Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]

By thatlittlesimp31

67.3K 1.5K 7.9K

Figure has promised Seek, that he's going to stay by his side forever. But, will he manage to keep his promis... More

[Things you need to know]
Chapter 1 [Breakdowns]
Chapter 2 [Catchy Feelings]
Chapter 3 [Forced Confess]
Chapter 4 [Snow]
Chapter 5 [The Dark]
Chapter 6 [Interesting Fact]
Chapter 7 [Unexpected]
Chapter 8 [New Friends]
Chapter 9 [Lost]
Chapter 10 [Promise]
Chapter 11 [Race Starts]
Chapter 12 [Sudden]
Chapter 13 [Make You Suffer]
Chapter 14 [Forever Together]
Chapter 15 [Curiousness]
Chapter 16 [Meeting Her]
Chapter 17 [Human]
Chapter 18 [Chase]
Chapter 20 [Minus One Trouble]
Chapter 21 [Psycho]
Chapter 22 [Fixing]
Chapter 23 [Plan]
Chapter 24 [Nightmare]
Chapter 25 [A Weird Day]
Chapter 26 [Beaten Up]
Chapter 27 [Sanity]
Chapter 28 [My Love]
Chapter 29 [One Painful Fight]
Chapter 30 [Black Pages]
Reel Chapter 31 [The End]
Chapter 31 [Note]
Chapter 32 [The Hidden Truth]
Chapter 33 [Villain]
Chapter 34 [Love You Forever]
[Thank You]
bad news guys
sup yall once again
hello again!
this book got them like-
one night spent together:) +a question again
sum doodles:D
hear me out-
i apologise:(
their silly conversation
little bittle fights
Fig is "crying" :(

Chapter 19 [Bet That Costs Life]

1.2K 24 191
By thatlittlesimp31

Guiding Light POV:

I teleported all the entities back to the hotel that turned into humans. They all panted heavily, some of them sat down, some of them straight laid on the floor.

I let myself fall on my knees and rest until I felt at least a little bit better than the state I'm in right now. Teleporting someone doesn't exhaust me very much, but when I use teleportation on more than ten people that's when things come to a giant change. "Ahh, it feels so nice to be home again!" I heard Seek sigh delightfully after saying this sentence. I raised my head a bit and happened to see all the entities chirping around happily - excluding someone.

"Back to being blind..." Figure murmured quietly. His voice trailed down. I would be sad too, if I went back to being blind again after I got to see the world for once more.

"I'm sorry Figure," Murmuring in slight regret, I glanced away. I was feeling too bad for having to take his sight -that he just gained for almost two hours- away from his hands after it made him really grateful. "I would have loved to let you stay as a human for some more but this thing I'm doing is really pushing my limits."

"It's fine, I understand." Figure forced a fake smile on his face, which seemed extremely real and bright. "I'm used to it." I nodded slightly, still feeling ashamed, and went past Figure to scold all the loud, annoying entities. 

"LISTEN UP!" I shouted out loud, surprisingly everyone stopped the gibberish they were busy talking about and turned to me within two or three seconds. "You all are not thinking that I'm going to let the things y'all did slide, are you?" My raised voice seemed to somehow scare them, as they were wincing at each other and shivering a bit. "What the heck did y'all do? Stop staring at each other, answer my question. Tell me the thing so I can laugh along with y'all." I smiled, but its meaning was a caution.

"Uhh, we, we threw a kid outta window." Jack stuttered.

I gasped unintentionally and scowled exaggeratedly at the response. Holding my pointer finger out, "AND YOU'RE SAYING THIS LIKE IT'S YOUR DAILY ROUTINE?! YOU HAD ONE JOB, JUST ONE JOB!" I shouted. I took deep breaths and continued. "What about the others? Rush, do you have anything to say?"

Rush seemed to not show any affection at my menacing sentence. He scoffed and shrugged. "I stole some food with Ambush. I mean, it's not a big deal, ya'know?" He shouldered Ambush -who seemed pretty stressed out- and grinned recklessly. "If we could do it one more time, we would do it one more time." 

