๐“ž๐“ผ๐“ฑ๐“พ๐“ท - ๐™ธ.Mษชแด…แดส€ษชสแด€

By Black_Bunny07

65.8K 1.3K 1.3K

Quick footsteps are barely heard at the brink of midnight. Run. That's all you can do, just run. You can't lo... More

Sแด‡แด€sแดษด Oษดแด‡
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Sแด‡แด€sแดษด Tแดกแด
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Sแด‡แด€sแดษด Tสœส€แด‡แด‡
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Change 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Sแด‡แด€sแดษด Fแดแดœส€
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 24

868 31 23
By Black_Bunny07

▍japan, training camp
𝐢. 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚
24. ✿ ↬


second person

𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 when Class A finally a managed to make it through the forest filled with beasts. The sun had begun to set, the sky turned a beautiful orange hue. Yet, despite the beautiful setting, the class was not feel too bright themselves as they finally emerged from the forest.

All of class A were tired and leaning against one another for support as they arrived at the facility. Where they saw the two female Pussycat heroes, and Aizawa patiently waiting for their arrival.

"Three hours was the time it would've taken us. Sorry, guys!" The blonde Pussycat, Pixie Bob, bragged to them. It was well over 3 hours later when the class finished.

"You we're trying to boast about how much better you are?" Sato asked with a disappointed tone before he fell to the ground from his sore joints. "That's mean..."

"Are all heroes desperate for attention from minors, or is it just furries?" You raised your eyebrows when you asked the blonde Pussycat. And instead of answering you, she just glared, to which you smiled at.

"I'm hungry... I'm going to die." Kirishima fell to the ground, panting from all the hours of work he had to do just to get here.

"Honestly, I thought it would take even longer. You guys didn't have as hard a time beating my earth beasts as I thought you would. You guys are really great! Especially..." The blonde Pussycat, Pixie Bob, pointed towards six students. You, Izuku, Bakugo, Uraraka, Todoroki and Iida. "...you six! Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience?"

The blonde girl, Pixie Bob, suddenly leaped at the four boys. "I'm looking forward to where you'll be in three years!" She smiled at Izuku and threw her arms around him. "I call dibs!"

You stared at the blonde girl with a blank face and a hint of annoyance in your eyes. You sighed and rolled your eyes. Then crossed your arms to your chest and looked away.

Aizawa looked at the older and more mature Pussycat woman. Who wore a red Hero Costume while the blonde wore blue. "Mandalay... Was she always like this?"

"She's a little desperate, since she's about the suitable age for, you know..." The woman, Mandalay, hinted at the age of mating.Watching the girl fond over Izuku and grab at his face.

You glared at the scene, your dislike for the blonde grew by the minute. But before your class could notice your intense stare, you sighed and looked away. Reaching your hand in your pocket to pull out your phone and headphones.

"Whose child is that?" Izuku asked as he pointed towards the little boy separated from the group, wearing a red hat. He pried the blonde girl's hands off of him, feeling uncomfortable with how she was alll over him.

"Oh, not one of ours. He's my cousin's kid." Mandalay answered as she glanced over at the young boy. "Come on, Kota. Greet everyone. You'll be with them for the next week."

"Oh, um, I'm Midoriya from UA High School's hero course. Nice to meet you." Izuku tried to introduce himself with a friendly smile and his hand held out. But instead of shaking his hand, the little boy punched him in the groin.

Seeing that, had you silently laugh to yourself. You covered your mouth with one hand to stop yourself from laughing out loud. Squeezing your eyes closed from how much you were laughing.

"I like that kid." You mumbled to yourself when your laugh slow down. To you, the little boy was relatable.

Uraraka walked up to you with the half of your staff you gave her. "Thought you might want this back. Thank you, by the way, for letting me borrow this."

"Wouldn't be the first time." You grabbed the other half to your staff and pushed them together with the magnets.

Then you reduced the size of the staff, to fit the size of your hand before you placed it in the back pocket of your jean shorts. You had some really nice legs.

Ever since the the weeks you trained together for the Sports Festival. You and Urararka now train together after school 2-3 times a week. It's benefitted Uraraka much more than you, but you didn't mind.

"Oh yeah, about the internships." Uraraka wasn't quite sure what to do with her hands. So, she put one of them on her hips and leaned her weight on one leg. "I thought you were going to Gun Head with me?"

