Secrets Beneath Teenage Love:...

By SwordDasilva

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This story brings the Mighty Ducks and splashes of Newsies (both owned by Disney) together. This story is se... More

Meet the Cast
Meet The Cast
Meet the Cast ( Final)
Chapter 1 | Last day of Summer
Chapter 2 | Lost in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chapter 3 | The Cakeeater
Chapter 4 | Manhattan Connection
Chapter 5 | Journey to Eden Hall Academy
Chapter 5 | Journey to Eden Hall (Part 2)
Chapter 6 | Welcome Speeches
Chapter 7 | Class Schedules
Chapter 8 | The Enforcers
Chapter 9 | Thank God for Lunch
Chapter 10 | Parents and Pollo Guisado
Chapter 11 | Heavy Hearts
Chapter 11 | Heavy Hearts (Part 2)
Chapter 11 | Heavy Hearts (Part 3)
Chapter 12 | Broken Hearts
Chapter 13 | The Healing Process
Chapter 13 | The Healing Process (Part 2)
Chapter 13 | The Healing Process (Part 3)
Chapter 14 | Surprised Feelings
Chapter 15 | Hockey
Chapter 16 | Ducks fly together?
Chapter 16| Ducks Fly together? (Part 2)
Chapter 16 | Ducks Fly Together? (Part 3)
Chapter 17 | Love Triangle
Chapter 17 | Love Triangle (Part 2)
Chapter 17 | Love Triangle (Part 3)
Chapter 18 | Hard Fall at Eden Hall
Chapter 18 | Hard Fall at Eden Hall (Part 2)
Chapter 19 | Making Amends
Chapter 20 | Parents and The Enforcer
Chapter 20 | Parents and The Enforcer (Part 2)
Chapter 21 | Awkward Situations
Chapter 22 | Meeting the Newsies
Authors Note
Chapter 22 | Meeting the Newsies (Part 2)
Chapter 23 | Unexpected Events
Chapter 23 | Unexpected Events (Part 2)
Chapter 24 | Lies and Confessions
Chapter 25 | Leave it on the Ice
Chapter 25 | Leave it on the Ice (Part 2)
Chapter 26 | Three Strikes
Chapter 27 | The Not so Hidden Truth
Chapter 28 | Awkward Situation Part.2
Chapter 29 | Varsity vs. Ducks
Chapter 29 | Varsity Vs. Ducks: Game of Love
Chapter 29 | Varsity vs. Ducks: Wait he said what?
Chapter 30 | Explanations and Consequences
Chapter 30 | Explanations and Consequences (Part 2)
Chapter 30 | Explanation and Consequences (Part 3)
Chapter 31| First Real Date

Chapter 23 | Unexpected Events (Part 3)

12 2 2
By SwordDasilva

After Ana's morning classes she found herself waiting for her friends at the Ducks table as she edited her plan to ask Portman to the dance.

She was disrupted when her phone began to ring with an unknown caller. She reaches for her phone and clicks on the green call button.

Hello, she answers confused.

Hi, the other person on the line says.

As the voice fills her ears her hands begin to ache as she looks around the room fidgeting in her seat.

What do you want Nathan? She says trying to not sound panicked as Dean says hi to his girlfriend and places a kiss on her cheek.

Anastasia quickly closes her notebook as more Ducks appear at the table.

Now, is that anyway to talk to your friend. Anastasia gets up grabbing her stuff and leaves as she goes to the bathroom.

Anastasia laughs no but since we arent friends I'll talk to you anyway I want. Why are you calling me after all the harm you done?

Oh I guess you heard that I fought Race.

Yeah I did so again why are you calling?

Listen I want you back.

Yeah right not in a fucking billion years and I'm dating someone here.

Oh I heard what is his name Dean or was it the guy you cheated on him with when you first moved?

That's none of your business.

Yeah you're right but it would be their business to know what kind of girl you really are. How you slept with me when you were here and how you manipulated your way onto the hockey team.

They wouldn't believe you and I'm not that person anymore.

Doesn't matter. I'm sure your boyfriend would dump you if he knew the person you were and I know you still have feelings for the other one because that's who you are. So you're going to break up with him.

No I'm not and threatening me is not the way to get me back. Don't forget I know alot about you too so just leave me alone. Anastasia hangs up and let's out a breathe she didn't know she was holding as the bell rings.

She exits the bathroom and walks to her next class history which she had with most of the Ducks. As she enters the room Julie and Fulton are sitting in their seats. They both look at her wondering why she exited the cafeteria in a rush.

Julie mouths, are you okay?

Anastasia shakes her head no in response as she walks to her seat. As more Ducks walked into the room discussing their new prank on Varsity which had to do with Dean Buckley's fire ants the late bell rang. Kenny sat down next to Anastasia as the teacher began to write on the board The Fall of the Roman Empire. As she wrote the title at the top of her page a note was placed on here desk from Kenny.

Waiting for the teacher to turn his back to the class, she quickly reached for the note and opened it slowly underneath her desk. The words are you okay appeared. She quickly wrote back no. She waited for the teacher to turn back to the board before handing it back to him. In Ana's periferal vision she saw Kenny open the note and give her a sad look writing back. Anastasia received the note back as she read what's wrong? She had decided not to bother her friends with her problems and wrote just my friends back home are having problems. That was half true. They were having issues with Nathan, but she was at the forefront of their problems. She was tired of it already. She folded the note back and handed it to him as the bell rung.

Anastasia grabbed her bookbag and walked out the room not even waiting for the Ducks. She ran to the bathroom as she cried as this was to much to handle. As she cried the thoughts of her and Dean filled her mind. Was it worth to stay with Dean if there wasnt a strong connection? Obviously the honeymoon stage was over and she began to feel like they were following a routine instead of connecting. She hoped that the ice cream date would help them bring back the spark they had before. But she also realized that her feelings for Adam Banks may not have disappeared. She felt pain when he kissed Sarah in front of the classroom. She wished that she had not had seen that but another part of her wished that was her. She shook her head trying to forget how she felt about him. She knew it was wrong to feel something for him while dating Portman. On top of the Portman and Banks drama, she created, now she had to worry about Nathan. Would Nathan spread rumors to her new school and talk to Dean about her? Would Dean believe him? How did he even find out about Dean and Adam? And why did he want to be with her now? Tears began to spill heavily as she thought about her life. To say that she was feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement.

In the distance she heard the ring of the first bell. She tried to quickly wipe her tears and grab her bag. She kept her head down as she walked to her science class. Thankfully, only a few Ducks had this class. Even more greatful that the next few periods passed by faster than the others. She hoped to take her mind off of her problems and focus on building her relationship with Dean. He was a good boyfriend and did not deserve her being unloyal to him. So, she promised herself that she would try her best to be a good girlfriend again starting with their date.

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