Revenge on my cheating Boyfri...

By AnnaChase1981

357K 9.4K 671

#1 cheating boyfriends #1 in cheating #1 in new beginnings #1 in revenge #1 in Adult #1 in Desire Ana and... More

Broken Heart
Playing Dumb
A mess
An idea
I have a feeling
That tonight gonna be
A good night
The plan
The meeting
Now what
And after?
Just no
The two
Help me help you
Going down
All coming together
Part 1
Part 2
My place
Moving on
#1 on the list
#2 on the list
Final Decision
Authors note
Chapter 1 is out


5.5K 155 10
By AnnaChase1981

Upon entering my house I was shocked at what I was seeing. Any picture that had my face in it was thrown to the ground and shattered. Any memorabilia related to me in any way was destroyed.  My favourite "good morning beautiful" mug shattered on the ground. It was the mug Cole gave me on our first morning in this house. He surprised me with breakfast in bed and served me coffee in that mug. I thought he was the most thoughtful and incredible boyfriend. I Scoffed to myself and continued on.

I came into my room and saw my clothes piled into the middle, some things just torn from their hangers. I walked around the carnage and took pictures to document her destruction.  The sight before me made my earlier statement seem true. I believe that Elise had became unhinged. Something must have snapped because this isn't how a normal person behaves.

Once I was done taking the pictures I sat down on my couch and made a mental to do list

First I called terry and filled him in on what transpired in the last hour. He seemed impressed at my wit and told me that this would help me in the grand scheme. He informed me the case against me was unraveling every minute and that he would call me in the morning to let me know what time he'd pick me up for my interview with the detective. I thanked him and hung up.

Second, I searched for a lock smith that worked after hours. The gentleman on the phone told me he could be here within the hour. He was also very helpful when asked if he had any security equipment that could deter a break in. Although he informed me that I'd need to get a hold of a security company the next day, he would pick up a few motion sensors he could instal.  They were the cheap ones you could buy at the hardware store but would trigger a beep warning for 30 seconds before blaring the alarm. They came with a little number pad that you pair with the motion sensors. If you don't put in your programmed code, they go off. It was exactly what I needed. The alarm wouldn't notify the police of an intruder but it would get the attention of my neighbours.

Third, I finally called my mother. I ignored her messages and calls for days and I knew she'd be worried. I didn't know how to break everything to her but I needed someone for emotional support. And I needed my mom. I spoke to her for almost 2 hours. We both cried and laughed and I felt better than I have in days. She promised me she would be on the next flight to San Francisco and told me not to fuss about picking her up. She would come by Uber and let herself in if I wasn't home. I'd text her the alarm code once installed.

The locksmith came and changed my locks and installed the sensors. He seemed very concerned once he saw the condition of my house and would glance at me often as I walked around cleaning the mess.  He was an older gentleman, in his 60's, who had 2 daughters and a granddaughter.  He made me promise I'd call the security company and offered to help if I ever needed it. When he found out I had no family in the city he took my cell phone number and insisted he would call at least once a week to make sure I was ok.  That, on top of the call with my mom, made me feel like I'd be ok.

I decided to keep Cole's number unblocked and face the problem with him head on. Yes I was hurt by his betrayal, but hiding away wouldn't help me.  My main focus right now was taking down Elise. He was someone who I would deal with later.

Elise being at my house wasn't expected but it ignited a fire within me. She wasn't just going down for what she did to me, she would suffer and lose everything in the end. She tried taking everything from me, it was time I returned the favour. Maybe it wasn't the mature thing to do, but at this point, I didn't care.

I finished cleaning the house and realized it was close to midnight. I turned the motion sensors on, giving me 2 minutes to haul my butt upstairs. I was tired and wanted to go to sleep. I changed into my pjs and decided to call it a night when I forgot to change the damn sheets.

I was removing all the bedding when a piece of paper with numbers and a few random words written on it, fell to the ground. I picked it up and didn't recognize the writing. I placed it on the night stand and finished the task. I'd launder the damn sheets tomorrow....or throw them out, I haven't decided yet. 

Shortly after that, I fell into a deep sleep.

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