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By CoraSweetheart12

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1.4K 72 22
By CoraSweetheart12

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚗: 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐; 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝟷

"𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆" 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴-


RANPO WAS SPINNING IN his chair as he repetitively licks his lollipop. Enjoying the sweet flavor lingering in his mouth, but it's also the scene that's unfolding that enhancing the sweet flavor.

He had tilted his head to press his phone against his ear as he listens in on the tense tone in Nezu's voice. He knew the principal was highly intelligent, and normally people wouldn't recognize the micro change in his tone no matter the circumstances of a situation.

Not Ranpo.

Obviously, he was the exception.

"So Nezu, you mean to tell me that you have no idea the last known whereabouts specifically on [Name]-Chan's location? That means you're also aware that me and her are partners in crime. So I'd hate to see more criminals causing an uproar within your territory, it'd likely inconvenience All Might."

Nezu's posture from sitting stiffens at the accuracy of All Might being burdened to dealing with that and maintaining his title for the pleasure of the public eye. Knowing that day by day he's losing time to keep his buff form, especially after the USJ incident.

Ranpo opened his emerald eyes with a blank stare that conveys both a pissed off mood but concern over his favorite detective. (Aware that she can take care of herself, but is upset that U.A was careless with watching out for her well-being.) "As a way to show some generosity, I'll give you thirty minutes to pinpoint her last whereabouts. I know you have free time with the sports festival concluding yesterday. If you fail to call back, I'll come with reinforcements."

Before the mammal could reply, Ranpo hung up and sighed in sadness. Sad that detective time with [Name] will be cut short because of a cocky school that can't even admit to failing at safety precautions and the well-being of others. Unlike the agency.

He chewed on his lollipop and gazed at the ceiling,

[Name], please don't be gone for too long. Atsushi needs you. But I need you more, how else am I going to have fun solving cases within seconds if I can't feel your company?



[Name] was sitting on the floor sipping on some coffee after releasing herself from the chains shortly after Dazai arrived. She was scrolling through her phone while ignoring the beat down he was receiving from Akutagawa. She knew that they both had some unresolved business when they both left the Port Mafia.

And you may be wondering how she got coffee when she's supposed to be a hostage?

Obviously, she freed herself as soon as she was finished conversing with her lo— bestfriend. And she was also curious to see how reactive the U.A staff was in dealing with her "kidnapping" to test and see their true intentions in this partnership. [Name] scrolls through her contacts and sees a familiar name.

She clicks on them and sent them a message;

Hey James... It's been awhile. Can we talk?

Sending that message already made the female sick as well as feeling embarrassed for being so nervous texting an old friend. As if she hadn't survived a pedophile as a boss, a shitty society, an even worse boss before working at the Port Mafia, and was on the verge of death multiple occasions (not counting the USJ, she considered that an ordinary day).

But being anxious texting a friend after sort of ghosting them for a few weeks from being depressed, what could go wrong?

Before [Name] could go down on a spiral of 'what if's', her phone pings a notification.

I'm listening. What's up?

[Name] begins typing on the keyboard as she listens to Dazai being punched by his old sub coordinate.

Gen Z on [ crack ]

Would you be up for a coffee later? I need to update you on shit.

Daddy's got a gun

Of course, hun. Plus, it's nice to hear from you after you texted me drunk that you wanted to commit sewer slide.

Gen Z on [ crack ]

Listen, I was so depressed from seeing the sight of couples on Valentines Day.

So I stole some wine and burned the love section at Walmart.

Daddy's got a gun

Bruh, you could have called. I would've brought guns.

And you assumed I wouldn't join you!?


Gen Z on [ crack ]

Alright, alright, my bad.

But... I left the oven burning.

[Name] furrowed her brows in hopes James remembered the code. (I left the oven burning = He's back stirring trouble.)

Daddy's got a gun

Did you leave the fire on?

(Did you leave the fire on? = Are you sure he's following you?)

Gen Z on [ crack ]

I had to get my oven replaced.

Hopefully the mechanic can fix it.

(I had to get my oven replaced. Hopefully the mechanic can fix it. = My place was broken into, so I moved. He's been watching, probably from the deal.)

Daddy's got a gun

Alright, then meeting for coffee tm.

Ttyl hun.

[Name] locked her phone and sighed at the inconvenience of her situation. But before she can complain in her head about it, she sees Ryūnosuke approach her. "Was getting here too uncomfortable? I ordered Kyoka to not put too many restraints." She chuckled lightly at his somewhat attempt at being considerate for a kidnapped situation. She stood up and spread her arms out.

"You don't have to fret too much Ryun~kun. But can I hug before I can pamper you with questions?"

