MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor...

By Greyninja27

274K 7.8K 5.9K

Verdant Emperor by TheHinokami is one of my favorite stories of all time so I decided to write the reaction f... More

Setting up the stage.
The Divergence
Interlude: Friends and New Watchers
Finding Shelter & First Steps
Results & Giran
Interlude- Broken Flames
Physical Conditioning, New Home & Two New Members
Verdant Guards & Training
UA Exam & All Might's Regrets
Expanding & New Bases
Heroes & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?
Sports Festival & Verdant Movements
Hosu Aftermath
Verdant Expansion & Advamcenets & Unkown Enemy!?
Heroes Vs Meta Liberation Army
Prelude to Summer Break
Summer Camp
Kamino Incident
Shock & The Sealment of Fate
Saying Goodbye
Interlude: Confession!
Advancing Plans & Growing
Growth & Overhaul!?
Save Eri!
Aftermath of the raid
Military Line Assault!
Battle Aftermath
The fall of Aichi
Prelude to Meeting
Meeting Pt. 1
Meeting Pt. 2
Large Scale Combat!
Interlude-Troubled Hearts.
UA's Surrender & Effects
The Future Within Reach!
Japan's Fall!
The Verdant Emperor's Will!
Meeting the Emperor!

Meeting & Ackowlegements

3.3K 116 70
By Greyninja27


Another two weeks had passed and it was now time for the meeting that Izuku had scheduled with Nezu to talk in more detail about how UA would transform moving forward. Izuku also had been informed of a breakthrough in many different projects that Izuku had the verdant group conducting.

"Hopefully, the space project is one of them," Ochako said.

One said the project was the space frontier program project which was the Verdant Agency that was tasked to experiment and create the things that Izuku needed for the future space exportation projects that would be run under the SFP (Space Frontier Program). These things included stabilizing a teleportation gate that allows them to access the moon itself!

"Yes!" Ochako and Mei exclaimed.

"You really like space, don't you?" Izuku asked his girlfriend.

"Nope! I am in love with that it," Ocahko replied with a slight smirk on her face.

Overall, they were struggling to get it to work as Izuku had to step away from the war planning and efforts to help out a few times but finally, the scientists he had working hard on the project had made a breakthrough as they were able to figure out how to program the gate to accept coordinates that would go off of the planet. These new coordinates were called the Celestial coordinate system as they allowed the teleportation or what they hoped was the teleportation to space which their first target would be the moon itself.

"Wow! These scientists must be really smart to develop such advanced tech in such a short time," Momo said. "I wonder what they are doing right now."

"Most probably hiding from the law or slaving their lives away in some support company," Dabi replied.

Now, they haven't conducted a live experiment because they were building said facilities away from populated areas due to fears of an accident.

"Yeah, we don't want to take an entire city to the moon due to some miscalculation," Izuku nodded in understanding.

"Wait! That is even a possibility?" Kaminari asked.

Izuku shrugged and said, "it's an experiment, you have to assume the worst-case scenario."

The fact is that the gate would open up to a vacuum of space currently which could or would in theory suck everything out around the gate itself on their side once they opened it. This meant they were currently building a lab facility in the middle of nowhere that would have a vacuum-secured room where they would suck the air out of it. There would also only be clones inside the test rooms as well since Izuku didn't want any of his workers dying in a test.

"He is fortunate that he has the luxury to use clones during the testing phase. Otherwise, he would have to risk real human lives in these kinds of experiments," Power Loader said.

The first test was still being planned out and prepared for as they were putting the finishing touches on it but he would be informed when the test was ready.

"You can get quite a lot of things done when you surround yourself with competent subordinates," Nezu said.

Outside of that, the fundamental plans and test structures for the Verdant Moonbase had been long completed but were still undergoing heavy tests. These were being done in an air-vacuumed facility as well but on a larger scale since they had recreated a version of what the actual moon base would be like.

"I love how he casually talks about building a base on the Moon like it's just another Monday morning," Mina said.

"Well, considering the things he has achieved in the last couple of months, that might as well be the case," Toru added.

