End Up Here (Ziam AU)

By megz1985

832K 32.5K 4.8K

Zayn Malik, 22 years old, full time student, part time waiter, and single father. Zayn's a busy man with very... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred One
Chapter One Hundred Two
Chapter One Hundred Three
Chapter One Hundred Four
Chapter One Hundred Five
Chapter One Hundred Six
Chapter One Hundred Seven
Chapter One Hundred Eight
Chapter One Hundred Nine
Chapter One Hundred Ten
Chapter One Hundred Eleven
Chapter One Hundred Twelve
Chapter One Hundred Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred Twenty
Chapter One Hundred Twenty One
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Seven
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine
Chapter One Hundred Thirty
Chapter One Hundred Thirty One
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven
Chapter One HUndred Thirty Eight
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine
Chapter One Hundred Forty
Chapter One Hundred Forty One
Chapter One Hundred Forty Two
Chapter One Hundred Forty Three
Chapter One Hundred Forty Four
Chapter One Hundred Forty Five
Chapter One Hundred Forty Six
Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven
Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight
Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine
Chapter One Hundred Fifty
Chapter One Hundred Fifty One
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Two
Epilogue Zayn
Epilogue Liam

Chapter Three

13.7K 446 98
By megz1985

Chapter Three - Zayn

Zayn groans as he feels small fingers tapping against his forehead, and hears giggles from beside him, he fights it, he really does, but then he feels stronger, larger hands pulling on his ankle and he ends up on the floor. Zayn glares up at Louis who smirks and points a finger towards Arabella where she's practically in tears from laughing so hard, Zayn sighs and pushes himself to his feet, before stalking, playfully towards the bed and scooping the giggling toddler into his arms. "Oh so you think this is funny?" Zayn asks, and Bella nods "Baba fall floor" she laughs and Zayn shakes his head before pressing a noisy, sloppy kiss to her cheek. Zayn climbs back onto the bed with Bella in his arms, situating her in his lap where she snuggles into his chest, before he glares up at Louis, "may I ask why you two felt the need to literally drag me out of bed this morning?" Zayn asks. Louis chuckles and sits beside Zayn, reaching over to tickle Arabella's foot, she giggles and kicks it out, before settling back into Zayn's chest. "Someone, remembers her Baba promising to take her shopping for a big girl bed" Louis explains, and Zayn arches an eyebrow, nodding, "and she came to get her Uncle Louis first" he adds on. Arabella's eyes widen as Zayn frowns slightly at Louis' words, "did you climb out of your crib...again, monster?" Zayn asks slowly, Bella looks away but nods her head slowly. Zayn sighs, it's been a week since he decided to buy her a real bed, instead of the crib, and in that week, while he's been busy finishing six assignments, and working everyday, Arabella has been busy figuring out how to climb out of her crib, and terrorize the apartment.

Zayn sighs and moves Arabella around so he can look into her eyes, which are a mirror image of his own, "what did Baba tell you about climbing out of your crib?" he asks. The two year old shakes her head, but doesn't say anything, "it's not safe, Boo. Baba doesn't want you to get hurt" Zayn adds, Bella nods and squirms until she can press a kiss to Zayn's scruffy cheek, "I sorry Baba, I no more, climb" she grins. Zayn shakes his head and laughs lightly, pressing his own kiss to her cheek, "right, so we'll eat some breakfast, get dressed and then we can go find you a bed. One without three foot bars for you to climb over" he chuckles, clapping his hands together. Louis laughs from where he is sitting by Zayn's feet, "breakfast is on it's way, Harry's bringing it" he says, blue eyes sparkling and Zayn rolls his eyes, but knows it's pointless to argue, today is going to be all about Louis spending his money on Arabella, and there's nothing he'll be able to say or do to stop his friend. "Uncle Harry!?" Bella cheers, before wriggling out of Zayn's hold and running off out of the room, Zayn watches her go before turning to look at Louis, one eyebrow raised, Louis shrugs, "What?" he asks, and Zayn shakes his head, "nothing, just...please don't go too overboard today. We need a bed, and sheets, possibly pillows. That's. It." he pleads, Louis nods, as if he heard him, but Zayn knows, as soon as Louis mutters under his breath and follows Bella's path out of the room, that he didn't, not really anyways.

