By lexus_zachie

88K 4.1K 1.6K

What Will happen when a troublemaker Heir of Big company was sent into the province for her to learn about li... More

chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen//...
chapter seventeen//spoiler you might not like
Chapter eighteen//He's the ruckus
Chapter nineteen//Spoiler again!?
Chapter twenty//only you
Chapter twenty one//last spoiler frm me because i spoil you a lot
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight//Spoiler last
chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four.
Chapter Thirty-five.
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter thirty-Seven
Chapter thirty-eight.
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter fourty
chapter fourty-one
Chapter fourty-two
new book
Chapter fourty-three.
Chapter fourty-four.
Chapter fourty-five
Chapter fourty-six
Chapter fourty-seven
Chapter fourty-eight
Chapter fourty-nine
attention lovies
special chapter 01
special chapter 02
special chapter 03
special chapter 04- Daerin
series 2 is out
last message.

chapter one

8.5K 175 108
By lexus_zachie

Minji is now leaning at the railing of the cruise that her sister Danielle owned and as she sip in her wine she sighed. She's really trying her hardest to be kind at everyone but then she always believe that they don't deserve her kindness at all.

"You'll be fine?" Dani asks her sister the latter just shrugged her shoulders and look at the clear blue sea.

"I don't know... Maybe it's not a bad idea at all" she uttered and look at the shore that clearly near in them

"Maybe it's not thats why i choose to come with you because i don't know if you can handle your life here..." Danielle tell her sister Minji sigh and rub her temples in frustration

"You leave Hyein there!?" She asks her sister in shock of course for sure her parents were all busy and will leave Hyein alone in the mansion.

"Mom said i should come with you Min... She's all worried about you, she said she don't want her baby girl to be far away from her and she will be so worry if you're away..." The other girl said she sigh

"But how about Hyein?, they will just keep on leaving her alone in the mansion and im worried too" since she's the oldest of them three she love her sisters so much maybe she's a problem most of the time but when it comes to Danielle and Hyein she's a very responsible sister.

"Oh my god! If i just can break my body in two i will do..." The middle child said she shook her head and sigh. "You have to learn about life early for you to see Hyein again..." They just keep on talking at each other then she look at Danielle

"How many hours it will take for us to arrive at Seokcho?" The oldest asks then Danielle turn her back while looking at her wrist watch.

"We're near Minji-unnie... You better look straight you might see what you're needing while you're staying here" the girl said and go back down at its cabin then she shook her head and look directly.

What she saw is nothing normal, a very beautiful woman sitting at the sand while eyes are close and looks like enjoying the touch of the afternoon wind at its face. Her face softened when she saw the innocence, calmness, and certain cuteness of the girl. Her heart thumps so hard to the point she almost feel like her heart will break on its cage.

Is this what Danielle meant? She'll be needing while she's staying in Seokcho? Maybe that's impossible... She can't use a girl to relieve the stress of staying in a little town named Seokcho. Not when she have a girlfriend in Seoul the girlfriend she's hiding to everyone.

The girlfriend that probably her father will never like even her sisters. Maybe because the girl is far from what her ideal type but of course being the cool kid she is she just said 'Yes' when the woman ask her to be her girlfriend, and it's a risk to take to tell the world about the girl but of course she will never take the risk.

First of all it's all just for satisfaction, even the woman didn't satisfy her in all levels and only gave her a little ease in her pleasure and her satisfaction. 2nd that's stupid she'll get trapped in the game that she coached and she can't lose, and 3rd her family will really get more disappointed so No.

Sighing as she keep on looking at the woman when their cruise just passed by the woman and they finally arrive at the port that she owned she immediately go down at the cruise as her sister follows her.

"Hey! Where are you going?" The girl asks

"I don't know!" She retorted back and ride her car and speed off to the place where she saw the woman.

As she arrive she stare on its perfect back figure she look slim and sexy, and oh not to mention her flawless skin on its clear white shade, her purple hair it's just she can't say more words about the perfection of the girl.

She collected her cool and walk near the woman and sat beside her as she look at its perfect side profile and smile

"Hi" with that word of greetings the girl stood up to move away not minding her but her shock doubled and adding the pity because the girl was using a rod as a guide. "Y-you're blind?"


