The Orphaned Luna

By Kelmeister93

209K 7.3K 382

One night changes Sierra's life forever when she loses everything except her toddler niece. In charge of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

5K 189 7
By Kelmeister93

Startled, Sierra frowned. "What's the matter?" She was sitting on the floor playing with Angie when Brittany burst in.

Brittany roughly picked up a blanket Angie had. "This is not for your brat. How dare you ruin his things? Who do you think you are? Coming into my house and taking stuff that doesn't belong to you."

"Zane gave that to her. I know about your brother."

"You don't know shit! Don't touch his stuff! I don't care if Dad said it was okay, I'm telling you, it's not!"

"Then take whatever you want to save out of her room." Sierra hoped that would make her happy.

"It's not her room! It will always be his!"

"You can talk to Zane about that. He had to take care of something. He should still be in his office." Now she hoped to be left in peace.

"Fine, I'll do that." Giving Sierra and Angie a last glare, she stomped out.

Pausing outside her father's office, she knocked and waited for him to let her in. What she saw made her jaw drop. There was another desk, which was obviously for Sierra, and a play area for the pup.

"Hi honey." Zane finished clicking a few keys before looking up at her. "Everything alright?"

"No, it's not. Did you give this to that pup?" She held the blue and grey blanket tight.

"Yes, she loves that blanket, drags it everywhere." He smiled and lightly laughed. "Why do you have it?"

"It was his." Tears formed in her eyes. She wanted to be mad, not sad.

"Oh baby." He got up and hugged her. "It's time to move on. I miss him, but clinging to items meant for him isn't necessary. It doesn't mean we've forgotten about him."

"Why are they living with us? It doesn't make any sense. She's my age! And she already has a pup? You could do so much better than her!"

Xavier growled at her disrespect for his mate.

Chill out! Brittany doesn't understand.

She was shocked that her dad actually growled at her. She couldn't remember the last time he ever did that. "Dad?"

"I'm sorry." He cleared his throat. "Xav doesn't like when others talk about Sierra like that. I know to you, it seems odd, but I love her. I've handled this badly. I should've talked to you about Sierra before, but I didn't know how. I realize you don't understand, but that doesn't mean you can take your frustration out on her. She needs us. She's been through more pain than you can imagine. I want you to be friends with her. If that's too much to ask right now, you at least need to get along. She's not going anywhere."

She pulled away from him. "You'd pick her over me?"

"Why do you think there's a choice of you or her? You're our daughter. You will always be our daughter, and we love you."

"But you love her, too."

"There's no end to love. I don't love her more or less than I love you. It's a different love."

"So you are replacing mom?"

"Your mother was my mate, and she died over ten years ago. Sierra could never replace Tracy. She's not trying to."

Could've fooled me. I guess she's fooled him.

You need to stop acting like this. Dad has made it clear that she isn't going anywhere.

"I don't want her pup in his room."

Zane sighed. "I don't care what you want. Angie is now my daughter. You'll have to get used to her being around and stop using him as a crutch."

"Your daughter?" Brittany stumbled over her words.

I told you to talk to her before this! Look at the mess you've made!

Not helping!

"Yes, I forgot to mention I adopted her. Everything that was his now belongs to her. If there's something particular you want to keep for yourself or your future pups, go ahead and pack it up. But keep it to one box. That blanket goes back to her." He felt guilty for dropping all this on her, but he knew she could handle it. Plus, there was no changing the situation. Sierra was his mate, Brittany would have to get used to her.

"Whatever. I'm going to stay at Tiffany's tonight."

"Sierra has a nice dinner planned for the three of us. I expect you to be there promptly at seven and be civil." The warning in his voice was unmistakable.

"Yes, father." She gritted her teeth to hold back a retort.

"By the way, Amanda and John discovered they were mates recently. They are in the process of moving in together. That leaves a room open in the pack house if you want it."

"Yes! You know I do! I'll find out which one they don't want and redecorate it! Thanks, Dad!" Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she tossed the blanket at him and left to search for Amanda.

Zane shook his head at her quick change.


We were one once.

Yeah, I don't want to go back.

You realize Sierra is also a teenager.

Of course, but she doesn't act that way.

Sometimes, I wish she would. Her time to be a child, a teenager, was cut short. It's our job to make her happy and enjoy life. I know I can. I'm not so sure about your old ass.

Hey! I'm the same age as you!

No, I'm younger. You had to live ten years before I joined you. Then, three more until you were able to shift. That makes me twenty-nine compared to your fourty-two.

Shut up, I want to check on Sierra.

Sweetheart, how are you?

I'm fine. Did Brittany find you?

Yes. I told her to be back for dinner at seven. Do you need help?

I don't need your kind of help.

What do you mean? I can cook!

If you were here, cooking is not what we would be doing. Besides, Betty's on her way over. When I admitted I didn't know how to make anything, she volunteered to show me.