"I took martial arts for 12 years. So, there's nothing he could've taught me. And there was something I needed work on." You replied and put your hands in the back pocket of your jean shorts. "That, and I don't want you to start feeling like you have to catch up to me. Sometimes it's good to be on your own once in awhile to focus on improving. That's why I don't train with you everyday."

Uraraka blinked in surprise when she realized you were looking out for her. She never took into consideration just how much you've been doing for her without her realizing it.

It meant a lot to her because apart of her thought that you didn't consider her much as a friend. But more as a student that needed to be taught. So, she smiled at you appreciatively. "You're right. Thank you."

You shrugged your shoulders and headed inside the facility. "You don't need to thank me. All I did was go to a different internship. Nothing special."

"You've helped me a lot." Uraraka smiled as she walked besides you inside the facility. "Without you, I wouldn't have succeeded as much as I have. Now I'm near becoming one of the top students in our class."

"You're a close friend of mine, Uraraka. So it's really not that big of a deal." You nonchalantly replied and handed her one of your airpods.

Uraraka smiled to herself, she was happy you considered her as friend as she did you. Happily, she accepted your airpod and put it in her ear. Listing to the music that played from your playlist.

➩ : O S H U N : ➩

The next three days consisted of nonstop training, as expected of the Hero Course classes. Class A was hard at work with their own individual intense training. They were quite literally training till they fell to their knees. The Hero Course was no joke at all, teenagers really needed to be mentally strong minded to survive.

Now, you weren't sure if it was because Aizawa wanted to see you behind bars. Or if he wanted to see you flee the country to get away from prison. But for some reason, Pixie Bob was your training.

Apparently, the reason for it was because you needed to work on keeping calm under different emotional circumstances. Which was Aizawa's intelligent way of saying since you clearly hated Pixie Bob, you would have to learn how keep your self in check around her.

Something you easily failed. Several times.

"You failed. Again." Aizawa sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder to calm your nerves. "I'm beginning to question whether you're purposely failing."

"No, I just hate her that much." You replied as you crossed your arms to your chest and leaned your weight on one leg.

"Why do you hate me?" The blonde girl, Pixie Bob asked you with furrowed brows. She didn't understand why you didn't like her.

"For multiple reasons your small, simple minded brain doesn't have the capacity to comprehend." You told her with a fake smile before you rolled your eyes. "Did you get that? Or was it too many big words?"

"I'm not incapable of understanding things." Pixie Bob stomped her foot on the ground and crossed her arms to her chest with a grumpy face. "And I have a big vocabulary too!"

"Doubt it." You had a blank face at the action. You weren't sure if she was trying to be cute or not, but she was very childish to you.

Ignoring the blonde girl who stared at you frustrated, you turned to Aizawa with an annoyed face. "Why would you pair me up with this wretched juvenile?"

"You need to learn how to get in touch with your emotions, and how to control them. You can't be nonchalant all the time, and you can't easily show your anger either. If you're not careful, your anger could hurt an innocent person."

"I won't hurt anyone." You furrowed your eyebrows at the accusation.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to or not with uncontrolled power and emotions." Aizawa stared you in the eyes, showing you his seriousness. "If you don't learn to harness your power and emotions, damage will be done."

You stared at the man before nodding your head. You were starting to understand the seriousness of your actions. "Okay. I'll try to stay in control."

"Good." Aizawa patted your head for a brief second before putting his hands in his pockets.

"Great!" Pixie Bob suddenly made her presence known again. "So does that mean she'll finally stop attacking me?"

With narrowed eyes, you used your Quirk to throw the blonde girl into a tree. Aizawa stared at you a disappointed look.

"What?" You raised your eyebrows with a grinning smile. "I meant during training. Technically, this is a break."

"Go meditate." Aizawa told you as he sighed. You smiled and headed out of the forest to the facility.

"I still don't understand why she hates me so much." Pixie Bob said as she got up from the ground. "I haven't done anything to her."

"Are you sure?" Aizawa asked the girl as he watched her start walking. "You can't think of anything that might influence her behavior towards you?"

For Aizawa, he already knew why you didn't like Pixie Bob. He's known for awhile about your feelings for Izuku. Not just because he paid a lot of attention to you. But also because his fiancé, Niari the ever gossiping queen, told him all about your history together.

"Not really." Pixie Bob shook her head as she walked over. "I didn't say anything to her when we first met, I just assumed she didn't like the way I dress. But clearly there's more to it, she's insults me more than my outfit."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." That's all he replied with before he walked away.

In his unbiased opinion, he understood why you were upset, but you did not need to take it out on her. Especially when Pixie Bob did not know you had a thing for him.

