
By aewritezx

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Amber, a quiet... unknown girl with many problems, problems that would break a person. Her family is a mess b... More

bonus chapter


58 6 1
By aewritezx

I sit down on the sofa, watching alina as she plays with a few of her dolls showing me there dance routines and explaining all the moves there doing.

I was listening, slightly, I was just more focused on worrying for Amber, I messaged her the second she left my bedroom door, but still no reply.

I quickly pick my phone back up, overcome with worry, checking on my messages with amber, still no reply.

She's ok, she's ok. Is all I tell myself repeating it in my head constantly, trying to reassure myself she was perfectly fine.

I hear a few clicks and focus myself back into reality, to alina who's clicking her fingers infront of my face, her other hand on her hip as she gives me her best shot at a nasty look.

I move her hand out myself, chuckling whilst doing so at her face.

"Don't laugh at me" she stomps her foot of the ground and smacks me as hard as she can in the face.

I hold back a laugh, pretending to be hurt, holding a hand to my cheek, dropping my head down, pretending to cry.

A few seconds pass before I look up to alina continuing to play with her dolls until she looks back at me.

"stop being a baby" is all she says before continuing to make her dolls dance around the fluffy living room carpet.

I quietly watch alina sat with her toys on the carpet until I hear a notification come through on my phone.

I quickly grab it until realising it was Alex.

Alex: I'm sorry for freaking out, me and Amber are walking the dogs and I'm tryna make it upto her.

I decide to leave him on read, remaining quiet on how happy it made me that he was going to make Amber happier, Alex used to be her only friend, they've been friends for years so it would break her to not speak to him again.

It also gave me a huge wave of relief Amber would be ok since she was out with Alex walking the dogs.

I place my phone back onto the sofa before another notification comes through.

Katie: Party at mine tonight, bring alcohol, get a babysitter, and bring Amber 😏

Liam: Whatever, I'll be there.

Katie: oh I know you will be.

That girl will be the death of me.

Luckily I was able to get a quick, last minute babysitter it would've been a whole lot easier I maisie was still here, but she's gone so I had to get someone else to come over I told her I'd pay them extra so she didn't mind.

Plus alina likes her, she was talking about how she loves her name since it was her 4th favourite colour, scarlet.

I rush around quickly getting ready, grabbing a bunch of alcohol from my cupboard, then remember i had to message Amber so I do that then wait in my car for a response.

Liam: party at Katie's, I'll pick you up, be ready.

A few minutes later

Amber: ok I'll be ready.

As soon as I see her response I start the car and make my way to Amber's House.

It take me 30-40 minutes until I finally make it to Amber's House, I message her saying I'm outside and wait a few minutes for her to get in my car.

Shes wearing an fiery orange dress that stops just above her knees, with long sleeves, and a low cut v-line showing a large amount of her breast, I couldn't help as my eyes gazed over her body, remembering every inch of it, every soft curve of her body, her large breast.

I quickly pull my eyes away and exit her house making my way to Katie's which is luckily not to far.

"You look absolutely gorgeous little gem" I say with a soft smile, making sure to keep my gaze on the road.

"Thankyou" The rest of the car ride was complete silence.

We make it to Katie's large white mansion, floor to ceiling windows, large marble pillars, her family were completely rich, and the money she pulled in from modelling helped to, especially since she's modelled for some of the biggest brands.

The booming sound of the music so loud it came through the protective glass windows of my car, filling both mine and Amber's ears.

"You ready" I notice Amber staring at the huge crowds of people, some doing beer pong, others jumping in the pool, most just stood in clothes talking and laughing, and of course drinking, some people dancing, but I bet the inside was worse.

"Yeah, let's go" she quickly opens the door stepping out her white heels clicking on the marble pavements leading upto the front door.

I follow behind her, placing my hand on the small of her back, helping her direct the way to the kitchen where Katie, Jacob and Alex most likely were.

We step into the kitchen, the music not as loud in here, but still at a high enough volume, drinks scattered over every inch of the island and counters.

"You really outdid yourself katie" she pulls away from Jacob, running towards us grabbing Amber from my arms and pulling her in a tight, breathtaking hug.

"Amber your here!" She squeals finally realising her, having to look down towards her, Amber gives her a friendly smile as she hands her a small plastic cup of alcohol.

"Here drink" Amber throws the drink back, finishing it in one, slightly scrunching her nose at the taste, trying to hide her disgust as best as possible as she lifts her hands showing a thumbs up to Katie.

I force down a chuckle, and make my way to Jacob, talking about our next basketball as he hands me a drink.

"Shots everyone!" Katie shouts, her voice booming within the kitchen as she lines up a bunch of shots, moving the many drinks out of her way.

She hands everyone 3 shots, which all of us down, Amber's face following her previous one, nose scrunched, eyes squinted.

"Amber dance with me" Katie pleads grabbing Amber's hands, her pink nails contrasting with Amber's long natural ones.

"Um I can wait here" Amber tries her hardest to pull herself back but is quickly pulled away out of our site.

We all follow them into the living room, shooing away a few of the kids from the years below us of the sofa and sitting down.

My eyes venture through the large room, looking for a specific girl. Once my eyes made contact with hers, they traced across every nook and cranny of her body.

Her hands roaming Katie's body as Katie returned the favour, her hips swaying to the music, I wasn't going to lie, Amber was an amazing dancer, whilst Katie was out of beat, slightly stumbling over her own feet causing a chuckle to pass through my lips.

My gaze quickly meets back with Jacob, who has a look of suspicion.

