Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



308 17 16
By Svnwoo

"Ok but please text me or call if you feel even the smallest thing off," Hyunjae's dad sighed over the phone.

Today was the first day he was letting her go out on her own. No brother, no father, no guards, no nothing. Just her some sunglasses and a mask. It was evident that he was beyond worried about letting Hyunjae out of the apartment on her own, but she's had reassured him that she'd do her best to lay low.

"I promise I'll keep an eye out. Don't worry too much," she chuckled as she finished doing her hair, "I'll be on okay."

"You're sure? Cause if not I can call hyunjin to keep an eye on you."

"Dad," She chuckled, "It's all good let hyunjin enjoy his day with his friends."

Was she nervous? Yes definitely but she had been waiting for this day since the first day of house arrest.

"Ok ok be safe. Love you."

"Love you too dad," she smiled as she hung up.

Yu <33
are you sure you don't want me to go to you
Or at least meet halfway?

Jae <33
You sound like my dad 😭
We just got done having this convo
I'll be ok (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
It's just one subway ride

Yu <33
Ofc I know you'll be ok
But I'm worried about other people
I don't want anything or anyone to ruin today
We're finally going on a date 🥹
It's been too long

Jae <33
You're so cute 😭
I'll be good if anything happens I'll call
Don't worry your pretty little head
I've got this

Yu <33
Ok be careful
I love you ( ◠‿◠ )

Jae <33
I love you too! ( ◠‿◠ )

She grabbed her bag as she headed out to the subway. Now that she lived with her dad campus was a few stops away. Walking would take too long for her. She was feeling lazy plus there'd be a bigger risk that someone would recognize her or follow her around.

The fresh air hit her whole body as she exited the apartment complex. Nice, god she didn't ever think she would miss fresh air as much as she did. The sun was up too which was nice it wasn't too hot or too cold. Her favorite weather.

Yuta was planning today's date and he wouldn't give her any hints so she was beyond excited. She boarded the train and sat near the door as she put her headphones in. Her head bopped along to the rhythm of tell me by wonder girls. So far so good everyone was ignoring one another as they usually did on the subway.

She went through a couple songs as her stop finally arrived. Her excitement was overwhelming she couldn't contain it. Finally she was gonna go on a date with Yuta in public (maybe cause she still wasn't sure what he planned). She really needed this after all the stress and anxiety that she's been though the last few months. It still baffled her that it was really over.

Yuta waited anxiously in his apartment. He put lots of thought into planning this date, so much that he had a number of back ups in case Hyunjae felt iffy about going out after all. He needed today to be perfect.

"You look stressed," Sicheng said picking up his dance bag.

"I wouldn't say stressed. More like anxious? I need this date to be perfect or I'll cry," Yuta sighed.

"Dude it will be perfect," Sicheng said trying to raise his confidence, "Plus you literally cannot disappoint her."

"I know but this is technically the real first date since she's been gone and it's in public," Yuta pointed out, "Maybe I should have planned something here."

"No way dude. I think the last place she wants to be right now is in an apartment or house. Think about it. You'll be fine," he smiled waving as he headed out.

As per usual Sicheng was able to keep Yuta levelheaded. He was right a date outside would be perfect. It was fine he was overthinking it again. While waiting he checked his outfit once more and made sure he looked his best. Yup he was definitely handsome alright. He heard the doorbell and he immediately felt his excitement go up. Finally.

He immediately opened the door holding his arms out for a hug. As the door opened Hyunjae looked at him with a small smile. Without a second thought she immediately squeezed herself into his arms happily.

"Hi," she laughed laying her head on his shoulder.

She took it all in, she even noticed he was wearing his usual cologne. Nice.

"Hi my love, I missed you," He smile swaying her lightly, "You look pretty, as usual."

She blushed as he let her go, "Thanks I missed you too! Also you don't look too bad yourself."

"I know right," he winked running a hand through his hair.

"So what's the plan? I've been dying to know," she pleaded giving him her puppy dog eyes.

Yuta tried his best to not give in but she was just too cute.

"Fine I'll give you one hint. We're going shopping first. Cool?" He asked.

She smiled planting a kiss on his lips, "Very cool. I'm so excited and also kinda nervous to be out here."

"If at any point you think it's too much we can leave and chill here. I don't want you to get stressed Kay?" He smiled patting her head.

As usual Yuta was two steps ahead. As he mentioned earlier he had plenty of back up date plans in case Hyunjae wasn't feeling safe out there. He didn't care if his ideal date idea got ruined cause of it, he just wanted her to feel safe.

"Got it," She nodded as he pinched her cheek gently.

She made a kissy face at him and Yuta without wasting a second pressed a kiss to her lips with a smile.

"Alright let's go baby," He took her hand as they walked out of his apartment.

Instead of taking the subway like they usually do Yuta opted out for a taxi. That way it was more private and she wouldn't have to worry too much even though she rode the subway here. It just gave him more peace of mind to take a taxi.

"So I need to look for some new clothes and soccer shoes. Wanna help me pick them?"

"I know nothing about soccer but yeah I can do my best," she nodded giving him a thumbs up.

She wanted to be involved with the soccer aspect of Yuta's life, since it was gonna be a big chunk of it. God she couldn't wait to see him play in his actual first game. It was so exciting just to think about.

