Domina Mortis [Tom Riddle]

By galax10939

25.2K 798 51

Just a normal girl who gets reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter... Harry Potter older sister ! __... More

[author note]
Prologue (skippable)
[Author Note]
Chapter 1 : after the tragic night (skippable)
[Black Castle]
Chapter 2 : lessons and first friends (skippable)
Chapter 3 : wands doesn't like me (skippable)
[Heir Rings]
Chapter 4 : journal (skippable)
Chapter 5 : Hogwarts Letter (skippable)
Chapter 6 : Year 1 (skippable)
Chapter 7 : Summer time (skippable)
Chapter 8 : Year 2 (skippable)
[Author note ]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

628 28 2
By galax10939

Back again at hogwart, starting my year as the Slytherin fifth year prefect with Aiden, don't ask me how he manage, no one knows.
The last few days of holidays went nicely, the case of Sirius Black as been reopened but is kept a secret, however after sending a small anonymous note to Rita seeker, I have a feeling it won't be kept hidden for long.
Which is good because Dumbledore attention will go on this and I can manipulate little Ginny to my free will. The tug I feel with the pendant has told me she has start writing quite a lot in the diary.
Anyway after leading the first year to the common room I decided to rest a bit.

[Domina Mortis](Harry POV)

"Bloody Hell, have you heard Harry ? People are saying that Sirius Black might get a trial !"I turn my head to Ron and ask him
"Sirius Black ? Who is he ?
-You don't know !? He is related to the murder of your parents, however I don't know much about him." Respond Hermione
Black... where have I heard it before ? I swear I know this name.
"How can we obtain more informations about him ?" I ask, Percy who was also sited in the common room with us respond
"Ask Asteria, she will know something for sure, she always find a way to know things." Asteria ? Ok well let's go find her !

[Domina Mortis]

We found Asteria sited at the window sill in on of corridor of hogwarts, she is with who I believe to be Aiden Avery, another Slytherin in her year, that came to a shock to the three of us when we learned my sister was in Slytherin.
When she notice us she gave us a big smile and once we were close to she grabbed me giving me a big hug, her hugs aren't like miss Weasley, hers are calming, warm and very nice to be, the ones from Miss Weasley are nice yes but I never know how to react.

"So how is doing my little brother and his friends ?" She ask still keeping me close to her, her friend was sit at the other side of the widow sill reading a book and Asteria was sited side way on the sill, meaning that I was leaning on her side with my back to her but by moving my head to the side I could see, complicated to explain, my friend told her they were fine and I followed.

"I'm good, I'm here to ask a question, do you know anything about Sirius Black ?
-oh and Why do you want to know about him ?"she ask out of pure curiosity
"-Well I heard he was related to the murder of ..."I cut my answer
"Ah I see, yes I do know some things about him.
-of course she does, have you not notice her last names ? People tend to forget one, Asteria Black-Potter"her friend told us
"Why do you have two names and why is one of them the one of the reason why you're parents were killed ?"Hermione shot her questions at Aria.
"Well I explain it to you , Sirius Black is my Godfather" we all shot a loud what at her, she laughs a bit before continuing
"He was one of the best friends of our father Harry, to the point that when he got kicked out by his parents our grand parents welcome him in, that why he is my godfather.
-but then why did he betrayed our parents
-I'm getting to it, after our parents get into hiding a secret keeper was made, you will search what it is later, however that secret keeper betrayed our parents by telling Voldemort of where the house was, this secret keeper was believed to be Sirius Black, also because it was believed that he kill another one of his best friends, Peter Pettigrew. However these accusations might be wrong because it seems that Peter Pettigrew was actually alive all these past twelve years, that why Sirius Black might get the trial he never had.
As for why we share a last name it's because after that night I was taken in by Arcturus Black, he couldn't take you because professor Dumbledore had already apparently a better place for you. Somewhere where you will be happy." I can't believe my hears, somewhere where I could be happy ? Dumbledore refused to let me stay with magical relative ? With my sister ?
"I- thank you for answering my questions sis, I will talk to you later see you !" With this I left quickly with my friends running after me asking me what was wrong.

[Domina Mortis] (Asteria POV)

Oh how I love causing discord, when Harry asked me this question I knew this was my only chance to make him doubt Dumbledore, how awesome.
Rita will most likely publish her paper this or next week, perfect, she must have been the one telling around these rumor. Everything is good well.
Just not DADA class with the narcissist.

[Domina Mortis]

This year I decided to go back home for Yule I can't bring Harry sadly.
The Sirius Black case has been advancing greeting and should be done before the end of the year, however it is said he will need to get psychological treatment when he get out, meaning he won't be able to become the guardian of Harry soon.
I was able to nor have the chamber of secret open thanks to the necklace given to Ginny, it's protect her from the possessing. I also started to get closer to her to see how her link with the diary are evolving.

[Domina Mortis]

Tonight the moment, this is one of the things I don't tell my friends, only I know, I've been having my cat, Narnia watching Ginny and Tom riddle had the exact enough amount of power, so I cut the protective charm of the necklace and right now he must already be in the chamber of secret, I have put some seal on the basilica to be sure he won't wake it up if my timing is off and he had already enough time to call it.