"When did yous two fuck?" My eyes slightly widen at his question, surprised at his boldness.

"Um never" I'm a crap liar, and Jacob knew it, but It doesn't mean I wouldn't try and lie my way out of it.

"Since when did you lie to me about who you slept with and who you didnt" He quickly took another sip of his drink waiting for a response, which he didn't get since we were once again interrupted by Katie's loud voice.

"Truth or dare in the living room!" Katie and Amber hurried over to us, Katie sitting on Jacobs lap, Amber sitting besides me.

"Liam truth or dare" Jacob speaks up, a large smirk on his face. Jacob was a naturally quiet person, completely the opposite when drunk.

"Truth" I would never trust a drunk Jacob with a dare, in fact I wouldn't trust him with anything but that wasn't the point.

"Who was the last girl you fucked?" He questions, making sure everyone around us would be able to hear.

I looked towards Amber, noticing she was already looking at me, she gave me a silent nod, signifying she was ok with it, but I didn't wanna put her on the spot like that and I wasn't sure if she drank more since I stopped looking at her.

"I can't remember, a stranger proberely" Jacobs sly smirk quickly faded, before signifying for me to go, two can play his game.

"Katie Truth or dare" I know Katie and she'll wanna act like she's the least scared and were all pussys and choose dare.

"Well I'm no pussy like all I you, so I choose dare" She placed an innocent but sadistic smile on her face.

"I dare you to kiss someone that isn't jacob" Jacobs eyes widened slightly his head knocking slightly back in place.

Katie shrugged her shoulder, eyeing out the whole room before settling on a poor victim, she made her way towards the sofa I was on, placing herself on Amber's lap, whispering something in her ear which Amber nodded to before passionately kissing her.

Amber's hands rested on Katie's hips, as she straddled Amber's lap, her hands wrapped around Amber's shoulders as they both made out infrint of everyone, the whole rooms gaze set on the both of them. I liked this confident Amber.

Katie eventually pulled back wiping her lips, returning back to Jacob making herself comfortable.

"Don't worry I'll give you better later" I hope she didn't think that was a whisper, I'm pretty sure all of us heard it.

We continued the game for awhile longer, until both Amber and Katie went and danced again, both grabbing more shots whilst doing so, Amber eventually wobbled over, dropping herself in my lap, Wigginton her hips making herself comfortable.

Oh god not right now, I hate these things, right in the middle of a party this girls gotta go and give me a boner.

"Hey Liam" Her words slightly stuttered, her arms loosely wrapped around my neck, her eyes bloodshot and droopy.

"Hey gem" she giggles, wiggling more on my lap causing me to let out a tiny groan only she could hear.

"Oh my god, Liam have you got a bon-!" I quickly put my hand over her mouth, muffling her words, laughing at her angry face, and now crossed arms.

"Are you going to be quiet?" She nods her head so I take my hand away.

"So is that a bon-" I cover her lips again, stopping her from finishing her sentence, I wouldn't mind if there wasn't a million people around us.

"I thought I told you to be quiet" I slowly lifted my hands cautiously.

"You told me to be quiet last night, we know it doesn't work" she giggled at her smart little remark, moving more on my lap, slightly grinding into me causing another groan to escape my lips.

"Please stop little gem" she looks upto me, her eyes large in a doe like shape, yet a sinister smirk on her lips.

She straddles my lap, kissing from my jawline to my neck, focusing on the nape of my neck, as she slowly grinding on me.

"Now it's your turn to be quiet" she mutters in my ear, grinding deeper into me, sucking on my neck, certain to leave marks.

Before anyone could see us, I lift her up, her legs still wrapped around my hips, a few people eyes froze on us, as i tool her upstairs, ignoring the few people making out against the walls.

I kick open the spare bedroom, luckily it wasn't taken, then lay her down on the bed, she grabbed the collar of my black shirt, the few top buttons undone showing the silver chain.

"Please fuck me Liam, like you did last time" she kisses over my neck once again.

"No your drunk, go sleep please" it took all my resistance to pull away, and lay her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her.

"But what about-" I turn around to Amber, to see her eyes already drifting of, a soft yawn passing her lips.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it little gem" I turn of the light and look back to Amber who's now asleep, I kiss her forehead and wish her a good night, whilst heading into the bathroom connected to the guest room.

I strip out of my clothes, turn the shower on and hop in.

I slowly pump my hand up and down my full length, gradually going faster, faint moans passing my lips, as i pumped up and down my length faster.

A few minutes pass, until i can feel my climax gradually getting closer as I pictured Amber's naked body, layed out on my sofa, her beautiful curvy body, her large breast, everything completely perfect.

A large groan passes my lips as I release my self in the shower, passes by another moan.

"Amber" Is all I moan as my cum is released over the shower floor, quickly washed over by the fast spray of water.

I quickly hop out the shower, drying myself off, and hop back into my clothes, making my way back into the room to see Amber's body completely still, her hair covering her beautiful face, the blanket hallways down her body.

I hop in besides her making sure to keep my distance to not startle her if she wakes up, and sleep gradually takes over, the noise of the music slowly fading.

Just before I fall asleep, I feel a soft hand on my chest.

"Cuddle with me please" I nod my head turn around and wrap my arm around her, pulling her close to my chest, my head placed in the crook of her neck.

"Of course my little gem, of course" I cuddle further into her as she lays on her back, my face snuggled between her breast, my eyes once again drifting.

Word count- 2365-Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, its a long one ;)

How's everyone's holidays going so far?

How do you all like Amber so far?

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