"I'm so excited for your first game. I'm literally gonna be the loudest person there," She laughed lightly.

Yuta blushed lightly at the thought of it. He'd have his number one supporter cheering him on, he liked the idea of that.

"I like that," He smiled as she noticed the slight blush on his cheeks. Very cute.

The taxi stopped at their destination. They both got out and began walking down the crowded shopping street. So far so good, nobody was batting an eye towards the couple. Maybe it's because they assume that Hyunjae would still have blonde hair or maybe they thought she would keep herself locked in her apartment. Either way she didn't care she was happy that there was no sign of them.

Yuta put an arm around her shoulders as they walked down looking for the sports store.

"We should definitely buy more jewelry," Hyunjae suggested as she was interested in seeing some of the new necklaces at the store where Yuta got his piercings.

"Should we grab a bite first?" Yuta suggested.

Hyunjae rubbed her stomach as she nodded. She was a bit hungry, "Yes please."

They walked down a few more stores until they got to a hotteok food stall.

"And we're here," yuta smiled stopping in front of the stall.

Hyunjae laughed lightly as he gleamed at the store in front of him. Such a cute reaction from him. God she missed this, she missed him so much.

"My treat okay?" She said rummaging through her bag.


Hey reneeeee
I got a lil bit of gossip for you

About what

I'm intrigued too

I was heading out to go shopping today
And I happened to see your man



Omg where was he???

You didn't let me finish
I saw him alright

What did she look like??
Was she pretty?
Please say no!

Oh dear god

I only saw her from the back
She has black hair
That's like the only noticeable feature

Well at least you can confirm it's not jae 💀

What why?

We saw pictures of her online
On those articles remember??
She's a full on blonde rn

Oh right forgot about that

But yeah
He's definitely got a girl

But are we sure it was his gf??
Could be a family member or a friend

I guess but they seemed super close
She def gave me gf vibes
I think they were going on a date

Booooooo 🍅
I hope she's ugly

So much for feminism

I support women
Until they take my man whose not my man

That's not helping your case

In all honesty she seemed cool
At least the vibe she gave off
And her style
She suits him

🍅 idc 🍅🍅
She better hope she doesn't run into me

Irene please
He's just some guy
He's not worth physically fighting someone

not Yong begging you to get a grip
But I might have to agree
There's plenty of other guys Rene
He doesn't seem like he's worth the trouble

Idk I'll think about it
Where were they going???

Not sure
I saw them walking off campus
But I got distracted by a food stall
And lost them lol

Well shit
So much for looking for them

I'm once again asking you to get a grip
Don't you have a date today anyway???

Yeah but 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's not serious to me at least
You know me

Sadly I do

I thought you were going on a date too

Yes I am 😌
I'm excited
She's really nice and pretty
We're going to a museum together

Wow look at you
Moving on good for you

Yup we all should
Cough Irene cough

🤷🏻‍♀️ we'll see


"Cute!" Hyunjae gleamed as he showed her the cleats he wanted.

"Yeah they'll match with the Tokyo uniform," He smiled looking at them with heart eyes.

"Ok I'm still a noob when it comes to soccer but you're gonna be playing on two teams?"

She was still a bit confused on the whole concept.

"The short answer would be yes," he chuckled as he looked for his shoe size, "The team I'm playing for is FC Tokyo, but the national japan team also has their eye on me, so if they want me to play for them I can."

"Whoa the national team that's the team that like goes to the Olympics right?" She asked wide eyed.

He nodded picking out the box with his shoe size, "Bingo." He smiled booping her nose.

She did some quick research while he tried on the cleats making sure they weren't too snug or anything like that. As she looked up the colors for the official uniform she could see why he chose those blue and red cleats. They did in fact match the uniform. He'd look cute in it.

"Alright we're done here," He nodded standing up to head to the register with Hyunjae at his side.

He had picked out the cleats, some shirts and shorts, and some socks. It was interesting to see him preparing for his next big step in life. Hyunjae was so glad she could be part of it.

"You know what I just realized, you'll have to take your piercings off every time you play," she gasped just thinking about it as he paid.

"Unfortunately you're right about that," he pouted slightly.

"You'll be like a totally different person," she teased him, but in reality she's only seen him with all of his piercings off like twice. He really did kind of look like a different person. His piercings made him stand out and give him that edgy vibe without them he looked more innocent. Either way she didn't mind though cause she obviously loved him either way.

"Still your man though," he winked as she blushed lightly.

"Yeah yeah."

They walked out of the store to go get some jewelry from hyoyeon's shop. They walked side by side trying to avoid the other people walking around. She linked her arm with his as to not get side tracked or lost.

"We should get another piece of matching jewelry," He suggested as they continued walking towards the store.

It was a bit far from the sports store they were just at.

"Or matching piercings?" She teased with a smile.

Yuta raised his brow. He wasn't sure if he believed her or not but if she was down so was he.

"Oh really? Which one? " He asked teasingly

"Oh man I was joking, I didn't think you'd be down." She replied anxiously.

"Come on baby you know me. I'd never say no to getting another piercing," he spoke excitedly, "And I'd never say no to you, you're my girl."

She blushed lightly. He was so cute but moments like this made him ten times cuter. Seeing him happy made her heart swell, she hoped he'd be happy forever.