Zayn showers quickly, and gets dressed in some comfortable clothes, when he arrives in the kitchen, he sees Bella sitting in her seat, eating what appears to be waffles, and berries, while Louis and Harry sit on either side of her, with plates of their own. Bella grins at him, when he walks in and he smiles at her, before grabbing himself a mug and pouring some coffee and coming to sit across from his daughter. Zayn furrows his eyebrows because there's no take out containers, before he arches an eyebrow at Harry, "you made us waffles?" he asks picking up his own fork. Harry bites his lip and nods, "Yeah, Lou wanted waffles, so I made a bunch and brought them over" he explains, taking another bite of his waffle. Zayn nods slowly, but doesn't say anything else, just pours syrup all over his plate, and starts to eat, Bella grins at him before she picks up a blueberry and throws it across the table towards Zayn. Zayn raises an eyebrow at her, he's not sure whether she's trying to share with him, or actually throw her food at him, he decides it doesn't matter and shakes his head, "Arabella, we don't throw food" he scolds lightly. Bella narrows her eyes, and shrugs, "Bella not, Baba throw food" she says decidedly, taking another bite of her breakfast. Zayn sighs, but ignores the comment for now, this is another new thing for his daughter, whenever she gets scolded for something she tries to tell Zayn that it's him doing whatever it is he doesn't want her to do. His mum told him when he picked her up last night that it's normal and not to worry, but Zayn can't help it, not really anyways, Bella is his whole world.

It's an hour later, that they pull up to the mall, after an agonizing car ride where Louis and Bella sang Let It Go loudly, and on repeat for the whole trip, it's not that Zayn doesn't like the song, or the movie, because that's not it at all. It's just, like every parent of a little girl, he would like to hear something else once in awhile. "We're here" Louis crows, shutting off the car, and opening his door, Zayn shakes his head as Harry gets out of the car too, and Bella pokes him in the bicep, "Baba, out. Need shopping" she whines and Zayn sighs, "just a minute, Baba has to get out too, okay?" he asks. Bella huffs and crosses her arms, before nodding and grabbing her mermaid doll, and making her swim around in front of her. Zayn climbs out to see Louis and Harry have already pulled the stroller out of the back, and unfolded it, so all he needs to do is get Bella out, he smiles gratefully at the pair, but they ignore him. Zayn ducks back into the car and sets about unbuckling Bella, who cheers before holding the doll up, "she come?" she asks, cocking her head to the side. Zayn chuckles and nods his head, "yes, she can come" he murmurs as he pulls the toddler close to his chest, and stands back up, Bella cheers, and hugs the toy close, as Zayn sets her down into the seat of the stroller. Once he's sure she's settled, and buckled in, he hands her a sippy cup of water, and slings the backpack he uses as a diaper bag over his shoulders.

They make their way into the mall after that, Louis and Harry practically skipping alongside Zayn as he pushes the stroller, their fingers are intertwined and they keep pressing gentle, sweet kisses to each other's cheeks. Zayn sighs he's happy for them, (even if they won't make it official) but he's jealous too, he can't help but feel lonely and wish he had someone too. He has Bella and he loves her, but sometimes he wishes he had someone he could talk to about grown up things, someone to cuddle him, to kiss him. He shakes his head and focuses back on pushing the stroller through the parking lot, he doesn't have time for a relationship, as much as he wants one, he's always busy.

The first store they go into is a department type store to find an actual bed, Arabella frowns up at Zayn from the stroller as he pushes right past the toys in favour of the furniture, "Baba, no. Need toys" she says simply, pointing and Zayn shakes his head. "No you don't, Boo. Not today we're here to get you a new bed" Zayn reminds her gently, Bella pouts but doesn't throw a fit which Zayn is grateful for. Once they're standing surrounded by beds, Zayn really starts to feel overwhelmed, why does there need to be so many different beds? He turns towards where Louis and Harry are examining one "what are we getting her?" he asks Louis who shrugs, and makes a face at Bella when she peeks out at him "she's your daughter, you decide" he says and turns back to tickling Harry. Zayn groans and steps closer to Louis, grabbing his friend by the bicep "Lou, please don't be difficult today, you're paying, which I'm grateful for, but what are the limitations?" Zayn pleads. Louis smirks, and its a smirk that Zayn knows well, and generally doesn't care for "there are no limitations, Zaynie boy, you buy whatever you think Bella needs, or wants. And I don't want to hear anything else about it" he says seriously, and Zayn sighs nodding his head. He knows there's no arguing with Louis, not when it comes to things for Bella, "thanks Louis" he mumbles and returns to looking at all the beds.