The male took no time to hesitate and allowed himself to be embraced by her arms, enjoying the scent of her perfume and the comforting feeling of feeling protected. Which was something that took awhile to admit to himself that she was a safespace.

Glancing up, Ryūnosuke could see Dazai's eyes bore into his. Pure jealousy and the neediness of wanting to switch up positions. Despite hating Dazai but also respecting him greatly, he could feel his lips twitch into a confident smile. Having his old superior now having a taste of feeling envious of something that's so close to reach, but also feeling so far away.

Dazai didn't bother but glared at his old subordinate with envy, but also displaying an amused smirk. He found it naive that Ryūnosuke had the impression that he would be able to provoke a reaction satisfying his confidence. But Dazai wouldn't allow him to have that.

He wouldn't allow himself to lose a chance to be with someone who made him surrender his heart so effortlessly.


A deep rich and vibrant sound echoes with the confides of a room that was occupied by a cellist. Each string was tugged by the bow to construct a melody that soothed their auricle.

They hummed along to the music as the nearby television was streaming the sports festival.


Eyes glanced back up and saw a familiar face. A sincere smile spread on their face, but their eyes contradicted the smile. It had the motive of criminal intent, but an underlying tone of admiration. Effortlessly partnering with the black and white system due to the biased winners always being "heroes". The bare minimum is just throwing punches and kicks at "villains" or "vigilantes" for contradicting that system or wanting to mold into the biased winners being them.

That system was something, but never bothered to put any effort to play with it.

That was until [Name] somehow made it worth wondering to use them as new pawns.

They increase the tempo of the melody with the vibe of a suspenseful scene in a movie before reaching its climax.

Their gaze didn't move away from [Name], her way of handling the overwhelming amount of students piling against her for this activity. Truly wondrous. Especially the microchange of expression from pure confusion/horror, to pure killer instincts to eliminating the 'threats'. Their grip on their bow tightened as the intensity of the music amplified as the minutes of the countdown of the cavalry battle was going down.

"I can see why you found potential in these pawns,"

Behind the LED lights on the TV, prying eyes of Class 1-A were eagerly wanting to pounce on [Name] to steal the points to remain in the next round. Shoto's right side was burning with flames and outreached his hand to steal the headband on [Name]'s head.

"some are truly too resentful, others are too consumed by arrogance,"

Their eyes switched from being focused on her to Shoto and Katsuki.

Katsuki instantly tried to declare that he was rightfully taking "what's his" for the win. Whilst activating his explosions to reach out for the headband. But immediately fails as Present Mic shouts that time was up.

"and a select few truly have no hint of the appropriate time to intervene with others' predicaments. Truly, it's a shame."

They watch Shoto and [Name] walk out of the frame of the television and enter one of the tunnels, while four others follow along in a non-subtle way. Coincidentally, a clicking sound came from a listening device on top of the television. The person hums along to the bridge of the music while increasing the tempo of the cello.

"There was another reason why you wanted me here. Not just because you need comfort and a new resolve for your goal, you want to ask me something else. So, what is it?"

"What can I do to persuade you into not killing yourself?" Shoto demanded eagerly.

An amused laugh parted from [Name]'s lips, "Ara~? You want to try and stop me. You have such persistence, strawberry-kun."

She inhales, then exhales.

"I have a proposal, Shoto. I'll give you a few months to give me a good reason to prolong a life of hell, but if I get too bored waiting, I'll die. And you can't interfere."

She then asked the question, "So, do we have a deal then?"

Shoto huffs but nonetheless answered, "It's a deal."

They enter chorus three and the tag while unable to contain an excited grin.

"A shame that I didn't embrace you in my arms and somehow compel you to not carelessly offer the same deal to others. However, this makes it interesting. I'll play along. But makes me all the more eager to see you again.

But what will the circumstances be when we reunite?

I hope it's in a way that satisfies you.

I'm not aiming to scare you off."

Another clicking sound echoed, indicating that the recording of the conversation stopped.

"Dear, let's begin what was arranged, I'm anticipating for it to be fulfilling."

The song ends with a chilling chorus three.


[Name] has never experienced something so enriching out of her seventeen years of existence.

Being an eyewitness to the obvious sexual tension Chuuya and Dazai share, while Chuuya had his hand placed on Dazai's head, and pulled his face close to his. Causing her to internally scream;

Ima forget suicide for a hot minute. Like... WTF!?!?! Are they finally gonna do it? Don't tease me like this.

The question she pondered to herself was answered as soon as Chuuya pulled away from close contact. Immediately, Dazai pulls his usual teasing comments and provokes his ex-partner. Unsurprisingly, Dazai freed himself and dodged Chuuya's fists. Deflecting any punches, he kneed Chuuya's stomach. She winces at the sight of Chuuya punching Dazai against the wall.

