Be Well, My Darling (Fruk)

By jelsa_fnaf_lover

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It was the turn of the century! England and France both have come up with ways that would stop the fighting i... More

Part 1: Chapter 1
21 (final)
Extra 1
A/N (end of part 1)
Part 2: chapter 1: Nuremberg Laws
Chapter 2: The depression
Chapter 3: The Axis
Chapter 4: Munich
Chapter 5: J'attendrai
Chapter 6: Fundamentals
Chapter 7: Autumn Leaves
Chapter 8: Blue Moon
Chapter 9: Blitzkreig
Chapter 11: America
Chapter 12: China
Chapter 13: The Allies
Chapter 14: Casablanca
Chapter 15: All Clear
Chapter 16: My Dear Mr. France
Chapter 17: From me to You
Chapter 18: Unconditional
Chapter 19: Atomic (final)
Extra 2: Suez Canal

Chapter 10: Russia

82 8 9
By jelsa_fnaf_lover

December 1941

There was no more pretending. I had lost a part of me I didn't know was possible to lose. I had taken his presence for granted. He was here, and I expected him always to be here, but now that he wasn't, it was as if my heart was ripped out and trampled on. There was only one happiness in my life: being greatly adored by my friend, Mr. France. Then, there was no greater love in this world than my love and care for him. Mr. France cared for everyone, and I witnessed his change in character as the years went on.

I had seen how he was through history, how we both were. We were both evil and loving toward each other and everyone around us. Now, my only regret is having gotten close, having kissed him back, having felt every feeling in this world, good or bad, for him. He was such an idiot in the best ways possible, and I think that if I ever see him again, I would like very much to slap him across the face.

I had been listening to that stupid song that was popular in France. Many saw it as a sign that one day France would be liberated. I wanted to believe that too. I wanted to believe that I would hold up to my promise of keeping him safe. I want to believe that I would be the one to save him and reunite everyone together. However...I was alone.

Well...that is what I believed.

"I am sorry for coming to you randomly...but I am sure you know why I am here..."

"I do..."

Alfred was here to mediate as a neutral party. He sat between me and Mr. Russia. We stared at each other keenly, and he looked at my record player, which was playing THAT french song. "Can you turn off the music for a moment-"

"NO! hurry up and say what you came here to say!"

"England, can you be more of a dick?"

"Mr. America, you were told to be silent!"

Russia looked at me in disbelief, and I urged him to continue. " hands are tied right now. China did not want to be my ally because he was busy fighting Mr. Japan, and well...Germany turned on me. You were getting your ass handed to you, so I figured I could at least become your friend..."


What an asshole.

"Seriously, this isn't looking good. Our being here is a risk; they will automatically think we teamed up. I wouldn't be here if I weren't serious. America being here, too, is a risk to his safety. I think we should put our differences to the side and help each other. I can send you more supplies...maybe even help liberate France..."

I looked at him seriously, and he had this stern expression. He was telling the truth. He knew that I was struggling alone. "Wait, why would I be in danger?" Alfred asked. Mr. Russia rolled his eyes at him, slapping his back. "Because...I don't trust them. They murdered my people in cold blood; it's only a matter of time before China is also overwhelmed by Japan. I'm just telling you to watch yourself," he spoke. I looked over at Alfred, and he began to mock him. Even in times of crisis, they still managed to mock each other.


Were Francis and I like this too?

It made me smile a bit thinking about it.


This was fine...we could keep our partnership a secret for a while. Maybe in time, it will pay off, and we could save France. "Alright? So you agreeing?" He asked, shocked. I nodded at him, smiling. "Yes, I think we can all agree it is for the best. We can meet later this week so you can talk to my commonwealth...I don't think you've ever met Mr. Canada in person before, maybe when he was younger..." I spoke. I couldn't recall him ever meeting him.

"Mr. Canada? Seriously? I've heard many stories about him and the rest of the commonwealth!"

"Great! It's settled! We will have a meeting to move this forward. Did you want Mr. America present?"

"Ah, no...I think we should be fine by then—"


He suddenly froze at what he said, and Russia and I looked at him. I was more nervous at what he said. "Who is...Mattie?..." he asked. Alfred and I looked at him, and he stared, confused. "OH! Uh—Did I say, Mattie? I meant Canada! Yeah! I say other people's names by accident! No biggie!" He tried to cover up. Alfred began to back away slowly, and Russia stared at him, confused.


What an idiot...

This was good, though; I'm sure it was! Within a couple of days, everything would be shifting to my side for once. I needed to hang on a little longer. Besides! Maybe I could try and ally with China. I could offer some support against Japan. Sure, Mr. Japan would try and come for me, but that means we are even—the Axis versus Me, Russia, and China.

"Alright then, I will start preparing troops in the meantime. I will see you within a few days!" Russia started. He began to gather himself and stopped. Alfred and I stood beside each other, a bit confused, but our question was answered as he turned back to us. "America, please stay out of trouble. It would suck for someone to kick your ass before I get the chance. Or...maybe Ms. Mexico might be an exception," he smiled.

Alfred looked at him, stunned, and his face turned red. "Yeah? She may have beat me a few times, but I'm a changed man! I could take you on if I wanted!" He laughed. They both had begun to laugh, and I smiled in response. It was a nice change of atmosphere for once. I continuously made it morbid, as if Francis had died. It was hard not to feel like he hadn't. It had been over a year, and it was as if I had gone through the stages of grief, however, without the acceptance part. I am stuck in the denial phase.

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