ππ€πˆππ“ πˆπ“ ππ‹π€π‚πŠ [...

By Riathegayest

109K 5.3K 3.4K

π™π˜Όπ™‰ π™ƒπ˜Όπ™„π™π˜Όπ™‰π™„ 𝙓 π™π™€π™ˆ!π™π™€π˜Όπ˜Ώπ™€π™ IN WHICH , Ran Haitani a bonten excutives starts to catch feelin... More



1.3K 82 26
By Riathegayest

Y/n calmly closed the door like she didn't see anything and she just walked away.

She immediately entered the women's bathroom and just sat there , still not processing what she just saw , she wanted to put bleach on her eyes , it's like she wanted to forget about the view she just saw.

She didn't care if Ran had sex with women , she didn't care about what he did in his life .

So why does it hurt?

She slammed her hand on her forehead like she was trying to stop herself from thinking like this , she didn't care , she's not jealous , she would never care.


Is that what he had been doing all this week when they didn't see eachother ? He's been just fucking girls every night while she didn't sleep for a week because she was overthinking about what she said to him.

What did she expect anyways ? Ran's always been a manwhore , why would he stop sleeping around ? There's nothing tying him up anyways.

She opened her eyes and got up , washed her hands, and looked at the mirror for a second calming herself .

She wanted to grab her lipstick and reapply it but then she heard her phone ringing, she looked at the caller id .

It was one of Ren's personal butlers .. she was confused to why he was calling her , unless something bad had happened.

Her eyes widened and she immediately answered the call .

«Hello Ms yasha i hope im not calling in a wrong timing»

«no you're good what's going on?»

«well it's not a big deal , i tried to inform Mr Ran but he won't answer so i called you..»

She interrupted him impatiently «is Ren okay?»

«actually No , this week he's been incredibly sad and refused to take classes with his homeschool teacher , and now he didn't eat since yesterday, im quiet worried about him » he informed her , voice full of concern.

«why didn't you call me earlier?» she asked with an obvious pissed voice

«as i said i called Mr Ran but he didn't answer me -»

She interrupted him again «im on my way» she hung up and rubbed her temples trying to calm herself down.

She dialed the number of her driver and told him to come pick her up in 5 minutes , since she came here with koko in his car.

Then she left the restroom heading to the vip room , as soon as she entered it , everyone noticed her mood , of course Ran wasn't there yet .

«hey what happened?» koko asked after he got up and faced her

«something came up , i have to go to Ogawa's son immediately » she uttered

«wait is he hurt?» kakucho asked

«he'll be fine , anyways if Ran finally decided to show up , tell him that something happened with Ren okay?» she looked at them all

They all nodded , she nodded back and left the club , finding her driver already there , she got in the backseat of her car and uttered «to the Ogawa's mansion»

He was making out with the black haired girl while his hands were on her boobs , he was enjoying himself, yes . but his mind was elsewhere, he couldn't focus at all , so he just decided to stop at the made out session, and not make it to sex since he wasn't in the mood.

He was now thinking of an excuse or something without hurting the girl , but Literally two seconds after that he heard the door open , making him stop immediately and look at the door's direction.

His eyes widened when he saw y/n , staring at him with a unreadable look , before he could even do anything she closed the door back .

«ughh , don't mind it Ran » the black haired girl pulled him by his neck and tried to kiss him again .

He quickly removed her hands from his neck and backed away a little bit , still not processing what just happened?


«Im not in the mood» he calmly uttered buttoning his shirt and fixing his hair.

«what the fuck » she raised her voice

«i said im not the mood , Leave» he raised his voice as well making her flinch ,she just fixed her clothes and left the restroom scared for her life .

He sighed and washed his face , he wanted to punch himself right in the face , he didn't mind if anyone he knew saw him in that situation, but y/n ? It was different.