(Third POV)

Tom Riddle didn't understood why the basilic didn't respond to his call, after bringing Ginny down here stunning her, leaving her on the floor some meters away from him and getting out of the diary absorbing  the remaining of her vitality to finally have a corporal form, he  tried calling the basilic but didn't obtain any form of response.
Without his knowledge, Asteria arrived, taking the diary and the necklace off Ginny who was at the middle of the chamber, she exclaim

"What an interesting piece of magic"she said referring to the diary, to say the least, Tom Riddle almost had a heart attack, not that he will even admit. He turned quickly to see the black haired girl holding his diary in her right hand looking straight into his eyes.
Who is she and how did she enter ? Lucky he remember to take Ginny's wand. He couldn't recognize her at all, he didn't know from which house she was from nor know her identity based on what Ginny told him.
"Who are you ?" He ask while slowly taking out the wand
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."the moment she said this, Tom felt an excruciating pain in his whole body making him drop the want
"H-how ..?"he asked himself
Asteria took two steps forward showing him the necklace Ginny talk about to him about. She apparently loved it.
"This" she said showing the necklace "is what is keeping you in since almost corporal form, not Ginny life essence. I'm the one who gave her when I notice she was in presence of... this." She finished by showing his diary.
"You see, I immediately understood this was an intriguing piece of dark magic, a hocrux I believe the name is."
How could she know ask Tom to himself, nobody knows about horcrux, Dumbledore got rid of the book.
" And after seeing the name on it, Tom Marvolo Riddle, I did some research. Did you know ? Of course you know. Your name is the perfect anagram of "I am lord Voldemort", took me some time to figure out, yes, but in the end I did. Now the questions is how much more of these horcrux have you made to leading you to the decree of insanity you were the last time I saw you ? A lot more when you see how quickly you became insane"
Who is this girl, how does she know so much, what is she talking about, I didn't became insane did I ?
"Now, if you want we can either work together, or against each other, your choice.
-Will you tell me more of what you know if we work together ?
Tom start weighing the pros and cons, obviously this girl was controlling him by this necklace. Working together with someone able to deduce some much would give a great ally, however she might turn against him.
Tom as made his choice.
"I accept to work together if we make an unbreakable vow to never turn against each other nor try killing each other by any means or ways."
For some seconds her face was indecipherable, then she smiled and extend her name.
"Let's make this unbreakable vow" she then imperio Ginny to be the witness before erasing her memory and letting her fall into unconsciousness again.
The vow between Asteria Black-Potter and Tom Riddle was made.
It came as a surprise to Tom to know the older sister of the boy who he was defeated by was that...sly...especially after hearing all the praise about her from Ginny, Asteria, the little crush of Ginny Weasley.
"How are everyone fool by you ?
-Oh ? You know about me ? Has little Ginny talked to you about me ?
-yes , she is quite fond of you.
-to respond your question, I just show and tell people what they want to hear, easy.
-I undesirable better why you are in Slytherin. How do you know about my horcrux." She gave Tom  a sweet smile before answering
"I'm a necromancer, everything relate to death has no secret for me." A necromancer, Tom couldn't believe his hear, they are extremely rare.
"I see, how come this jewel control me ?
-It does not control you, it controls your life essence. A creation of myself, made from some necromancer magic and a bit of the philosophers stone." Ingenious indeed Tom thought
"Why did you not killed me immediately ?
-firstly, because you would have come back another way, secondly, because I found you ideology better than Dumbledore, well the ideology you had before becoming insane of course.
-How did I became...insane ?
-Easy, horcruxes, one is ok, doesn't affect you sanity for a few centuries, however, judging by the amount of horcruxes you made, insanity came faster.
-you know more of my horcruxes right ? Do you know how many I made by now ?
-Well, I don't know how many, but judging by the fact I am in possession of three and I thing you have two more somewhere else, I think you have 5 or 6.
-You have three of my horcruxes?!
-well the diary, Salazar Slytherin locket and Ravenclaw diadem."
So the horcruxes where the reason why I became insane ? Tom thought, he couldn't believe it. What should he do know.
"And now, what should we do ?
-Well you go back in the diary, I bring Ginny back to her dorm and I will write to you what I thing is best to do.
-how do I know you won't leave me trap in the diary ?
-pinky promise ?" Asteria told him with a hopeful face, Tom stare at her blankly
"Ok ok, I swear on my magic I will get you back in a sane and corporal form by my 20 years. Is it good for you ?" Satisfied Tom went in the diary, he had a lot to think about.

Asteria POV

Now that was scary, I can't believe I was able to not stutter or anything. Because guess what ! He is scary yes, but he is super hot, tall, pale, wavy black hair and extremely intense eyes, 10 out of 10 totally my type. But he is a dark lord, too bad, if he had been in my year I would have totally flirted with him.

Anyway, now I need to get this girl back to her dormitory. Giving her a fake necklace of the one I now have back and messing with her mind to give her the impression she got rid of the diary, I levitate her back to her dormitory, now I need to  avoid  all people or portrait I come across...


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