"Excuse me, I-" I swung a harsh slap in the middle of my face and groaned between my teeth. "Fine, I'll let yours slide. But don't do it 'one more time'. Or else you'll be seeing me in front of you. What about..." I ran my eyes over the entities and set them on the two short darned trouble makers. "Eyes and Screech."

Screech jumped in his place exaggeratedly and hid behind Eyes. "Uhh..." Eyes looked around, searching for something that'll set him free from my grasp - even though I wasn't even touching him in any way. "Well, you see, we sneaked into the cinema... Nothing much happened later then, we sneaked out of it just the way we sneaked in it."

"Exactly what I would expect from you." I let my upper eyelids fall down slightly. "And about Jeff, El Goblino and... Bob, what's the thing y'all did?" El Goblino snickered nervously and opened up his arms in 'I don't know' pose.

"Oh, uhh... You see, amigo, we might've threatened some rich people for money..." He laughed slowly as he gave quick glances to Jeff who had rose their lower eyelids and moved the inner sides of his eyebrows up 'shyly'. "Not a big matter though, is it? In return, they ran away so... None of us won!"

"God damn it." I rubbed the place between my nose and forehead with my index and thumb, trying to calm myself down and suppress my headache. "This isn't about winning or losing! I've sent you all there in one condition; You all had to act, be careful and be responsible. And y'all messed it up! Go away now, thank you, gosh... Snare?"

"Hahaha dude, I uhm... uh..." Snare muttered as Dupe glared at him meaninglessly. "Nothing, we did nothing! By 'we' I mean Dupe and I... Okay fine, we- or I may have did one thing. Some kid really annoyed Dupe so I stabbed them... quickly... for them to not feel much pain... and... gave them some candies after...?"

I blinked slowly, my mouth almost going to touch the ground. "What the fuck? Y'ALL STABBED A CHILD!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? GOSH, I CANT BELIEVE IT." I turned around and punched the first wall that caught my eyes. "Y'ALL MUST BE CRAZY! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DON'T GET OUT OF THERE UNTIL YOU FULLY REALIZE WHAT KIND OF A BAD THING YOU'VE DONE." I held out my pointer finger and raised my voice. "AND I'M NOT TALKING TO ONLY SNARE AND DUPE, Y'ALL GO LOCK YOURSELVES IN YOUR ROOMS!"

I stopped myself to fix my attitude and happened to realise that Seek and Figure were also leaving with the others. "Hey!" I called out. "Where do y'all think you're going? I'm not done with y'all. Come here and explain everything y'all did, and don't even bother to lie because I can keep you here all night long until you admit."

"Chill," Seek scowled "what we did is not that much of a deal. Right, Figure?" He turned to the taller one, got the response he was waiting for and set his eye back on mines. "I'll explain everything, okay? Don't shout or something, you're making us go deaf." After I nodded he cleared his throat and crossed his arms as his eye unintentionally slid to the carpet under him. "Some bitch annoyed us so I gave them their lesson respectfully. We stole some clothes because they didn't accept our money. We ran away from some buff guys because they were scary." Seek mocked the last word he said.

"Fucking shit, I won't reply anymore. Go, do the same, lock yourselves in your rooms until you realize what you had done." I turned around and walked out of the room. The sounds of Seek and Figure whispering to each other could be heard even if I shut the door after getting out.

I began walking in the hallway as I covered my face with my right hand in regret. Wanting to kill myself for the stupid decision I made, I started repeating the same word frequently. 

"Stupid bitch ass idiots, stupid bitch ass idiots, stupid bitch a-"

My sentence was cut off by someone holding my left hand suddenly. I turned to my left and saw Glitch.

He had some puzzled look on his face. I couldn't solve what the smile and the slight frown on his face meant. "Hey, Guiding Light. You might want to see this." I set my eyes on his hand that covered mine and sighed.

"Then show it to me and be quick about it, I don't want to be bothered." I realised how rude I sounded and quickly tried mixing up some words to fix my sentence. "I'm sorry about my attitude, I've just been really annoyed by the entities lately. Please never mind it."