Over the past few months, a team of 100 Verdant members has been living in it to see what it would be like. No contact physically was given with them nor verbally. The scientists could hear everything they were saying and see everything but they wanted to act as if quick contact was impossible to simulate if the teleportation gate had gone inactive for any reason.

"I hope they have considered the mental effects of living in such an isolated environment," Momo said.

"Yeah, I agree," Izuku nodded, "living in such conditions does tend to mess with your mind at least on some level."

They were almost done with the tests and so far only some fixes and adjustments had to be made to the plans for the first moon base but if things go correctly then within 6 months of stabilizing Japan would have the ability to finish the first moon base.

"That does sound fascinating," Nezu said while rubbing his chin, 'I wonder how will U.N react to all of this.'

Overall, they were a bit ahead of schedule on it but Izuku was happy with the progress. 'Clones of the scientists really speed up the work since you typically only have a limited number of minds that are capable of figuring it all out in a normal science program.' Izuku thought as he reviewed the reports from the SFP agency.

"At this point, he is just dupe-glitching his workforce," Kaminari said.

Overall, outside of the SFP, there were still the progressing results from the special police agents that have been created by the decent heroes that had stayed in Verdant-controlled land.

"Must be a bunch of underachievers who couldn't make it to the top in the normal society," Nighteye remarked.

Overall, there haven't been any issues that rose to the need for him to step in but he did know of a few accidents that got resolved quickly via increased training by local police departments which Izuku was proud of them taking charge of the situation and fixing the issues.

Upon hearing Verdant's report, Noamsa flashed a proudful smile with a puffed-up chest.

One issue was that an agent had acted out of line and had shown some quirkest behavior which resulted in the person being fired once it was confirmed.

"Honestly, you need a lot of guts to openly show your quirkest tendencies when the leader of your nation is quirkless himself," Shinso said.

Another issue was that a person needed an increase in rescue training which was quickly handled. It was issued that would get worked out once Izuku could get the university program set up and require future special agents to pass from which would have high standards.

"The kids in that universe are really doomed if Verdant thinks U.A.'s standards aren't high enough," Kaminari shook his head.

"Not really tho," Momo objected, "once you remove the fame and the sponsorships out of this job, the only people who will join the academy will be those who really want to help people and are willing to put in the effort to match the standards."

Now, outside of all of that, It was time for Izuku to head to the meeting in the next few hours but Izuku decided to make a quick stop somewhere. As Izuku changed into his Emperor outfit that his Verdant Guards required of him even though he was meant to be the ruler!

"You guys are overdoing it," Izuku sighed, "also that fancy costume is a little too much, don't you think so?"

"No!" all the verdant guards replied in unison.

Izuku then took his Verdant Guards with him to make a stop at the Verdant Prison.

"Oh! You are going to prison! What a nice place to stop by," Compress said, "I have been there myself."

As Izuku and his guards entered the prison they headed to the deeper portions of the prison where one LeMillon the 9th user of One For All was located at. There was a reason Izuku wanted to visit LeMillon and that was to inform him of the changes that have happened with the war and to clue him into the fact that UA had surrendered. 'I wonder if he will believe me when I say that the war has gotten to the stage of UA giving in.' Izuku thought as he moved down the hallway of the prison.

"I mean, what option do I have other than believing him," Mirio shrugged, "besides, does it even matter to him if I believed him or not? He is still going to move forward with his plan regardless."

On this side of the prison, only LeMillon and the guards were present since Izuku wanted to keep LeMillon away from everyone else to not risk him passing One For All away and the quirk screwing the war up in some impossible scenario of it getting out of the prison.

"Midoriya, no offense to you but One of All is too broken to be on any one side," Kamianri said.

"None was taken," Izuku said, "but personally I would take all the advantage I can when people like Muscular still exist in this world."

"True true," Kamianri nodded his head.

Izuku came to a stop in front of the cell that housed Mirio Togata aka LeMillon. "Hello, Mirio," Izuku said as Mirio turned to him and looked at Izuku. "It's been a while since we last talked. How are you?" Izuku asked in a normal tone since he wasn't here to look down upon the individual in front of him.

