Something Great (Ziam AU)

De megz1985

1.1M 42.6K 13.5K

Zayn is your average 21 year old waiter. Liam is an above average 21 year old popstar. When Zayn enters a con... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter Ninety

7.7K 292 114
De megz1985

Chapter Ninety – Liam

Liam finishes saying goodbye to the crowd, before he exits off of stage where he left Zayn earlier, a frown crossing his face when he see's Zayn isn't where he left him at the side of the stage. His usual post show high comes crashing down as Lou approaches him, "where is he?" Liam asks attempting to stay calm, but internally imagining every worst case scenario possible. Lou smiles slightly, "he's still with Paddy and I'm sure he's fine, but you should probably head to dressing room H" she says calmly. Liam's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he nods and heads off down the halls towards the dressing rooms, no one is using dressing room H, so he can't understand what Zayn could possibly be doing there. There's a million different scenarios running through his head and each one is worse than the last, as Liam rounds the corner that will lead him to the correct place. He's unprepared however for what he sees when he does, Zayn is curled up, as best he can, with his head in Perrie's lap, as he lays on the floor, Paddy standing protectively over the pair. Liam picks up the pace a little and jogs the last little bit towards the three, "what on earth is going on?" Liam asks Paddy once he's close, Paddy just shrugs, as a thump comes from inside the room, "I'll explain later, right now he needs you" the security guard says, gesturing to Zayn with his foot. Liam knows he's right, and as much as he wants to know what's happening, he needs to make sure Zayn's ok.

Perrie smiles up at Liam when he lands on his knees beside her and Zayn, "hey Zayn, look who's here' she murmurs, and Zayn lifts his head to smile at Liam, before making grabby hands in his direction and whining slightly. Liam easily shifts him into his own lap from Perrie's, and then the blonde disappears quietly towards her own dressing room, as Liam takes Zayn in, he's still shaking lightly, and his skin is paler than normal, there are dried tear tracks on his cheeks, and Liam can feel him trying to press himself even closer to Liam's sweaty form than he already is. Liam knows all of these are signs that Zayn is coming down from some kind of panic and he wants to know what set him off, he;s grateful to Perrie, and Paddy and probably a phone call from Harry, that kept Zayn from getting too panicked but he's furious at whatever or whoever caused it. Liam cards his fingers through Zayn's hair gently, humming under his breath as he does, but a thump, followed by an easily recognizable voice causes Zayn to flinch and Liam to clench his fists. "She's here?" he asks no one in particular but he gets a weak nod from Zayn on his lap, and a spoken "yes" from Paddy. Liam's not entirely sure he wants to know why she's here or what exactly she was planning, he knows it can't be good, nothing Eleanor has planned lately has been good, he can hear Louis' voice behind the door, but not what he's actually saying. Paddy's walkie talkie blares to life, making Zayn jump in his lap, just as Jim, Alec, Max, and the rest of his security from the stage come around the corner. Liam looks up confused as Louis' voice comes through the speaker, "Liam, I know you and Zayn are out there with Paddy, but I need you to get Zayn away from here. Go to your dressing room, I'll be there to explain everything soon" he says.

