The littlest of Joys (Cookie...

By Kluvu123

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(THIS STORY IS STILL ONGOING) After a mysterious book ends up in the cookie kingdom. Gingerbrave and the gang... More

Chapter 1: A Brewing Night
Chapter 2: The cookie and the human
Chapter 3: A pot fit for a cactus
Chapter 4: New arrivals
Chapter 5: Goodbye for now
Chapter 6: Meeting old and new faces
Chapter 7: An eventuful Breakfast
Chapter 8: Fun in the water
Chapter 9: Meeting the ancient heros part 1
Chapter 10: Meeting the ancient heros part 2
Chapter 11: Meeting the ancient heros part 3
Chapter 12: Meeting the consul
Chapter 13: Helpless
Chapter 15: A new world
Chapter 16: A new start
Chapter 17: Rebuild a kingdom
Chapter 18: Garden
Chapter 19: A weapon
Chapter 20: A companion
Chapter 21: A Companion part 2
Chapter 22: Dream
Chapter 23: Training
Chapter 24: Regrets
April fools!
Chapter 25: Hide (For real)
Chapter 26: Fun
Chapter 27: Forces unite
Chapter 28: A meeting
Chapter 29: Reunion
Chapter 30: A plan
Chapter 31: Dont leave
Quick note: Please read, I need opinions
Chapter 32: Captured
Chapter 33: Comfort
Chapter 34: A plan
Chapter 35: A trick
Chapter 36: A bad smell
Chapter 37: Advice and outfits
Chapter 38: The Big Party part 1
Chapter 39: The Big Party part 2
Chapter 40: Further infected
Chapter 41: A useful power
Chapter 42: Apology accepted
Chapter 43: Feel better
Chapter 44: Blinded Anger
Chapter 45: Calm waters
Chapter 46: Storm
Chapter 47: The final battle part 1
Chapter 48: The final battle part 2
Chapter 49: The final battle part 3
Chapter 50: The final battle part 4
Chapter 51: Joy

Chapter 14: Rescue

2.3K 70 54
By Kluvu123

In the witches house~~~~

After gathering all the cookies and putting them in jars, Lucinda and Octavia gathered all the swords, shields, staffs and all the other items belonging to the cookies and left them on a counter away from their owners.

Lucinda picked up Clotted Cream cookies mirror, "Hmm. Fascinating how this tiny thing could radiate energy. This magic is powerful."

Octavia stared at the cookies who cowered in fear, "All of these beings are radiating magic. But who on earth would cast a spell that would bring cookies to life?"

Lucinda placed the mirror back on the counter, "Well whoever it is did a good job. Unfortunately these cookies are a bother to us and must be taken care of at once. Like how their feigning ignorance on where our spell book is because for some reason we couldn't find it even after going into their world." The witched glared at the cookies before wiping her hands, "No matter, let's make supper, but make sure to have extra room in."

She sent a malicious smile towards the cookies, "We need space for dessert."

Meanwhile at (Y/N)'s house~~~~

(Y/N) had sat on the ground for who knows how long. They clutched onto the staff of their friend. The tears never seemed to stop flowing as their feeling of worry never ceased. Questions started flooding their mind but there was no answer to any of them.

What happened to the cookies?
Where are they?
Did someone take them?

(Y/N) wiped their eyes to stop the flow but some thing got caught instead. A flash of light caught them by surprise temporarily blinding them.

(Y/N) winced before looking at the source of the light. It was the necklace that Clotted Cream cookie gave them.

(Y/N) lifted up the pendent attached to necklace and stared at it. Their eyes widened in horror at what they saw. It was the cookies, (Y/N)'s friends trapped inside jars. But it wasn't just the main five, every cookie from the cookie run kingdom were inside the jars and they couldn't get out.

Then two figures came into view as they stared at the cookies. Clocked in black robes and witches hats, (Y/N) didn't need to figure out what those two were. Also in the house their were ingredients for potions and a giant cauldron placed right near the cookies. It looked like a typical witch house. But who are they and why did they take the cookies.

(Y/N) continued to stare before both witches turned away from the cookies and that's when (Y/N) could finally get a good look at the witches faces.

(Y/N) gasped as they saw the faces of the two women that (Y/N) would always meet on Mondays. Even though they were wearing the get up, (Y/N) would have been able to easily identify the two ladies that they had come to care for. But how did they know about the cookies and why did they take them?

(Y/N)'s thoughts began to swirl once more but another thought came to mind.

"I have to save them."

Meanwhile back in the witches house~~~~~

All the cookies watched as the witches ate their dinner, horrified about what would come next.

Clotted cream cookie, rubbed his chin as he was trying to think of a solution. He was in a jar with the ancient hero's.

"What do we do?" Hollyberry asked, worry written in her face.

"I do not know. Without our weapons we are powerless and even with our weapons our attacks were merely bug bites to these witches." Dark Cacao said, defeated.

"Do not give up hope friends. There must be something we can do, right Clotted Cream cookie?" Pure Vanilla cookie asked, but the Consul could only stare at the table that held all the cookies belongings.

He swore he could have seen something in the mirror he once held with him.

"Clotted cream cookie?"

The consul jumped before turning back to the three ancient hero's. "What... uh yes! I'm sure we can think of something before they finish their meal." He rubbed his chin, "But what?"