Glitch chuckled silently. "Heh, it's okay." He withdrew his hand off of mine and started walking. I followed him curiously. I felt myself growing more and more curious in every step we took. I realised that we were going to his room. He pushed open the door for me and held it open for me to enter. I got fascinated once again by how different his room looked from the others. This place didn't look like a 'bedroom' anymore, it looked more of an office with all these random sheets being hung on the walls and being sprinkled on the ground.

After I was finished examining his room for once again I turned my attention to him and saw that he was walking to his desk. He sat on the old-fashioned red couch and lifted his computer's cover up. I didn't walk up to him to see what he was doing, as I both wanted to give him privacy in case he needed it and as I was hesitating a lot.

"Come, take a look at this." Glitch called me over with his hand and I curiously did what he said. Standing next to him, I bent down a little to see the screen better. I ran my eyes over the things and saw an interesting file that Glitch was keeping on the other corner of the computer - away from all the other files. "Do you see it?" I nodded as I read the file name; "CL-I".

I took some seconds to figure out what this presumably shortened name stood for, but I couldn't find any good answer. Glitch smiled at my expression and turned his face back to his computer as his fingers wiggled quickly over the keyboard.

He opened the file. "It stands for 'Curious Light - Information'. It was really easy for me to get every possible information about her."

I hummed in confusion. Glitch leaned back on his chair, probably for me to see the screen better. He cracked his fingers as some kind of relieved sigh came out of his mouth. "Read it as you like." I nodded slowly and ran my eyes over the short-like sentences. There was some informations about her height, her age, her usual heart rate and some more unnecessary and interesting things. 

My heart stopped as I read the most unexpected thing I could ever think of in my life. "'Curious Light is'..." My voice trembled. "...'Guiding Light's sister'...?" I winced away from the computer screen and began looking at space blankly, my heart being full of mixed emotions as my brain melted with sudden thoughts. I felt my heart stop for a second as Glitch began clapping his hands proudly.

"That's right!" A wide grin was placed on his face - my face being the exact opposite, as I probably was looking like a mentally ill drug consumer. "Congrats on being a sister."

I suddenly realised what I had just learnt and began walking four corners in the room while I was destroying my face with my fingers. "What am I going to do? This was so unexpected- I'm not ready for being responsible of someone!"

Glitch held my hand. "We are going to be responsible of someone."

My face lit up, so did my voice. I smiled thankfully and and tilted my head to the right. "Are you serious about this?"


I hugged him.

"Thank you so much for this! I can't tell you how thankful I am, I'm glad." I smiled widely as I buried my face in his clothes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and embraced with me back.

"No problem, I'll always help you, I'll always be there whenever you need me."

Scarlett POV: (Didn't expect this, right?)

"Yeah, girliee! He was so damn handsome, but some gay dude took him."

"Awh, that sucks! What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, my brothers will handle it I hope. They must be beating the shit out of that damned man right now!" I burst a laughter, which made Charlotte -my best friend- do the same through the phone. "If they don't succeed it, I'll seriously kill them."

"Well, what are you planning on doing?" Charlotte muttered in wonder. "I mean, about the Fiam situation." I took a few seconds to think on it and began creating up some ideas that might actually be useful and success.

"The main plan was my brothers would bring him in our house forcely no matter what, and I would lock him with me in my room. So we would get to know each other.

"That's stupid." Charlotte scoffed. "I don't think he will even intend to look at your face after you kidnapped him. Seriously, you need to work on your scenarios some more." I rolled my eyes and mocked her quietly.

"You got anything better, Charlotte, the miss perfect big brain?"

"Look girl, no, I didn't got nothing but-"

"Then shut your fucking mouth up. If they were unable able to bring him, then I will try to solve it myself, I guess."

"Just for a boy?"

"Just for a boy."

It was silent until Charlotte broke it. "He's probably gay, Scarlett. Didn't you say that the weird looking 'gay' dude said 'He's taken.'?"

"Nah, probably just a little simp. Also who would look at him, his name was Sebastian, dude." Me and Charlotte burst out laughing and we kept on like that until I heard the door bell being rang. I sighed in some sort of excitement and replied to Charlotte.

