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Tw: mentions of self harm, mental health.

Tw: mentions of self harm, mental health

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Pain... relief is all I feel as the knife cuts into my skin, as it etches deeper into my flesh, as the blood follows like a paintbrush of a fresh canvas, except this canvas is tainted... dirty.

As the knife drags along my thigh, I feel a slight relief of my mental pain, many people would say its unhealthy but they would never understand that the knife will never cut deeper than what my thoughts... what my past ever do.

A stray tear rolls down my cheek landing on my lips leaving a salty taste, but it doesn't bother me anymore, I'm used to the tears, I'm used to the pain.

I release the knife allowing it to fall on the floor as more tears followed the other, I took a deep breath stood and wiped the tears from my face, looking into the mirror plastering a fake smile onto my face.

I've perfected my fake smile now it looks more real than a perfectly happy person's smile, but when I think about it there could never be a perfectly happy person everyone has their own shit.

Once my breathing calmed and my cuts and wiped and covered up, I pick up the knife cleaning it and storing it in the back of my drawers.

I pull down my black jogger bottoms and head out the bathroom down the stairs, first my eyes gaze to my drunken father passed out on the couch, then to my mother who was sat crying

I could easily tell that she hadn't been taking her meds, and that never ends well.

I head over to my father first and clear up the multiple bottles of beer, vodka, whiskey, brandey, pretty much any form of alcohol you could think of.

I grab one of the fluffy grey throw overs off of the couch and pull it over him, moving the beer bottle away from his grip and leaving him to sleep. I then head to my mother and place a gentle hand on her shoulder in a comforting way, but she just pushes me away, as usual.

"umama let me help, please" she just ignores me and continues crying, I continue pleading for her to allow me to help, but she just ignores me.

I head up the stairs and rush around the room searching hopelessly through the drawers in hopes to find her meds, luckily I find some stashed in the very bottom drawer.

My hands quickly grab the lithium, tightly gripping the tablets whilst rushing down the stairs towards my umama sat in the corner. I rush over towards her rushing on my knees trying my hardest to get her to take her tablets but nothing was working she wouldn't even speak or move from her position and her tight grip onto her knees which are pulled upto her chest.

My family is a disaster...

I decided to move onto plan b, rushing up the stairs grabbing some of my injectable psychotropic lithium, and head back down the stairs towards my mum who was luckily still in the same position.

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