Mirio sighed hoping that his other self had used this isolated time to free himself from the delusions he was carrying with him.

Mirio looked Izuku up and down and rolled his eyes a bit which Izuku saw. 'Must think I am acting all high and mighty now since I am in fancier clothing.' Izuku thought.

"See, now he is thinking that power is gone to my head," Izuku said. He really disliked wearing such fancy clothes.

"And?" Himiko asked, "why should we care what this 'stick up my ass' dude thinks about you?"

Mirio asked Izuku why he was here since there wasn't really anything to talk about.

"Well, there is a lot actually," Dabi smirked, "not that you will like any of it but, that wasn't the point in the first place."

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to be updated on the war effort and join me for the meeting I am about to have?" Izuku asked since he did want to let All Might know his protege is indeed alive and safe.

"Huh! It's not like it matters to him," Nighteye shrugged and received a glare from the former symbol of peace.

Mirio's eyes widen and asked what Izuku meant. "I mean that the war has entered the last stages. UA has publicly surrendered to me and they will be joining me for a meeting to discuss their transition into new operations moving forward. I want to take you to the meeting to allow you to have a chance to talk to them before you come back here after the meeting." Izuku said which made Mirio raise an eyebrow as he asked why wouldn't he be released since UA surrendered and he was a student of the school.

"Is he really asking that after trying to take Verdant's life?" Mina asked.

"That is because he still doesn't understand the gravity of the situation he is in right now," Momo said, "for him, it is still a hero vs villain fight where he is on the Heroes' side."

"Because there is the chance you just joining the war again. You did come after my head once already so I do need to be careful since you hold One For All which is powerful. It's not powerful enough to change the war but enough to be annoying for a bit of time."

"Wow! That was much more brutal than Dabi's burns," Himiiko said.

"Really!?" Dabi asked in disbelief, "I live in constant pain and you still think a verbal rost was more brutal than this?"

"First of all, stop flexing your injuries and go see a doctor," Himiko said, "and second, yes!"

"Nezu is negotiating for the release of the other students of UA but not you since I've already made it clear you won't be released until the war officially ends as you would no longer be a threat then since if you decided to still defend the old government by that point you would be outcasted by nearly everyone since even All Might has called for the surrender of the old government which has directly helped me in the war." Izuku informed Mirio of the situations that have recently happened.

"Calm down there buddy, you are going to break the poor buy," Hawks said.

In truth, Izuku was doing this to demoralize Mirio so that he wouldn't dare pose a challenge to his rulership because in all honestly, Izuku didn't want to kill Mirio if he didn't have to nor destroy One For All but he would if need be.

"What an idiotic decision," Stain scoffed, "just end him here and save yourself from future trouble."

"Spoke just like a true brute you are," Iida said while staring daggers at the serial killer.

Mirio was in denial that his master would honestly call for the old government to surrender but Izuku showed the video on a tablet of the press conference.

"Former symbol of peace getting pursued by a criminal," NIghteye scoffed, "what a shame."

"If we are talking about shame then you and the commission had done enough to bring that on our entire nation," All Might remarked.

"Deny all you want but you can ask him yourself if you agree to join me in the meeting. Of course, you will be restrained and kept away from them since I don't need you to try and pass the quirk along but you will be able to verbally talk and see them as well. Though, I won't force you to join me since you can choose to just stay here if you desire. What would you like to do Mirio?" Izuku asked him and waited for a response.

"I hope he agrees to join since other me and Tamaki must be quite worried about him," Nejire said, "seeing him alive will give some relief to them."

After a bit, Mirio agreed to join them so Izuku had him restrained with quirk cuffs and some other restraints as well before they moved. Izuku also had him blindfolded and put to sleep for a short period of time since Izuku didn't want him to get any hints about where the prison was located at.

"Just want to point out that I was again drugged without my consent," Mirio said.

"Yeah kids, doing drugs is bad, unless it's some good shit," Hawks said as all adults glared at him, "come on, it was just a joke!" Hawks sighed in defeat.