"Well, got to go now. Bye, Charlotte."

"See you soon."

I closed my phone and put in on the dresser next to my bed. I quickly grabbed the whip, ready to kill my brothers with it. I took heavy steps to the front door and I pushed it open violently, just to be welcomed by my annoying neighbours.

"Hey, Sam and Alex." I sighed in annoyance. Alex whistled and backed away as Sam just remained still. Alex pointed out my hand, and I understood that he was worried about the whip I was holding.

"Woah woah, what are you trying to do with that whip?" 

"I'm going to hit you both with it until you call your mommy to help while screaming loud as fuck, pouring tears and shitting your pants with horror, if you don't get the fuck out right now."

Alex shoved his tongue out and began taking his shoes off, doing it slowly to piss me off. Sam rolled his eyes and did the same as Alex. "We're your neighbours, come on. You're so rude." Alex scoffed. They both basically barged inside the house and went straight up to my room. I slammed the front door and turned around just to see them laying on my bed. I approached my room and got in as an uncomfortable look placed on my pale face.

"What do you guys want?"

"Well, recently we've been obsessed with this hotel."

"And we want you to try it out. If you're not a scaredy cat of course." Sam burst a laughter. Alex smirked and shook his head slowly, trying to state that I was a scaredy cat.

I facepalmed and groaned in annoyment. "Why would I be scared of a hotel? Is this one of your childish stories again?"

"Come, sit. We'll explain to you." Alex said as he squat down on my bed and started searching something on his phone.

"Here," He shoved the phone into my face. "Go here if you're brave enough." I took the phone off his hands and began examining the photo that he opened on Google. The more I looked, the more I started underestimating the place.

"Pfft-" I scoffed. "What's wrong with this hotel? It's just a casual hotel, with a vintage-like design. That's the only thing that's different." I scoffed again and rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure?" Sam raised an eyebrow. "There's countless monsters living in that hotel. The hotel is literally haunted by them, and if you go in, you have stepped into their living space, so good luck trying to stay alive." Alex nodded and began making silly faces as he moved his hands in the air 'creepily'.

"Yes... And they'll rip you apart... They'll tear all of your limbs one by one, they'll take your eyes out their places and drink your blood with enjoyment... They'll destroy your whole nervous system and laugh at you craving around for mercy... They'll throw you from wall to wall and break all your bones one by one, patiently..."

I couldn't hold my laughter. Even though the thoughts made me nervous a bit, I still burst into laughter and found it really funny for no reason. "What the hell are you guys even talking about? Monsters?" I scoffed and nodded. "Peh, sure, sure."

"If you don't believe us, then go, try and find out yourself." Alex continued. "...If you really want to get every place of yours eaten and become a non-existent creature..."

"Easy, I'm going tomorrow."

They looked at each other, noticabelly surprised. Sam began cackling silently as Alex had more of an underestimating look on his face. "Are you sure? You'll be gone soon... You might not even get to see the world for once more after you get there! So, are you still really sure?"

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. "Isn't this what you guys wanted?"

"Whoa whoa!" Alex started clapping. Sam did the same after a few seconds. "Brave girl! So it was this easy to convince you, huh?"

"But I want to make a bet out of it." I asked. The two sighed is and rolled their eyes, then nodded. "If I really go to that hotel and manage to come back alive, you guys will owe me 200 dollars."

"Girl, that's a lot!" Sam complained. I shrugged.

"My life is the topic here."

"It's our turn." Alex stated. "If you change your mind and come back, you owe us your car. Sounds good enough?"

"OH WOW, YOU KNOW WHAT, FINE." I raised my voice exaggeratedly. "BUT DON'T CRY WHEN YOU LOSE! Now get the fuck out of here!" I pushed the boys off of my bed and forcely made them get out. I slammed the door and then locked it behind them. I sighed heavily and leaned against the door.

Tomorrow, I was going to get my life in danger.

But that's just some stupid kid's story, right?

It has to be.


will scarlett die or survive?

i dont think she will survive if seek saw her

Word Count: 2965

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