Pham Hanni is really enjoying the afternoon wind at every touch of the cool wind at her face her tears fall, why does this world had to be cruel? Like she's not worth it for some happiness...

She lose her eye sight why does she need to lose her parents too?. She became a good kid, responsible, smart and obedient why does world just have to be cruel at her?. Righ from the day her parents died and she lose her eye sight she can't find the light, her world is tinted with black and all shadows the world never gave pity for someone like her, but she will never ask for pity she hate it.

She's startled when a soft voice of a woman suddenly sounds in her ear and its scent is like some fresh flower and cherry...

"Hi?" Thats all it takes for her to panick she stood up even its hard to handle herself reaching for her rod and started to take steps away "y-you're blind" pity was evident at the woman's voice and she hate the way it sounds.

As much as it rude to see she choose to turn her back and walk away but then a strong grip at her arms make her stop.

"Let me go!" She scream the woman tightens her grip at her two arms.

"Im asking you a question." The girl said and it makes her think that the stranger is dumb "are you blind?" The most dumb question she heard not when it's obvious

"What do you think?" She asks in a rude tone

"Well you're blind..." The girl said then she tried to shove the grip away but the woman won't let go

"What else do you want!?" She angrily shout being annoyed by the stranger

"Name?, what is your name??" The woman was asking in a cool tone but it sounds dumb for a dump person like her

"I don't like talking to some sort of Arrogant dumb stranger so please fucking let me go!" She almost scream she heard the woman chuckle and suddenly pull her closer, cupped her face and mumble

"Arrogant? Dumb? That's too much insult for me Miss and i don't like it... So we'll see if you can still call me stranger once im done with my thing" the girl said and slam her lips to hers she froze....

Her first kiss was now taken by the stranger, not just a stranger but an arrogant stranger then when she felt a hand running down from her waist down to her ass she used all of her power and strength to push the woman away and even not sure she slap her.

"You!" Pham shout with anger "you're not just an arrogant Jerk but a pervert too! Don't come near me again!" She said then suddenly a voice came in

"Unnie!" The voice of her sister echoes she turn her back and walk at her sister "what happen? You look mad?" Her sister ask

"Nothing Haerinie... Do you know that girl?" She asks

"Ahh... That girl? Thats Kim Minji the owner of Blue Pearl Port" that's why she's arrogant she's wealthy and a business woman.

She just nods and they started walking their way back home as they arrive she's still fuming in anger and she rest her back at her bed and sigh.

That stupid arrogant, pervert Jerk!

She sigh and pray that she won't encounter the girl once again or else she will really try her best to pull the girl in the sea and drown her to death!.


𝙺𝚒𝚖 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚒'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠.

I held my cheeks while shaking my head and asking myself how stupid i am, okay not even one day i already made a huge mistake in one of the villagers of this town. Im really stupid yeah?. Taking my way back to my Montero and riding it as i look at the side mirror to check my cheeks its red from the strong impact of the girl.

This is my fault so i deserve it. I can't even control myself whenever i see pretty ladies but it's her fault she's so pretty and gorgeous even her eyes are disable she's still attractive as hell. I arrive in a mansion that grandfather gave to our dad once i came in I saw Danielle in the sofa drinking her banana milk.

"Hey... " i greet my sister she gave me a wave back and toss me one can of a beer. "Beer? But i want banana milk!" I said

"Nah! That's mine" the girl said and drink i roll my eyes and open the can and drink down i sat beside my sister and sigh "why your cheeks are red?" My sister asks as she look at me

"I make a stupid and idot mistake Dani!" I said as i rub my palms in my face

"Okay... That's kinda interesting so spill the tea!" She said and face me while chugging down to her banana milk

"So... Remember earlier i drove right away since we arrive... I saw a lady earlier in the sea shore and i go there then we have some talks actually i harassed her i force her to talk to me then i kiss her my sinful hand goes down to the town!" I spill my sister burst the banana milk in her mouth gladly i move away easily

"What the--- not even a one day but you already did bad to one villagers!? Ahh you stupid!" She hit me again and again and i understand it.