"Have I ever told you that you're cute?" She asked with a grin.

The small statement immediately caught Yuta off-guard. He was still used to being the one who flirted the most.

"I think you've told me a couple times," he smiled proudly of himself.

"Good cause you are," she winked.

He laughed as they continued to dodge the others around them as they finally made it to the jewelry store. As they entered the were immediately greeted by none other than hyoyeon.

"Well well it's been a while," she laughed surprised to see the couple.

Hyunjae noticed she didn't have pink hair anymore. Now she was a full on blonde. It honestly looked like her natural hair color but that wasn't the case.

"Yeah," Yuta waved, "Someone's been busy." He chuckled putting his hands on Hyunjae's shoulders.

"Oh I've seen the news," she replied, "glad that's over. I wasn't sure if I should have said something when I first met you."

"Wait you knew it was me?" Hyunjae asked surprised.

She was glad that the store was basically empty aside from a few other workers who were cleaning the displays on the other side of the store.

"I've pierced plenty of celebrities and I know how to tell when one is hiding," She chuckled, "Heck I've even pierced ex celebrities and celebs who've gone into hiding. You learn a thing or two. Plus I remember watching sixteen."

Her jaw dropped. This whole time she thought she was being subtle but hyoyeon was able to tell so easily. What if others could do the same?

"Don't worry though to a normal person they'd probably never tell. Good choice in dying your hair black after everyone seeing you as a blonde."

"You're scary," Hyunjae shuddered as Yuta laughed lightly, "But thank you."

"I know right," hyoyeon teased, "Anyway you guys need any help? Maybe another piercing?" She asked looking in Hyunjae's direction to which she shook her head immediately.

"Aww," She pouted in response to Hyunjae saying no.

"We came to look around. Maybe get another piece of matching jewelry. Any suggestions?" He asked as Hyunjae looked around the store.

"We just got a bunch of new earring designs. Wanna see them?" She asked.

Yuta nodded intrigued, "Definitely!"

She headed to the back to go grab them as they haven't been put out on display yet. Yuta leaned on the counter watching Hyunjae look at a few rings. She was very focused on the different designs which he found very cute.

"See anything you like?" He asked as she turned to him.

"A few but I doubt they'll fit my finger," She chuckled lightly looking down the case.

While there were a lot of pretty rings they looked too big for her fingers. She continued looking around at the rings and various pendants for necklaces. Everything was so pretty she wanted to buy it all.

"Here are the newest earring designs," Hyoyeon smiled setting them down on the display.

Yuta turned to look at them as Hyunjae returned to his side also intrigued. A new pair or earrings sounded really nice.

"Nice. These are sick," Yuta gleamed.

"Thanks i designed them," she chuckled immediately grabbing Hyunjae's attention.

"You designed them? You design jewelry?" She asked her with stars in her eyes.

Jewelry is something that Hyunjae dabbled in designing, she had plenty of sketches but she was still researching on how to get them manufactured.

Hyoyeon nodded, "Yeah, I've designed quite a few pieces in the store."

"Whoa how do you even get started in that? Can I pick your brain?" She asked leaning closer on the counter.

Yuta chuckled seeing Hyunjae's aura change. Whenever she talked about designing it's like her whole mood goes up ten fold. It was cute and endearing to him.

"You a designer?" Hyoyeon asked intrigued.

"Only the best," Yuta answered as Hyunjae blushed lightly.

She shook her head at Yuta's comment, "i do design, mostly clothes but I've designed a few jewelry pieces too, but unlike clothes I'm still figuring out the whole manufacturing process."

"Tell you what, give me a way to contact you and we can meet up and talk all about it. It's a longgggg process," she laughed lightly, "But I'm happy to tell you all about it."

Hyunjae clapped lightly as hyoyeon laughed.

"You're so cute," He chuckled pinching her cheek lightly, "What do you think about this? Does it suit me?"

He picked up a single earring in the shape of an angel wing.

"Cute! Let me see," she smiled holding her hand out for the earring.

Yuta handed it to her as she raised it up towards his ear to get a visual. It really fit well with his other earrings.

"Oh yeah it totally suits you! So cute," she gleamed at him handing the earring back.

He tried to hide his smug expression as she looked at the other earring designs but hyoyeon didn't miss it, she headed to the back to give them some space. He couldn't help it he loved compliments especially from her.

"How bout a cloud and lightning bolt?" She asked picking out the two earrings, showing them to him.

"Who gets which?" He asked curiously.

She furrowed her brows, "I'm not sure. You give me lightning strike vibes though. Cause you're a striking person, eh eh good one right?"

"Oh that was so good," He laughed teasingly as she cringed. She groaned burying herself in his arms trying to forget what she just said.

"Aww come on that was cute," He hugged her pressing a kiss to her head, "You've convinced me to take the lightning earring."

She looked up at him gleaming, "Cute. I'll take the cloud one then. Wanna keep looking?"

He nodded happily. They pulled apart to continue looking for more new jewelry pieces. After finding some good pieces they paid with hyoyeon and of course she traded contact info with Hyunjae.

"I'll make sure to contact you soon," hyoyeon smiled as she handed them their stuff in a bag.

"Thanks, I'm excited," she replied happily.