He didn't want her to see him like that , he wanted her to see him as the real Ran , the real Ran who deeply cares for the people around him and makes sure they're alright, not the Ran that didn't do anything in his life except for killing and fucking , that Ran wasn't the real him .

He cared about how she sees him a lot .. and he wished she cared the same way about him , but she told him she didn't need him right ?Probably he was burdening her by just being there , and it hurts , it hurts so bad for some reason , he avoided her for the whole week because he wasn't ready to face , he was scared that his facade would break if he faced her .He didn't want to see her yet .

In this week without her , he felt like something was missing, like it was something wrong when she wasn't around.

And now ? This is their first interaction after that ?

«fuck my life» he groaned in annoyance

After minutes of processing what just happened and relaxing , he finally got out of the restroom, he decided to say bye to his brother and friends and just leave.

He entered the vip room just for koko to start scolding him «where the fuck were you Ran ? Yash's been looking for you since we came here»

Ran looked around , no sight of y/n , she wasn't here , did she leave after what she saw?

«Why ? What's going on!» Ran asked in confusion

«she just got a call , something is going on with ogawa kid » Rindou explained to his brother

Ran's eyes widen is worry , he was now scared of what might had happened.

«listen Ran you gotta be more careful ,that kid should stay safe if we want to get the money» kakucho spoke with a calm voice.

Ran didn't say anything, he just grabbed his phone that he didn't check for days , he mumbled «shit» when he saw how much calls he received from Ren's butler for the past three days.

Ran quickly walked out of the room , leaving the whole club.

She entered the Ogawa's mansion to find Ren's butler already waiting for her. she removed her jacket and handed it to him .

«where is he?» she asked

«his room »

She nodded and went to Ren's room that was upstairs, she stood for a minute in front of his door , she was hesitated at first but then she knocked on the door .

No answer

She knocked again on the door , but same thing, no answer .

So she just decided to open the door and walk in , she saw Ren in his bed just laying there , burying his face on his pillow.

She sighed and approached him sitting next to him on the bed , he didn't recognize her yet.


As soon as he heard her voice , he lifted his face a little bit to look at her , to see if she was really there or not . As soon as he confirmed it , he buried his face back in the pillow , hiding.

«Im here now Ren» she lifted her hand and started caressing his shoulder-length hair.

A minute later , she felt him trembling under her touch , a quiet sobs were heard as well , he was crying, and it made her want to stay with him forever just so he couldn't cry again.

«Ren please look at me , Talk to me » she whispered her voice almost sounding desperate

He finally stood up and immediately pushed his head on her chest , wrapping his small hands around her , and completely breaking down and crying.

Her heart ached from how hard he was crying, she hugged him back tightly «shh , let it out buddy , let it all out»

They stayed like for about 10 minutes , until he started to relax , he finally spoke his first words.

«i though you would never come back again , i thought you and Ran left me because your mission was done .. i-i felt so lonely» he sniffled

She sighed and backed away from the hug , facing him and holding his face between her hands , he looked so pale and sick, of course he didn't eat for almost two days.

«im never leaving you dummy , i was just busy , you know being a gangster is not easy» she chuckled and kissed his forehead «that's no reason for you to starve yourself , you should take care of yourself while im away so i can never worry about you»

«I'm sorry i was just sad , i felt so lonely, i am lonely, i have no friends no family , never met someone in my life except for the butlers , you and Ran are the first people who made me happy .. i-i just want to be like other teenagers my age , i want to have parents, and have friends, go out and do some stupid stuff , but i can't, im just stuck here like a prisoner »

She just stared at him with a frown on her lips , she felt sad for him because he was right , he deserved a better life , and she was willingly ready to help and make him happier.

She wiped his tears with her fingers and started «so hear me out , after we finish our mission and you'll finally be safe, and you'll be able to go out without anyone threatening you , i'll put you in the best highschool in all tokyo okay? There you can make a lot of friends and you can join some club there and do something you like , i'll take care of you Ren i promise , i'll make all what you want come through , just give me some time , okay buddy?»

