Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

13.5K 610 440

You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C7: What If's
C8: Scratchmen Apoo
C9: Punishment Day
C10: Lunch Date?
C11: Liar
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C14: Bonney
C15: Café
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C25: Clarification
C26: Visit
C27: Last Race
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C 6: Written Agreement History

426 22 7
By MasclaraReign

Before marrying Kid Eustass, you have thought of something to scare them away.

Eustass family is actually free to marry who they want because they don't have parents to dictate them on what to do. When they offered arrange marriage, you knew it's just about business expansion. No feelings was ever attached to their proposal.

Your mother Linlin agreed to your request because your individual performance to the family is almost the same level as Cracker and Smoothie. You created the written agreement because you don't want to be used or be abused by the Eustass. If you can't have a loving marriage, you wanted to at least have his loyalty.

"Is this agreement necessary?" Katakuri asked. Him along with Smoothie, Cracker and Peros visited you to guide you or give emotional support to your current problem.

"Yes brother. Eustass Brothers are free men. That means, they can marry who they want so it's impossible for them to be in an arrange marriage unless they're planning for something." You walked back and forth as you try to convince them to agree with you.

"One of them is going to marry me just because they wanted a business expansion. I don't want them to take advantage of my contributions to the family because I poured every single effort I could to reach where I am now but... I don't want to refuse mama."

The reason for not refusing your mama is because this is the first request she ever asked you. On your younger years, she most likely let you choose your own path of living.

Peros took the written agreement you created and read it. He understood what you wanted to happen, the terms, conditions, rules, and regulations in your household. Inside the agreement, it is stated that whoever is going to marry you shall agree with it.

The violation of Basic House Rules requires the violator to be punished by the other person. Because Kid is part of the written agreement, he recommended to punish a house rule violator by following every tasks that the partner will require for the whole day.

However, the other page (SECONDARY PAGE) of the written agreement contains more serious matters like:

Adultery- Third party or cheating within the marriage.

Non-consensual sexual activity- Or Marital rape that leads to forcing the spouse to have sexual intercourse.

Concubinage- Keeping a mistress or having sex with other women including one night stand.

Domestic Violence- violent actions such as hitting, beating, pushing, and kicking.

These cases are clearly punishable by the law but you made sure to add more which is the purpose of the written agreement you've created.

Any side, either you or him, to be proven guilty of any of this shall be sent to court to face the law and the consequences. Plus, the person who is found guilty shall give half of their family's business including shares, stocks and money from their own bank account. The victim shall receive everything and divorce shall be granted towards them. After the lawbreaker finishes their sentence, if they make it out alive from prison, they are required by the written agreement to serve under the family of the victim as their employee.

However, there's another part of the second page of the written agreement which Linlin included to make sure she delivers fair punishment to whoever files a divorce.

If one decided to file a divorce just because that person doesn't want to be part of the marriage anymore, that person is considered as defeated. Meaning, the person will still give half of his shares and total earnings to the family even if the person did not commit a crime during the marriage.

When you presented the paper in front of every adult family member of the Eustass and Charlotte family, you were sure it could somehow scare away the Eustass because of your demands. You were secretly stopping yourself from smirking through the entire discussion.

Kid sighed and relaxed on his sit, no sign of discouragement as well as his brothers.

"Is that all?" He spoke confidently.

Is that all? Tsk, this man!

"That is what our sister asks in your marriage, I hope we can all respect that." Katakuri spoke before you can even snap on the red-head. You're brother knew you better.

"Or just take your proposal and leave if you think you can't comply." Smoothie spoke for the very first time, calm but had a venomous glare towards Kid.

"Well..." The blond eldest of the Eustass smiled and wander his barely seen eyes around everyone. "If it will make miss Y/N comfortable and secure, then we have no problem with that. This is an arrange marriage after all. Our purpose for this arrangement might be for business but we would still want to ensure a family development within us. Just like any married couple, I'm sure everyone here is still hoping for a better future for our siblings."

"That's good to hear. We don't want to have any problems in the future. We're also looking forward to a good relationship." Peros said.

"Wire, Heat and I will be around to give our support to our brother Kid and future sister Y/N in order to establish a good relationship with everyone." Killer said. The way he talk radiates confidence in a convincing manner. 

"Me and my brothers will be around too to beat your brother if he makes any mistakes." There goes Cracker who's a bit similar to Kid when it comes to dealing with things, they always thought fist is better that discussion.

"I can beat you alone in just 5--" Kid was cut off immediately by his eldest brother.

"Feel free to do so. But I guess my brother will not violate the second page of the written agreement." Killer said.

"What do you mean?" Peros asked.

"Um, well you see, our brother occasionally breaks our own house rule in the mansion so I'm afraid he'll often violate Y/N's house rule." Heat spoke.

"Oi, oi." Kid got irritated by the sudden turn of the conversation.

"But I guess Kid can endure each punishment given to him if he ever violates some house rules." Wire said.

"Okay, that is understood. As long as they comply to the written agreement, then there shall be no problem between our families. Once these papers are signed, no one can complain about it not even my own children." LinLin finally spoke. Then when everybody agreed, the discussion proceeded to the marriage plan.


Here you are, sitting again in Morgans' office. Morgans sighed when you didn't move while staring at the new pictures in your shaking hands.

Kid lied.

Kid asked you to attend the car show without him not because his friends needed him but because he went to attend dinner with another female.

The picture was taken in front of a bar that is not so far from where you were last night. If you have gotten out and had your eyes wander last night, you might've had the chance to see his car parked around.

