Chapter 18 | Hard Fall at Eden Hall (Part 2)

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Normally at this time she would be estatic for lunch but she hadn't talked to the Ducks and the ones she had talked to knew what happened between her, Banks, and Portman. So when she walked into the cafeteria she hung her head low and walked to a mostly empty table trying to avoid them.

She glanced at Portman sitting at the Ducks table talking to Fulton and Dwayne. She then glanced at Adam Banks sitting at the varsity table talking to Scooter. She thought about how bad she had messed up for them to not talk to her at all. She missed Portman and his protective side but his sensitive side when they were alone. She missed Banks and his caring side and how he would do anything to make her happy when she was upset.

Her phone vibrates. She picks it up seeing a text from Julie.

You okay?why are you sitting
over there?

No I thought I would just sit
alone today. I really messed
up Portman won't talk or look
at me. Neither will Banks. 💔💔
I'm surprised you're talking to me

I don't agree with what you did. I
know if someone did that to
me I would be upset too. But
we are not perfect, all we can
do is learn and hope we don't
make the same mistakes.

I'm not just gonna stop being your
friend because of this

I really miss them.

Anastasia glances at Portman as a tear falls and her hand begins to ache again. Fulton looks up and looks between Portman and Anastasia as she looks away quickly.

Seeing them talk to other girls
really hurts. I couldn't sit at the
table and act like everything is
okay. I know this is all my fault
but it hurts.

The bell for the end of lunch ringed as students began to walk out of the cafeteria walking to their next class.


Three hours later classes had ended as Anastasia walked to the locker room. She begins to change into her hockey gear as the door opens. Anastasia glances at Portman as he walks past her not making eye contact. Not the time Vlanterrin stay focused. She pulls on her jersey with her number on it, Vlanterrin #20. She pulls her hair up and then slide her feet into her skates. She grabs her helmet waiting.

Once everyone is dressed Charlie leads the way to the box.

Coach Orion starts talking, I know we had our short comings this week... Anastasia and Portman's eyes connect for a split second until Portman looks back at Coach Orion. I really miss him. I wish he would just talk to me. Anastasia looks away visibly upset as the bleachers become filled with students, alumni, and parents.

The announcer begins.. it appears that everyone has came to watch the Mighty Ducks um I mean the JV Eden Hall Warriors first game against the Blake freshman bears.

.. Go team on three one, two, three, go team. The ducks responded with less enthusiasm go team.

Go team how original, Conway says rolling his eyes as he skates to the middle to take the faceoff.

Just focus on the game Charlie. Connie says.

Let's do it Charlie Fulton says.

Anastasia takes her eyes off the game against the Blake Bears looking into the bleachers. She spots her parents sitting by Charlie's mom.

Secrets Beneath Teenage Love: A Mighty Ducks and Newsies StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя