Chapter 16 | Ducks fly together?

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After a twenty minute walk to Mickey's the Ducks walk inside the cool diner.

Mom, Charlie says looking to a women over the counter.

Hi honey, Ms. Conway says to her son. She begins to greet the other Ducks as she stops and looks at Anastasia.

You must be Anastasia. I'm Charlie's mom Casey.

It's nice to meet you, Anastasia says as she plasters a smile on her face.

It's nice to meet you too why don't you guys grab a seat. I'll be right over. Casey gestures to a booth by the window.

The ducks walk over to the booth sliding into their seats. Dean sits across from Anastasia, Fulton sits on the left of Portman as Julie slides in on his right.  Averman sits on the left of Fulton as Goldberg slides in across from him. This left Guy, Adam, Anastasia, and Charlie to sit together and Connie to sit across from Guy. 

Russ, Dwayne, Luis, and Kenny decided to grab a table right in front of the booth.

I've added a picture of the seating arrangements below:

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Anastasia's mind races with her and Dean and her and Adam. Did I want Adam to kiss me? I know it was a simple kiss but I don't want the same thing to happen that happened to me and Racetrack. I really like him but I like Dean too. And the look he gives me like damn I could just..

Anastasia... Anastasia are you okay? Charlie nudges her arm trying to get her attention.

Huh? Sorry guys what were you saying. She looks around.

Do you know what you want Casey ask looking at her.

Oh sorry um what's good here.

The BLT and patty melts are good Charlie answers

Okay, I'll have a patty melt with fries please.

Casey starts to write down the last orders and leaves.

You sure you're okay? Adam ask holding her hand under the table as Dean looks her way waiting for an answer.

Yeah I was just thinking. It's no big deal. Anastasia looks around the diner not making eye contact with anyone.

Under the table Dean places his foot next to Anastasia. She meets Dean's brown eyes from across the table. He smiles looking at her.


An hour later, the ducks are now spread across Adams' den talking about the upcoming hockey tryouts. Anastasia's phone dings. She quickly retrieves it.

Meet me in the hallway

Anastasia looks around her realizing there's two people missing. She gets up from the couch and steps into the hallway closing the door behind her.

She walks away from the door wondering who texted her.

Hey an arm snakes around her waist. She jumps and turns around.

Dean you freaking scared me she hits him on the arm What do you want?

I thought it was clear what I want. He looks down into brown eyes placing a strand behind Anastasia's ear.

Anastasia blushes looking away. I don't think... I don't think we should do this.

You sure about that, because I can tell how we feel about each other. You're not great at hiding it babe.

Dean looks down into Anastasia's brown eyes as he inches closer to her. Anastasia's eyes stay connected to Portman as a warmth covers her body. He places his hands on her waist and leans down as he places his lips gently on hers. Anastasia can't help but to kiss him back. Dean licks her bottom lip asking for entry, but Anastasia denies him wanting to keep the first kiss simple. As her mind becomes foggy her hands grip onto his white shirt bringing him closer. Dean places a hand in her hair kissing her a little rougher until they hear a throat clear.

Anastasia breaks the kiss and slowly turns around, please don't be Banks. I really don't want to explain this right now.

Yeah we're taking Anastasia Connie walks up to them as she latches her arm on Anastasia's as Julie follows.

Dean watches Anastasia walk down the hallway before turning back to the den.


Connie, Julie and Anastasia walk into the bathroom locking the door. Anastasia blushes looking at her swollen lips as she fixes her hair in the mirror.

Connie and Julie share a knowing look.

I can't believe you just kissed Portman, Julie smiles looking at Anastasia.

I know I wasn't expecting that but it just happened. Anastasia smiles to herself remembering the moment. He's such a good kisser like...

You're lucky that it wasn't Banks trying to look for you? Connie says arms crossed.

Anastasia glares at Connie, why are you being judgmental. You know I like them both.

Yeah but you're kissing Portman in Adam's house.

What she means is we're happy for you; but don't you think it's unfair to be leading Banks on when you're flirting and kissing Portman. Julie says.

I have feelings for both of them. I don't see it as leading them on. And I'm not dating anyone. I can do whatever I feel like and your supposed to be my friends but your judging me. Anastasia replies looking between Connie and Julie through the mirror as she fixes her hair.

We just don't want to see anyone get hurt or for this to breakup the Ducks which you're now practically a part of. Connie says and Julie nods.

Okay, fine I'll be more careful Anastasia walks to the door unlocks it and leaves.

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