In the end the final bed decision wasn't up to Zayn, not really anyways, after about ten minutes Bella let out a gasp and began squirming and attempting to unbuckle herself from the stroller. Zayn frowns and looks down at his daughter, "Arabella, what is it?" he asks, and she gasps, pointing across the aisle a little, "Baba, bed" she says as she does. Zayn follows her little finger and lets out a groan, because he knows he's not going to talk her (or Louis) out of this bed. It's white and pale pink, and is actually a castle. The mattress sits inside the doorway, and there's turrets up either side, which hold shelves, there's a balcony across the top, with stairs up the one side, so Bella could sit up there, and play, or read stories. On the other side, opposite the stairs there's a slide, an actual slide, for her to come down from the balcony. Zayn groans again and opens his mouth to protest, but is cut off "UNCLE LOUIS!" Bella squeals, and he and Harry are at their side in an instant. "What is is princess?" Louis asks, and Zayn wants to hit his head off a wall, "Bella's bed" Arabella answers pointing at the castle bed again. Louis' eyes widen as he takes in the piece of furniture, before he grins and elbows Zayn lightly in the ribs, "you're right, Bells that is your bed" he exclaims, before he bounds off, Zayn assumes to find a salesperson and to pay. Bella claps excitedly in her stroller and grins up at Zayn and Harry, "yay" is all she says and Zayn can't help but smile, "yea, yay" he answers quietly. Harry rests a hand on Zayn's shoulder for a minute "come on, mate. You had to see that one coming" he says and Zayn sighs and nods, because really there was no other outcome for today.

Louis paid extra to have the bed delivered same day, and someone to assemble it, because none of the three of them are very handy, Zayn had protested, but it was useless in the end, because Louis had used Bella's safety against him and that was the end of his argument. They were still at the mall in search of the perfect sheets and comforter for the bed, Bella was getting hungry and tired which equals cranky, and Zayn doesn't blame her, he wouldn't argue with a nap right now either. They've just gone into the fourth linens store and Zayn's ready to just quit, when he sees them, he leaves Bella and her stroller with Harry as he moves closer to inspect the sheets, wanting at least part of today to be a surprise, and his choice. The sheets are soft cotton, there's two sets with one comforter, and Zayn thinks they're perfect, one set is pale pink with tiny tiaras scattered across them, the other is a pale purple with small princess castles scattered around. The comforter is big and plush, with the pale pink, and tiaras on one side, the other is the purple, with a big picture of a castle, a princess and her prince charming on a horse. Zayn pulls one of the bags off the shelf and Louis hums in approval behind him, "good choice Zee" he murmurs, and Zayn jumps, spinning to face him, "thanks, I think they'll look good" he mumbles. Louis nods "they will, but..." he trails off reaching around Zayn to grab a matching throw and a few throw pillows in the shapes of a castle, princess, horse, and tiara. Zayn groans and rolls his eyes, but Louis just plucks the sheet set out of his hands and saunters over to the check-out to pay for everything.

By the time they get home Arabella is asleep, completely asleep and Zayn feels like he could use a nap as well, they ate in the car on the way home, but Bella had fallen asleep still clutching one of her chicken nuggets. Zayn chuckles and gently pulls the chicken away from her before unbuckling her and scooping her into his arms, with a practised ease. She whines and moves around, burying her face in his neck, Louis pulls her shoes off her feet as soon as Zayn steps through the door, "thanks" Zayn whispers, but Louis just nods. Zayn chooses to lay her down in his bed, because the delivery truck had pulled up the same time Louis had, and they'll need Bella's room to build her new bed in. Once Zayn's sure Arabella isn't going to wake up again, or roll out of his bed, he grabs his laptop and bag and heads out to the living room to finish his essay. Harry's already there, and he can hear Louis talking to someone at the door, and sends Harry a questioning look, Harry shrugs "the bed's here, and Louis' ordering them around I think" he explains and Zayn nods, flipping open one of his books, and turning on his laptop.

