MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor...

By Greyninja27

276K 7.8K 5.9K

Verdant Emperor by TheHinokami is one of my favorite stories of all time so I decided to write the reaction f... More

Setting up the stage.
The Divergence
Interlude: Friends and New Watchers
Finding Shelter & First Steps
Results & Giran
Interlude- Broken Flames
Physical Conditioning, New Home & Two New Members
Verdant Guards & Training
UA Exam & All Might's Regrets
Expanding & New Bases
Heroes & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?
Sports Festival & Verdant Movements
Hosu Aftermath
Verdant Expansion & Advamcenets & Unkown Enemy!?
Heroes Vs Meta Liberation Army
Prelude to Summer Break
Summer Camp
Kamino Incident
Shock & The Sealment of Fate
Saying Goodbye
Interlude: Confession!
Advancing Plans & Growing
Growth & Overhaul!?
Save Eri!
Aftermath of the raid
Military Line Assault!
Battle Aftermath
The fall of Aichi
Prelude to Meeting
Meeting Pt. 1
Meeting Pt. 2
Large Scale Combat!
Interlude-Troubled Hearts.
UA's Surrender & Effects
Meeting & Ackowlegements
Japan's Fall!
The Verdant Emperor's Will!
Meeting the Emperor!

The Future Within Reach!

2.9K 99 51
By Greyninja27

As they all sat there waiting, Inko and the Bakugos arrived back. "Sweety, what are you wanting us to watch?" Inko asked because she had no idea what SFP was which made Izuku chuckle since he had purposely excluded her from the science department meetings or whenever the topics came up.

"Huh? Why would he do that?" Ochako tilted her head, "I thought he shared everything with Ms.Inko."

Suddenly a huge grin appeared on Izuku's face as he remembered the conversation he had with his mother very long ago.

It wasn't that he didn't trust her but it was a surprise he wanted to show her as she told him once as a child she always dreamed of going to space but believed it would never be a reality. Unknown to her it was a part of her desire for Izuku to complete this project since he wanted to grant his mother one of her most crazy dreams.

Inko's eyes started tearing up as she realized that her son went through all this trouble just to fulfill her silly dream.

"It is something you always told me about when I was younger and would talk about your dreams. It became a portion of the drive when I decided to focus on some of the Verdant resources to complete it. We will see if we are in reach of your dream in a few moments." Izuku said which just confused everyone and even Inko since she told her son quite a few things during his childhood and was wondering which he was talking about since a lot of them were quite crazy and grand.

Rei's face softened into a smile as she watched Izuku's dedication to fulfilling her mother's dream. Honestly, ever since Shoto had told her the details of their match, she couldn't help but adore that child as one of her own. But it didn't stop there, with every visit she could see how bright Shoto looked compared to before. That's why she will always see Izuku as a member of their family.

After a few more minutes the screens in the room all changed to a feed of a facility. In the feed stood the scientist in the meeting hall earlier as the scientist approached the camera and greeted them. "My Emperor, can you hear and see me clearly?" the man asked and Izuku confirmed. The man then turned away and viewed into a glass that they couldn't see into. The man then brought a record to his mouth and said, "This is Test 1 of stage 1 of the SFP. In attendance is all scientist that belongs to the SFP project as well as via remote location the Verdant Emperor, Verdant Guards, The Emperor's mother, as well as students, staff, and others associated with UA. The time is XX: XX on XXXX Day. Permission for the start of SFP S1 T1 requested by my Emperor?" the man said and Izuku confirmed which the man repeated in the device.

"It's happening," Mei shook with excitement, and her eyes were glued to the screen.

"Calm down Mei," Power Loader said but he knew he couldn't blame her because he himself was shaking in anticipation.

Everyone was still confused until the feed changed perspectives and now they were slightly behind the scientists that were in the room as they all could see into the other room. "I JUST WANT TO BE CLEAR NO ACTUAL HUMANS ARE ON SITE!?" Izuku quickly asked and the scientist leaned into the view and confirmed they were all clones as the real ones were at the main base watching via the same feed.

"Verdant really cares about his people," Yagi said with a wide smile, "this gives me confidence that other me made the right choice by placing his trust in the young Emperor."

"Good, commence the test," Izuku ordered as he was now on the edge of his seat in the literal sense and everyone noticed that.

"Seeing him this nervous must have made others around him anxious as well," Momo chuckled to herself.