He wasn't sure if Pixie Bob would care or not if she knew, but still. Using her for target practice just because she was flirting with Izuku, minus the touching him part, was unnecessary. But then again, he completely understood why you didn't like her.

➩ : O S H U N : ➩

Hours had flown by rather quickly and the sun had eventually set over the horizon. The classes, both A and B, were finally allowed to end their training for the day. Since the moon had officially rose in the sky, dinner finally began.

Everyone played apart in cooking for their class of themselves. The thing is, the cultural group outside of Japanese, decided to make foods from their own ethnic group.

So, Sero being Mexican, made spicy Tamales. Tsuyu being half Venezuelan, made Arepas. (I'm sorry to those who are hispanic are uncomfortable with this. It's just that Tsu seems like a short 4'8 Hispanic girl with long hair who doesn't mind beating ass like Mineta, to me. If you don't like this, tell me and I'll delete this part).

Bakugo being half Mexican, made Camarones a la Diabla. Mina being Jamaican, made Oxtails with Jerk Chicken because who doesn't like Jerk Chicken.

And finally, you being half Malian and Hindu, you made Jollof Rice with Indian Madras Curry. And for desert, Chebakia (Moroccan Sesame Cookies), which you had Mina help you shape them like a rose. Which had you need more help from your multicultural friends.

"Sabes, deberíamos hacer de esto una cosa. Como que saliéramos juntos y esas cosas. ¡Oh!" Suddenly, Sero came up with an idea. "Quizás podríamos pedirle al director Nezu que haga un club. Podríamos llamarlo el clip multicultural. ¿Usted lo consigue? ¿Sabes? ¿Por las diferentes culturas? Todos podríamos sentarnos después de la escuela y hablar sobre nuestras culturas y experiencias de vida en Japón. Ya sabes, todas esas cosas étnicas. Podríamos aprender unos de otros."

Translation: "You know, we should make this a thing. Like us hanging out together and stuff. Oh! Maybe we could ask principal Jake to make a club. We could call it the Multicultural clip. You get it? You know? Because of different cultures? We could all sit around after school and talk about our cultures and experiences living in Japan. You know, all that ethnic stuff. We could learn about each other."

All of you looked at each other with a confused look, taking it into consideration. It would be nice to have a club special for different ethnicities to learn more about each other. Especially, when you get to bring dishes of from your culture.

"Suena divertido. Mientras Mineta no esté permitida." Translation: "Sounds fun. As long as Mineta is not allowed." Tsu said as she finished one of her Arepas and took one of Sero's Tamales.

"¿Quién invitaría a ese pequeño enano? No, en serio, si alguno de ustedes lo invita, los haré explotar en pedazos." Translation: "Who would invite that little runt? No seriously, if any of you invite him, I'm explode you in pieces." Bakugo told everyone at the table. This was the first time his classmates heard him speak Spanish.

"Oh, so you really are fluent?" Mina asked in English from disbelief when she h heard him speak spanish. "When Y/n said you could speak spanish, I thought she was lying. I deadass thought you were a no Sabo kid."

"Puedo hablar español, pero no hablo español con ninguno de ustedes." Translation: "I can speak spanish, I just don't speak spanish around any of you." Bakugo replied as he slapped your hand when you stole some of his Camarones a la Diabla.

For all of you, it was refreshing to sit around a table and eat together with people who relate to being different ethnically. It felt good not being an outsider and being with people understood the feeling.

Of course all of you had your ethnic families that understood the feeling as well. But it felt even better to have a whole friend group of different ethnic backgrounds that could also relate.

After sometime of sitting down enjoying the conversations and good food, you realized a certain mixed kid was not there. Izuku, the honorary blasian kid.

Normally, Izuku would be hovering over you because he loved when you cooked. Especially when you and Bakugo cook together. Izuku wasn't the best cook, the most he could do was bake, and he baked really well. He loved when you two would cook.

So, when he wasn't hovering by your side and eating all the food. You grew concerned. It took you a while to notice because you were having so much fun. But eventually, you did.

"I'll be back." You told the group as you stood up when you finished you food. You decided to go check on him and see how he was doing.

You passed Aoyama, who was passing out bowls of Poulet Basquaise (Basque Chicken Stew). Aoyama was French, and so he made that to contribute. Along with cheese. Which you snagged a bowl of for Izuku, and yourself.

Quietly, you walked in the facility with a bowl of food from each person's dish for Izuku. You were looking for you green eyed best friend, and it didn't take long before you found him.