Between Harry and Louis, and the banging from the bed being built Zayn can't concentrate enough to get any real work done, after an hour of trying he sighs and shuts his computer. He focuses in on the movie Louis and Harry are watching now and arches an eyebrow at his friends, "really?" he asks and Harry grins while Louis smirks nodding, "yes, Lion King is an excellent movie" Louis huffs and Zayn chuckles, nodding. Zayn gets up and heads up the hallway, first he checks in on Arabella, grinning when he sees her still asleep, sprawled across his bed, next he moves to check on the progress of the bed. The workers are cleaning up the garbage and their tools, when he peeks his head it, "we're all done here. If you want it somewhere else, don't try to move it alone" one of the workers says, pushing past Zayn into the hallway, before they both disappear. Zayn smiles because the bed truly is perfect, especially for Bella. They have assembled it on the wall across from the window, which Zayn thinks is perfect, although he is a little sad that his baby isn't going to be in a crib anymore. "Stop pouting, it happens" a voice says from behind him, and Zayn spins around to face his mum. "I'm not...what are you doing here?" Zayn asks her, and Trisha chuckles, "Louis called me, thought you might need a little support for this transition" she teases. Zayn makes a face but nods his head, "I just, she's getting so big" he murmurs and his mum laughs, coming across the room to hug him, "that's what children do, Love" she soothes. Zayn sighs and melts into her embrace, before pulling away "I just wish she could stay my baby forever" he mumbles, stepping away to pick up the bags the new sheets are in. Trisha smiles reaching out to pull the fitted sheet from Zayn's grasp, "I know, Lovey. One minute they're a tiny, helpless, little thing, the next they're moving out and telling you they're going to be raising their own baby" she muses.

They work in relative silence after that, his mum helping him to not only make the bed, and arrange Louis' throw pillows around, but also clean up the scattered toys Arabella leaves everywhere. Zayn's trying to decide what to do with the crib, as his mum finishes tidying up the books, he's chewing his lip when she approaches him, "I'll take it to the house, Love. We have the space and you or your sisters might need it again" she says gently. Zayn bites his lip before nodding, slowly, he's not ready to get rid of it completely and their apartment really doesn't have the space, "thanks, Mum" he mumbles quietly. Trisha nods but doesn't get a chance to say anything, because thumping footsteps cut her off, Bella is flying across the room and into her arms with a squeal, "Grandma!" she cheers, before turning to face the bed. Zayn chuckles as Bella's eyes widen dramatically, "Baba, I love it" she exclaims, releasing her hold on Trisha to come and tackle Zayn. He scoops her up and presses kisses to her cheeks, attempting to smooth her sleep rumpled hair, "I'm glad, Boo" Zayn murmurs against her cheek, which makes Bella giggle, "Grandma, save me" she cries, squirming around in Zayn's arms and reaching for Trisha. Trisha lets out a laugh and crosses the room, pulling the toddler into her arms, while Zayn pretends to fight her, and pouts, when he 'loses' stomping his foot, playfully. Bella wraps her arms around Trisha's neck and giggles, "Baba, mad" she says,nodding, Trisha shakes her head, "not really, Love. Baba's being silly" she coos, nuzzling her nose against Bella's cheek. Zayn watches the interaction for a few seconds, fondly, he loves that Arabella gets to spend so much time with her grandparents, and he's grateful they can watch her while he's at school and work, otherwise he doesn't know what he'd do.

Louis and Harry come barrelling into the room a few minutes later, breaking Zayn out of his thoughts, Louis wraps his arms around Trisha in a hug, and she laughs, hugging him back with one arm, as shes still holding Arabella with the other. "Did he cry?" Louis presses and Trisha laughs shaking her head, while Zayn scowls at his oldest friend, "not yet. I imagine it will happen at bedtime" she teases. Zayn crosses his arms again, scowl deepening, "You both suck" he mutters, and Harry who is the only one to hear him, laughs loudly. "Have you tried the slide yet Bells?" Louis asks suddenly, and the toddler's eyes widen again, "no, Uncle Lou" she says, shaking her head, Louis raises an eyebrow and Zayn sighs, because he knows what's coming next. "Race you" Louis calls out, and him and Bella are rushing across the room, and up the tiny staircase, he obviously lets her beat him to the top and down and she's laughing madly as he huffs playfully, and tickles her sides, once he catches her at the bottom "how did you get to be so fast?" Louis pants dramatically, fingers tickling her sides still. Bella giggles and shakes her head, "from Baba" she says seriously, between giggles and Zayn feels his heart warm, because as big as she's getting, and as much as she wants to play with Louis and Harry, at the end of the day she's all his. Trisha moves so she's standing with Zayn, and rests a hand on his shoulder, the pair watching as Harry joins Louis and Arabella to play on the slide and in the tickle war, "you've done a great job, son" she says and Zayn turns to smile at her, "thanks, mum" he grins, "but I've had a little help" he adds on, gesturing to his two friends and then back at her. Trisha laughs, "true, but in the end, it's all you" she says, "But I need to be heading home, see you tomorrow morning?" she asks. Zayn nods, "yeah, I only have an exam, so she shouldn't be there the whole day" he murmurs, Trisha nods, and leans up to press a kiss to her son's cheek, before leaving, stopping to hug Bella on her way out.

___________________________________________________________A/N: How awesome is that bed though? I want one....

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