"I can tell," Hyoyeon laughed, "You two have fun now. See ya."

The couple waved goodbye as they headed out the door.

"Good call on buying new accessories," Hyunjae smiled holding his hand.

"I figured you'd want some new stuff," he said proud of himself as he swung their hands.

"This was fun," she smiled thinking that their date was probably ending soon since the Sun was gonna set soon.

"Oh you think this is it?" He asked with a sly grin, "Babe this is just the beginning. Well, I've got one more thing planned. If you're up for it."

Her eyes widened, "Seriously?"

"You thought our first date back would be something so simple as shopping?" He put his free hand against his chest, "You wound me."

She laughed lightly nudging him, "Sorry I just assumed and of course I'm up for it."

"Cool. I hope you're still hungry."

They waited for a cab which made Hyunjae wonder where they were headed to eat.

"Han River please," Yuta spoke as they entered .

"Han River?" She turned to him wide eyed.

The last time she had gone there was with him and it was when it snowed on their picnic date. She was bummed that the snow didn't let them stay out long as it was cold, but it was definitely a memorable touch. During the ride they listened to music together sharing AirPods. It was nice and relaxing, she laid her gray in his shoulder enjoying the peace and closeness.

"You know I listened to the playlist you made for me like daily. It was cute when you added songs while I was listening," She smiled.

She wasn't sure if Yuta did it on purpose or not but at times while she was listening a new song would get added.

"Oh so you noticed? I was trying to be sneaky," he admitted rubbing the back of his neck.

He assumed he was being slick so she wouldn't have noticed. He'd add songs late at night when he couldn't sleep and noticed she was listening too.

"Yeah. It was a nice surprise," She admitted blushing slightly, "It's cute. You're cute."

"So I've been told," He smiled teasing her.

The cab arrived near the Han River, mods specifically Yeouido park. They both got off excitedly while Hyunjae was honestly still trying to figure out his plan.

"Ok Wait give me one second," yuta paused as he looked around. He grabbed his phone and dialed someone, "hey I'm here where are you?"

Now what the hell could he be planning? She was so curious she tried to get closer to hear who the other person was or at least what they were saying.

"Yeahhhh just send me your location," Yuta suggested as he walked away from Hyunjae.

He knew what she was trying to do, it'd be more fun to keep her guessing.

"Yuuuu," she pouted following him as he continued talking on the phone.

"Ok ok yes I see it. Still send me your location, just in case," Yuta said as he hung up and held his hand out for her, "Let's go."

"Come on tell me what your plan is," she pouted taking his hand.

"We're almost there that would just ruin it. Just trust me the surprise will be worth it," he bargained with her.

She gave him a small smile, there was no way she wanted to break his joy and excitement for the surprise, "Fine let's go."

She did her best to keep up her pace with him but Yuta was so excited he didn't realize he was walking faster than usual. Yuta being all giggly and excited was truly a sight for sore eyes, she missed him so much. As they passed through various couples and families Hyunjae could make out a figure as they got closer.

"Sicheng?" She asked confused.

The brown haired boy looked up just as confused, but the look of confusion turned to relief as he recognized them.

"Finally, I thought you were gonna bail," he laughed lightly as Hyunjae looked around where he stood, "I was gonna be really sad cause I put a lot of effort into this."

Her eyes widened in surprise as she realized what was happening.

"Surprise! I wanted to redo your picnic date idea since the snow kind of cut our time short," he gleamed letting go of her hand to do jazz hands, "I had Sicheng set this all up while we were shopping and eating."

Set up was a really cute checkered picnic blanket with a spread of various foods and drinks and even a small vase with a few flowers. There were extra blankets in case it got cold. He even had a basket and it's looked like there were a few things inside. Oh this was so cute. She felt her cheeks warming up at the thought of him planning all of this.

"Are you for real?" She cooed, "This is cute and thoughtful." She hugged him tightly in awe of the idea.

Yuta laughed giving her a squeeze, both of them forgetting about Sicheng's existence.

"I'm the one who set it up," Sicheng teased.

She turned to him with a smile, "Thanks so much Sicheng."

"Yeah thanks Sicheng," Yuta mimicked with a sly smile as Sicheng gave him the middle finger.

"Yeah you're welcome losers. Have fun," He waved as he headed towards a food booth.

"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that he called us losers?" He asked raising a brow.

"I think we can let it slide this once, he is a pretty good friend," she smiled pecking his lips.

"God I missed that," He admitted cheekily, "let's sit and enjoy our date."

He sat down as she followed stretching her legs out in the process.

"I made some lunches for us with the help of jaehyun didn't they come out cute? Jaehyun even wrote a little note inside," He handed her the box as she opened it.

Inside was a sandwich with a bunch of little sides and some fruit. The note on the box read have a nice picnic with a smiley face and a heart.

"I added the smiley face and heart, just so you know," he added as he opened his box.

"How can someone be so thoughtful?" She asked gleaming at him, "You really outdid yourself. I'm actually speechless."

This was overwhelming for her, in a good sense. He outdid all their previous dates and even the ones she planned. How the hell did she get so lucky?

"That's not even the best part. Not only did I get us some takoyaki and ramen too but check this out. We talked about matching jewelry but I thought this might be more sentimental."