His head was thrown back from the force of the punch, followed up by Chuuya's hand gripping his neck while Dazai was pinned against the wall (he purposely had his knees bent to be the same eye level as Chuuya.)

To have front row seats during this sexual tension moment. Not knowing when this opportunity will happen again, [Name] quickly snapped a photo of their current position.

Suddenly, her phone vibrates. She sees that the caller ID was Ranpo. She swipes to answer, "Hello?" "I just wanted to check on my favorite detective! When will you and Dazai be getting out?"

"Probably in an hour. Were you able to deduct who's under the government's radar? Or seen the intentions of the U.A staff?"

He huffed on the other line and sighed,

"I did. I found that ********, ****, and ******** are under the government's radar. Unfortunately for U.A, most staff members don't necessarily care what happens to you or the partnership. With the exception of Aizawa, Nezu, and Present Mic."

She hummed in amusement, not entirely surprised that those three members are under the eyes of the shitty government. But entirely disappointed by their lack of professionalism so far in the duration of this cooperation. I guess her opinion shouldn't change that much of her distaste for the majority of heroes. Of course, the exception being two people she knew had pure intentions.

"Thanks for the info. When I get back, we'll have that date as an award for your help Ranpo."

Silence was on the other end of line.

[Name] grew concerned for the prolonged silence before she heard him clear his throat.

"It was no problem for a talented detective like me. Although, you're a close second. You better come to the agency straight away. U.A doesn't deserve your presence for taking their sweet time."

[Name] laughed fondly at Ranpo's consideration and the imaginary picture of his little pout in her head made his comment all the more adorable.

"Of course hun. Plus getting a compliment from you is endearing. I'll call you when I'm close to the agency."

After hanging up the phone, [Name] saw Chuuya pointing his knife dangerously close to Dazai's nape. She blinks several times before cupping her hands together to create a small hole, then yells, "If you're both gonna make out, at least let me know so I can give you both your personal space! I hate being the third wheel for romance shit!"

Both males quickly turned their heads to look at [Name] with a blank face. Their faces looked slightly embarrassed but at the same time, felt repulsed at the comment. Then immediately glared at each other before getting into a childish fight.

Before it could escalate any further, [Name] jogs over to them and separates them. Unaware of her hands touching their chests. "Geez, you both still can't handle a little teasing? But can you blame me for the comment? You both haven't told me who you loved for the years I've been your partner."

They both looked at her with baffled faces that screamed;

We love you dumbass!

But also made a silent agreement amongst each other;

If we have to share, that's fine. It's better this way to keep an eye on her behavior and make sure no one else takes her away.

"Anyway Chu~Chu, if you want to avoid an execution from the pedo bitch, then it's more beneficial to make a cover up that someone from the detective agency rescued us." A vein popped on his forehead as Dazai said in the background, "Pretty sure it would save ChU~cHu the humiliation."

Chuuya growled at Dazai's abuse of the endearing nickname that's used from the person he cares about most, and immediately bonked Dazai's head in retaliation.

"Let's get going my belladonna~. Chuuya couldn't bother to get you food." Dazai said with a condescending tone. 

Chuuya irritatingly thought with a pissed facial expression, You're so damn lucky that [Name] has some form of attachment to you.

"Next time I'll bring you food and your favorite coffee. Dazai can starve for all I care. Just get what you need and leave before you're caught." [Name]'s eyes lit up with gratitude at her friend's kindness. "Chu~Chu! I had no idea that you're such a saint." Dazai grew displeased with her attention fixated on the ginger, and changed the topic, "Don't-you-think-you're-forgetting-something~?"

The ginger grunts in frustration before turning around with his legs awkwardly crossed and points at Dazai and [Name] accusingly. "There will be no second chance." He says with a feminine tone.


"N-N-No second chance."


"Hey, you should be laughing!"


[Name] couldn't hold in her laugh anymore, and was thrown into a fit of laughter.

Child-like laughter that never uttered her lips in years.



A figure lingers in an alleyway with an injured hero bleeding on the ground. Before he would leave the individual with the critical injuries, footsteps echoes in the alleyway. Approaching the vigilante.

"Can I help you?"

The person smirked, pulling out a photograph, "I have a favor to ask of you. In exchange for completing the task, I'll provide a hit list of all unworthy heroes that committed crimes behind the scene. After all, your goal is purging false heroes in this society. Right Stain?"

Stain hummed in interest, "So what if I am interested in that list, what's your favor?"

"Bring me [Name] Hisa, as property of the Black Market."

——~♙—♛— ♙~——

"𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗽𝗶𝘁𝘆" 𝗢𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴-

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