Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

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You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C 6: Written Agreement History
C7: What If's
C9: Punishment Day
C10: Lunch Date?
C11: Liar
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C14: Bonney
C15: Café
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C25: Clarification
C26: Visit
C27: Last Race
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C8: Scratchmen Apoo

357 22 6
By MasclaraReign


Last working day of the week but with a lot of activities before you meet your punishment by tomorrow.

Linlin assigned you and your husband to attend an outreach program in an orphanage on behalf of the family. The orphanage is rarely visited by the assigned branch of the World Government and Linlin thought it would be okay to include them to the family program.

Government is not always considered as something reliable.

Of course you added the visit to your schedule with no problem since it is for your mother and the children from the orphanage. There was no hassle too because Linlin gave you everything needed, the snack, toys, educational kits, and two purchased One Piece Film for the children.

However, Kid said he'll be late for the event. You don't want his late ass to be ruining your mood especially that you're meeting children today so didn't care much. Besides, Kid sent two employees to assist you and to ensure his later arrival.

The orphanage staff greeted everyone while entering the hall for the program. You, along with the two assistants, carried the boxes of toys for the games and the food. The orphanage looked old and needs repainting but it looks sturdy enough to house a lot of children.

A loud music coming from the road that can be seen from the window took all of the attention. The music is coming from a vehicle with a piano key design on the side. Two more vehicles arrived with the same design on the side.

A guy came out of the leading vehicle. He had a big grin on his face that showed his piano-looking teeth. His long brown hair is also tied up with ornaments with it.

You've seen him before from the wedding and he was with Kid too during that night on the VIP room.

"Oh, we didn't expect Mr. Apoo to be here as well, I'll just meet them at the entrance." One of the staff excused himself. You busied yourself together with your assistants on sorting the toys on the boxes to start the program later on.

Minutes later, Apoo entered the premises with his men carrying his musical stuffs and maybe it was for the kids on the orphanage.

"Oh, Mrs. Eustass is here too." He greeted. You smiled at him and greeted back respectfully. The staff started entering the room to help with the preparation. There are also young ones around 10 to 12 years old who came to arrange chairs while Apoos men went to arrange the sound system and speakers.

"I wonder where your husband is." Apoo looked around, searching for the specific red head.

"He'll be late, he's a bit busy." You said politely.

"Pfft, probably with his mistress." Apoo chuckled as his gaze were on you, waiting for your reaction. Immediately, your wide eyes darted to him then slowly squinting your eyes and furrowing your brows.

"You have proof?" Your voice sounded low but with a hint of warning as you raise a brow. All those smiles and politeness faded instantly.

"I don't but--"

"You don't" You cut him off abruptly. "So don't speak ill of my husband because he is not around to defend himself." You took a deep breath and straightened your posture even though it will not make a difference on the height gap between you two.

Apoo looked around to see the hall filled with the orphanage's staff as well as the small children who started entering the hall as the program is about to start. There was also a camera on live for Apoo's channel that was set by his men but you were oblivious to the camera focusing on you two. You're attention is on Apoo.

"Sharp tongue, that's why your husband don't love you. Admit it, you know that to yourself, y/n" Apoo spoke loudly enough to gather the attention of some people around, as if doing it purposely.

Your mouth fell a little open as you gasp silently. He was right, that's exactly what it feels like. How are you going to counter his words if what he says is accurate to your own point of view. You've seen it from the reports that were given to you, Kid was out with another woman without telling you. However, you told yourself those pictures were not enough to prove Kid as guilty.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He smirked and raised a brow. Whispers on the surroundings can be heard clearly after they've sense the tension between you and Apoo. You took a deep breathe and faced him with a cold demeanor.

"Aren't you wondering why he's not always with you? A husband letting his wife do the work on her own."

"Who are you to speak for my husband?"

You cannot allow issues about your marriage to arise to the public. It would cause questions and may lead to more issues. Having your problems with Kid is already enough, adding more to the flame is not on your plate today.

"You know nothing about love, you don't even have a 'real' love life, Apoo. With that being said, you know nothing about me and Kid's relationship. How we work things out, how we communicate, how we run things... An ignorant fool like you wouldn't know how marriage works." You turned your back confidently and went to the other direction of the hall to do your own preparation. Letting your anger do the talk will not result to any good especially you're in an orphanage.

"Pffft. AHAHAHAHA, me? an ignorant? I have no hard copy of evidence but I know Kid before you met him. He loves hanging out with us with a lot of girls, do you think just because he married you, he'll settle for good? Oh come on HAHAHAHA MRS. EUSTASSSSSS." Apoo said it loud and clear that it echoed around the hall. He was successful to provoke your anger.

You faced him and walk fast towards him while pointing a finger on his smug face.

"I'm warning you, Apoo, to shut up." Your teeth gritting in the process of holding your little composure.