He opened the picnic basket to pull out a box with a bunch of beads, charms, and chains. It was a bracelet making kit, a fancy one at that.

"So why not make each other a personalized bracelet."

Her thoughts were all over the place, "Oh my god."

She didn't even know what to say, she was so overjoyed and amazed and damn did she fall in love with him all over again.

"You're literally the best," she smiled at him with a lovesick grin, "Best date ever."

"Yeah I don't know how I'll be able to top this," he admitted, "But let's eat before the food gets cold."

"You don't have to top every date," she reassured him with a smile as she began to unwrap the onigiri, "I like all our dates even the simple ones."

He nodded biting into the sandwich before responding, "I know You do but sometimes I have to remind you that you deserve nothing but the best."

She blushed. Yuta's compliments are something she will never get used to. He sent her a wink as he continued eating.

"God you're so smug sometimes," She laughed biting into her food.

Despite Yuta saying him and jaehyun weren't the best cooks the food was really good. Sure most of it was easy to make but she could tell they put their heart and soul into it. Yuta studied her expressions as she took that first bite. He was happy to see that she didn't gag or make a disgusted face. He was really worried about how good the food would taste, he and jaehyun tried it and it was good but they weren't sure if she'd like it.

"So is it decent?" He asked her.

"better than decent! Tell jaehyun I say thank you," she nodded unwrapping the second onigiri.

"Hey I helped too," he pouted as she only mentioned jaehyun.

She reached over ruffling his hair gently, "I know that, but I can thank you in person, jaehyun not so much."

"Ok true," He smiled cheekily, "I'm glad you like it. I worked hard on them."

"You would make a great house husband," she teased as he opened his second onigiri.

"Just for you."

The pair ate and talked with one another. There was lots of laughing, flirtatious comments, and teasing in between each bite of food. Yuta made sure that she was eating enough even if it meant feeding her himself (not that he minded). Every now and then they would throw grapes at each other to see who could actually catch them in their mouth. It was safe to say they both sucked.


Liked by loselose jungjaehyun and others
Loserxluvr my bf is literally the best 🥹 also shoutout to his friend jaehyun for helping him 🫶🏻and ig Sicheng for helping set it up
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Nayutas I know 😎
Loselose this is the last time I do anything for you two 🙄
Loserxluvr wow it's like that???
Jungjaehyun omg you're welcome 🥹🫶🏻


Liked by wendysohn Loserxluvr and others
Nayutas I missed this <33
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Loserxluvr me too <33
Loselose me three
Kimdoyoung me four
Nayutas 🤨

They finished eating while looking around to see the lights reflecting off the river and the other couples around them laughing and enjoying their food.

This was so nice and refreshing, she felt so at peace, it's been a long time since she felt this way. Yuta was just in awe of her. Despite everything that's happened she still seemed so carefree and optimistic. Maybe it was the relief that she didn't have to hide anymore or maybe it was just that she was with him, either way he liked seeing her like this. So pretty.

"Wanna make the bracelets?" He asked grabbing the kit excitedly.

She nodded moving to sit next to him. Since these weren't your typical string bracelets they had to watch a couple YouTube videos to get the gist of it. Even then it wasn't very easy. Hyunjae ended up breaking a few of the charms on accident and Yuta kept cutting the chain while trying to put the charms on.

"Stop moving," Hyunjae laughed holding Yuta's wrist to try and measure how much to cut, "I think we're too stupid for this. We should stick to string bracelets."

Yuta laughed in agreement as she cut the chain link, "Yeah this definitely isn't for beginners, but I think we can make it work. Maybe we need to watch more tutorials."

She moved his arm to let it rest on her leg as she cut the desired length. Yuta did the same for her bracelet but that's as far as they got. After much more trial and even more error the two just kind of gave up.

"You know in hindsight I should have assumed this would be hard when the kit came with pliers," he pouted grabbing the pliers to put them back into the kit.

"At least now we have something to do on our next date," she chuckled stretching her legs out on the blanket.

Yuta closed up the kit and put it back into the basket so they could work on it another time.

"I need to lay down," he smiled before laying his head on Hyunjae's lap without a second to waste.

"Trying to make those bracelets really knocked the wind out of you didn't it?" She asked with a laugh.

He nodded as she ran a hand through his hair.

"I know I say this often but I genuinely think you're a cat in human form," she laughed lightly.

"Sometimes I think so too," he agreed looking up at the sky.

He closed his eyes for a minute taking it all in. He felt so at ease, this was definitely paradise.

"What do you know about the stars?" She asked him curiously as she looked up.

"Truthfully not much," He chuckled lightly opening his eyes enjoying Hyunjae running her hands through his hair, "Only the basic constellations."

"Can I ask you something?" She asked looking down at him.

"That sounds scary," he replied looking at her with a playful smile, "What's up?"

"It kinda is," she admitted nervously. She didn't even know why she was so nervous about asking? "are you busy Friday? Since you're leaving Sunday I thought it'd be cool if you maybe wanted to meet my dad and brother? I know it's scary but I swear you have nothing to worry about they're really cool! And they already know about you so like there's no-"

She paused as he reached up placing a hand on her cheek.

"You did the thing again," he chuckled rubbing her cheek lovingly with his thumb. Ah yes the thing when she starts rambling when she's nervous, "You already know my answer is yes, I'd love to."