Alright, but if you need me, I can be there in minutes. I love you.

I know. I love you back.

The food was in bowls on the table when Zane and Brittany arrived. Zane kissed Sierra on the mouth as he said hello and Brittany on the cheek.

"This smells delicious. Let's eat."

"You cooked all this by yourself? I'm impressed."

"Betty helped." Sierra felt that she was being put down.

The next half hour went by in mostly silence, the only sound being Angie's babble. Zane broke it by asking Brittany if she was ready for school.

"I won't need much the first day. I like to get supplies after I go. That way, I get exactly what's required."

"Sounds like a good idea." Zane missed the dig at Sierra, but she caught it.

"Are we having a pack run tonight?"

"A run?" Sierra nervously asked.

"It's a tradition." Brittany started to explain.

"I meant to tell you earlier, but we got distracted. Two nights before the pups go back to school, we have a whole pack run. I don't do it the night before because it's late by the time we're done."

"That's why I came home today. I'm glad to see some things don't change. So, Sierra, what does your wolf look like? I forgot to ask her name. My wolf is Bandit."

"Um," she didn't know what to say. "Her name is Star."

"Sierra hasn't been able to shift since her mate died. She'll ride Xavier during the run."

"You don't have a wolf?" She grinned and laughed. "Are you still a werewolf?"

"Enough." Spoken quietly, but with displeasure, his black eyes alerted Brittany to the presence of Xavier. Bandit whimpered in response to his aura.

You will not disrespect her. That's twice in one day. I'll forgive you since Zane didn't warn you. Next time, you will be punished. Understand?

Yes, Alpha Xavier.

Yes, Alpha Xavier. Bandit and Brittany answered together.

"The run starts at ten, as usual. That gives you time to clean up." Zane looked at Brittany.

"I'm on clean up duty? I hate doing dishes!" She whined then saw the expression on his face. "Fine." She picked up her plate to bring to the sink.

It's so unfair!

Why? Sierra cooked, you should wash up.

She didn't cook, Betty did! Goddess I hate this bitch.

Careful! I don't want to get punished!  You need to accept that she's here for a while.

I don't have to accept anything.  I'm Alpha's daughter.  She's just his temporary toy.  He'll get rid of her.  You'll see.

If you say so.  Bandit decided to keep the rest of her thoughts to herself.  She knew her instinct to obey was stronger than Brittany's.  She prayed to the Moon Goddess for patience and understanding.

"Zane, a pack run?" Sierra was panicking in their room.

"Sweetheart, calm down. The pack already loves you. There's nothing to worry about. If you really don't want to participate, you can volunteer to watch the pups." Wrapping his arms around his love, he stopped her pacing.

"Sure, then Brittany will think I'm being a snob. Or something like that."

"It doesn't matter what she thinks. Or anyone else. I know the truth. Does that matter?"

Sighing, she snuggled into the comforting embrace. "You're the only one who matters."

"Good answer. Now, let's get Angie's bath done. We should be at the pack house in about an hour."

"Who will watch her?"

"There's always a few older wolves who don't want to run. Some only do part of it and swap out, so the pups have plenty of supervision."

I want you riding on my back, I haven't gotten to spend much time with you. Zane is a girlfriend hog.  Xavier linked her.

Smiling, she stretched up to kiss him. "Ok, I'll go."

Hundreds of wolves waited for the start of the run. Zane shifted first, bending down to let Sierra climb up. Letting out a loud howl, Xavier took off like a rocket. Steven and Brittany tried to keep up, but he was faster.

Hold on tight, love.

Go faster!

Your wish is my command!

The wind rushed through her hair. Closing her eyes, she could imagine it was Star running.

This feels so good.

I should've taken you for a ride before. We'll run at least once a week from now on.

I love you, Xav.

Not as much as I love you. Hang on, there's a jump ahead.

The run lasted almost two hours. After it ended, there was food and refreshments set up. Brittany quit before her father to catch up with her friends. Most members welcomed her home with hugs.

"You finally graced us with your presence! The mighty Princess!" Carla laughed while hugging her.

"If I knew you missed me this much, I would've come back sooner."

"Liar, you wouldn't have come back if not for school. If I was surrounded by hot new guys, I wouldn't leave, either."

"It seems I missed a lot while I was gone." Brittany took a drink from her cup.

"You mean Alpha's girlfriend? That was a shock to everyone."

"What do you think about her?"

Carla shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't talked to her. My parents are happy, though. They're glad Alpha found someone."

"They don't care that she's your age?"

"No. We're werewolves, nothing about us is normal. All that matters is the pack being safe."

Grunting, Brittany kept her opinions to herself. While mingling, she heard the same things whispered. How cute they were together, how much he loves her to let her ride him, how happy he's been since finding her. It went on and on. She tried to block it out. Couldn't they see how wrong it was?

You're the only one who doesn't like them being together. You should accept it and move on.

Or get reinforcements.

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