"It's her fault! She's so attractive!" I said but she hit me more

"Not because she's attractive you will harassed girls here in Seokcho are far from the girls in Seoul!aish!, you better apologize to that girl or else you will say 'Hi' in headlines while you're in a prison cell" i gulped and messed up my hair.

Apologize? I don't think my sister knows me very well, look I never say 'sorry' cause hell i always believe im --

"I know what you're thinking unnie... No it's you the one who made mistakes and you should say sorry i will never be comsiderate this time... Tomorrow you will bought flowers and you will say Sorry to that girl got it?" My sister said i nods and groan.

She have my mom's attitude all the time but even if she's strict my sister never leave my side... Speaking of sister i fish my phone out and call Hyein


Hey baby...

How are you doing?

Are you okay?


I miss you already..

Dad and mom is out for some business meeting and im alone again...

That's why i scolded Dani for coming with me and not taking you...

Do you want Dani to fetch you and bring you here?

Please unnie🥺

Yes baby...

Dani unnie will fetch you tomorrow

Take a rest hmm...

Love you baby

Love you too

Say Dani-unnie i miss her a lot and i love her a lot too.

Okayy baby take a rest pretty angel of ours...

You too unniee


𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍.

Dropping the call I stand up and go in my room to lay down.

I lay back and rub my face out of frustration i check in some websites because i don't know what flower to give because i never did this in all my life.

Maybe because i am a heir and a wealthy woman and i believe the world was spinning around me and maybe i am stupid for thinking it.

I should say sorry maybe this guilt in my whole being will gone away? I will say sorry and step on my pride? Oh lord... Im so fucked up today what did i even do but well its wort it i take the chance to kiss her lips hmm and its so soft, and her ass oh that ass is so--holy nooooo! Im not a pervert...

I sigh and sat in my bed and call my friend don't know if she can help me with this since among us she have the most perfect relationship.

𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚞𝚑(𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎)


Whatever the reason of your call i believe its important for you to interrupt me and Kazuha in our love making.


Anyways yeah since you're a very romantic person and i believe you can help me with this...

Actually i don't know what isbthe best flower to give when you want to say 'sorry'

Hello? Come again?

Kim Minji? Apologizing?


Are you insulting me unnie?

No, no im surprise...

But well hmm... Can you describe the girl?

How is it even connected?

Just do!


She's blind, she have this black straight hair it shines so bright like the moon in the dark sky, her face is perfection, she's perfectly beautiful in all sides, her lips are plump and red, everything is perfect and simple...

Her whole body is a work of art even she's clothed nothing can hide the piece of art beneathe her clothes.

She's simple yet so stunning...

No need to cover her face with make-up because she's pretty enough without them...

Are you Captivated?

What are you saying!?

Unnie! Im just feeling guilty in my stupidity!

Oh come on the way you describe her it's obvious...

You're fucking captivated by this lady...

Anyways you and you're girlfriend is not good in my eyes... Looks like you're dating a bad influence.

Just answer my question unnie...

And about my girl im not serious about her you know that.

And please tell me what i need to do to make this woman forgive me.

Well i guess White Roses or Tulips will do...

You must approach her softly and if she panicked once again try to tell her your main purpose...

Don't pushed her too much she might freak out again you're only making it worse

Be sincere this time Min...


That helps a lot...

Thanks unnie...

You can now continue your love making with Kazuha-unnie...

Yeah yeah...


You're welcome byee

Bye unnie see you so soon and if ning² ask for me don't tell her where am i...

I need peace...


𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍

I turn off my phone and lay down in my bed i stare at my ceiling and sigh. I should learn to be more sincere and be more better person in this life...

Hyein treats me and Danielle as a role model and i guess i need to act more better for my baby sister to follow my lead. Danielle is always a great person and a great unnie for Hyein she deserve a lot more even the company of our dad but Danielle is not even interested in handling our dads business thats why dad choose me as his sucessor.

Danielle always dreamed of being a model and i think that's Hyein wants too so i sacrifice my dreams for them... For their freedom.

I sighed in frustration i should take a sleep now...

Tomorrow is another day and i need to get ready.

Turning off the bedside lamp and lay down in my bed i shut my eyes until i feel my eyelids were heavy and i know im soon going in a dream land.

A/n: i think i will continue writing this

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