The thought of meeting her family did make him slightly nervous, but he knew this was gonna happen regardless and what better time than now? Plus the look on her face when he said yes, yeah he'd do anything for her.

"Really?!" She gleamed looking down at him.

He let go of her and sat up facing her, "I really do hope they like me," he chuckled easing her nerves.

She cupped his cheeks with a smile, "They have to."

He mirrored her smile as she closed the gap between them. Yuta smiled into the kiss enjoying ever second. As she pulled away he didn't waste a single second going in for another one.

"Love you," he winked pulling away.

"Love you more."


Liked by loselose hyunjin and others
Loserxluvr um I may have made a spontaneous decision using Yuta's leftover red hair dye 😵‍💫
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Nayutas my bathroom looks like a murder scene
Loselose can confirm
Huangkh omg the red hair is back 😍
Loserxluvr yes it is 😇 partially lol


Liked by Jungjaehyun loselose and others
Nayutas moments before the disastrous idea
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Loserxluvr disastrous is a bit of a stretch, the bathroom looks brand new 🤩
Nayutas ok that's true and it did come out cute
Loserxluvr thanks to your skill ☺️

Hyunjae walked home as she's got off the subway. Yuta was so sweet he pleaded her to let him walk her so last to the station. He admitted that it was the least he could do. He was gonna walk her all the way home but she insisted that the station was fine. The last thing she wanted was for him to make his trip longer than it already was. Of course he didn't let her leave without a trillion kisses and I love yous.

She opened the door to her house and entered. To her surprise her dad and hyunjin were playing a card game together on the kitchen table. They were both so concentrated she wondered what they were playing.

"Hey your back," her dad smiled looking up from his cards.

"Yeah what are you guys playing?" She asked curiously.

"Oh nice hair," hyunjin chuckled, "We're playing go fish."

She laughed at the game, she thought they were playing something serious like poker, "Thanks! Yuta helped, oh! He said he'd love to meet your guys so don't schedule anything for Friday morning or afternoon."

"Ohh finally," hyunjin chuckled as his dad handed him two cards, "I'm excited."

"Me too but I'm kinda nervous. Please don't embarrass me," she pleaded as she bargained with hyunjin.

"No promises," he gave her a teasing smile.

"Same here," her dad chuckled adding fuel to the fire.

She sighed playfully as she texted Yuta letting him know that she got home safely. So now that that was taken care of she needed to start planning and prepping for Yuta's surprise party. First things first she needed to contact jaehyun. She'd ask Sicheng but he has a class to teach that morning. Hopefully this wouldn't be awkward. She looked for his Instagram username and sent him a dm.

Hey jaehyun
It's Hyunjae but you already knew that
Sorry anyway hi!

Oh hi jae!
Is everything okay?
Is Yuta not responding to you?
Do you want me to text him for you?

Oh no everything's okay!
Actually this is about Yuta
But you can't tell him anything please
I know it sounds sus but just hear me out

Lol I'm all ears 😭

Well ok!
So since Yuta's leaving for sometime soon
I wanted to throw a lil surprise party for him
Like a goodbye or congratulations party
He's gonna be with me all Friday morning
While that's going on I was wondering if you'd be able to set up and decorate his apartment 🥹
I asked Sicheng but he has a class to teach 😭
If you're busy that's totally fine

Wait that's so cute 🥹
Yes I can definitely help
What do you need done??

I would love if you could invite your side of friends
And set up the decor
I'll be buying the decor tomorrow
And we can meet to exchange the stuff
Then I'll talk to a caterer

Oh don't worry about a caterer
I know someone for that
What are you thinking for food?

It's his fave so ya know

Very true
Ok cool let's talk tomorrow to meet up
I'll make sure to keep everything hidden

Thanks so much and um
I just wanna say sorry...
for what happened with yong

Hey it's not your fault
You couldn't have known
And it's all good the past is in the past
I can't wait to officially meet you 😊

Ditto 😁

The next day Hyunjae took the streets off Seoul to start shopping. There was a list of things she wanted to get today. Balloons and streamers were at the top of her list. More specially she really wanted to find soccer ball balloons and those giant letter balloons to spell out Yuta. Jaehyun said he would blow up the balloons on the day of so Yuta wouldn't suspect anything.

She entered a party store immediately being greeted by the worker as she grabbed a basket. There was quite a few people so she hoped she wouldn't draw any attention to herself. She walked down a few aisles till she found the balloon aisle. There were way more choices than she was expecting. She wondered if she should buy a cat balloon just to tease him. With a laugh she grabbed the cat balloon and tossed it in the bag. A couple of younger teens passed by her giving her a weird look, she wondered if it's because she looked out of place or because they knew who she was. Either way she hoped they didn't make it a big deal out of it.

She grabbed some more balloons, thankfully finding some soccer ball balloons and of course the letters to spell out his name. The streamers were easy to find she just wasn't sure what color to get. Should she get the colors of his team? Or just any colors? She ended up choosing some blue and red ones to match his team's uniform. The next thing she looked for was a birthday crown (even though it's not his birthday) and some birthday hats for everyone else to look and feel festive. Next she grabbed some noise makers for when they revealed the surprise.

