Chapter 30 | Explanations and Consequences

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Monday, November 9th
Location: Science Lab room

The vibration of her phone caused Anastasia to lose concentration on the Sodium Nitrate solution she was measuring for her lab notes. This day had been nothing but interesting since Adam had said he loved her. She didn't know rather to trust him after everything that happened in the last few months. On the other hand seeing those blue eyes looking back at her and his genuine smile warmed her heart. Knowing she was losing concentration her assignment she reached into her lab coat and pulled out her phone as a text from Banks lit up her screen.

I broke up with Sarah, meet me in front of Eden Hall

After school


Ana slipped her phone back into the lab coat. As she looked at the clock at the back of the room. Trying her best to concentrate on building the formula she tried to block out her head and heart fighting. Was she really going to meet him after school? Did she love him back or was Dean worth fighting for? Sure Dean wasn't talking to her as of right now but it didn't mean that he would never talk to her again. These are moments she would have loved to talk to Mush, Spot, or Jack as they would always put it into perspective for her. But no longer having that as an option meant she was stuck in class trying to think what was best by herself. She did not know what she would do or what she would say being with Adam. Could she be friends with him even if her heart was tell her to go for it. How would the Ducks react? Would it mess up the friendships she began to have with a Guy, Charlie, and Kenny? But her best friend is with Scooter and they don't seem to mind.


The bell rang too soon as she looked down at her assignment that she somehow was able to finish. That only fixed one of her problems though. The other problem, well let's not call him a problem, was waiting outside of Eden Hall for an answer. No more time left to think and her stomach feeling queasy was the only feeling and thought that consumed her. She slowly cleaned her area, washed her hands, turned in her assignment, and grabbed her belongings. She walked slowly to the front of the school opening the door seeing Adam standing there in the nipping air of November. Anastasia let out a breathe she was holding as a cloud escaped her mouth. She looked at Adam letting her feet get closer to him. I can do this just be honest with him. You got this he'll understand.

Hi Anastasia let out.
Hi Adam said scratching the back of his neck.
Moments had passed with complete silence.
So, I broke up with Sarah.. Adam started as a horn beeped.

They both walked over to the Range Rover as Jordan waited. Anastasia opened the door.

Hi Jordan, do you mind giving us a ride to the lake.

Jordan looked at them both sensing the nervous tension between Adam and her.

Yeah get in kids. Is this Adam?

They buckled in as Adam smiled at Ana yeah this is him.

Well nice to meet you she talks a lot about you.

Oh she does Adam smiles at Ana good to know .

Ana tries to hide her face. I do not maybe just one or twice.

It's okay I think it's cute he holds her hand.

Her heart beat quickens. Her mind fuzzes as she looks at Adam and his smile as he talks sports with Jordan. Before the notice they are pulling up to the lake.

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