After a while, Mirio came back to the land of the living and found himself in a meeting room of sorts as he looked around the place. He did also notice he was inside a glass cell thing that kept him contained with some airways for him to breathe.

"And now I feel like an animal in a zoo," Mirio grumbled under his breath.

"Well, it's good to see you awake Mirio," Izuku said as he sat at the table. Normally Izuku would enter the room after everyone but today he didn't want to be that grand since UA was already surrendered to him and would be cooperating with him.

"I am glad that he is really treating us with respect and isn't trying to dominate us using his position," Nezu said, "it will make negotiations much easier for us."

Izuku did plan to get Nezu likely involved in the future space plans once the war was finally over but would debate about it.

"Now that... does hurt my feelings," Nezu said in a mock offended tone.

Having someone like Nezu would speed many things up but also has a risk since the dog, bear, and rodent thing was a bit spiteful of humans for what they did to him so there were risks of involving him in the plans.

'Good work Verdant, keep that rat away from space as long as you could,' Alziawa thought to himself.

Mirio just kept silent which was fine for Izuku since he was finishing up the paperwork he was doing to finalize the newer prefectures under his control. The paperwork was mainly appointment paperwork of diet members that would represent the prefectures since the old ones were not welcomed to the new diet.

"I mean, you can't go to work if you are not alive, right?" Himiko said.

"I am pretty sure most of them were just captured during the Diet raid," Izuku said, "but that doesn't mean Verdant is going to hire them back anyway."

If they couldn't get change done during their time before the war started then what would they change after being taken over?

"Fair point," Gran said, "those idiots will most likely try to overthrow Verdant by starting a revolt or something."

As such, Izuku wanted people that would know the struggles of being oppressed in the diet positions for the first few rounds. After that, the diet positions would be voted on by the prefectures themselves and it was Izuku's hope that the people he placed in the first few terms would be able to gather enough support in their areas to stay within the office.

"Well, you can only hold their hands for so long, I guess," Naomasa said, "after that, their own work and achievements will decide their future in the office."

As time passed, the Verdant Guards entered the room if they already weren't with Izuku. Dabi came to Izuku and told him that Nezu, All Might, Detective Tsukauchi, and all of the other UA staff had arrived. The first years from 1-A, 1-B, and Eri were also present as well and Izuku nodded his head.

"Was it really a good idea to bring Eri with you?" Mic asked.

"Keeping her close to us is a much better option than leaving her at U.A. where I won't be there to guard her," Aizawa replied.

Izuku was also told that the other two members of UA's big 3 are present as well since they were able to return to UA from the war front which wasn't surprising to Izuku since they had decent power to escape the government.

"I am glad you guys are safe, even if I was the one who put you in danger in the first place," Mirio said.

"Don't be like that," Neijire smiled at him, "it was our decision to follow you. Don't beat yourself for that."

After waiting a bit longer the doors opened once again and entered a few lines of Verdant Advance team units that were escorting the people from UA and those that joined them. Izuku did notice his aunt and uncle once again and he waved them over. They didn't even hesitate to come very close to Izuku with everyone from all sides staring at them.

"Hey old hag, don't embarrass me in front of everyone," Bakugo said and quickly received a smack in the head.

"Shut up brat, I will do whatever I want."

'Ah, Aunty never cowers in front of others and Uncle seems to have gained a bit of backbone recently. Most likely after the fight, I had with their son.' Izuku thought as his aunt just smacked him on the back of the head as she would always do to her own son when he annoyed her which Izuku honestly suspected for her to do to him after everything. Though everyone in the eyes of the room widens as Bakugo did look a bit scared.

"Careful there women, you might lose your arm there," Stain growled.

"Hah! Your Emperor will have your head before you do something to me," Mitsuki said, "isn't that right, Izuku?"

"Huh?" Izuku blinked as the sudden question was thrown at him, "I mean... I won't get him killed... but I will surely punish him for attacking a civilian."

"Was that really needed aunty?" Izuku asked with a tired tone and she only nodded her head as she spoke, "Yes, it was you brat. I thought Katsuki was rebellious but you take the entire damn cake... now where is your mother since she promised me some gossip and tea last time?" Mitsuki Bakugo said and her husband just sighed.