She looked around the aisles as she felt someone staring at her. She looked around confused as nobody was there. Maybe she was just being paranoid again. Whatever it was she didn't want to stick around too much longer. The last things she grabbed were some funny props to take pictures and some candy cause who didn't love to snack on candy. She grabbed a few last minute things before heading to the register to pay.

"Is this gonna be all for you today?" The cashier asked with a smile.

"Yeah thank you," Hyunjae nodded.

He rang up the stuff and gave her the total. As she paid he decided to strike up a conversation.

"This might be really random but are you famous by any chance?" He asked as he handed back her change.

She blinked confused, "Im not, but why do you ask?"

"A few customers were trying to get close to you, not sure if they were trying to get pictures or an autograph or something. At least that's what I thought, but they might have just mistaken you for someone else."

She nodded, "Yeah that must be it. Thank you."

He nodded handing her the bags as she exited the store confused. What was that all about? Technically she wasn't lying right? She isn't famous.

Hey jaehyun I got the stuff
I can drop by your dorm to drop it off
Or we can choose a meeting place

Hey I'm actually out with doie rn
Where you at?
We could meet halfway
[location sent]

Oh I'm actually nearby!
I can meet you there if that's cool
I'll make it quick to not interrupt

Sounds good 😊

Hyunjae quickly took a cab to the location, it was about a ten minute drive so nothing horrible. She exited the cab as she looked for the Starbucks. The familiar green logo was only a few stores down. As she entered she immediately saw the pair sitting near the bar.

Doyoung was the first to spot her. He waved to her as she walked to their table.

"Hey it's been a while," doyoung smiled to her.

"Yeah I know huh. Oh nice meeting you jaehyun er well kinda?" She laughed lightly.

They've met quite a few times already but she still felt like she didn't know him. Or know him well enough at least. Plus he hasn't met her since finding out she was in fact dating one of his best friends.

"It's complicated isn't it," Jaehyun chuckled, "Nice meeting you. I guess tomorrow I'll officially meet you as Yuta's girlfriend."

"Yeah I'm kinda nervous to meet your whole friend group," She admitted as Doyoung shook his head.

"They're all really chill trust me," Doyoung reassured her, "Care to join us?"

She shook her head, "Nah I don't wanna intrude on your date. I gotta get home, my dads making pork belly and I don't wanna miss out."

"Sounds good, see you soon," Doyoung nodded.

"See you jae," Jaehyun chuckled using his own nickname.

"See you too jae. Thanks again for doing this. I owe you one," she thanked him waving to the pair exiting the Starbucks.

Now that she was done with that she really wanted to get home as she still felt slightly uneasy about earlier. And as usual her but was right. She entered the apartment as hyunjin immediately approached her.

"Hey there's an article about you," He pouted as she set her bag down.
"Is hwang Hyunjae looking for attention?" Taeyong asked reading one of the trending articles.

Irene looked up from the couch, "Seriously? What's it say?"

"Is ex sixteen star hwang Hyunjae looking for attention after her recent court case? We just saw her a few days ago leaving court with a blonde head of hair. Today she was spotted shopping in Seoul by a few fans, but today her hair was dyed jet black with red streaks. Could this be a cry for help? Maybe attention?"

"Ouch do you think tabloids will still buy info on her?" She asked him curiously taking the phone from him.

He paused to think, "Maybe they would, you still have info on her?"

She shook her head with a sigh, "Just curious. Maybe if I dig deep I'll find some pictures from high school. God she looks good. The hair really suits her, I hate that every hairstyle suits her."

"Yeah I remember her red hair phase, pretty," Taeyong admitted.

"Should I dye my hair red?" Irene asked with a laugh handing the phone back to him.

"I think pink is still the best look on you," He responded scrolling through the comments of the article.

"You're so right," She agreed with a laugh, "Speaking of pink where is Yeri? She said she'd be here soon."

"Probably got caught up with something or someone, you know her," He smiled.

The door to the apartment opened and in came Yeri panting as if she had just ran a marathon.

"Jesus what's wrong with you?" Irene asked as she shut the door behind her.

"I... know," she panted, "I know where Hyunjae lives!"

The two looked at the smaller girl with wide eyes and jaws dropped. How the fuck did she find that out?

"Slow down. What do you mean you know where she lives?!" Taeyong asked freaking out.

"Well," she moved over to sit in between the two, "I was doing some shopping with my older sister. She needed some new clothes or whatever for some stupid party, but anyway I got tired of waiting so I was walking around. While walking I took a break in front of a few apartment complexes, so while waiting I read the article about how jae changed her hair color, I look up for a second and I see those exact hair colors walking down the street."

"Yeri I love you but get to the fucking point please," Irene begged not seeing how this has to do with knowing where Hyunjae lived.

"Ok! So I grabbed my phone and recorded her walking in, just in case I forgot the name of the place, and who knows you might need it later. Anyway she lives in those boujee ass apartments called the tower, where all the famous people live," she unlocked her phone to show them the video.

It was a short video, just hyunjae walking while scrolling through her phone until she stops, talks to the security guard at the front door, then he let's her in.

"Ok but how can you be sure she lives there? What if it's just one of her dad's places? He's pretty rich you know that," he spoke as she locked her phone.

"Yong has a point yeri," Irene agreed nodding.

