dammit." He grunted. 

The next thing he saw was Urouge jumping straight above him and about to slam his conjoined fists straight into Zoro's guts; he rolled out of the way and unsheathed his second sword, the Kitetsu.

He jumped at Urouge, who had gotten his own club out of his back, (somehow), and swung it at Zoro, also infusing it with Armament Haki.

Zoro was getting pissed now.

He lunged at Urouge once more, as his eye started to turn into a dark shade of purple.

Luffy and Usopp had pulled up a chair over the Thousand Sunny and started to bet on who was going to win.

"1 billion berries on Zoro." Luffy acclaimed.

"Okay, we're going for the big buck, eh, Luffy? Fine, I'll match your one billion and raise it to 200% more." Usopp said smartly as he looked proud of himself.

"So how much is that?" Luffy looked confused, and rightfully so. It was dead even between the two Worst Generation members.

"A lot." Usopp stated, as Zoro rumbled as Urouge smiled wildly as he used his agility to the maximum, sprinting around the blind spots of Roronoa Zoro and preparing for one more final attack. 

Urouge ducked and dodged all of Zoro's attacks, even the one he had killed scornes with.

"He's so agile for a person of his size." Zoro thought.

Urouge grabbed Zoro's Ichimonji and threw it to the side with his right hand, and with his left hand, he grabbed Zoro by the head and shoved him in the ground, where tonnes of dust had been set up in the air.

Zoro laid there, inside of a hole created by his head, as he tried to force himself out. Urouge was nowhere to be seen though.

"Where's Urouge?" Usopp questioned, over from the Thousand Sunny.

"Where did that bastard go?" Zoro thought, as he got his head out and started to look for his Ichimonji.

The snicker of Urouge was then heard.

He was now behind Roronoa Zoro, with the marimo having no idea that Urouge was aiming for Zoro's nape.

"Zoro! Look out!" Luffy and Nami screamed at the same time.

Urouge lined his Armament Haki-coated club and swung as hard as he could at Zoro's neck. Urouge was so close to Zoro's neck, when suddenly-


"Uh...uh..." The Straw Hats stuttered after seeing the result of the clash.
Luffy was giving the two duelists a wide berth after one of them laid on the ground, blood seeping out of his chest and his shoulders broken. The other, however...no words can describe how much pain they were in.


"Oi, oi, oi. This isn't part of our agreement. You told me I could accompany you on your journey of revenge with the Straw Hats." A know- it -all voice rung through the air. 

Enel's earlobes dangled from the top of the electric component of his vehicle, with seastone cuffs around his wrists.

"This hurts, you know. My earlobes aren't elastic. Not like that Rubber Boy that we hate so much." 

"I don't care. You're becoming a hindrance. I just need the poneglyph. That's the only reason why I've joined you, because you're not actually weak compared to others Skypieans." Club's voice sounded.

"But I'm telling you, I ain't got a clue what a Poneglyph actually is." Earlobes- I mean Enel- whined, as Club sighed and started approaching Enel with his cigar actively flipping.

"I'm going to ask you this one more time." Enel gulped.

"Where. Is. The. Poneglyph?" Club enunciated every word.

"I don't-"



"I can easily dispose of you when the time comes. Thank god my crew isn't here and are too busy trying to find its whereabouts. They would ravage you if you didn't comply." Club smirked. Enel gulped once more, then finding courage to break free of his shackles and wave his down 

"Screw you." Enel exclaimed, as he waved his hands and shouted at Club.

"100-Million Volt Dragon!" He screamed, as CLub smirked once again.

"Idiot." He murmured.

Club took the full brunt of the attack and stayed still. No sound was heard, but Enel's cackling. But his cackle turned into a shocked face when he saw Club the Tornado standing in front of him.

He looked different though.

His teeth -no- fangs, protruding out of his mouth. His skin and his flesh turning into a furry bark. His chest expanded and he groaned as it happened.

"What...what...what are you?" Enel questioned.

"Tora Tora No Mi: Model - Saber Tooth." Club calmly announced as he then strutted over to Enel, who was frozen in fear, and bit him in the neck, the blood seeping out as soon as it had reached the pinnacle of injury. Enel slumped down onto the ground as his heart started to beat slower and slower and slower.


"A pity, Enel. If only you weren't a distraction. And you should've known that I don't care about the Straw Hat, I care about the Pirate Hunter. And with my Haki, I'll finally be able to bring justice to King." He ended.

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