"Don't worry ma'am, he is just going through his Emo phase," Himiko grinned while Izuku glared at her.

"Sadly my mother isn't here right now but I can have her brought over so follow this guard to a room where they will call for my mother," Izuku said as he waved a guard over and they followed the guard after giving Izuku a hug.

"Great! She is going to have a tea party while we are discussing the fate of the U.A." Aizawa grumbled, "I wish I was her right now."

"God that women's head strikes cause a headache... how the fuck did you go through our entire childhood with her doing that?" Izuku said as he looked at Katsuki Bakugo who just shrugged. Izuku just sighed and told them all to sit down since they needed to get to work.

"Sometimes I ask the same question to myself," Bakugo whispered under his breath.

"As I am sure you all can see, I had Mirio Togata aka LeMillon join us today. I am sorry but I can't let him out of there during this meeting but you are free to talk to him if you wish. Just don't enter the red line area marked on the floor and you can talk to your heart's contents. Any starting questions?" Izuku asked but no one had any starting questions but the other two members of the big three moved to Mirio.

"I wonder, how are we going to get our minds blown up this time," Nemuri said to herself.

"I hope we don't," Aizawa said, "that way we can go back to U.A. without any additional headache."

Izuku himself sat down and moved some paperwork around. After a few more moments they kicked the meeting off and started to discuss the transformation of UA from a high school into a university.

Nezu leaned forward as he was interested in knowing what will be the conclusion of this meeting.

"As it stands, the first years currently will have the chance to benefit the most. You will change their hero training out for the standard police academy training which will have them prepared for the first starting class at UA University. University classes at the moment are most likely going to be around 30 total students per class instead of the current 20 for a heroics class. The reason for the rise is due to the fact that I don't want too many university versions of the academy as I don't want a repeat of the hero system."

"So, he wants to control the quality of the officers by limiting the number of universities all across the nation," Nezu said and pondered on the Verdant's method for a moment, "that could work as long as corruption doesn't reach to the selection table."

"Even of the heroes, we are converting into special agents we only do about 25% since they were the only ones to meet the requirements and weren't corrupted either."

"That's harsh, but these first batch of officers of this new system will need to set an example for the future candidates who will apply for the job," Hawks said.

"As such, the special agents don't have a public rank system like the hero system does either since it's not about fame but saving people," Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head.

"I wonder how much application rates will drop after they implement this rule," Mic said.

"I would say, by quite a lot since fame is a big part of why so many kids are crazy after this career," Aizawa replied.

Then they moved the conversation to how the university would be set up. All of the current teachers already met the standards for the most part of being special agents. They also weren't corrupt either since Nezu doesn't take that kind of employee in.

"Yay! We are not losing our jobs," Nemuri cheered.

"No, but we are getting more work dumped on us," Vald added.

This meant they would all be classified as special agents as well starting the moment they finish their training requirements on what they are meant to do as a special agent.

"I don't want to go to school again," Mic grumbled, "but I don't want to lose my job and hero license either."

"I hate to say this but I can totally relate to how are you feeling right now," Aizawa said.

Overall, it was similar to the hero position but more focused on de-escalation, limiting damage, and quick capture.

"Just like the early model of heroism," Gran said, "back when people put on a cape and costume to save people and not because they wanted to see themselves on a pedestal."

After a while, the meeting came closer to an end as they hit on many different things. They were now on the topic of UA wanting to negotiate for their students to be released earlier instead of at the end of the war. "In regards to releasing them, as I made clear, Mirio can't be released until the war is fully over. The other students can be released but I will be holding UA accountable for keeping them away from joining the war efforts. Do I make myself clear?" Izuku asked as he looked directly into Nezu's eyes who nodded his head.

"Well, that is clearly a threat, no doubt about it," Izuku said, "but I understand. He has to make sure that the released students won't go back and rejoin the war otherwise more people will die on the field."

"Indeed, I've also acquired the assistance of all of their parents who will help keep them locked down and away from the war," Nezu said.