His eyes started shining when he heard her talk , he just looked at her with his red puffy eyes and nodded , then hugged her again tightly «i love you y/n»

She smiled uncontrollably and hugged him back «aww i love you too»

She ruffled his hair and got up taking his hand and pulling him up too «now c'mon buddy let's make you something to eat and go and watch a movie , because tonight is A sleepover »

He smiled in excitement and jumped a little bit «yess , i wanted to watch this movie with you , let's watch it tonight okay?»

«whatever you like , but it better not be..-»

She was stopped talking when she heard someone clearing their throat behind her , she turned around to see Ran standing at the door , looking at them both.

«-boring» she uttered finishing her words then she looked away from Ran.

Ren smiled at Ran , who looked worried, he approached the kid and knelt down on his knees to face him , since he was a lot taller than him.

«you okay kiddo? I was worried »

«Now that you're both here im fineee » Ren giggled

«good , im sorry i was busy or else i would have came here right away» Ran apologized looking guilty , he lied, he wasn't busy at all , he spent the whole week clubbing and having fun , he didn't want to check his phone on purpose , it's like he was hiding from responsibilities. Y/n knew that he was lying .

«no it's okay , i know being a gangster is hard»

Ran smiled and patted Ren's head then he stood up «alright you look pale you need to eat»

«yes , y/n was just about to cook something for me»Ren smiled and looked at her , she was just standing there not knowing what to do , it was akward.

She couldn't face Ran after what she saw , that scene was stuck in her head , it just wouldn't leave.

Ren started running towards the kitchen in excitement, and y/n walked after him , so did Ran.

It was akward so she decided to just speak «you lied to him , you weren't busy at all , you're just irresponsible »

«and look who's talking about responsibility!» he chuckled in a mocking way making her want to smash his head on the wall , this was the way old Ran who disliked her used to treat her.

«At least i came here as soon as i heard about it , he's been calling out for you for the whole week ,and you weren't busy at all » she spoke in annoyance showing on her voice tone and she walked in front of him

He clicked his tongue and followed behind her «how would you know i wasn't busy?»

She stopped walking and turned to look at him , he stopped as well since now she was facing him .

«Because , i just fucking saw you making out with one of your whores , and clearly that's what you've been doing instead » she raised her voice making him almost flinch in surprise at how angry she was , in fact she was angry for the whole week , things just been going on and finally she was letting everything out.

«okay calm down , but what i do in my free time is not your business » he pointed out pushing his hair back in frustration

«well it's not your free time , mikey gave us three weeks , and one week has already passed and we did nothing because you believe you have free time»

«mikey gave YOU three weeks , i didn't say shit , i didn't agree , since you love taking decision yourself then fine do it yourself, im here just to check on Ren » he spat out knowing very well he would sound so mean, he knew that , he wouldn't actually leave her alone to do the mission, he was just mad .

She just stared at him, she was taken back from his words , she blinked quickly and uttered but this time quietly «I thought we were partners»

He scoffed «Partners ? Really ? Do you remember what you said to me last week ? You said you didn't need me , so I'm just doing things your way , you don't need me , so that's it im leaving you alone because that's what you want me to do»

She bit her lip and looked down , not knowing what to say , why does his words hurt so bad ? She almost wanted to just cry alone in her room , but he was right though , she told him she didn't need him , she didn't mean it in this way ,she said that to him because she didn't want him to be in danger , she wanted to protect him from mikey , not because she wanted him to leave her alone .

She lifted her head up again to look at his eyes «i didn't mean it like that»

«Well then tell me ? What did you mean by those words?»

She can't. She can't say it . It would put him in danger.

He saw how hesitated she looked he knew she wouldn't say anything, so he just chuckled a bitter chuckle , and uttered before walking away.

«never mind y/n , don't explain anything to anyone, don't accept anyone's help , don't open up to anyone, just stay like this»

I just noticed that the book hit 11k😦💀

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