"Or else what?"

"Or else, boss will beat you." One of your assistant spoke beside you. Before anyone can say another word, loud heavy footsteps can be heard from behind.

From your peripheral, you saw a fist passing by your side and landed a punch on Apoo's face but he was too stunned to avoid it. Apoo fell down and the people around gasps and screamed, surprised and panicked.

Apoo's men wanted to help him but the two assistants stood in front of them, telling them not to take another step. The assistants were the ones who informed Kid about the current situation while he was on his way.

"Kid!" You grabbed his arm but he broke from your grasp harshly, causing you to stumble a little while you managed to keep your balance. Anger occupied his mind, his eyes are piercing through Apoo's skull. Kid bent down and took full fist of Apoo's shirt then pulled him up. Apoo tried to push Kid away until another knuckle landed on his face.

"Hey Kid! What's the---"

"You son of a bitch."

Before Apoo could reply, Kid pushed him back to the floor then kicked him hard, right into his balls. The audience grimaced on the scene while some boys can almost feel how that hurts. The poor guy screamed on top of his lungs, crumbling and holding his poor balls.

Shit, shit

With all your might, you pulled Kid to face you. It took all your strength just so you could pull him and make him turn to you. Your hands encircled his body and leaned yours to hug him tightly as your cheek leans on his clothed chest. You can feel his heavy breathing with his breath fanning you.



Your eyes went wide after realizing the word you used. Even Kid froze and look down on your figure wrapped around him.

"Just calm down!" You shouted.

Upon hearing your pleading voice full of concern, it was only then that he roamed his eyes around. The staff were on the corner together with the young ones who came earlier, eyeing the scene with unexplainable faces. Kid averted his eyes on Apoo once again.

"Dare to disrespect us again, I'll end your career, Apoo." Kid glared at him one last time like it would pierce his soul. You felt a hand landing on top of your head carefully. You raised your gaze on the red head and saw him with his eyes shut. Breathing in and out, you can tell he's trying to recover from his anger.

"Are you okay?" He asked without opening his eyes.

'Are you okay? Huh?'

Did he ask because he cared? Or did he ask because you two are in public and it's just for show? You knew he only cares for the Written Agreement and his brother's comment. That's it, maybe it's the latter.

He opened his eyes to look at you when he didn't hear any answers. His hand on top of your head slowly slid to rest on your shoulder.

"Hey." He said. Absentmindedly, your arms that were wrapped around him slid to rest on his waist when you leaned a little to meet his gaze much better. His furrowed brows and grumpy look made it hard to assess if he was truly concern about you or if it was just for show.

"I'm okay."


The program resumed after Apoo left the orphanage. Thank goodness, the young ones who were present during the fight were not traumatized. They were even laughing at Apoo but you didn't tolerate that and reminded them that it's not a good act.

Much to Kid's dislike, the eldest Eustass called him after the program. The news and video about what happened circulated all over the internet and has reached Killer. It also reached Nami, Robin and the rest of your friends, as well as your siblings. You also received messages and calls from them that's why you two ended up on the Eustass building to wait for your siblings to arrive.

"Hungry?" Kid spoke.


"Coffee? Tea?"


Kid dialed the telephone to call anyone from the building. It didn't take long when someone came in with a tray of two coffee. First cup was placed near you while the second cup is placed near Kid's table where he can reach.

The office is covered with a mutual silence again. You carried your cup and stood near the window, wanting to catch some air. You smiled, knowing Kid has a wonderful view from up here. While admiring the view of the city, Kid's eyes slowly landed on your back facing him. He didn't know why but he can't take his eyes back to his papers. He just remained watching you as he tries to figure out the warmth that started to resurface on him. He felt it before the marriage happened, he's also sure he can feel that warmth whenever he see you smile at him on rare occasions.

Kid remained silent. Silently staring at you.

Your phone rang from your pocket. Taking it out, the screen showed Cavendish's name calling your phone.

"Yes, hello?" You answered.

"I saw the video on the internet, are you alright?" The blond asked. You huffed and smiled, realizing almost everybody was reached by the video. That's the internet nowadays, everything spreads fast like a virus.

"I'm alright, thank you."

"What about Kid, is he calm now or still raging like a dinosaur." He chuckled along with you. Kid cannot hear him so you turned a little bit to see Kid on his table but when you saw him looking at you in his usual grumpy look, you immediately turned back and chuckled.

" He's calm AND still looking like a raging dinosaur."

The telephone on Kid's table rang, taking his attention. He answered it just for a short period of time before placing it down.

"Let's go" Kid said in a bored tone, taking his mug with him.

You hurriedly bid your goodbye to Cavendish as you followed Kid closely with your own mug as he headed to open the door for you.

"Who were you talking to? Kid grumbled.