Nezu was wondering what experiment the Verdant was conducting to get such a reaction out of the Verdant Emperor.

"Something that can revolutionize the world," Mei said, "if he succeeds here, we can get countless amount of resources and a chance to understand our universe more deeply than ever before."

Soon, the entire room was in commotion at the test site as they were screaming things out to others. "STABILIZE IT! WE ALMOST HAVE IT SO FUCKING STABILIZE THE THING OR IT ALL GOES TO HELL!" one person could be heard yelling.

Izuku was now at the edge of his seat while biting his nails due to nervousness.

"Zuku," Izuku looked down and saw Eri giving him the best reassuring smile she could, "don't worry, everything will be alright."

And just like that, all his worries vanished as he hugged his little sister, "you are right Eri, let's put our faith in Verdant just like everyone else."

After a bit more the room was blinded with a large bright light from the machine that was in the experiment room and soon they could all see clearly again as in the room stood a machine that had some weird texture in the center moving around.

"Woh!!!" everyone stared at the screen with awe and fascination in their eyes.

"It's beautiful," Mei said, her eyes lighting up like a child in a toy store.

"Bro, it looks like something straight out of science fiction," Sero said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Just imagine how would they all react if a man walks out of that portal right now and says 'Keel before me!'," Kaminari laughed but soon realized that no one else was laughing with him.

"Kaminari," Izuku glared at the boy, "just hope that you haven't jinxed something terrible on us."

"My Emperor! We have stabilized it and are preparing to send an advanced unit of Verdant troops that are all clones. I'm switching the video feed to their cameras as we watch it happen." said the scientist which Izuku confirmed.

"Honestly I never thought that after the U.S. government, it will be a 17-year-old child who will send the next man to the moon," Yagi chuckled to himself, "really, what a strange world we live in."

All of the Verdant Guards were now standing near Izuku as well as they were all standing up and watching.

"Wow! Never thought our names will be written in the history books, alongside Izuku," Himiko said with a heavy voice. She had never imagined that she will be able to live a normal life, let alone be a part of a history-making group she would call home.

"Yeah, and that is such an upgrade from police record books," Dabi added with a wide grin on her face.

Nezu opened his mouth and took a guess what just happened. "May I take a guess and say you just achieved teleportation technology?" Nezu asked the entire room but Izuku and his Verdant Guards were in shock as they looked at Izuku.

"He is not entirely wrong but Verdant is already way past that," Mina said.

The Verdant members didn't look shocked instead they looked confused since it was an open fact in the organization they had teleportation technology.

"In hindsight, it was really a stupid question to ask," Nezu chuckled, "it seems even I am not immune to the effects of stress and workload I had during this entire war."

They wondered if their emperor was just showing it off to hide the fact that they have had it for a while now but got surprised when Izuku denied the statement. "Nope, this isn't teleportation technology... I will admit we've had teleportation technology since the League attacked the summer camp. I was able to replicate the technology based on a quirk of one of my members but this isn't a teleportation gate... no, it's far more than that!" Izuku said with a clenched fist as they all watched the camera feed from one of the clones that entered the room.

"We don't need to hide things from U.A. anymore," Izuku grinned at Nezu, "we just need to tell and show them the things we want them to know."

"Oh, what a clever way of thinking," Nezu returned the grin, "you can be quite cunning when you want to."

"Hey Yagi," Aizawa whispered in Small Might's ears, "I don't care how, but make sure that Midoriya is busy on weekends until he graduates from school. Otherwise, Nezu will snatch him under our nose and we won't even know."

"Don't worry Aizawa, young Izuku will never say no to some mentor-student bonding time," Yagi reassured him.

Oh well... little did they know, that Nezu had already made a detailed draft of lessons for Momo and Izuku... and they have already adjusted those lessons in their schedule.

The thing was that the members were a bit slow and were walking funny from the camera view but no one could understand why.

"Their mobility is compromised since they are wearing heavy and bulky space suits," Mei said.

As they approached the gate, they heard words from the cameraman, "That's one small step for Verdant; one giant leap for mankind." said the voice of the verdant individual who was a clone as they entered the portal.

Izuku and Eri crossed their fingers, hoping for Verdant's success in his endeavor.

The feed cut out for a second but reappeared. The entire room fell into disarray as gaps and sounds of shock came from everyone but one group was cheering as they watched other clones move in front of the cameraman and salute into the camera feed.