Paddy arches an eyebrow at Liam, who rolls his eyes before nodding and standing up with Zayn in his arms, he's exhausted but he can still carry his boy, as Zayn is showing absolutely no interest in walking on his own. Liam can hear who he assumes is Paddy following them, and he doesn't really mind, not when their safety is potentially at risk, he makes it into his room and carefully places Zayn onto the couch, "Liii" he whines in protest, Liam chuckles "just changing into something less gross, hang on" he answers quietly. Zayn pouts but swings his body around so he's at least sitting up now, "what does she want from us?" Zayn asks quietly, as Liam pulls a clean shirt over his head, "if I had to guess, revenge" Liam shrugs coming back over to sit beside Zayn on the couch, laughing when he lets himself fall into Liam's side as soon as he's close enough. Liam lets Zayn get comfortable, waiting until the boy has stopped squirming around to start carding his fingers through his hair, the way he knows Zayn loves, and can instantly calm him down. "What happened tonight?" Liam asks after a few minutes of just cuddling his boyfriend in silence. Zayn sighs and shifts himself around so he's sitting on Liam's lap, no longer beside him, Liam doesn't mind, not in the slightest, and takes in a deep breath. "I felt like I was being watched, again. Like the day this happened" Zayn starts, pausing to gesture to his still casted leg, Liam makes a face, but doesn't say anything just yet knowing Zayn isn't finished. "Louis asked me if I was sure, and then next thing I know Paddy's there and Louis' running off with the rest of security to see if they can find You Know Who" Zayn continues, chewing his bottom lip, and looking up into Liam's eyes through long, thick, eyelashes. Liam nods and furrows his eyebrows, he's confused, but he also knows Zayn has something else he needs to say, so he gently pulls his bottom lip from between his teeth and gestures for him to continue. Zayn pouts and rolls his eyes, before speaking again, "then I see Louis and a cluster of security go past, and I could hear her voice, and then Paddy's walkie talkie confirmed it, so I followed them to the room" Zayn pauses, but before Liam can speak he starts again, "but when I got there I started thinking about what she was possibly planning and I felt like I was going to be sick, and I couldn't breathe, then Perrie and Jade were there to help me calm down, with Harry on the phone" he finishes, breathing deeply and eyes wildly unfocused as he looks at Liam.

Liam frowns as he takes everything Zayn's just said in, he's not exactly happy that Louis put himself in danger to find Eleanor, although he does understand his best friend's determination. He's even less happy about Zayn's attempt to follow after them, but again he understands, the part he feels the worst about though is that Eleanor managed to sneak in to the venue, entirely unknown to everyone, and was possibly only minutes away from carrying out whatever twisted revenge plan she had hatched. Liam feels the familiar white hot anger creeping up inside him, he knows it will consume him until he manages it, but when he thinks of Zayn getting hurt again, he can't stop it not even a little bit. Liam's vaguely aware of Zayn saying his name, and gently patting his cheeks, attempting to get him to focus again, Liam manages to push the anger down, long enough to focus back in on Zayn, "sorry Baby" he murmurs, and Zayn shakes his head waving away the apology.

The door opens and closes again a minute later and Louis is coming into the room, he looks a little dishevelled, and worse for wear, but overall he looks ok. Liam takes a second to be happy about this fact, before he carefully places Zayn onto the couch, off his lap, and jumps up stalking towards Louis with clenched fists. Louis' eyes widen and he grins, sheepishly at him as he backs up towards the wall, "what the hell Tommo?" Liam demands stopping in front of Louis "what, Payno?" Louis fires back, but his voice doesn't carry it's usual cockiness, Liam knows he's intimidating, Louis is significantly smaller than him, and although he'd never actually hurt him, he probably could, easily. Liam rolls his eyes and glares at Louis, who matches his stare, "running off on some crazy mission to capture Eleanor, what if she'd done something to you. How would I explain it to Harry? Your mum, sisters? God Louis you can be an idiot sometimes" Liam rants, breathing heavily. Louis just arches an eyebrow at him in silent question, Liam nods and reaches out pulling his best friend into a bone crushing hug, Louis for his part comes willingly, and they pull apart a few minutes later. Louis gestures towards the couch and Zayn before making his way to sit beside him, Liam chuckles as Zayn dives sideways to hug Louis tightly, Louis laughs but hugs him back just as tight. Liam returns to the couch, lifting Zayn up gently to sit down and reposition the man on his lap, Zayn grins and winds their fingers together, before they both look expectantly towards Louis. Liam's still furious with Louis for putting himself in danger, but he's never been good at being upset with Louis, and he wants to know what Louis knows.

