Ring of Amicy- Signora x Fem...

By KuroTani12

99.5K 6.2K 6.1K

Genshin Impact set in modern! au Teacher! Signora (Rosalyne) x Fem student! reader 'Amicy', the mystery of wh... More

Introduction (Must Read)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
(18+) Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 10

1.8K 118 80
By KuroTani12

"If money is the problem, Mrs L/n, then I can pay for the reevaluations."

Your mother looked at her wide-eyed, "N-No, not at all, Ms Rosalyne! That's going too far, I can never ask such a favor especially from you!"

"Mrs L/n, trust me, I really don't mind. We are doing this for Y/n's sake, after all."

Your mother contemplated for a good amount of time before finally agreeing to the suggestion. She was extremely reluctant but gave in seeing Rosalyne's kindness and willingness to help you; perhaps, she hoped for a miracle to happen.

"By the way, Mrs L/n, if you don't mind me asking....is Y/n undergoing some treatment for her disorder?"

"No, there isn't any specified treatment for such disorders. There are no medications or procedures, only therapy is somewhat helpful but it's difficult to maintain consistency with the sessions on top of them being expensive. I had her take medicines for other symptoms in the beginning like sleep disturbance and anxiety which improved her condition and she was able to slowly get back on track with her normal lifestyle."

"I see....I hope she continues recovering. She is a good student and very hard-working, I'm sure she'll do well."

Rosalyne smiled in assurance, making your mother relieved, "Thank you, I'm just glad she got a teacher like you to help in studies. If there's any way I can help you or your family then feel free to reach out to me."

Rosalyne nodded with a smile then bid farewell to your mother and made her way to her class. The week passed by in a flash as you continued with your usual routine, your mother and Ms Rosalyne decided to not disclose to you about the reevaluation- hoping to surprise you in case something good comes out of it. After finally getting to know your full condition, Rosalyne decided to make some changes to your weekend study plan as she understood what you were really lacking and how to tackle it.

It was now Friday evening and Rosalyne was sitting at her apartment after returning from the institute, she hoped for it to be an easygoing evening where she could cook something nice for herself and watch her favorite show until a message came at her faculty group. She picked up her phone with a sigh, too exhausted to look at any work but her responsibility as a head bound her.

Dean Akito: All heads are requested to ensure submission of mid-term question paper and answer key by 10 am tomorrow.

She sighed and took out her laptop to make quick work of this so that she could be free and have time of herself, she preferred to do it by tonight as she knew she won't get time in the morning next day. She opened her departmental folder and official mail to cross check all the papers sent by her faculty members of different branches having chemistry as a subject and compiled them in a single folder arranged in ascending order by class.

Normally, she would have done this work without the Dean's reminder but she had been occupied with other things so much that it slipped her mind, not that it was a problem as she was usually ahead with all deadlines knowing the kind of teachers in her department. Almost 15 minutes later, she looked at the compiled folder one last time to ensure all classes had been covered.

"There's the first year of engineering, first, second and third year of B.Sc....first and second year of M.Sc as well as honors....that makes it 8 papers so far. Hmm....I feel there's one missing."

She squinted her eye and opened the combined schedule of her department to check the classes covered, she went through the list of classes her department had this year and counted the papers accordingly until she finally realised what was wrong and stopped in her tracks.

"....I forgot to make the paper of final year of honors!"

Her eye widened in disbelief and she slouched back on the bed, sighing in annoyance.

"Dammit, how could I forget about this when it's my direct responsibility?! I haven't looked for any questions at all...Urgh, goddamit!"

She pinched her naval bridge then looked at the clock showing 8:30 pm, she pouted slightly then picked up her plate and remote.

".....After 1 episode."

Well, who could have guessed that the uptight and meticulous Ice Queen was also prone to procrastination and ended up watching 5 episodes back-to-back until it was 10:30 pm and she finally sat down to make the paper, a decision she regretted for the rest of the night.


It was now a pleasant Saturday morning as you got ready to leave for your extra classes with Ms Rosalyne. You had dropped her a message that you would be reaching soon as per your norm but she didn't reply which you found strange but didn't ponder over. You had decided to meet an hour earlier in order to study more as mid-terms were nearing and she also wanted to discuss the new plan she had made. 

You reached exactly at 10 am and rang her doorbell, patiently waiting for her to open but surprisingly, she was taking quite long. You rang the bell once again and attempted to turn the knob in case the door was already open but it was locked, you then took out your phone and were about to call her when you heard fast approaching footsteps from inside and the door flung open.