Ochako teared up as she saw her dream come true in front of her very own eyes. Izuku noticed that and quickly pulled her into a hug and whispered, "don't worry Ochako, I am going to take you there, fly you to the moon, that's a promise," he said and gave a quick peck on her lips.

"I know you will," she replied with teary eyes.

Meanwhile, others were also silently observing this breathtaking sight, engraving it in their minds.

"You did it, you crazy son of a bitch you did it," Mei said as she was ready to jump into the screen if technology had allowed her to do so.

"Congratulations my Emperor, your will knows no opponent as you have succeeded in pushing the human race to space once again. We will begin protocols to start preparing for SFP Stage two. I will leave the feed playing from the cameraman for now." said the scientist as he went off the feed and now only the view of the earth and the Verdant Members on the moon were shown.

"This view... so magnificent," Momo said trying to find the right words for this amazing view in front of her.

"It has begun, mother you said when I was a child that you always wanted to go to space and I shall deliver it! The Verdant's goals and desires do not lay with the earth but instead, my end goals lay to the universe as it's time the human race leaves the planet and colonizes into space!" Izuku shouted out into the room as he expanded his arms outwards as no one else spoke or did anything but stare at him in shock.

'As long as you stay in your universe, there is no problem with it,' Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku was sure that a multiverse is a frightening place and they have absolutely no knowledge about it. And that's why someone having access to it was the worst-case scenario in his mind.

'Hmm, Sir Grey, if you are listening to this, please don't let anyone mess with the multiverse,' Izuku said to me.

'Like I have any control over it,' I chuckled.

'Wait! Did I hear someone,' Izuku looked around with a confused face.

Inko was downright shocked at what her son had just achieved... his organization had just stepped onto the moon once again but this time without a damn rocket that limited how easily humans got to space.

"Not only that but in the future exploring the exoplanets will become child's play," Mei said, "all you need is precise coordinates, and boom you are there just like that."

Nezu at this time came out of his shock and looked at Izuku and asked the question on everyone's mind. "So... you are saying that you have teleportation technology and technology to enter space without using a rocket ship like humans did before quirks started to appear?" Nezu asked.

Aizawa was in complete and utter shock after seeing that look on Nezu's face. For the past twenty years, he has been a crucial member of Nezu's inner circle. And in all these years he has never seen Nezu looking at someone with utter respect and fear at the same time.

This really made him thank the universe that their Izuku Midoriya is U.A.'s problem child and not Verdant the revolutionary Emperor.

Izuku smirked as he confirmed it. "Indeed, humans have used quirks completely wrong! Instead of using quirks for war, we should be using them to advance to space! With the completion of space teleportation technology, the Verdant Empire can now leave Earth freely and return as we wish. No need for wasteful rockets when we can just teleport everything to it and hopefully teleport to other plants as well which means gathering resources from the said planets to build space colonies that float in space. This way we don't need more resources from earth but instead can eat away at useless planets like Mars that can't be turned habitable easily." Izuku said as he explained the primary goal of the Verdant Empire after the war and that was to take his citizens of the Verdant and those of his home country to space.

"That is one hell of a noble goal, hope you achieve it, my dude," Hawks said, "also I would love to visit a planet where I could fly however I want without having to worry about colliding into buildings at every turn."

The earth was no longer needed for humans to survive and they have damaged it enough. No, instead it was time to look to the stars.

"Yeah! Let's go and destroy other planets," Shinso muttered under his breath.

"Why would I want to be the emperor of Japan or of the Earth when I can be the Emperor that empires stretch across the sky we sleep under!" Izuku said with a wide grin on his face as this was his end goal. To achieve human expansion into space and he was now on the verge of doing so as they had just completed the biggest hurdle in getting it done!

"Yeah, traveling through space was one of our biggest obstacles," Mei said, "but now with this technology, it could become instantaneous. No need to waste hundreds of light years just to reach a certain planet somewhere.

Everyone that belonged to the Verdant organization in the room started to chant "Verdant Emperor! Verdant Emperor! Verdant Emperor!" they all were chanting out which stunned the others into even more silence. After a few seconds, Izuku waved his hand and silenced them.

"I am still curious how Verdant isn't getting embarrassed by all that chanting?" Momo asked.

"Either he has just accepted his fate or he actually enjoys them chanting his name," Izuku sighed, "doesn't matter as long as he is happy I guess."