" It's Cavendish, asking how we are."

Kid hummed.

"Where are we going?" you asked while down on the hallway.

"To the shared office. Each of us have our private offices and the fifth office is for us to discuss serious matters...like what I did to Apoo." He said. You nodded even though he's not looking at you. Arriving at the said office, he opened the door and let you in first.

Killer is sitting on the end of the table with his brothers sitting on one side. Across them is your brother Katakuri and Peros. They were currently watching the footage on a television. Media is really fast like Kizaru when it comes to gossips. The issue had reached the local news already.

"Baby! Please, you're scaring the children!"

You cringe upon seeing how you look on the TV screen and how you called Kid as 'baby'. Wire and Heat exchanged knowing look while smirking and elbowing each other.

The footage was controversial, however, a lot of the commentors that were interviewed sided with you and Kid. Even the comment proofs from the different social media platforms that were shown has laughed at Apoo for provoking the Eustass. After that topic, Killer turned off the TV.

"You two are lucky that 90 percent of the mass is siding with you." Peros commented.

'Jeez, 10 percent must be Apoo cult.'

"My only concern is the way Kid harshly broke from y/n's grasp during the fight." Katakuri spoke.

"It didn't hurt, brother. Kid was just so mad at Apoo to notice." You said.

"Does that mean he'll eventually hurt you when he is mad?" Katakuri looked straight into Kid's orbs. A little of silence surfaced through the atmosphere as Kid's brothers waited for the couple to answer Katakuri. Kid turned his head to your direction and you can feel him staring.

"I...apologize, y/n" Kid said while his brother's eyes widened a bit as they exchanged looks. They know their brother has a pride like a tower that's why he's having a hard time expressing himself but today, this just prove how he was able to lower his tower a bit.

Taken aback, you looked at him beside you with raised brows.

"Umm, it's alright?" Almost asking if it was a right response. What can you say? Apologizing Kid is new to you.

"I'm sure Kid will never hurt Y/N." Wire said.

"I believe you, but how about if we talk about other matters like..." Peros trailed. "What is with Apoo, isn't he your friend?"

Kid sighed and brushed his spiky red hair with his fingers.

"We had a little fight together with Hawkins. Maybe that's the reason why he tried to ruin my name using his social media platform." Kid explained.

"I just hope none of what Apoo said is true." Katakuri commented. Deep inside you, you were hoping for that too.

"I know you're judging me just by the way you talk, Katakuri." Kid side-eyed your brother.

"You're the kind of person who is truly violent, you don't care whether there are other people when your anger issues arises. What makes you think I'll trust your words that you will not ever hurt our sister, physically or emotionally."

The tension between your brother and Kid is starting to envelope the room. Killer wanted to sit back and observe how his brother can deal with your family. Even Peros wanted to just observe how the conversation goes, he believes heated argument leads to nothing good but a little experiment on them should be fun.

"Y/n and Apoo are different. Y/n is my wife, what makes you think I'll ever hurt her?" Kid snarled as expected.

"Y/n is your wife because of your business proposal to our family. You have no care nor feelings for my sister in the first place, that's what made me think that you'll eventually hurt her even if there is a written agreement binding the two of you." Katakuri delivered his statement clearly and calm, however, Kid didn't like the words being thrown at him. Killer, knowing his own brother well, decided to enter the conversation before they create havoc in their office.

" No feelings nor care? I think we're forgetting what marriage is. Yes, business is one reason but let us hope that these two will somehow develop a good relationship. Let's not think negative about them, shouldn't we be supporting them instead?" Killer had his hand gestured to you and Kid.

" You're right, Katakuri and the rest of us are just concerned about our sister. But we hope for the better. " Peros said.

" We came from a harsh environment before reaching where we stand right now, our parents taught us a good relationship with our family. Rest assured that Kid will not hurt sis Y/N." Heat said. Katakuri raised his brows upon hearing Heat calling you 'Sis'.

"What happened in the orphanage earlier is not a reason to use it as an evaluation of Kid's whole being. Charlottes are smart, you can tell Apoo was wrong not Kid." Wire said and rolled his eyes as he rests easy on his chair. He may be stoic most of the situation but not to a situation where any of his brothers are included.

"Don't worry guys, if my husband tries to hurt me, I'll beat him myself." You chuckled while patting Kid's shoulder, lifting the serious atmosphere that was once covering the room.

"Now, now. Kid may be a natural ball of anger and danger but he's a good brother. I'm sure he'll be a good husband too." Killer smiled at his brother whose hands are crossed in his chest and pouting like a child.

Woah, March already! I've successfully wasted two months of the year now HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Fun Fact: This chapter was not originally in my draft but I just wanna see Kid beating Apoo HAHAHAH. Though, I do apologize to Apoo fans reading this chapter.

Written date: March 01, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara

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