"Good morning, Ms Rosa-"

You beamed a smile but stopped mid-sentence as you were utterly shocked looking at your teacher's state in front of you, all dishevelled and sleep deprived. Her usual well styled hair was messy and uncombed, she was still wearing a nightdress instead of one of her pretty dresses she'd wear at home in front of guests. On the other hand, while it was hard to notice but she wasn't wearing any makeup either although you came to appreciate her natural look fairly quickly as she looked more beautiful to you this way.

And the most prominent thing you noticed was the lack of a very unique accessory- her eyepatch. She was neither wearing her black embroidered one nor the square white hospital one, it was her true face at this moment simply hidden by her side parted hair which she soon swiped away from her face giving you a once-in-a-lifetime look at her real face. You had expected some sort of injury but the sight in front of you was much graver than your imagination, it wasn't a simple cut or scar- no, it was burned, the entirety of her right face up till her cheek was burned and her eye could barely open.

Your mouth almost hung open in shock and you were speechless, so many questions ran through your mind with the top one being, "What happened? How did she get hurt?". Unfortunately, you were in no capacity to ask them as it wasn't your place. She groaned and scratched her head before meeting eyes with you and being immediately taken back as if she wasn't expecting to see you at all but soon realised the situation and straightened herself.

"Y-Y/n! You are here, is it time already?"

"Y-Yes, we had decided to start early today...."

She finally remembered and cursed herself internally then her hand went to rest on her face only to realise she couldn't feel her patch; her eye widened and she briefly looked at you and easily made out your surprised expression and where your gaze was focused. As if on instinct, she swiftly combed her hair over it and also fixed the rest of her appearance to look presentable. Her eyes filled with a look of understanding- a look of hurt. She averted her gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

At this moment, she was far from the person you saw her as. Disciplined, meticulous, hard-working, cold yet having a heart of gold. No, she was bare and vulnerable at this moment, as if a huge part of her life had just been exposed to you and she didn't like that. She didn't care what others thought of her yet she was disappointed in herself for breaking the perfect image you had of her, she had come to understand how much you looked up to her and she was upset that it wouldn't be the same now.

Yet, in your mind, at this moment- she was the most beautiful she had ever been. Ms Rosalyne's face was a key part of who she was- the same admirable, regal woman who wore elegant dresses even at work, spent hours styling her soft and shiny platinum blonde hair and never left a single flaw in her complexion. None of that was present in this moment yet her image in your mind didn't change at all, she was the same woman you admired and longed to teach you all this time.

"Did you just wake up, ma'am? I'm sorry I should have called you before coming, I dropped a message and you didn't reply but I thought you might be busy with morning chores...."

"A-Ahem, no worries. I simply happened to pull an all-nighter because of work and forgot to put my alarm. You can come in."

She regained her usual strict composure quite soon, befitting the Ice Queen. It seemed she didn't want you asking about her face and you didn't despite being very curious but you understood her reasons; after all, you too wouldn't want to explain your scar to just anyone, much less a person you had a professional relationship with. The two of you walked inside and she asked you to sit on the couch and start learning while she went back to her room, presumably to dress up but an idea came to you.

"Ma'am, would it be okay if I use your kitchen?"

She turned to look at you in surprise, "I don't mind but....did you not have breakfast? In that case, you can wait and I'll make something in a bit."

"A-Ah, I had but it was a while ago. You don't have to worry, I can manage."

She pondered for a moment then nodded, "Alright, go ahead. Most ingredients are in the fridge and the upper shelves while utensils are in the bottom."

"Thank you, ma'am!"

You happily exclaimed then kept your bag at the couch and went towards the kitchen while she walked to her room and went to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. She contemplated about you seeing her face and wished she hadn't been in such a rush as to forget wearing her patch but at the same time, she was relieved that it was just you who saw her that way. 

It was strange to her as well, she was reluctant for anyone other than Lisa and a few relatives to see her that way yet she didn't mind you seeing as much as she had expected. Perhaps it was due to the fact that you didn't question her and continued acting like your usual self, showing her that your impression didn't change and you weren't going to judge her differently unlike a few people in her past.

She came out of the shower and got dressed, picking out a good outfit and styling her hair more carefully than usual as she had felt embarrassed looking so untidy in front of a student, it doesn't set a good example in her opinion. After being satisfied with her look, she came out to the living room to check up on you and was taken by surprise at the sight in front of her. The table was set up with 2 plates containing pancakes and cups beside them, assumingly containing tea.

"Y/n? What is all this?" she questioned, making you turn back to face her and became shy all of a sudden.

"U-Um, it isn't much....I thought to make you breakfast since you had just woken up and must be hungry. I-I hope you don't mind pancakes...."

You fiddled with your fingers in nervousness, conscious of her reaction. Her eye widened and she walked closer to get a better look and saw a small Smilie made with strawberries and bananas on top of the pancake, a small smile spreading across her own face looking at the adorable drawing.