"Wow! Caging children against their will. How heroic of you Nezu," Nighteye said.

"At least I am not turning them into puppets so that I can keep my hands clean while they do all the dirty jobs," Nezu shot back.

"Speaking of the war, there is a rumor that you've gained more prefectures recently but it's unconfirmed?" Nezu asked which earned a chuckle from Izuku and other Verdant members. "Indeed, It would be released in a day or so since we've kept it on the down-low but Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, and Iwate have all surrendered due to All Might's speech. We've finished setting up a defense line on the border of Akita and Iwate as we are stabilizing those prefectures before we will push down further." Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head.

"Tsk!" Nighteye clicked his tongue as he realized that now the war is truly lost for their side. The governors who were supposed to be on their side were surrendering their lands and their home base in Tokyo was already in Verdant's grasp.

Meanwhile, All Might was a bit stunned that his words had that much of an effect even though he is retired. Izuku noticed though and decided to speak up. "All Might, you look surprised? Do realize your words have a lot of influence. You did change the trajectory and mindset I was holding before our previous meeting. If you can influence me then you certainly can influence the leaders of the prefectures themselves."

"He is right All Might, you were not a symbol because of your power alone," Izuku smiled at his mentor, "people loved you because of who are and what you did for them for the past three decades while sacrificing your life."

"Yeah absolutely," Dabi grinned, "just look at Endeavor. He is the No.1 hero right now, but no one loves him, including his children and I am willing to bet if he had a dog even that dog won't love him."

"Pufff~," Hawks laughed while Endeavor just sighed not looking forward to going home tonight.

"It's with that in mind that I am wanting to offer you a position All Might," Izuku said shocking everyone but the Verdant Guards themselves who knew of this idea. Izuku Midoriya wanted All Might to directly serve him as a close ally in broad terms.

"That is a great idea," Momo said, "having All Might on his board will give the public the reassurance that someone is keeping Verdant in check all the time."

"All Might, I want you to serve on my Public Advisory board. This doesn't have the direct power that the Verdant Guards wield but you would attend most meetings that I am involved with as you would be advising me along with others to better shape Japan's future on issues that you believe need to be addressed or incentives that we should look into. My Verdant Guards are warriors for the most part and will transition to some public servant positions at the end of this war since I want them close to me but I need people that can better advise me in regards to the actual public. This is where my public advisory board comes in and I wish for you to become the first official member of it." Izuku said as he looked All Might directly in the eyes as the room was completely silent.

"That is really a bold decision," Gran Tarino said, "knowing Toshi, he will definitely raise his voice whenever he sees that Verdant is taking a bad decision, no matter how much Verdant likes his ideas."

"And that's what he wants," Izuku said, "he doesn't want people who will not raise their opinions just because he is in a position of power. He wants people who will make him work twice as hard on the policies before presenting them before the board."

No one outside of Izuku and the Verdant Guards saw that proposal coming as it meant having Izuku's ear for the most part and could directly influence how Japan moves forward.

Toshinori himself was stunned after hearing that proposal. Becoming a symbol of peace was one thing but he had never imagined that one day he will be in a position that will allow him to decide the fate of the entire nation.

As the room was still silent because they were waiting for All Might's reaction, Nezu spoke up instead. "Yagi... I think you should do it. It would help establish trust in the Verdant Emperor by most people that don't currently support him. It also puts you in a position to call him out on any actions if he goes too far on something. This way you can directly watch the person you wanted to trust guide Japan's future, wouldn't you say?" Nezu said.

"Well if even Nezu is supporting this, I don't think it will be a bad idea," All MIght said, "besides I have a lot of free time on me nowadays."

He really wanted Toshionri Yagi to accept the position since it put someone he trusted close to the Emperor and allowed them to have some breathing room in knowing that the Verdant Emperor wouldn't just suddenly get violent after he wins since putting All Might who has great sway with the public in such a public position would deal the Verdant Emperors support a huge blow if All Might called him out on an issue that he was acting like a tyrant on.

"Good thinking on your part Nezu but I don't think he is going to go rough out of nowhere," Izuku said.