"Because my sisters takes HOURS to shop. I was waiting there for ages and she never came back out."

"Wait what if her boyfriend lives there?" He asked half jokingly.

The two girls looked at him. Well that could definitely be a possibility that they didn't think about.

"You think he's famous?" Yeri questioned intrigued, "Cause only like super rich people live there."

"Would make sense as to why she didn't introduce us," Irene added thinking about it.

"Wait guys I was half joking... You don't really think she's dating someone famous?" He asked raising a brow.

The thought of her dating someone famous made him feel lightheaded. She was definitely pretty enough to get a famous guy to date her but she did have some baggage. Then again everyone did.

"Should we go? I feel like we need an explanation on everything," Irene suggested already getting up.

"We'd never get past the security," Yeri pouted as Irene sat back down.

"So what do we do with this info?" He asked the two girls.

"I mean if we need a quick buck I can sell the info," Yeri shrugged, "eat a nice meal, take a small vacay."

"I feel like we should try and find a way to talk to her," taeyong suggested standing up to grab a drink from the fridge, "Clear shit up."

"As if you'd let her speak," Irene snickered unlocking her phone, "Any idea if she has social media? I'm making a new account. A spam if you will."

"What for? To try and stalk that boy you have a crush on?" Yeri asked holding in a laugh.

Irene didn't respond instead she just gave Yeri the finger.

"Does hendery have you blocked?" Taeyong asked opening a soda can.

"Yup," Irene nodded, "And his account is private no luck there."

"Well can you at least stalk your soccer boy?"

She did a quick search and sighed, "Private account. Man what's up with people having private accounts?"

"What about Aeri? I know for a fact she doesn't have a private account. Girl is basically an influencer," Yeri laughed lightly.

"No pictures with jae."

"What about her followers?"

"She's got over fifteen thousand, I can't look through all those," Irene mumbled in Taeyong's direction, "And even if I did I'm sure she a lot of them are bots."

A lightbulb went off in Yeri's head, "Can you see who her most recent followers are?"

Irene nodded as she changed the settings on Aeri's followers. The most recent ones all look like bots though.

"They look like fake accounts," She shrugged giving Yeri the phone.

"Exactly. Hyunjae's account wouldn't be an actual account, it's a burner so it makes sense that it would look like a fake account. Considering she just got out of her court dilemma she would have recently made the amount."

"You're seriously scary Yeri," taeyong shuddered at how she was putting this all together.

"I've done a lot of snooping in my day," She laughed lightly.

While Irene scrolled through the users Yeri kept an eye out on them trying to figure out which one could be Hyunjae's account.

"Stop," Yeri said as Irene stopped scrolling and taeyong joined them again, "this one looks interesting."

"Really?" Taeyong raised a brow as the account didn't even have a profile picture.

"It's a possibility," Yeri shrugged, "Let's narrow it down some more."

Hyunjae sighed as hyunjin showed her the article.

"Well it could have been worse right?" She chuckled lightly trying to make light of the situation, "They could have said I was an attention whore or something."

She plopped down into the couch with a groan, this was the last thing she needed right now. How bored can these journalists be and who spotted her? It had to be those girls at the shop. Did they follow her around? Oh man she really hoped Doyoung and jaehyun weren't seen with her. Sure she was innocent but she didn't want the press following them.

"Should we sue? Defamation?"

"What'll that do?" She pouted, "you can't sue every single journalist or publishing company. I'm just gonna ignore it."

"I guess. Let's eat?"

Hey jae just wanted to give you a heads up
I invited everyone you asked
And a couple of Yuta's soccer buddies too
Anyone else you want me to invite?

Sounds great jaehyun thanks!
I don't have anyone else in mind
But feel free to invite any of his other friends

Cool I invited ten!
I don't know if he's gonna bring Johnny
But just thought I'd give you a heads up

Oh thanks
We're not on bad terms so it's fine by me

Keep me updated

"Who you talkin to?" Yuta asked sitting across from him.

"I'm planning something for doie," Jaehyun smiled locking his phone.

"Ohhhh can I help?" Yuta asked with a smile.

"You can't, it's on Friday," jaehyun said sympathetically.

He was surprised with himself, usually he wasn't able to come up with lies on the spot like that. He was improving a bit.

"That's right meeting the family dundundun," Sicheng chuckled making dramatic music as he sat next to Yuta on the couch.

Yuta playfully shoved him with a laugh.

"I'm kinda nervous," He admitted running a hand through his hair, "What if they don't like me."

"Come on they're gonna love you," Jaehyun reassured him, "Plus even if they didn't she probably wouldn't care."

"True," Sicheng nodded looking for snacks in Jaehyun's fridge.

Yuta smiled lightly they did have a point there. She was hardheaded and stubborn but he loved that about her. She never met people influence her opinion.

"He's in loveeeee," jaehyun teased reaching over to ruffle Yuta's hair.

"I know," Yuta laughed as they continued to tease him, "Anyone want ramen?"


Liked By Loserxluvr jungjaehyun and others
Nayutas someone didn't want to get a plate....
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Jungjaehyun lazy lazy lazy
Jungjaehyun no no Yuta gave me that bowl I didn't steal it
Nayutas no no I said here's a bowl for whoever wants it
Kimdoyoung you guys are literal children 😭

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