Izuku was sitting in the empty dining room staring out the large window, while everyone else was outside. Except, he wasn't exactly alone, Urararka was there with him.

Being the nosy person you are, you decided to eavesdrop on their coversation. You slightly pushed one of the double doors open a little more to hear what they were saying.

"Are you sure you're okay?" You heard Uraraka ask him as she sat beside him with a concerned look on her face. "Everyone else is outside hanging out together and eating food. Some of our class even made dishes of their own ethnic background. But you're sitting here all alone. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm okay. Just thinking about something." You heard Izuku tell her with a small smile that hardly reached his eyes. "You should go with everyone else. I'll join the class in a minute."

"Are you sure?" Urararka wanted to make sure. She could tell somehting was on his mind, but he wouldn't tell her what it was. "You know, you can always talk me Deku."

"I know that. And I really appreciate you for always being willing to listen to me." Izuku smiled a bit more when he told her this, which made her smile. "But this isn't something I want to talk about. It's just a thought in the back of my head. So it's okay."

Uraraka frowned at this but nodded her head, deciding not the topic further. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable or come out as overbearing.

"If you're sure, then okay." She gave a smile that didn't reach her eyes before standing up and walking towards the double doors.

She paused to look back at him, which gave you enough time to hide away. Urararka sighed when Izuku didn't look back at her like she did him. Then she turned around and left. Not noticing you hiding in the corner.

When she walked out of the facility, you slowly walked in the empty dining room. Your hand was getting hot from holding the bowl.

For a moment, you leaned against the door frame with your arms crossed to your chest to observed him. Izuku was so deep in thought, he didn't hear you walk in.

The moonlight shinned its beautiful light through the window. As you walked closer to him, you saw the sight of the that was littered with freckles over his smooth skin. It was a perfect view, heavenly even.

"What's wrong?"

Izuku nearly jumped and the sudden sound of your voice before he turned his head to see you standing over him. "When did you-?"

"What's on your mind?" You ignored his questions you interrupted it and asked another. Then, you sat down beside him, looking him in the eyes. "Something's clearly wrong. So don't lie to me."

A small smile appeared on his lips when you said this. He could always count on you to notice when something's wrong. He could never hide anything from you. Not for long, as least.

Just as he knew you undeniably well, you knew him more than anyone else. That's why he loved you so much. You took the time to understand him, and care for him. Just as he did you.

"It's Kota." He started to explain the situation to you. Somehting he failed to do for Uraraka. "He hates heroes. He hates the Quirk-based superhuman society in general. And I couldn't say anything to help him. I don't know, I guess I was just wondering what All Might would say to him if he was here."

"Izuku. All Might wouldn't have been able say anything either." You told him before setting the bowl of food down on the table and turning to him.

There was a pause as Izuku observed you. He specifically wanted to talk to you about this because he knew you would understand the situation. You lived it at one point, so you of all people would understand.

"Why didn't you like heroes?"

That was a topic you never talked much about. Part of him was guilty. He felt like he made you uncomfortable by talking about heroes all the time growing up. He didn't know at the time about your dislike for heroes, but he still felt bad.

And he didn't understand why you disliked heroes so much. It was never something you talked to him about because you didn't want to break his little hero heart.

"I want to know how I can help Kota." Izuku added as he turned his body more towards you, and indication that he was giving you all his attention. "How did you start to like heroes?"

For a moment you stared at him, giving him a confused yet narrowed eyed look. "Izuku, that wasn't just some phase I went through. I didn't just 'get over it.' Or 'suck it up.' It was trauma."

"I didn't mean-"

"People like me and Kota, we don't like heroes because they haven't proven themselves as heroes to us." You told him, tying to keep your calm. But you you were talking so fast you couldn't help hit get emotional. "I wasn't saved by a hero, I was saved by myself, my brother and my mother. Why would I believe in heroes who didn't even bother to save my family?"

"And about liking heroes now. The reason why I want to be a hero isn't because I suddenly started to like them. I just tolerate them. And I tolerate them because I want to be better than them. People like me, who was in situations that 'wasn't fit for a hero,' that's why I'm doing this. I want to be that hero that saves people like me. That's why I'm doing this. Not to defeat those crappy villains. But from trauma such as abuse. Stuff that regular heroes apparently aren't signed up for."

With your emotions on a rise, you stood up abruptly and walked away from him. Teringinf not to let the tears that formed unknowingly in your eyes, fall down. That was a topic. you were passionate about.