His train of thought was cut off by Octavia burping before wiping her face.

Lucinda recoiled in disgust, "You pig! At least say excuse me!"

Tapping on glass made them stop their sudden spout.

They could see chili pepper cookie punching the glass, she was in a glass jar with the main five.

"Let us out, you witches!" She screamed before continuing to punch the glass.

Lucinda smirked before standing up and walking towards the jar.

"Or you'll do what?"

Chili Pepper cookie growled, "Or else I'll make you regret ever messing with me and my friends!" Her punches getting more aggressive.

Lucinda chuckled before grabbing the jar. "You know what. I think it's time for dessert and I think I'll start with this one."

She twisted the lid before grabbing ahold of the prince once more, who was just as scared as the last time.

She held him by his tiny cape and held him over her mouth like a shark. Custard Cream cookie screamed in fear while his friends screamed as well.

"No! Don't!" Chili pepper cookie shouted. The witch ignores the cookies pleas and slowly lowered the prince, and keeping an eye on the cookies in the jar. Making sure they were watching.

Just as the cookie was about to make contact with Lucinda's tongue, a knocking at the front door halted her actions. Both witches turned in confusion, usually no one came to visit them. Except....

"(Y/N)!" Octavia squealed with glee before rushing towards the door.

"No you idiot!" Lucinda screamed placing the cookie back in the jar before running after her sister, but her shouting fell on deaf ears as her sister carelessly opened the door to reveal nothing.

Octavia peaked out the door and looked all around the front of the house, "Hm? I guess it was a ding dong ditch."

"We don't get ding dong ditches! Someone must be ACH!" Lucinda yelped, as she felt her sister get knocked into her.

Octavia and Lucinda both screamed and groaned at the sudden fall. The other sister was about to ask what happened when she felt like she couldn't move. Lucinfa looked and saw a chain wrap around her and her sister leaving them bound. But it wasn't an ordinary chain, it was golden and imbued with magic. Quick footsteps ran past them and into their house. Lucinda looked up to see the very human she cared for.

"(Y/N)?!" The witch shouted as she tried to sit up.

(Y/N) turned back for a quick moment, guilt present on their face before they turned back focusing on the mission they were on. Bag in hand, they quickly scooped all the items that belonged to the cookies, before grabbing the jars that contained the cookies themselves.

They tried to be careful with grabbing each hat but seeing as how their are a lot cookies in the kingdom. Their were a lot of jars they had to carry. But once they got all the cookies secured, (Y/N) ran back out and towards their home.

"(Y/N)!" The witched screeched, but the human kept running until they were back home. They slammed the door shut and stacked the jars in one arm before locking the door and closing the curtains to the house.

With erratic breath, the opened each jar and freed the cookies and emptied the bag of all its contents.

"(Y/N), you saved us!" Custard Cream cookie shouted as the human returned his staff.

"Yes. I know. Now open a portal and get out of here before they catch you guys again."

"But they have the spell that opens a portal to our world! And what about you!" Custard Cream cookie said, worry present on his face.

"I took care of that!" Latte Cookie said, revealing the paper that was now shrunk in to cookie size again.

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped, "How?!"

"A magician never reveals their secrets." She winked.

"Okay. So now they don't have access to your world. So Wizard cookie cast the spell and go!" (Y/N) ushered.

"But (Y/N), what will happen to you?" Custard Cream cookie asked once more.

"I will be fine. I will try to talk them down, but please just g-"

The doorknob began to rattle causing everyone in the room to jump. Wizard cookie began to cast the spell and just like that each cookie rushed in to safety except for the main five. Who watched as the witches slammed the door open and (Y/N) stood up blocking their way to the cookies.

"(Y/N). We are only trying to help you." Lucinda explained, carefully walking into the house with her wrinkly hands out.

"Help me!? How by taking my friends and almost eating them?!"

Octavia scoffed, "Friends. Walking, talking magical cookies are your friends?"

(Y/N) stood their ground, "Yes, they are in fact and speaking of magic. When were you going to tell me that you were witches. That never dawned upon you!?"

Lucinda stepped closer, "We wanted to protect you. Magic can be a very dangerous thing and we were afraid that it would put you in danger. So when we detected magic on you, we could help but be concerned. But then we found the source."

(Y/N)'s face grew more red, "But that doesn't mean you can just kidnap all the cookies and hold them hostage!"

"(Y/N). We did that for you!"

"For me!? What the fuck does that mean! You didn't do anything for me!" (Y/N) moved away from the portal and made their way to the witches who both wore scowls on their faces, "All you did was give me panic attacks and caused me to cry on the floor because I thought my friends were dead!" (Y/N) was now face to face with the elder witch who's frowned deepened, "Thank goodness they weren't. Instead they were being held by some two faced, old, ugly evil ass BITCH!"

Lucinda's hand glowed with anger as she finally released it, "ENOUGH!" She screamed before the glow from her hand shout out towards (Y/N) knocking them towards the ground.

Octavia and Lucinda covered their eyes as the glow began to shine bright before in an instant everything was gone. The cookies, the portal and the human.

Both women stared in shock and silence, Lucinda especially. The events played in her head continuously only to be interrupted by her sister.

"What did you do?" She whispered.

"I don't know?" Lucinda whispered back.

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