"You....seem to be a good cook."

"O-Oh, I'm just a beginner. I have been cooking for my mom for a few years, I can make some basic dishes and nothing much...."

"I see....You didn't have to do this, you know? I could have managed by myself....."

"I-I'm sorry if this is crossing the line. You also made me something for me that one time so I thought this can be as gratitude not only for that but just everything you have done up till now, I'm really grateful that you spend so much time and effort to teach me. I....can do this much for you, right?"

Ms Rosalyne looked at you wide-eyed then let out a sigh and patted your head, "If my student thinks she needs to show her gratitude this way then I have failed as a teacher...."

"N-No! I didn't mean that-"

"But still, thank you." she interrupted you, looking at you with a smile, "I appreciate it."

A strange sensation occurred in your chest right at this moment, your heart skipped a beat and cheeks turned red looking at her beautiful smiling face. It was a sensation you had never felt before, there was a continuous ringing in your chest that echoed throughout your body making you lose all senses for a brief moment. Her hand rubbing the top of your head felt so tender and comforting, radiating a warmth you had never experienced before. She then retracted her hand and sat down at the couch, making you finally snap out of your trance and vigorously shake your head a few times before looking at her and smiling back.

"I'm glad you accept it."

You made your way over to sit beside her and watched in anticipating as she picked up a plate and cut the pancake then picked up a piece and ate it, her eye widened in shock for a small moment and she looked at you in surprise.

"Oh my, this is delicious. And you said you are just a beginner?"

You smiled in relief then looked down with a blush, "My mom says I make the best pancakes so I chose to make them as I was confident enough."

Ms Rosalyne smiled as well, "I see....My~ I could eat pancakes every day if they were made by you~"

She teased with a chuckle, not realising the implications of what she just said but you picked it up and looked at her earnestly.

"In that case! I....I don't mind cooking for you, i-it wouldn't be every day but whenever I'm here. Anything you want to eat, breakfast or lunch....I don't mind at all, I would be very happy to, in fact!"

Your words surprised her to a great degree, "N-No, of course I cannot have a student cooking for me in my own house. I was only joking earlier!"

"But I'm serious, I really don't mind! I-If anything, it gives us more time to study together as I'll stay longer....if you don't mind, of course! I-It's just a suggestion...."

You averted your gaze nervously and she too pondered before finally giving her answer, "Well, I don't mind extending our study time but this.....Perhaps, sometimes, not every time certainly but....once in a while, I suppose."

Her answer surprised you a lot, not expecting the Ice Queen to allow you to come closer this way but you couldn't be happier.

"I understand, that is fine with me as well."

"....Well, since you made breakfast for me today then it's only fair that I make lunch for you, alright?~"

"O-Oh, alright. I'll inform my mom about it."

She nodded with a smile and continued eating while you dropped a message to your mom about your extended study time and also about having lunch there, she picked up the cup and took a whiff of the tea which made her instantly relax and sigh in relief then take a small sip, her body instinctively rested back feeling the refreshing taste.

"Is this lemon tea?"

"Ah, it's green tea actually with a squeeze of lemon juice. Since you said you pulled an all-nighter last night so I thought this would rejuvenate you...."

She smiled, "Thank you, it is quite delicious as well. I actually always have a cup of green tea every morning as soon as I wake up. It's a very good drink to have on empty stomach and I feel energized for the rest of the day."

"Oh, me too! Well, technically my mom makes it for me but yes, she says the same. It definitely makes a difference."

"What time is your mother's shifts?"

"Uh...she does night shifts for the majority, 10 pm - 6 am. Sometimes on weekends she takes extra shifts visiting care centers around the city that are affiliated with the hospital."

"I see, it's a very noble line of work I must say. Does this mean you both don't spend time together as often?"

"Ah....yes, you could say that. When she comes back in the morning, I have to leave for classes soon and then by the time I reach home in the evening, she has to leave in a few hours. We do have dinner together every day, alternating our turns. While on weekend, I make breakfast and she makes lunch and we usually order something for dinner or go out."

"I see, that's good that you spend time as much as possible. It's actually quite rare to see a university student being this close with their parents but it's a very good thing."

"What....about you, ma'am? Since you live alone then...."

"Hehe~ I'm not as lonely as you are imagining. Lisa comes over some times and mostly I'm busy with work to even pay attention to such things, I'm fine with the way things are."

"I see....Well, I would be happy to accompany you on weekends from now on~"

You teased making you both let out a small laugh, enjoying the moment together. You didn't expect to have such a hearty conversation with the Ice Queen but you were ever glad that you did; little did you know that these conversations were leading you down an unexpected road....

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