But alas, you could only make it two steps away from him, before he grabbed your hand when he immediately stood up. "That's not what I meant. I didn't mean to offend you. I don't know you felt that way. I'm sorry."

"Words aren't going to change his mind." You told Izuku, ignoring his apologies. You took deep breaths as to not let any tears fall. "And frankly, you shouldn't try to change his mind. You should try to understand him. Don't make empty promises, just understand how he feels. And show him why you feel how you feel. That's all you need, honesty."

"You don't need to be All Might, Izuku. You don't need to be like him, either. I've always believed in you and your dreams and goals in life. But it's you've been supporting, not All Might." You moved your finger to post at him, pressing it against his chest as you stare him in the eyes. "You're suppose to make a name for yourself, not copy his. You can look up to him as inspiration, but don't become him."

Your eyes stared in to his as you moved your hand to hold his face. Gently, your carrassed his cheek with your thumb as your eyes softened. "𝙄 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪." You hesitated at first before saying in a softer tone and in English. "𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙄 𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝. 𝑰𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒖 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒚𝒂."

You didn't give Izuku a moment to acquire what you had just told him, before he felt your lips against his. It was like a fire ignited in him, he could feel his body heat him. This was too much to process.

It all happened so fast, but he was not complaining at all. The first time you kissed, it was beautiful and tender. It took him by surprise but at the same time, he oddly suspected it because of the way you looked at him.

But this time, he didn't not expect this kiss at all. There was no warning. He try thought you were upset at him, he did not realize you wanted him.

The kiss was soft and sweet, your lips were glossed and he could tell you got some on his. Your lips weren't small like girls in Japan. They were full, two toned, and always glossed to perfection. 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑑𝑑𝑎𝑚𝑛 were they soft. He could kiss them for hours on edge and never get tired.

When you pulled back, Izuku could feel himself long for more. He wanted to pull you back but didn't want to come off as cringy. He just needed to feel your lips against his once more.

He didn't realize how much he missed them since them last kiss. Or how addicted he easily became with them, until now.

"You..." Izuku finally managed to breathe out heavily as he caught his heart that was stolen by you. His heart was pounding in his chest, he was sure he'd soon go into cardiac arrest. "You love me? Like, 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 love me?"

A blank face appeared as your facial expression when he asked that question. Which you perceived to have an obvious answer to. "How many times do I have to kiss you for you to comprehend it?"

A small smile appeared on his lips as he took this as an opportunity to joke around a jittery. Because who was he if he didn't take an opportunity he could to bother you? "A few more times, and I think I'll finally understand."

"How about a few less, since you seem to be understanding just fine." You rolled your eyes before letting go of him and taking a step back. "I hope what I said helped, because I was serious."

"I know that. And I'm sorry for hurting your feelings when I said that earlier. I didn't mean to offend you or make you cry." Izuku took a step closer to you when you took one back. "I worded the questions wrong, I was just curious."

"I know that." You used your finger to wipe your eyes of the tears that was drying as you sniffled a few times. "I'm just very passionate about that topic, so I came off really strong and emotional."

"Well, at least you're getting better as showing your emotions." Izuku smiled as he stared you in the face eyes with his beautiful forest green eyes.

You didn't know how to react to his eyes staring at you so intensely. Your heart pouded in your chest and you could feel your knees struggling to hold your weight. You folded again from just a single kiss.

"Let's eat with everyone else, okay? Since you're clearly feeling better." You told him as you were quick to head towards the double doors. Tried not to show just how much his affection affected you.

A lighthearted laughed spilled from Izuku's lips as he quickly grabbed the bowl you brought for him, and filled behind you. As you were walking out, Izuku stared at you with the utmost adoration.

You always seemed to know exactly what to say to help him in any situation. Sometimes he wondered how you were able to always make him feel better and make his heartbeat accelerate.

It had a question form in his mind that he found impossible to find an answer to. 𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝐼 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢?

Just your presence alone calmed his overbearing thoughts and allowed him to breathe freely. Your scent was both intoxicating and enchanting, wherever you went, your sent lured him to you. And your words made his heart erratic, but in the best way that could ever be possible.

He needed all of that right now. All from you and you only.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢.

ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ-_ʙᴜɴɴʏ//ᴀᴜʜᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ!
so, how we liking the chapter? a lot went on in this chapter. especially with uraraka amd OC. as well as the development of izuku and OC's relationship. and a deeper look into how OC feels and why she's doing what she's doing.


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