Louis' quiet as he runs his hands through his caramel hair repeatedly, as impatient as he is Liam waits him out, knowing his best friend will talk when he's ready. Louis sighs and turns so he's facing Liam, and consequently Zayn, who Liam notes is sleepily cuddled to his chest, "so I know Zayn's told you part of it, but after I left Zayn, me and the guys were just looking around the backstage area, figuring if she was going to be anywhere it would be there" Louis starts, Liam just nods and gestures for him to continue. "We were about to give up, not having found anything, when suddenly I heard something above us, like in the rafters, when I looked up I could just see a foot. And I mean the foot was wearing high heels, not exactly appropriate footwear for climbing around in ceilings" Louis continues. Liam furrows his eyebrows but still doesn't interrupt, knowing Louis hates it, "so I quietly motioned to Charlie, and he looks up seeing it too, and he filled in a couple others. I wanted to go up and get her down, but Charlie insisted it was too dangerous, that he'd do it" Louis says quickly, his eyes unfocused as he's lost in thought. "There was a lot of noise, and some banging around then Charlie and a venue security were dragging her towards the rest of us. She was trying to wiggle free so everyone formed a cluster around her and I lead them somewhere we could detain her, and try to get an answer from her twisted little brain" Louis finishes. Liam knows there's more but he also can tell that Louis needs to pause in his story for a few minutes, so he reaches out with his free hand and rests it gently on Louis' arm, Louis smiles faintly at him in response.

Liam's about to say something else, wants to really he does but Louis' shaking his head and taking a deep breath to speak again before he can, "I wanted you to get Zayn out of there because she was saying the most vile things, about him, and you two together. I wasn't sure what you guys could hear, but Zayn, I didn't want you to hear any of that" Louis explains. Liam looks to Zayn who is biting his lip and looking at Louis curiously, but not saying anything. "What was she doing here?" Liam asks quietly, needing to know. Louis shrugs, but it's an uncomfortable gesture Liam knows, more than it's that he doesn't actually know, "she was talking about getting her revenge, saying 'if you want something done you have to do it yourself' which I guess makes sense given how well using that moron worked out for her" Louis mumbles. Liam nods and arches an eyebrow at Louis in silent question, Louis sighs and nods, "when I was leaving they were searching her, and calling the police, she was saying she was going to kill you both, that was her plan. I'm sorry guys" he finishes.

Liam's eyebrows shoot up at the last part, and Zayn mutters something he doesn't hear as he burrows a little closer to Liam's chest, "seriously Lou?" Liam asks shocked, and Louis just nods his head, "I don't know how, and I don't really want to but that's what she kept repeating" he mumbles. Liam shakes his head, but it's Zayn that moves, pulling Louis into another hug, and Liam watches amused as his best friend looks confused, "that's not what he meant Louis" Zayn murmurs, and Louis furrows his eyebrows at both of them, "why are you apologizing Lou?" Liam asks as Zayn pulls away. Louis shrugs but doesn't answer verbally, and Liam nods "exactly you have nothing to be sorry about. Eleanor is a psychopath and needs to be locked away for a long time" he explains, grinning when Zayn just nods along. Louis shakes his head but doesn't say anything and Liam knows him well enough to know he's thinking it through, trying to find something that Liam should blame him for. Liam just waits, hugging Zayn tightly as he does, when Louis finally looks up at him and nods he nods back, before Louis climbs to his feet and heads towards the door, "I need to go and call Harry. I'll see you two in the car, probably" he says before he's gone leaving just Liam and Zayn in the quiet room.


A/N: So, crazy Eleanor is probably gone for good now...but that also means this story is probably winding down...just so you know.

But we get a little bit of everyone in these updates, (mostly). Let me know what you think I love all your comments and votes and stuff.

Also I posted the other story I was talking about it's also Ziam, and it's called End Up Here, it's on my profile and you should check it out, if you want to that is.

Until next time xoxoxo

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