"That's true but as you said earlier, we do need to take precautions against the people like us," Nezu replied.

After a few more seconds All Might nodded his head and accepted the position. "I would be honored to take the position." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head.

"Toshinori, I don't care if you are old or not. If you slacked on your new job other me will still kick your ass," Gran Tarino said.

"Yes sensei," Yagi shakily replied.

Soon the meeting came to an end and it was decided that the UA students would be released in the following few days as they are processed out of the prison centers they were in and would be transported to UA by the Verdant troops.

"Good, another meeting wrapped up without any incident," Izuku sighed.

"Don't jinx it, problem child," Aizawa said.

As they were wrapping up though, a person entered the room which caused everyone to look at them. This individual though wore a white coat on them.

"Told you," Aizawa grumbled.

Izuku waved his hand and told them to report. "Sir, Stage 1 of SFP is prepared for the tests. We just need your permission and we will be able to see if we can move to stage 2. Permission to proceed?" asked the scientist and Izuku was about to say yes but then realized he had an audience he would like to show the results of what the Verdant aimed for so they knew what the future held under them.

"We are going to see it! We are going to see it," Ochako cheered in her seat.

Meanwhile, Mei just went and sat in front of the screen with her notepad and a wide grin on her face.

"Actually, connect a feed to the meeting room. It's time we start revealing to our people what SFP is since only those directly involved or in the high command know about it. Depending on the results we will show the video with a message from me to the entire organization. Can you get it done in the next five minutes?" Izuku asked and they nodded their heads as they pulled their phone out and made a few calls.

"Ok, I have to admit, this is getting me hyped," Kaminari said.

"You should be," Momo said, "we are going to see the possible foundation of future space exploration programs."

Izuku looked at Nezu and asked if he wanted to join him for a show which caught all of their attention since only Izuku and the Verdant knew of Izuku's plans. Well, Mirio did as well since Izuku told him in that prison but he had no way to know it was connected to whatever SFP was which was the Space Frontier Program.

"After watching this, he has to believe in Verdant's words right?" Mina said.

"You can cure a blind person but you cannot cure someone who is pretending to be blind," Bakugo said.

Nezu nodded his head and Izuku had his mother and the other two called to come to watch as well. 'Time for people to see the sheer power at our hands since the teleportation technology in itself is a dominating power that could allow me to conquer the entire world due to how useful it is. Though, I have grander goals than just the pathetic earth!'

"Wow! That sounded way more terrifying than it should," Kamianri said, "and this is just a thought but can you guys imagine, what would happen if other versions of Midoriya somehow met each other and decided to take over the multiverse just because they can?" Kaminari asked giving a chill to everyone in the hall.

"Chill guys, I will never do something like that," Izuku said trying to pressure others.

"That is true Izuku, we know you won't do it but there are an infinite number of universes out there and all these universes have a version of you," Momo explained, "and you can't possibly say that all of them are as heroic as you or have strong morals like Verdant."

"You are right but-"

"She is right Midoriya," Nezu jumped into the conversation, "as we have already seen that not every version of you share the same life. Maybe some have worst childhoods than you, and maybe some have worse futures. There might be a version of you who might be desperate enough to use their knowledge on heroes to become A Strategist For Hire and help villains to take down heroes."

Bakugo shuddered at the thought of Izuku using his knowledge to kill heroes just to make some money. And he knew that he will play a big part in pushing that version of Izuku on that horrible track.

"A version of you might get picked up by All for One, right after the rooftop incident and become his successor."

All Might clenched his fist as he imagined Izuku standing next to that devil.

"Or a version of you might be ambitious enough to try to rule over the multiverse by becoming The Conqueror."

"You are right. I cannot just refuse to accept that evil versions of me exist out there," Izuku sighed, "and knowing myself... let's just hope that an evil version of me doesn't get a technology to mess with the timelines."

Izuku thought as he dreamed of taking his home country into space which was becoming more and more viable with each success.

"Good, as long as Verdant is the only one who has access to it," Izuku said as he was disturbed by thinking about the evil versions of himself.

To be continued...

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