"Welcome to the future of the human race Nezu! I am sure someone of your great mind can release the unlimited applications that quirks can have in space. Just look at your student Uraraka with the zero gravity quirk as her quirk would make it even easier to move things around in space."

"Verdant knows me?" Ochako looked surprised, "that's a good start I guess."

"Each person's quirk has an abundance of applications in space for the human race but even those without quirks can still do many things since it was me a quirkless man with quite a few quirkless scientists on my science team that replicated teleportation technology off a quirk. Then we created a way to apply said technology to allow us to go to space. It proves that no one is useless and everyone can contribute to the future of the human race!" Izuku said as he still had a large grin on his face.

"Hey glasses," Bakugo looked at Nighteye who grumpily sat in the corner this whole time, "did you hear that? From now on think twice before calling someone useless, no matter if they have a quirk or not."

"At least you learned your lesson Kaacchan," Izuku said, "but I doubt he is even going to give a thought to that."

"Well, his loss," Bakugo shrugged, "besides, people like him die alone in their apartments and no one even attends their funerals at all."

Nezu started to clap which brought everyone on his side out of their shock and away from the feed. "Congratulations my Emperor for you truly have achieved something that humans have only dreamed of... I truly can't wait to see what you do. Now we just need the war to end so we can focus on the future which is truly bright... maybe humans can stop warning themselves for once and achieve peace since the path you are taking... I am sure might lead to world peace at the rate you are going." Nezu said as he had his head bowed.

"That is quite wishful thinking Nezu," Izuku shook his head, "as long as greed exists in the world, peace will always be a distant dream," then he chuckled, "ironically, Verdant's wish to conquer other plants is quite greedy in itself, no matter how good his intentions are."

Soon the meeting and everything else came to an end. Those that belonged to UA were now back at the school still in stunned silence as they just saw the future path of the human race and it was done by the person who had been defeating them in a war.

"On the contrary, I would say we only gained from this war," Nezu suggested, "first, Verdant's trust, then his friendship, and now, a chance to be a part of something truly historic."

"It seems we were wise to get on the good side of the Emperor... it's also good that you will now be next to him as well All Might as you can help keep him on a good path that may very well lead to world peace itself." Nezu said as he sat on his chair on the stage at UA.

"I don't know about world peace but other me will definitely keep Verdant on the right track," Yagi said, "even if he has to displease the Emperor from time to time."

All Might could only nod his head as he was still stunned at what has transpired during the entire day. He didn't think something like that was possible but he had been proven wrong.

"That's not new," Kaminari snickered, "that seems to be the trend of this series so far."

'You have proven me wrong on so many things Izuku Midoriya... I wonder what else you will show the world with that bright mind of yours.' All Might thought as he kept reviewing the events of the day.

"I hope you know what you people are doing," Nighteye fixed his glasses, "because giving our entire nation in a child's hand is never going to be a good idea."

"A child who managed to reach the moon in a span of a single year," Nezu countered.

"No matter how smart he is, the people who attend the world conferences will eat him for his technology from the inside out," Nighteye said.

"Then he will just have to discipline the first dog who will try to bite him," this time it was Izuku responded but he had this sinister aura around him, "after all, attaching a leash to a single one of them will scare others for quite some time."

After that response neither Nightey said anything nor Nezu which made Izuku really happy cause his new intimidating thing was working as intended.

He was able to talk to Mirio for a bit who asked if it was true that he had made a public statement against the government of Japan which he confirmed. Mirio seemed a bit stunned but came around to the views quite a bit as All Might explained why he made the statement and Mirio finally agreed that Izuku Midoriya the Verdant Emperor wasn't bad like he had believed in the deep parts of his mind which made All Might happy.

"Hey Houd Dog sensei, please take All Might under your paws," Mina said, " cause' he managed to get through Mirio's thick skull. Other students will be a piece of cake for him."

All Might did tell Mirio that he didn't know if OFA needed to be passed to another person after him since it was an instrument of fighting and battle which seems may not be needed in the future anymore if the world goes on the path that Nezu is thinking it will.

"But All Might, it is always good to have a backup plan right?" Mirio asked.

"Yeah you are right but-"

"He is right you know," Izuku jumped into the conversation, "besides space is full of unknowns, who knows what kind of dangers that world will come across while exploring the universe."

Soon All Might came out of his thoughts and just headed to his apartment on campus since he was exhausted. 'Long live the Verdant Emperor...' All Might thought as he laid on his bed since he was truly impressed with what he had seen.

To be continued...

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