But he was home first.

Maybe he saw your car outside the bar and went home first to pretend that nothing is off.

Maybe he knew you were at the bar beforehand.

But then, that is just a speculation.

"Are we going to continue? My employee said there was nothing suspicious between your husband and that woman with the way they interact but the fact that he is hanging out with her often is something to be wary of." Morgans has a point. You placed the pictures back inside the envelope and put it inside your bag carefully.

"Let's continue until we can capture more provable evidence, Morgans. These photos are not valid in a court, right?"

"Right. And as you wish, we shall resume on this investigation."

You left immediately to meet Kid for lunch. He told you about it this morning but never said any reason as to why he wanted to have lunch with you.

While walking around town with Kid, you didn't realize you were spacing out too much because of the report you received. Turning to a corner, a harsh bump on your shoulder almost made you fall to the ground but Kid was fast enough to hold you by the waist and your arm to prevent it from happening.

"I'm sorry." You apologized to whoever you bumped, knowing it was your fault for not being attentive to your surroundings.

"Tch, idiot." The guy murmured and within a flash, Kid let go of you then pushed the guy harshly causing him to fall down on the ground instead. You panicked as you grabbed Kid's arm to stop him from attempting to kick the guy. With his height and his body built, you managed to pull him away. You have never seen him this violently angry to anyone before.

"What did you say?! Say it again!" He shouted.

"N-nothing, nothing...I'm sorry, I didn't realize it's you mr. Eustass."

"I don't care if you know me or not! YOU FUCKING APOLOGIZE TO HER!"

The guy immediately kneeled with his hands on the ground and bowing his head. He apologized multiple times and you told him it's okay. Kid attempted to kick the poor guy so you pulled him away until you reached the entrance of your destination.

" Kid, what the hell was that?" You asked. He was about speak when he realized your hands were intertwined with his. You quickly let go of him as both of you resume walking inside the restaurant.

"You apologized but he called you idiot, aren't you mad? If I was you, I would've beat him into a pulp" Having the anger on his face showed his willingness to do such thing with no joke.

"It was my fault and we always call each other as idiots, we're used to it. Why would that bother me?"

"Well that's a different story." He huffed and walked ahead of you, leaving you behind. You just hummed with a bit of confusion but you shrugged it off.

Arriving on the reserved table, he pulled the chair without looking at you. You were about to sit on the other side but he cleared his throat to get your attention.

"How disrespectful." He commented while giving you a look of disappointment.

"What?" You raised a brow.

"I pulled the chair for you to sit here and now you're going to sit there? We're in public." He said.

"Well sorry Mr. Eust-ass, it's rare for me to see you being a gentleman. Oh I forgot, we're in public." Obviously mocking him, you went to sit on the chair he pulled for you. Upon sitting down, he remained holding the chair and leaned down so close to your neck that you can feel his warm breath bouncing from your skin.

"Better not act foolish, woman."

You turned to his direction to meet his eyes. But because his leaning too close, your noses touched which sent unknown tingling sensation to both of your bodies. You on the other hand, tried your best to keep your cool despite of the closeness.

" I'm not, Kid. So please sit down and let's have decent a lunch ." You said firmly. Kid, recovering from his little shock, smirk without moving an inch. Instead, he tilted his head to get closer to your face like he's leaning for a kiss but didn't reach.

"Ooops, my, my. Sorry to interrupt the lovey dovey scene. Here's your order Mr. and Mrs. Eustass." A familiar female voice said.

Kid pulled away keeping his smug look on you while he sits on the chair across the table like he has done nothing, leaving you to be the one in shock.

'what the f is he doing!'

"Umm, hello Masclara." You greeted the female who came to serve your meals to divert your attention. The familiar employee who came to serve you has an odd hair color. Upper half of her hair is black while half of her hair below is red and she also have spots on her face.

You were just confused when she already served your meals without taking orders first. However, she noticed your little confusion.

"Mr. Kid has given us instruction when he called for reservation. He told us to cook your favorite meal since we know what you like." She explained as you nodded. Of course Masclara knew what kind of food you'd like from their menu. She has been delivering food to your office when you don't have time to go out. She's the only person you trust when it comes to food deliveries.

"But would you like to add something?" Kid asked in his bored tone.

"No, I'm good." You answered, satisfied with the given meal.

"Okay, I'll leave you two now. Enjoy you're date."

"Pfft, date? I think Kid would prefer other girls to date instead of his wife." You muttered silently, the pictures from Morgans' report resurfaced through your mind.

"What?" Kid raised a brow. You just shrugged and took a spoonful meal just to prevent yourself from speaking before you could tell Kid about the pictures.

While digging in, the meal was interrupted by a message on your phone that sat beside your plate. You took your phone to see who it was as Kid noticed you pausing upon reading your message and gained his attention.

"Who's that?"

"It's Cavendish."

"What did he say?"

"He's asking me if I'm free tonight."

Hi Sunshine. So for the written agreement PRIMARY PAGE, I didn't write all house rule because it will be too long since it's just a house rule similar to our own home and not much of a big deal. As for the SECONDARY PAGE of the written agreement, I'm assuming we are all aware that those are literally punishable by law with equivalent consequences. However, in real life setting, you can add more consequences (just like what was written in this chapter to hold YOU and KID in place) as long as both sides agreed to it and has their signature on the paper. So be careful with what you sign because your signature serves as a seal of your acknowledgement to its content whether you have read it or not.

That's all, thanks for reading and take care always, love yah.

Written date: February 21, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara

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